WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EOEntity
com.webobjects.directtoweb Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating user interfaces in Java Client applications that use the rule system. 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects adaptor for JDBC data sources. 
com.webobjects.jndiadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects Frameworks adaptor for JNDI data sources. 
com.webobjects.woextensions The WebObjects Extensions are non-synchronizing reusable components defined in the WebObjects Extensions Framework, which is included in every WebObjects Application project. 

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.directtoweb

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb that return EOEntity
 EOEntity D2WComponent.entity()
          Returns the current entity in the Direct to Web context of the receiver.
 EOEntity D2WContext.entity()
          Returns the setting for the current entity.
static EOEntity KeyValuePath.entityAtEndOfKeyPath(String keyPath, EOEntity startingEntity)
 EOEntity ServerSideSettings.dummyEntity()

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb with parameters of type EOEntity
 boolean D2WComponent.isEntityReadOnly(EOEntity e)
          This method is intentionally undocumented.
 void D2WComponent.setEntity(EOEntity newValue)
          This method is intentionally undocumented.
static Class D2WUtils.dataTypeForCustomKeyAndEntity(String customKey, EOEntity entity)
static D2WContext D2WUtils.makeSubContextForTaskAndEntity(String task, EOEntity entity, WOSession session)
static NSArray D2WUtils.propertyKeyDescriptorsFromEntity(EOEntity e)
static String D2WUtils.smartDefaultKeyForEntity(EOEntity entity)
 EOAttribute D2WContext.distantAttribute(String propertyKey, EOEntity entity)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
 EORelationship D2WContext.distantRelationship(String propertyKey, EOEntity entity)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
static String D2WContext.propertyTypeForUnknownKeyPath(String keyPath, EOEntity entity)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
 void D2WContext.setEntity(EOEntity newValue)
          Sets the value of the current entity.
static EOEntity KeyValuePath.entityAtEndOfKeyPath(String keyPath, EOEntity startingEntity)
static String KeyValuePath.keyPathPortionInModel(String keyPath, EOEntity startingEntity)

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return EOEntity
 EOEntity EORelationship.destinationEntity()
          Returns the relationship's destination entity, which is determined by the destination entity of its joins for a simple relationship, and by whatever ends the data path for a flattened relationship.
 EOEntity EORelationship.entity()
          Returns the relationship's entity.
 EOEntity EODatabase.entityForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Searches the receiver's list of registered EOModels and returns the first EOEntity found whose name matches the entity name of object.
 EOEntity EODatabase.entityNamed(String entityName)
          Searches the receiver's list of registered EOModels and returns the first EOEntity found with the name entityName.
 EOEntity EODatabaseDataSource.entity()
          Returns the root entity of the receiver.
 EOEntity EOAdaptorOperation.entity()
          Returns the EOEntity to which the operation will be applied.
 EOEntity EODatabaseOperation.entity()
          Returns the EOEntity that owns to the receiver's enterprise object.
 EOEntity EOEntity.parentEntity()
          Returns the parent entity for the receiver, that is, the entity from which the receiver inherits.
 EOEntity EOSQLExpression.entity()
          Returns the receiver's entity.
 EOEntity EOEntityClassDescription.entity()
          Returns the entity associated with the receiver.
 EOEntity EOModelGroup.entityForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns the EOEntity associated with object from any of the models in the receiver that handle object, or null if none of the models in the receiver handle object.
 EOEntity EOModelGroup.entityNamed(String name)
          Searches each of the EOModels in the receiver for the entity specified by name, and returns the entity, if found, or null if unable to find the specified entity.
 EOEntity EOModelGroup.Delegate.relationshipFailedToLookupDestinationWithName(EORelationship relationship, String name)
          Invoked when relationship is being loaded and the destination entity identified by name in the model file cannot be found in the model group.
 EOEntity EOModelGroup.Delegate.subEntityForEntity(EOEntity entity, NSDictionary dic)
          Allows the delegate to fine-tune inheritance by returning the sub-entity of entity from which an object should be fetched based on the primary key in dic.
static EOEntity EOUtilities.entityForClass(EOEditingContext ec, Class theClass)
          Returns the entity associated with the specified class.
static EOEntity EOUtilities.entityForObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject obj)
          Returns the entity associated with the provided Enterprise Object.
static EOEntity EOUtilities.entityNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name)
          Returns the entity with the specified name.
 EOEntity EOAttribute.entity()
          Returns the entity that owns the attribute, or null if this attribute is acting as an argument for a stored procedure.
 EOEntity EOModel.entityForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns the entity associated with object, whether object is an instance of an Enterprise Object class, an instance of EOGenericRecord, or a fault.
 EOEntity EOModel.entityNamed(String name)
          Returns the entity named name, or null if no such entity exists in this model.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOEntity
 void EORelationship.setEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Sets the entity of the relationship to entity.
 void EODatabaseChannel.setCurrentEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Sets the EOEntity used when fetching Enterprise Objects to entity.
 void EOEntity.addSubEntity(EOEntity child)
          Adds the EOEntity child as a sub-entity of the receiver.
 void EOEntity.removeSubEntity(EOEntity child)
          Removes the EOEntity child from the list of sub-entities that inherit from the receiver.
 String EOSQLExpression.tableListWithRootEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Returns the comma-separated list of tables for use in a SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement's FROM clause.
 Class EOModelGroup.Delegate.classForObjectWithGlobalID(EOEntity entity, EOGlobalID gid)
          Used to fine-tune inheritance.
 Class EOModelGroup.Delegate.failedToLookupClassNamed(EOEntity entity, String className)
          Invoked when the class name specified for entity cannot be found at runtime.
 EORelationship EOModelGroup.Delegate.relationshipForRow(EOEntity entity, NSDictionary dictionary, EORelationship relationship)
          Invoked when relationships are instantiated for a newly fetched object.
 EOEntity EOModelGroup.Delegate.subEntityForEntity(EOEntity entity, NSDictionary dic)
          Allows the delegate to fine-tune inheritance by returning the sub-entity of entity from which an object should be fetched based on the primary key in dic.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.deleteRowDescribedByQualifier(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Deletes the row described by qualifier from the database table corresponding to entity.
abstract  int EOAdaptorChannel.deleteRowsDescribedByQualifier(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to delete the rows described by qualifier from the database table corresponding to entity.
abstract  void EOAdaptorChannel.insertRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to insert the values of row into the table in the database that corresponds to entity.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.lockRowComparingAttributes(NSArray atts, EOEntity entity, EOQualifier qualifier, NSDictionary snapshot)
          Attempts to lock a row in the database by selecting it with locking on.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Deprecated. Use the plural version, primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity instead.
 NSArray EOAdaptorChannel.primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity(int count, EOEntity entity)
          Returns an NSArray of primary key dictionaries for the number of new rows specified by count in the database table that corresponds to entity.
abstract  void EOAdaptorChannel.selectAttributes(NSArray attributes, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, boolean yn, EOEntity entity)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to select attributes in rows matching the qualifier in fetchSpecification and set the receiver's attributes to fetch.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.updateValuesInRowDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Updates the row described by qualifier with the new values in row.
abstract  int EOAdaptorChannel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to update the rows described by qualifier with the values in row.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelDidSelectAttributes(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSArray attributes, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, boolean lock, EOEntity entity)
          Invoked from selectAttributes to tell the delegate that some rows have been selected in the database server.
 boolean EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelShouldSelectAttributes(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSArray attributes, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, boolean lock, EOEntity entity)
          Invoked from selectAttributes to ask the delegate whether a select operation should be performed by the adaptor channel object for the attributes of entity using the fetch specification fetchSpec, locking the database rows or not according to the Boolean parameter lock.
 void EOAdaptor.assignExternalInfoForEntity(EOEntity entity)
          The default implementation assigns an external name to entity based on entity's name attribute.
 EOQualifier EOQualifierSQLGeneration.qualifierMigratedFromEntityRelationshipPath(EOEntity entity, String relationshipPath)
          Creates a new EOQualifier by moving the qualifier from the source entity to the destination of the relationship path.
 EOQualifier EOQualifierSQLGeneration.schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Returns an equivalent EOQualifier with object references replaced by foreign key references.
abstract  EOQualifier EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.qualifierMigratedFromEntityRelationshipPath(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity, String relationshipPath)
          Creates a new version of qualifier, translates all the keys to work with the entity specified in relationshipPath.
abstract  EOQualifier EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Returns an EOQualifier that is translated so that it is based on the foreign keys of the entity.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.createExpression(EOEntity entity)
          Creates a new instance of the factory's EOSQLExpression class and assigns the parameter entity to that expression.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.deleteStatementWithQualifier(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns an SQL DELETE expression to delete the rows described by qualifier.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.expressionForEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Creates a new instance of the factory's EOSQLExpression class and assigns the parameter entity to that expression.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.insertStatementForRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns an SQL INSERT expression to insert row.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.selectStatementForAttributes(NSArray attributes, boolean yn, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns an SQL SELECT expression.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.updateStatementForRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns an SQL UPDATE expression to update the row identified by qualifier with the values in row.
 void EOModel.addEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Adds entity to the receiver.
 void EOModel.removeEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Removes entity from the receiver without performing any referential integrity checking.
 void EOModel.removeEntityAndReferences(EOEntity entity)
          Removes entity from the receiver along with any attributes or relationships in other entities that reference entity.
 EOQualifier EOSQLQualifier.qualifierMigratedFromEntityRelationshipPath(EOEntity entity, String relationshipPath)
 EOQualifier EOSQLQualifier.schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(EOEntity entity)
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextNewPrimaryKey(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, Object object, EOEntity entity)
          Invoked if the newly inserted Enterprise Object object doesn't have a primary key set.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOEntity
EORelationship(NSDictionary plist, EOEntity owner)
          Creates and returns a new EORelationship initialized from plist-a dictionary containing only property list data types (that is, NSDictionaries, Strings, NSArrays, and NSData).
EOAdaptorOperation(EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns a new EOAdaptorOperation, with entity as the entity to which the operation will be applied.
EODatabaseOperation(EOGlobalID globalID, Object object, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns a new EODatabaseOperation object, setting the Enterprise Object to which the operation will be applied to object, its globalID to globalID, and its entity to entity.
EOSQLExpression(EOEntity entity)
          Creates a new EOSQLExpression rooted to an EOEntity.
EOEntityClassDescription(EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns a new EOEntityClassDescription for entity.
EOAttribute(EOEntity entity, String definition)
EOSQLQualifier(EOEntity entity, String qualifierFormat, Object[] arguments)
          Deprecated. Creates an EOSQLQualifier

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules that return EOEntity
 EOEntity EOEntityController.entityForSubcontrollers()

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor with parameters of type EOEntity
 NSArray JDBCPlugIn.newPrimaryKeys(int count, EOEntity entity, JDBCChannel channel)
          Generates a batch of new primary keys for entity.
 String JDBCPlugIn.schemaNameForEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Return the schema associated with entity.
 void JDBCPlugIn.updateLOBs(JDBCChannel channel, JDBCExpression expr, NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
          Update LOBs (BLOBs and CLOBs).
 int JDBCChannel.deleteRowsDescribedByQualifier(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
 void JDBCChannel.insertRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
 NSDictionary JDBCChannel.primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity(EOEntity entity)
 NSArray JDBCChannel.primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity(int count, EOEntity entity)
 void JDBCChannel.selectAttributes(NSArray attributes, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, boolean yn, EOEntity entity)
 int JDBCChannel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
 EOSQLExpression JDBCExpressionFactory.createExpression(EOEntity entity)
 NSArray OraclePlugIn.newPrimaryKeys(int count, EOEntity entity, JDBCChannel channel)
 String OraclePlugIn.schemaNameForEntity(EOEntity entity)
 void OraclePlugIn.updateLOBs(JDBCChannel channel, JDBCExpression expression, NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)

Constructors in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor with parameters of type EOEntity
JDBCExpression(EOEntity entity)
MicrosoftPlugIn.MicrosoftExpression(EOEntity entity)
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression(EOEntity entity)
MySQLPlugIn.MySQLExpression(EOEntity entity)
MerantPlugIn.MerantExpression(EOEntity entity)
SybasePlugIn.SybaseExpression(EOEntity entity)
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression(EOEntity entity)

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor with parameters of type EOEntity
 int JNDIChannel.deleteRowsDescribedByQualifier(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
 void JNDIChannel.insertRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
 NSArray JNDIChannel.primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity(int count, EOEntity entity)
 void JNDIChannel.selectAttributes(NSArray attributes, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, boolean isLocking, EOEntity entity)
 int JNDIChannel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
abstract  String JNDIPlugIn.base(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEntity entity)
          Creates a base with the specified fetch specification and entity.
abstract  String JNDIPlugIn.filter(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEntity entity)
          Creates a filter with the specified fetch specification and entity.
 String LDAPPlugIn.base(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEntity entity)
 String LDAPPlugIn.filter(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEntity entity)

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.webservices.generation

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.generation with parameters of type EOEntity
 EOQualifier WOSearchOperation.qualifier(EOEntity entity, NSArray inputPartKeyPaths, NSArray values, NSArray comparisonKeys, NSArray attributeClassNames, String unspecifiedArgumentKey)
          Returns a qualifier for searching on an entity.
static EOQualifier WOServiceUtilities.buildQualifier(EOEntity entity, NSArray attributeNames, NSArray values, NSArray comparisonKeys, NSArray attributeClassNames, String unspecifiedArgumentKey)
          Returns an EOQualifier built to fetch objects where for each attribute name in attributeNames a qualifier, based on the corresponding value from values and comparison key from comparisonKeys, is added to an EOAndQualifier.
static EOGlobalID WOServiceUtilities.globalIDFromValues(EOEntity entity, NSArray attributeKeys, NSArray inputPartValues)
          Returns EOGlobalID of an object with primary key values created from inputPartValues.

Uses of EOEntity in com.webobjects.woextensions

Methods in com.webobjects.woextensions that return EOEntity
 EOEntity WOToManyRelationship.entityWithEntityAndKeyPath(EOEntity entity, String keyPath)
 EOEntity WOToOneRelationship.entityWithEntityAndKeyPath(EOEntity entity, String keyPath)

Methods in com.webobjects.woextensions with parameters of type EOEntity
 EOEntity WOToManyRelationship.entityWithEntityAndKeyPath(EOEntity entity, String keyPath)
 EOEntity WOToOneRelationship.entityWithEntityAndKeyPath(EOEntity entity, String keyPath)

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.