WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EOModel
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects adaptor for JDBC data sources. 
com.webobjects.jndiadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects Frameworks adaptor for JNDI data sources. 

Uses of EOModel in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return EOModel
 EOModel EOStoredProcedure.model()
          Returns the model to which the receiver belongs.
 EOModel EOEntity.model()
          Returns the EOModel that contains the receiver.
 EOModel EOModelGroup.addModelWithPath(String path)
          Creates and returns a new EOModel object from the contents of the model archive identified by path; may return null.
 EOModel EOModelGroup.modelNamed(String name)
          Returns the EOModel identifed by name if it is part of the receiving model group, or null if the receiver doesn't contain an EOModel with the specified name.
 EOModel EOModelGroup.modelWithPath(String path)
          Returns the EOModel whose path is identical to path or null if the receiver does not contain an EOModel with the specified path.
 EOModel EOAdaptorChannel.describeModelWithTableNames(NSArray tableNames)
          The default implementation of this method returns null.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOModel
 void EODatabase.addModel(EOModel model)
          Adds model to the receiver's list of EOModels.
 boolean EODatabase.addModelIfCompatible(EOModel model)
          Returns true if model is already in the receiver's list of EOModels, or if model can be added to the list.
 void EODatabase.removeModel(EOModel model)
          Removes model from the receiver's list of EOModels.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToUpdateObjectStoreForModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to synchronize the database with the EOModel model.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.logicalErrorsInChangeDictionaryForModelOptions(NSDictionary changes, EOModel model, NSDictionary options)
          Steps through the change dictionary changes and returns an array of strings identifying all the columns and their tables where the allows NULL rule has been changed in the corresponding model to disallow NULL values, but the database still contains such values.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToUpdateObjectStoreForModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 EOAdaptorChannel EOSynchronizationFactory.Delegate.schemaSynchronizationAdaptorChannelForModel(EOModel model)
          Restricted method.
 void EOModelGroup.addModel(EOModel model)
          Adds model to the receiving model group, sets the receiving model group as model's model group, and posts a ModelAddedNotification.
 void EOModelGroup.removeModel(EOModel model)
          Removes model from the receiving model group and unbinds any references to model from other EOModels in the group.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.addStoredProceduresNamed(NSArray storedProcedureNames, EOModel model)
          The default implementation of this method does nothing.
static EOAdaptor EOAdaptor.adaptorWithModel(EOModel model)
          Creates and returns a new adaptor by extracting the adaptor name from model, invoking adaptorWithName, and assigning model's connection dictionary to the new adaptor.
 void EOAdaptor.assignExternalInfoForEntireModel(EOModel model)
          Assigns database-specific characteristics to model.
 boolean EOAdaptor.canServiceModel(EOModel model)
          Returns true if the receiver can service model, false otherwise.
 NSArray EOAdaptor.externalTypesWithModel(EOModel model)
          The default implementation returns an empty array.
 String EOAdaptor.internalTypeForExternalType(String extType, EOModel model)
          The default implementation returns null.
abstract  boolean EOAdaptor.isValidQualifierType(String typeName, EOModel model)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to return true if an attribute of type typeName can be used in a qualifier (an SQL WHERE clause) sent to the database server, false otherwise.
static EODatabaseContext EODatabaseContext.forceConnectionWithModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary overrides, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Forces the stack of objects in the EOAccess layer to be instantiated, if necessary, and then makes a connection to the database.
static EODatabaseContext EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(EOModel model, EOObjectStoreCoordinator coordinator)
          Returns the cooperating object store that is registered with the EOObjectStoreCoordinator coordinator for the EOModel model.
static EODatabaseContext EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(EOModel model, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Finds the EOObjectStoreCoordinator for editingContext and checks whether it already contains an EODatabaseContext cooperating store for model.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOModel
EODatabase(EOModel model)
          Creates and returns a new EODatabase object, also creating an instance of the EOAdaptor named in model and assigning it as the new EODatabase's adaptor.

Uses of EOModel in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor that return EOModel
 EOModel JDBCChannel.describeModelWithTableNames(NSArray tableNames)

Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor with parameters of type EOModel
 void JDBCChannel.addStoredProceduresNamed(NSArray storedProcedureNames, EOModel model)
 boolean JDBCAdaptor.canServiceModel(EOModel model)
          Returns true if the adaptor is compatible with the model; false otherwise.
 NSArray JDBCAdaptor.externalTypesWithModel(EOModel model)
          Returns an NSArray of external type names for the model.
 boolean JDBCAdaptor.isValidQualifierType(String typeName, EOModel model)
protected static NSDictionary JDBCAdaptor.typeInfoForModel(EOModel model)

Uses of EOModel in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor that return EOModel
 EOModel JNDIChannel.describeModelWithTableNames(NSArray tableNames)

Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor with parameters of type EOModel
 void JNDIAdaptor.assignExternalInfoForEntireModel(EOModel model)
 NSArray JNDIAdaptor.externalTypesWithModel(EOModel model)
 boolean JNDIAdaptor.isValidQualifierType(String typeName, EOModel model)

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.