WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EODelayedObserver
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eointerface Provides the infrastructure to display data for the control layer in a desktop application's user interface. 

Uses of EODelayedObserver in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Subclasses of EODelayedObserver in com.webobjects.eocontrol
 class EOObserverProxy
          The EOObserverProxy class is a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism.

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type EODelayedObserver
 void EODelayedObserverQueue.dequeueObserver(EODelayedObserver observer)
          Removes observer from the receiver.
 void EODelayedObserverQueue.enqueueObserver(EODelayedObserver observer)
          Records observer to be sent subjectChanged messages.

Uses of EODelayedObserver in com.webobjects.eointerface

Subclasses of EODelayedObserver in com.webobjects.eointerface
 class EOActionAssociation
          An EOActionAssociation object allows you to set up an interface object, such as a button, to send a message to the Enterprise Objects selected in the association's display group when the interface object is acted on.
 class EOActionInsertionAssociation
          An EOActionInsertionAssociation object inserts objects from one display group into another.
 class EOActionWidgetAssociation
          EOActionWidgetAssociation is an abstract superclass for associations that invoke methods on objects in response to an action in a user interface widget
 class EOAssociation
          An EOAssociation maintains a two-way binding between the properties of a display object, such as a text field or combo box, and the properties of one or more enterprise objects contained in one or more EODisplayGroups.
 class EODetailSelectionAssociation
          An EODetailSelectionAssociation binds two EODisplayGroups together through a relationship, so that the destination display group acts as an editor for that relationship.
 class EOMasterAssociation
          EOMasterAssociation is the abstract superclass of associations that link a master display group with a second, "child" display group.
 class EOMasterCopyAssociation
          An EOMasterCopyAssociation object synchronizes two EODisplayGroups that share the same data source but have different qualifiers.
 class EOMasterDetailAssociation
          An EOMasterDetailAssociation object binds one EODisplayGroup (the detail) to a relationship in another (the master), so that the detail display group contains the destination objects for the object selected in the master.
 class EOMasterPeerAssociation
          An EOMasterPeerAssociation binds two EODisplayGroups together in a master-detail relationship, where the detail EODisplayGroup shows the destination objects for the relationship of the master EODisplayGroup.
 class EOPickTextAssociation
          An EOPickTextAssociation takes the value of its display object's plugin, a EOValueAssociation.ValuePlugin or subclass, and uses it's string value to form a qualifier with up to three LIKE operators, each compared to a different key of the EODisplayGroup.
 class EOTableAssociation
          EOTableAssociation associates the contents of its SourceAspect's display group with a NSTableView, JTable or an EOTable (an object that places a javax.swing.JTable in a scroll view), via the repective WidgetPlugin's.
 class EOTableColumnAssociation
          EOTableColumnAssociation associates display group(s) with a table column, via the repective WidgetPlugin's (subclasses of TableColumnPlugin).
 class EOTextAssociation
          EOTextAssociation is used as an association for displaying text values, with widgets such as NSTextFieldCell or JTextField.
 class EOTreeAssociation
          EOTreeAssociation is used as an association for displaying hierarchical object trees, with widgets such as JTree.
 class EOValueAssociation
          EOValueAssociation is used for associations that display a single value object in a widget, with the value usually being editable.
 class EOValueSelectionAssociation
          EOValueSelectionAssociation displays an attribute or to-one relationship value in a display object that offers the user multiple choices and the option of choosing just one of those choices.
 class EOWidgetAssociation
          The EOWidgetAssociation is the superclass for all associations that connect to user interface widgets.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.