Generated by

Class com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientApplet

Now deprecated.

Added Methods
String applicationName() Returns the value of the applicationName binding or a default application name if the binding is not specified.
String language() Returns the value of the language binding.
String principalClassNames() Returns a string containing all names of client side principal classes separated by a space character.
boolean shouldOmitLanguage() Returns whether the receiver has a language binding.
boolean shouldOmitSplashIconName() Returns whether the receiver has a splashIconName binding.
boolean shouldOmitSplashIconURL() Returns whether the receiver has a splashIconURL binding.
String splashIconName() Returns the value of the splashIconName binding.
String splashIconURL() Returns the value of the splashIconURL binding.

Added Fields
String ApplicationNameKey The name of the applicationName binding.
String PrincipalClassNamesKey The name of the principalClassNames binding.
String SplashIconNameKey The name of the splashIconName binding.
String SplashIconURLKey The name of the splashIconURL binding.