WebObjects 5.2

Interface ConfirmPageInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ConfirmPageInterface

This interface is implemented by pages returned by the D2W method confirmPageForEntityNamed. Use methods defined in this interface to initialize a newly created confirm page.

Method Summary
 void setCancelDelegate(NextPageDelegate cancelDelegate)
          Sets the receiver's cancel delegate.
 void setConfirmDelegate(NextPageDelegate confirmDelegate)
          Sets the receiver's confirm delegate.
 void setMessage(String aMessage)
          Sets the message displayed by the confirm page.

Method Detail


public void setCancelDelegate(NextPageDelegate cancelDelegate)
Sets the receiver's cancel delegate. When the user clicks 'No' in the confirm page, Direct to Web invokes the nextPage method on the cancel delegate. The page returned by that method call is the next page displayed. One normally uses this delegate mechanism to initialize the next page.
cancelDelegate - delegate object that receives the call to nextPage when the user clicks 'No' in the confirm page


public void setConfirmDelegate(NextPageDelegate confirmDelegate)
Sets the receiver's confirm delegate. When the user clicks 'Yes' in the confirm page, Direct to Web invokes the nextPage method on the confirm delegate. The page returned by that method call is the next page displayed. One normally uses this delegate mechanism to initialize the next page.
confirmDelegate - delegate object that receives the call to nextPage when the user clicks 'Yes' in the confirm page


public void setMessage(String aMessage)
Sets the message displayed by the confirm page.
aMessage - text displayed in confim page

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.