WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EODatabaseChannel
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 

Uses of EODatabaseChannel in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return EODatabaseChannel
 EODatabaseChannel EODatabaseContext.availableChannel()
          Returns the first database channel that isn't busy from the the list of EODatabaseChannels registered with the receiver.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EODatabaseChannel
 void EODatabaseContext.registerChannel(EODatabaseChannel channel)
          Registers the EODatabaseChannel channel with the receiver, adding it from the pool of available channels used to service fetch and fault requests.
 void EODatabaseContext.unregisterChannel(EODatabaseChannel channel)
          Unregisters the EODatabaseChannel channel with the receiver, removing it from the pool of available channels used to service fetch and fault requests.
 void EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextDidSelectObjects(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Invoked from the EODatabaseChannel method selectObjectsWithFetchSpecification to tell the delegate that dbchannel has selected the objects on behalf of dbCtxt as specified by fetchSpec.
 boolean EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldSelectObjects(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Invoked from the EODatabaseChannel method selectObjectsWithFetchSpecification to tell the delegate that the database channel dbchannel will select objects on behalf of the database context dbCtxt as specified by fetchSpec.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldUpdateCurrentSnapshot(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, NSDictionary dic, NSDictionary dic2, EOGlobalID gid, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Invoked from the EODatabaseChannel method fetchObject when the database context already has a snapshot for a row fetched from the database.
 boolean EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldUsePessimisticLock(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Invoked from the EODatabaseChannel method selectObjectsWithFetchSpecification.
 boolean EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextWillRunLoginPanelToOpenDatabaseChannel(EODatabaseContext dbCtx, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Allows the delegate to determine whether the database context dbCtx should run the adaptor login panel and open the adaptor channel associated with the database channel dbChannel, if the adaptor channel is not already open.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.