WebObjects 5.2 | |||||||||
Packages that use EORelationship | |
com.webobjects.directtoweb | Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. |
com.webobjects.eoaccess | Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. |
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor | Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects adaptor for JDBC data sources. |
Uses of EORelationship in com.webobjects.directtoweb |
Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb that return EORelationship | |
EORelationship |
Returns the EORelationship, defined in the EOAccess Framework, for the current property in the Direct to Web context of the receiver, or null if the property is not a relationship. |
EORelationship |
D2WContext.distantRelationship(String propertyKey,
EOEntity entity)
This is an intentionally undocumented private use method. |
EORelationship |
Returns the relationship object for the current property. |
protected EORelationship |
D2WContext.relationship(String propertyKey)
This is an intentionally undocumented private use method. |
Uses of EORelationship in com.webobjects.eoaccess |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return EORelationship | |
EORelationship |
Searches the relationship's destination entity for any back- referencing relationship joining on the same keys. |
EORelationship |
Searches the relationship's destination entity for a user-created, back- referencing relationship joining on the same keys. |
EORelationship |
EOEntity.anyRelationshipNamed(String relationshipName)
Returns the user-created relationship identified by relationshipName . |
EORelationship |
EOEntity.relationshipNamed(String relationshipName)
Returns the relationship identified by relationshipName ,
or null if the receiver has no such relationship. |
EORelationship |
EOModelGroup.Delegate.relationshipForRow(EOEntity entity,
NSDictionary dictionary,
EORelationship relationship)
Invoked when relationships are instantiated for a newly fetched object. |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EORelationship | |
void |
EOEntity.addRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
Adds relationship to the receiver and sets the
receiver as the relationship's entity. |
void |
EOEntity.removeRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
If relationship exists, removes it from the receiver. |
void |
EOSQLExpression.prepareConstraintStatementForRelationship(EORelationship relationship,
NSArray sourceColumns,
NSArray destinationColumns)
Sets the receiver's statement to an adaptor specific
constraint for relationship. |
NSArray |
EOSynchronizationFactory.foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
EOEntity |
EOModelGroup.Delegate.relationshipFailedToLookupDestinationWithName(EORelationship relationship,
String name)
Invoked when relationship is being loaded and the
destination entity identified by name in the model
file cannot be found in the model group. |
EORelationship |
EOModelGroup.Delegate.relationshipForRow(EOEntity entity,
NSDictionary dictionary,
EORelationship relationship)
Invoked when relationships are instantiated for a newly fetched object. |
NSArray |
EOSchemaGeneration.foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
Returns an array of EOSQLExpression objects that define the SQL statements necessary to create foreign key constraints for relationship . |
void |
EODatabaseContext.batchFetchRelationship(EORelationship relationship,
NSArray objects,
EOEditingContext editingContext)
Clears all the faults for relationship pointed by the source
objects in objects and performs a single, efficient fetch or, at most,
two fetches if the relationship is many-to-many. |
void |
EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextWillFireArrayFaultForGlobalID(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt,
EOGlobalID gid,
EORelationship rel,
EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec,
EOEditingContext ec)
Invoked just before the Framework-generated fetch specification, fetchSpec , is used to clear the fault for the specified
globalID (gid ) and relationship(rel ). |
Uses of EORelationship in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor |
Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor with parameters of type EORelationship | |
NSArray |
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
NSArray |
MySQLPlugIn.MySQLSynchronizationFactory.foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
void |
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression.prepareConstraintStatementForRelationship(EORelationship relationship,
NSArray sourceColumns,
NSArray destinationColumns)
NSArray |
OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory.foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship)
Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003. | |||||||||