WebObjects 5.2

Interface EOSwingTableColumnPlugin.TableColumnCustomizer

Enclosing class:

public static interface EOSwingTableColumnPlugin.TableColumnCustomizer

Use this interface to implement your custom TableColumnCustomizer which will be used to obtain the CellRenderer and CellEditor for this plugin's column. (See Java Swing documentation.) The TableColumnCustomizer should be set before establishConnection is called, otherwise the internal defaultTableColumnCustomizer is used which returns a EOTextColumnEditor and a DefaultTableCellRenderer.

Method Summary
 EOColumnEditor editorForAssociation(EOTableColumnAssociation association)
          Returns an EOColumnEditor which will be used as a TableCellEditor for this column.
 TableCellRenderer rendererForAssociation(EOTableColumnAssociation association)
          Returns an TableCellRenderer to be used for this column.

Method Detail


public EOColumnEditor editorForAssociation(EOTableColumnAssociation association)
Returns an EOColumnEditor which will be used as a TableCellEditor for this column. Since the editor needs to communicate with other parts of this framework, it needs to be a subclass of EOColumnEditor See also EOColumnEditor and EOTextColumnEditor, as well as the Swing documentation for TableCellEditor.
association - the EOTableColumnAssociation for which to return an editor; this is supplied as a parameter so that the same TableColumnCustomizer can be used for multiple columns
EOColumnEditor a subclass of EOColumnEditor to be used for this column


public TableCellRenderer rendererForAssociation(EOTableColumnAssociation association)
Returns an TableCellRenderer to be used for this column. See the Swing documentation on the TableCellRenderer class.
association - the EOTableColumnAssociation for which to return an editor; this is supplied as a parameter so that the same TableColumnCustomizer can be used for multiple columns
TableCellRenderer a subclass of TableCellRenderer to be used for this column

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.