WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EOEvent
com.webobjects.appserver Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.woextensions The WebObjects Extensions are non-synchronizing reusable components defined in the WebObjects Extensions Framework, which is included in every WebObjects Application project. 

Uses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.appserver

Subclasses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.appserver
static class WOApplication.Event
          This is a subclass of WOEvent used by the WebObjects runtime to collect pageWithName events.
static class WOAssociation.Event
          The WOAssociation.Event class is used to time value assignment/retrieval at the component level.
static class WOComponent.Event
          The WOComponent.Event class is used to time various operations at the component level.
 class WOEvent
          WOEvent is a subclass of EOEvent (defined in the EOControl framework) that serves as the parent class for objects that gather information –such as duration –about various operations in WebObjects.
 class WOStopWatch

Uses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Subclasses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.eoaccess
static class EODatabaseContext.DatabaseContextEvent
          DatabaseContextEvent is a subclass of EOEvent, the parent class for objects that gather information, such as duration or order of execution, about various operations in WebObjects.

Uses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Subclasses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.eocontrol
 class EOAccountEvent
          EOAccountEvent class is intended for internal use only.
 class EOAggregateEvent
          An instance of the EOAggregateEvent class is used to aggregate multiple EOEvent objects with the same aggregate signature into one event.
static class EOEditingContext.EditingContextEvent
          A subclass provided to track events triggered by EOEditingContexts.

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol that return EOEvent
 EOEvent EOEvent.parentEvent()
          Returns the parent event, if any, or null otherwise.
static EOEvent EOEventCenter.newEventOfClass(Class aClass, String type)
          Creates an event of the desired class and type.

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type EOEvent
 int EOEvent.compare(EOEvent other)
          Compares the receiver to other.
 void EOAggregateEvent.addEvent(EOEvent e)
          Adds e to the set of events that the receiver aggregates.
static void EOEventCenter.cancelEvent(EOEvent anEvent)
          Cancels the recording of an in-progress event.
static void EOEventCenter.markAtomicEvent(EOEvent anEvent, Object info)
          Marks anEvent, a newly created event, as an atomic event, and assigns it's info to info.
static void EOEventCenter.markEndOfEvent(EOEvent anEvent)
          Marks the time anEvent ended.
static void EOEventCenter.markStartOfEvent(EOEvent anEvent, Object info)
          Marks anEvent, a newly created event, to be a branch event (that possibly has nested subevents), and assigns it's info to info.

Uses of EOEvent in com.webobjects.woextensions

Fields in com.webobjects.woextensions declared as EOEvent
 EOEvent WOEventRow.event
 EOEvent WOEventRow.object
 EOEvent WOEventDisplayPage.currentEvent

Methods in com.webobjects.woextensions that return EOEvent
 EOEvent WOAggregateEventRow.event()
 EOEvent WOEventDisplayPage.object()

Methods in com.webobjects.woextensions with parameters of type EOEvent
 NSArray WOEventDisplayPage.childrenForEvent(EOEvent event)
 int WOEventDisplayPage.displayLevelForEvent(EOEvent e)
 long WOEventDisplayPage.durationOfEvent(EOEvent e)

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.