Class D2WTabInspectPage
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Cloneable, com.webobjects.directtoweb.generation.DTWGeneration, EditPageInterface, InspectPageInterface, NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions, NSValidation, Serializable, WOActionResults
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- NEUTabInspectPage, WOLTabInspectPage
- public class D2WTabInspectPage
- extends D2WInspectPage
The D2WTabInspectPage
class provides the behavior
for the tab-inspect page Direct to Web templates,
specifically NEUTabInspectPage and WOLTabInspectPage.
The classes for these components inherit directly from D2WTabInspectPage
and define no additional methods or variables.
Most methods are accessed, via the EOKeyValueCoding interface in EOControl,
from the bindings (.wod) file of the Direct to Web template.
If you create a Direct to Web template from a tab-inspect page,
you can invoke the methods in this class in the same way.
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WInspectPage |
awake, cancelAction, deleteAction, editAction, implementedInterface, nextPage, object, setEditingContext, setObject, sleep, submitAction, validationFailedWithException |
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WPage |
alternateRowColor, dataSource, descriptionForResponse, extraBindings, finalize, nextPageDelegate, pageWrapperName, setDataSource, setExtraBindings, setNextPage, setNextPageDelegate, showCancel |
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WComponent |
allEntities, allowCollapsing, applicationPort, assistantPort, attribute, backgroundColorForHeaderRow, backgroundColorForPage, backgroundColorForTable, backgroundColorForTableDark, backgroundColorForTableLight, color, currentSettings, currentUrl, d2wContext, d2wContextVisibleEntityNamesCountPlus1, displayNameForKeyWhenRelationship, displayNameForProperty, displayPropertyKeys, dynamicPages, entity, entityName, formatter, generationReplacementFor, generationReplacementForCurrentObject, hasCustomKey, hasEntity, hasNoColor, homeClicked, homeHref, isEditing, isEntityReadOnly, isEntityReadOnly, isLiveAssistantEnabled, isNotBoldAsBoolean, isNotItalicAsBoolean, isPropertyAnAttribute, isWebAssistantActive, isWebAssistantConnected, isWebAssistantEnabled, keyForGenerationReplacementForVariableNamed, keyWhenRelationship, lastUrl, length, localContext, logout, objectPropertyValue, objectPropertyValueIsNonNull, pageTitle, property, propertyKey, propertyValueClassName, relationship, resourcePathURL, sessionID, setCurrentSettings, setDynamicPages, setEntities, setEntity, setEntityName, setLocalContext, setPropertyKey, setResourcePathURL, setTask, setTasks, showBanner, showWebAssistant, submitActionName, target, task, tasks, visibleEntityNames |
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent |
appendToResponse, application, baseURL, bindingKeys, canAccessFieldsDirectly, canGetValueForBinding, canSetValueForBinding, clone, context, debugString, ensureAwakeInContext, frameworkName, generateResponse, handleQueryWithUnboundKey, handleTakeValueForUnboundKey, hasBinding, hasSession, invokeAction, isCachingEnabled, isEventLoggingEnabled, isStateless, logString, name, pageWithName, parent, path, performParentAction, pullValuesFromParent, pushValuesToParent, reset, session, set_componentUnroll, set_unroll, setCachingEnabled, setValueForBinding, synchronizesVariablesWithBindings, takeValueForKey, takeValueForKeyPath, takeValuesFromRequest, template, templateWithHTMLString, templateWithName, toString, unableToSetNullForKey, validateTakeValueForKeyPath, validateValueForKey, valueForBinding, valueForKey, valueForKeyPath |
public D2WTabInspectPage(WOContext aContext)
- Constructs a D2WTabInspectPage with the specified context.
- Parameters:
- - the WOContext.
public String defaultRowspan()
- Returns a String containing the number of HTML table rows spanned
by the vertical rule within the current tab panel.
- Overrides:
in class D2WComponent
- Returns:
- number of table rows spanned by vertical rule in current tab.
public String displayedTabName()
- Returns the name of the tab that is being displayed.
- Returns:
- the name of the tab being displayed.
public boolean isPropertyInHeader()
- Returns whether the current property in the Direct to Web context
of the receiver is outside the tab panel and consequently in the header.
- Returns:
- whether the current property is outside the tab panel.
public WOAssociation replacementAssociationForAssociation(WOAssociation oldAssociation,
String oldBinding,
com.webobjects.directtoweb.generation.DTWTemplate aTemplate,
WOContext aContext)
- Description copied from class:
- This method is intentionally undocumented.
You should never have to invoke or customize it.
- Overrides:
in class D2WInspectPage
public void setDisplayedTabName(String newValue)
- Sets the displayed tab to the one with the specified name.
- Parameters:
- - the name of the tab to display.
public NSDictionary tabContents()
- This method is intentionally undocumented.
You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public boolean tabNameIsInHeader(String tabName)
- This method is intentionally undocumented.
You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public NSArray tabs()
- Returns an NSArray containing the names of the tabs
displayed in the tab inspect page.
This key is resolved using the rule system.
- Returns:
- the names of the tabs being displayed.
public String tabsAsString()
- This method is intentionally undocumented.
You should never have to invoke or customize it.
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