WebObjects 5.2 | |||||||||
Packages that use EOAttribute | |
com.webobjects.directtoweb | Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. |
com.webobjects.eoaccess | Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. |
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor | Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects adaptor for JDBC data sources. |
com.webobjects.jndiadaptor | Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects Frameworks adaptor for JNDI data sources. |
Uses of EOAttribute in com.webobjects.directtoweb |
Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb that return EOAttribute | |
EOAttribute |
This method is intentionally undocumented. |
EOAttribute |
Returns the EOAttribute object for the current property |
protected EOAttribute |
D2WContext.attribute(String propertyKey)
This is an intentionally undocumented private use method. |
EOAttribute |
D2WContext.distantAttribute(String propertyKey,
EOEntity entity)
This is an intentionally undocumented private use method. |
Uses of EOAttribute in com.webobjects.eoaccess |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return EOAttribute | |
EOAttribute |
EOEntity.anyAttributeNamed(String name)
Returns the user-created attribute identified by name . |
EOAttribute |
EOEntity.attributeNamed(String attributeName)
Returns the attribute named attributeName ,
or null if no such attribute exists in the receiver. |
EOAttribute |
Returns the prototype attribute that is used to define default settings for the receiver, or null
EOAttribute |
EOModel.prototypeAttributeNamed(String name)
Returns the prototype attribute identified by name . |
EOAttribute |
Returns the destination ("right") attribute of the receiver. |
EOAttribute |
Returns the source ("left") attribute of the receiver. |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOAttribute | |
NSDictionary |
EOSchemaSynchronization.objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute schemaAttribute,
EOAttribute modelAttribute)
Compares schemaAttribute with
modelAttribute and returns a change dictionary of
state that is different between the the two. |
NSArray |
EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToInsertColumnForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
NSDictionary options)
Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to insert a column in the database schema for the specified attribute . |
void |
EOEntity.addAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Adds attribute to the receiver and sets the
receiver as the attribute's entity. |
boolean |
EOEntity.isValidAttributeUsedForLocking(EOAttribute anAttribute)
Returns true if anAttribute can be used for
locking, false otherwise. |
boolean |
EOEntity.isValidPrimaryKeyAttribute(EOAttribute anAttribute)
Returns false if anAttribute isn't an EOAttribute,
doesn't belong to the entity or is derived. |
void |
EOEntity.removeAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
If attribute exists, removes it from the receiver. |
void |
EOSQLExpression.addCreateClauseForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Adds the SQL string for creating attribute to a
comma-separated list of attribute creation clauses. |
void |
EOSQLExpression.addInsertListAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
Object value)
Adds the SQL string for attribute to a comma-separated
list of attributes and value to a comma-separated list
of values. |
void |
EOSQLExpression.addSelectListAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Adds a SQL string for attribute to a comma-separated
list of attribute names for use in a SELECT statement. |
void |
EOSQLExpression.addUpdateListAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
Object value)
Adds an attribute-value assignment ("LAST_NAME = 'Thomas'", for example) to a comma-separated list for use in an UPDATE statement. |
abstract NSMutableDictionary |
EOSQLExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
Object value)
Implemented by subclasses to create and return the bind variable dictionary for attribute and value . |
String |
EOSQLExpression.columnTypeStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Returns an adaptor specific type string for attribute
that's suitable for use in a CREATE TABLE statement. |
String |
EOSQLExpression.formatValueForAttribute(Object value,
EOAttribute attribute)
This method should be overridden by subclasses to return a string representation of value suitable for use in an SQL statement,
depending on attribute 's externalType . |
boolean |
EOSQLExpression.mustUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Returns true if the receiver must use bind variables for
attribute , false otherwise. |
boolean |
EOSQLExpression.shouldUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Returns true if the receiver can provide a bind variable
dictionary for attribute , false otherwise. |
String |
EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Returns the SQL string for attribute , complete with a table
alias if the receiver uses table aliases. |
NSDictionary |
EOSynchronizationFactory.objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute schemaAttribute,
EOAttribute modelAttribute)
NSArray |
EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToInsertColumnForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
NSDictionary options)
void |
EOAttribute.setPrototype(EOAttribute prototype)
Sets the prototype attribute. |
void |
EOAdaptor.assignExternalInfoForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
The default implementation assigns the column name (external name) for attribute based on attribute 's internal
name. |
void |
EOAdaptor.assignExternalTypeForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
The default implementation does nothing. |
NSData |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForDataValue(NSData value,
EOAttribute att)
The default implementation returns value unchanged. |
NSTimestamp |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForDateValue(NSTimestamp value,
EOAttribute att)
The default implementation returns value unchanged. |
Number |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForNumberValue(Number value,
EOAttribute att)
The default implementation returns value unchanged. |
String |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForStringValue(String value,
EOAttribute att)
The default implementation returns value unchanged. |
Object |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForValue(Object value,
EOAttribute att)
Returns the value that the receiver's database server would ultimately store for value if it were inserted or
updated in the column described by att . |
Object |
EOAdaptor.Delegate.adaptorFetchedValueForValue(EOAdaptor adaptor,
Object value,
EOAttribute attribute)
Allows the delegate to handle attribute processing when saving EOEnterpriseObject s to the database. |
Constructors in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOAttribute | |
EOJoin(EOAttribute source,
EOAttribute destination)
Creates and returns a new EOJoin with the given source and destination
attributes. |
Uses of EOAttribute in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor |
Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor that return EOAttribute | |
EOAttribute |
JDBCPlugIn.createAttributeForRow(NSDictionary row)
Deprecated. |
EOAttribute |
JDBCAdaptor.createAttribute(String name,
String columnName,
int columnType,
String externalType,
int precision,
int scale,
int isNullable)
Returns a new EOAttribute based on the arguments. |
Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor with parameters of type EOAttribute | |
void |
JDBCPlugIn.assignTypeForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
The adaptor invokes this method to allow the JDBCPlugIn to customize the newly created attribute. |
Object |
JDBCPlugIn.fetchBLOB(ResultSet rs,
int column,
EOAttribute attribute,
boolean materialize)
Fetch a BLOB. |
Object |
JDBCPlugIn.fetchCLOB(ResultSet rs,
int column,
EOAttribute attribute,
boolean materialize)
Fetch a CLOB. |
Object |
JDBCPlugIn.plugInValueForValue(Object value,
EOAttribute attribute)
Allows the plugIn to influence the value seen by JDBCAdaptor.fetchedValueForValue . |
void |
JDBCExpression.addSelectListAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
NSMutableDictionary |
JDBCExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute att,
Object value)
String |
JDBCExpression.columnTypeStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
String |
JDBCExpression.formatValueForAttribute(Object value,
EOAttribute attribute)
boolean |
JDBCExpression.mustUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute att)
boolean |
JDBCExpression.shouldUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute att)
NSDictionary |
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute schemaAttribute,
EOAttribute modelAttribute)
Object |
MySQLPlugIn.fetchBLOB(ResultSet rs,
int column,
EOAttribute attribute,
boolean materialize)
void |
JDBCAdaptor.assignExternalTypeForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Assigns an appropriate external type to the attribute . |
Object |
JDBCAdaptor.fetchedValueForValue(Object value,
EOAttribute attribute)
Calls super with the result of the plugIn's plugInValueForValue . |
void |
OraclePlugIn.assignTypeForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute)
Object |
OraclePlugIn.fetchBLOB(ResultSet rs,
int column,
EOAttribute attribute,
boolean materialize)
Object |
OraclePlugIn.fetchCLOB(ResultSet rs,
int column,
EOAttribute attribute,
boolean materialize)
String |
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression.formatValueForAttribute(Object value,
EOAttribute attribute)
boolean |
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression.mustUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute att)
boolean |
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression.shouldUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute att)
Uses of EOAttribute in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor |
Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor with parameters of type EOAttribute | |
String |
JNDIPlugIn.relativeDistinguishedNameForNewRow(NSDictionary row,
EOAttribute relativeDistinguishedNameAttribute,
String currentRelativeDistinguishedNameAttributeValue)
Gets the relative distinguished name for a new row. |
String |
LDAPPlugIn.relativeDistinguishedNameForNewRow(NSDictionary row,
EOAttribute relativeDistinguishedNameAttribute,
String currentRelativeDistinguishedNameAttributeValue)
Gets the relative distinguished name for a new row. |
Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003. | |||||||||