WebObjects 5.2

Class D2WFastModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class D2WFastModel
extends D2WModel

The D2WFastModel class is a D2WModel that is specialized with support for significant keys. Precomputing the significant keys of rules expedites the determination of the rules that can fire in a given context.

The current implementation caches the keys in an array of fixed size. Intially, the maximum number of significant keys is 32.

The implementation is subject to change in future releases.

Inner classes inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiving
EOKeyValueArchiving.Awaking, EOKeyValueArchiving.FinishInitialization, EOKeyValueArchiving.Support
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel
ActionsKey, AllMarker, AllowCollapsingKey, AlternateRowColorKey, AttributeKey, AttributeTypeKey, BackgroundColorForPageKey, BackgroundColorForTableKey, BoldKey, ColorKey, ComponentAvailableKey, ComponentNameKey, ComponentsToShowAtEndKey, CustomTypeKey, DisplayNameForPropertyKey, DisplayPropertyKeysKey, DummyTrueKey, DynamicPageKey, EntityKey, FormatterKey, FrameKey, FramesActiveKey, IsGeneratingKey, ItalicKey, KeyPathTypeKey, KeyWhenRelationshipKey, LengthKey, LookKey, NoneMarker, One, PageAvailableKey, PageNameKey, PropertyIsKeyPathKey, PropertyKey, PropertyKeyKey, PropertyKeyPortionInModelKey, PropertyTypeKey, ReadOnlyEntityNamesKey, RelationshipKey, RelationshipTypeKey, RequiresEntityKey, SessionKey, ShowBannerKey, StartupEntityNameKey, StartupTaskKey, TargetKey, TaskKey, VisibleEntityNamesKey, WebAssistantPageNameKey, Zero
Constructor Summary
protected D2WFastModel(NSArray rules)
          Creates an instance of D2WFastModel with the specified rules.
Method Summary
static D2WFastModel defaultFastModel()
          Gets the default fast model.
protected  Vector fireAllRulesForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Fires all candidate rules for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context; aggregates the results of all firings.
protected  Object fireRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Fires the first candidate rule for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context.
protected  Object fireSystemRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Fires the first candidate rule for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context but is not authored by the Web Assistant.
protected  void invalidateCaches()
          Clears the local caches of fast left-hand side keys.
static void newSignificantKey(String newKey)
          Adds the specified key to the significant keys.
static short significantKeyCount()
          Gets the current number of significant keys.
static String[] significantKeys()
          Gets the significant keys.
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel
addRule, addRules, addRuleToItsBucket, addRuleTrace, candidates, canSaveUserModel, checkPossibilityToSaveUserModel, checkRules, clientConfiguration, clientConfigurationFilesInBundles, componentDefinitions, createWebAssistantRulesWithSettings, dataTypesInvolved, defaultModel, dirty, dynamicPages, editors, encodeWebAssistantRulesWithKeyValueArchiver, encodeWithKeyValueArchiver, inferrableKeys, initializeClientConfiguration, isPageStatic, loadRules, mergeFile, modelFilesInBundles, nameFromFrameworkBundle, newSettings, pageRuleKeysForPage, pageRuleKeysFromClientConfiguration, propertyRuleKeysForComponents, propertyRuleKeysFromClientConfiguration, removeAllWebAssistantRules, removeDynamicPage, removeRule, removeWebAssistantRulesWithSameContextAsSettings, revertWebAssistantRules, rules, saveWebAssistantRulesIntoUsedModelFile, setDefaultModel, setDirty, setRules, sortRules, tasks, taskVector, toFile, toString, typeForRuleKey, updateUserSettingsForNewPageAvailableRule, userClientConfigurationFile, userModelFile, webAssistantRulesForSave
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected D2WFastModel(NSArray rules)
Creates an instance of D2WFastModel with the specified rules.
rules - instance of NSArray
See Also:
Method Detail


public static D2WFastModel defaultFastModel()
Gets the default fast model.
instance of D2WFastModel
See Also:


protected Vector fireAllRulesForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath,
                                                 D2WContext context)
Description copied from class: D2WModel
Fires all candidate rules for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context; aggregates the results of all firings.
fireAllRulesForKeyPathInContext in class D2WModel
Following copied from class: com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel
keyPath - the key path
context - instance of D2WContext
instance of java.util.Vector
See Also:
D2WModel.candidates(String, D2WContext), D2WModel.fireRuleForKeyPathInContext(String, D2WContext), Rule.canFireInContext(D2WContext), Rule.fire(D2WContext)


protected Object fireRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath,
                                             D2WContext context)
Description copied from class: D2WModel
Fires the first candidate rule for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context.
fireRuleForKeyPathInContext in class D2WModel
Following copied from class: com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel
keyPath - the key path
context - instance of D2WContext
the result of firing if a rule fires; null otherwise
See Also:
D2WModel.fireSystemRuleForKeyPathInContext(String, D2WContext), D2WModel.fireAllRulesForKeyPathInContext(String, D2WContext)


protected Object fireSystemRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath,
                                                   D2WContext context)
Description copied from class: D2WModel
Fires the first candidate rule for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context but is not authored by the Web Assistant.
fireSystemRuleForKeyPathInContext in class D2WModel
Following copied from class: com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel
keyPath - the key path
context - instance of D2WContext
the result of firing if a rule fires; null otherwise
See Also:
D2WModel.fireRuleForKeyPathInContext(String, D2WContext)


protected void invalidateCaches()
Clears the local caches of fast left-hand side keys.
invalidateCaches in class D2WModel
See Also:


public static void newSignificantKey(String newKey)
Adds the specified key to the significant keys. Increments the significant key count.
newKey - instance of String
See Also:


public static short significantKeyCount()
Gets the current number of significant keys.
short that represents the significant key count


public static String[] significantKeys()
Gets the significant keys.
array of String

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.