WebObjects 5.2

Class EOKeyValueQualifier

All Implemented Interfaces:
EOKeyValueArchiving, EOQualifierEvaluation, NSCoding, Serializable

public class EOKeyValueQualifier
extends EOQualifier
implements NSCoding, EOKeyValueArchiving

EOKeyValueQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that compares a named property of an object with a supplied value, for example, "salary > 1500". EOKeyValueQualifier implements the EOQualifierEvaluation interface, which defines the method evaluateWithObject for in-memory evaluation. When an EOKeyValueQualifier object receives an evaluateWithObject message, it evaluates the given object to determine if it satisfies the qualifier criteria.

In addition to performing in memory filtering, EOKeyValueQualifier can be used to generate SQL. When it's used for this purpose, the key should be a valid property name of the root entity for the qualifier (or a valid key path).

See Also:
EOQualifierEvaluation.evaluateWithObject(Object), Serialized Form

Inner classes inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier
EOQualifier.Comparison, EOQualifier.ComparisonSupport, EOQualifier.QualifierVariableSubstitutionException
Inner classes inherited from class com.webobjects.foundation.NSCoding
Inner classes inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiving
EOKeyValueArchiving.Awaking, EOKeyValueArchiving.FinishInitialization, EOKeyValueArchiving.Support
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier
QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike, QualifierOperatorContains, QualifierOperatorEqual, QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, QualifierOperatorLessThan, QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, QualifierOperatorLike, QualifierOperatorNotEqual
Constructor Summary
EOKeyValueQualifier(String key, NSSelector selector, Object value)
          Creates a new EOKeyValueQualifier.
Method Summary
 void addQualifierKeysToSet(NSMutableSet qualKeys)
          Implements the abstract version of this method defined in EOQualfier.
 Class classForCoder()
          Allows the receiver, before being encoded, to substitute a class other than its own in a coder.
static Object decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
static Object decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver(EOKeyValueUnarchiver unarchiver)
          (Re)creates an object based on information in unarchiver.
 void encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
 void encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(EOKeyValueArchiver archiver)
          Archives the receiver's into archiver.
 boolean equals(Object other)
          Compares the receiver to other.
 boolean evaluateWithObject(Object object)
          Returns true if object satisfies the qualifier, false otherwise.
 String key()
          Returns the key (possibly a key path) that the receiver uses when qualifying (for instance, with evaluateWithObject).
 EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
          Implements the abstract version of this method defined in EOQualfier.
 NSSelector selector()
          Returns the selector that the receiver uses when qualifying (for instance, with evaluateWithObject).
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of the receiver containing its key, selector, and value.
 void validateKeysWithRootClassDescription(EOClassDescription classDesc)
          Ensures that the receiver contains keys and key paths that belong to or originate from classDesc.
 Object value()
          Returns the value that the receiver uses when qualifying (for instance, with evaluateWithObject).
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier
allQualifierKeys, allQualifierOperators, bindingKeys, clone, filterArrayWithQualifier, filteredArrayWithQualifier, keyPathForBindingKey, operatorSelectorForSelectorNamed, operatorSelectorForString, qualifierToMatchAllValues, qualifierToMatchAnyValue, qualifierWithQualifierFormat, relationalQualifierOperators, stringForOperatorSelector
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EOKeyValueQualifier(String key,
                           NSSelector selector,
                           Object value)

Creates a new EOKeyValueQualifier. If key, selector, and value are provided, the EOKeyValueQualifier compares values for key to value using the operator method selector. The possible values for selector are as follows:

Enterprise Objects Framework supports SQL generation for these methods only. You can generate SQL using the EOSQLExpression static method sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier.

For example, the following excerpt creates an EOKeyValueQualifier qualifier that has the key "name", the operator method QualifierOperatorEqual, and the value "Smith". Once constructed, the qualifier qualifier is used to filter an in-memory array.

  NSArray employees;   // assume this is populated with Employees
  EOKeyValueQualifier qualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier("name", EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, "Smith");
  return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(employees, qualifier);
key - the key path to a property that will be evaluated against value
selector - operator used to compare key's value to value
value - the value compared against key
See Also:
EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(NSArray, EOQualifier), EOSQLExpression.sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier(EOKeyValueQualifier), EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorContains, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLike, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike
Method Detail


public void addQualifierKeysToSet(NSMutableSet qualKeys)
Implements the abstract version of this method defined in EOQualfier. Adds the receiver's qualifier keys to qualKeys. EOKeyValueQualifier adds its key to the set.
addQualifierKeysToSet in class EOQualifier
qualKeys - the set to which to add the receiver's qualifier keys


public Class classForCoder()
Allows the receiver, before being encoded, to substitute a class other than its own in a coder.
Specified by:
classForCoder in interface NSCoding
the class a coder should record
See Also:
encodeWithCoder(NSCoder), decodeObject(NSCoder), NSCoding


public static Object decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
(Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
coder - the coder storing object type information along with an object's data
an object (re)created from the data in coder
See Also:
encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder), classForCoder(), NSCoding


public static Object decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver(EOKeyValueUnarchiver unarchiver)
(Re)creates an object based on information in unarchiver.
unarchiver - the key-value unarchiver with which the receiver should be decoded
an object (re)created from the data in unarchiver
See Also:


public void encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder. The receiver can then be recreated using decodeObject. Custom type information can be used by overriding classForCoder.
Specified by:
encodeWithCoder in interface NSCoding
coder - the coder storing object type information along with an object's data
See Also:
decodeObject(NSCoder), classForCoder(), NSCoding


public void encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(EOKeyValueArchiver archiver)
Archives the receiver's into archiver. The receiver can then be recreated using decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver.
Specified by:
encodeWithKeyValueArchiver in interface EOKeyValueArchiving
archiver - the key-value archiver with which the receiver should be encoded
See Also:


public boolean equals(Object other)
Compares the receiver to other. If other is an EOKeyValueQualifier and its key, value and selector are equal to the receiver's, this method returns true. If not, it returns false.
equals in class Object
other - the object against which the receiver is compared
true if the receiver the other object are equal; false otherwise


public boolean evaluateWithObject(Object object)
Returns true if object satisfies the qualifier, false otherwise. When an EOKeyValueQualifier object receives the evaluateWithObject message, it evaluates object to determine if it meets the qualifier criteria. This method can throw one of several possible exceptions if an error occurs. If the application allows users to construct arbitrary qualifiers (such as through a user interface), you may want to write code to catch any exceptions and properly respond to errors (for example, by displaying a panel saying that the user typed a poorly formed qualifier).
evaluateWithObject in class EOQualifier
object - the object which is evaluated with the receiver
true if the object satisfies the qualifier; false otherwise


public String key()
Returns the key (possibly a key path) that the receiver uses when qualifying (for instance, with evaluateWithObject).
the receiver's key (or key path)
See Also:
evaluateWithObject(Object), EOKeyValueQualifier(String, NSSelector, Object)


public EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings,
                                         boolean requiresAll)
Implements the abstract version of this method defined in EOQualfier. Returns a new qualifier substituting all variables with values found in bindings. If requiresAll is true, any variable not found in bindings throws an exception. If requiresAll is false, missing variable values cause the qualifier node to be pruned from the tree (this method will return null).
qualifierWithBindings in class EOQualifier
bindings - the key-value pairs with which to create a new EOKeyValueQualifier
requiresAll - true if the "value" attribute of bindings must be non-null; false otherwise
a new EOKeyValueQualifier if no errors occurred; null if requiresAll is false and value(s) were missing in bindings
EOQualifier.QualifierVariableSubstitutionException - if requiresAll is true and values could not be properly extracted from bindings


public NSSelector selector()
Returns the selector that the receiver uses when qualifying (for instance, with evaluateWithObject).
the receiver's selector
See Also:
evaluateWithObject(Object), EOKeyValueQualifier(String, NSSelector, Object)


public String toString()
Returns a String representation of the receiver containing its key, selector, and value.
toString in class Object
a String representation of the receiver
See Also:
key(), value(), selector()


public void validateKeysWithRootClassDescription(EOClassDescription classDesc)
Ensures that the receiver contains keys and key paths that belong to or originate from classDesc. This method raises an exception if an unknown key is found (or key is null), otherwise it just returns cleanly to indicate that the keys contained by the qualifier are valid.
validateKeysWithRootClassDescription in class EOQualifier
classDesc - the class description with which to validate the receiver's key


public Object value()
Returns the value that the receiver uses when qualifying (for instance, with evaluateWithObject).
the receiver's value
See Also:
evaluateWithObject(Object), EOKeyValueQualifier(String, NSSelector, Object)

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.