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Class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCPlugIn

Added Methods
void assignTypeForAttribute(EOAttribute) The adaptor invokes this method to allow the JDBCPlugIn to customize the newly created attribute.
String newPrimaryKeySelectString(String, String)  
Object plugInValueForValue(Object, EOAttribute) Allows the plugIn to influence the value seen by JDBCAdaptor.fetchedValueForValue.

Changed Methods
boolean canDescribeStoredProcedure(String) Now deprecated.
Returns true if the plugin has a private way of describing the stored procedure named spName when reverse engineering.
EOAttribute createAttributeForRow(NSDictionary) Now deprecated.
This method is not used by the adaptor.
NSDictionary databaseInformation() Now deprecated.
This method is not used by the adaptor.
String sqlStatementForGettingProcedureNames() Now deprecated.
The default implementation of this method returns null to indicate that the JDBC API should be used for reverse engineering stored procedures.
String sqlStatementForGettingTableNames() Now deprecated.
Returns a SQL statement to be used for fetching a list of available tables during reverse engineering.
String sqlStatementForTableNamed(String) Now deprecated.
This method is not used by the adaptor.
EOStoredProcedure storedProcedureNamed(String, JDBCChannel, NSDictionary) Now deprecated.
If canDescribeStoredProcedure returns true this method is called to reverse engineer the stored procedure.