WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use NSRange
com.webobjects.foundation Provides a set of robust and mature core classes, including utility, collection, key-value coding, time and date, notification, and debug logging classes. 

Uses of NSRange in com.webobjects.foundation

Subclasses of NSRange in com.webobjects.foundation
 class NSMutableRange
          An NSMutableRange is an object representing a range that can be changed.

Fields in com.webobjects.foundation declared as NSRange
static NSRange NSRange.ZeroRange
          An NSRange set to zero in location and length.

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation that return NSRange
static NSRange NSRange.fromString(String string)
          Creates an NSRange from a string.
 NSRange NSRange.rangeByIntersectingRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Returns an NSRange that is the intersection of a range and this NSRange.
 NSRange NSRange.rangeByUnioningRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Returns an NSRange that is the union of a range and this NSRange (a range constructed from the lowest starting location and the highest ending location of both NSRanges).
protected  NSRange NSData.immutableRange()
          Privitive method that returns the receiver's range.
protected  NSRange NSData.rangeNoCopy()
          Primitive method used by mutable subclasses of NSData.
protected  NSRange NSMutableData.immutableRange()
          Privitive method that returns the receiver's range.

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSRange
 boolean NSRange.intersectsRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Indicates whether the range otherRange intersects this NSRange.
 boolean NSRange.isEqualToRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Indicates whether the range's location and length are equal to this NSRange's location and length.
 boolean NSRange.isSubrangeOfRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Indicates whether this NSRange's end points match or fall within those of another range.
 NSRange NSRange.rangeByIntersectingRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Returns an NSRange that is the intersection of a range and this NSRange.
 NSRange NSRange.rangeByUnioningRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Returns an NSRange that is the union of a range and this NSRange (a range constructed from the lowest starting location and the highest ending location of both NSRanges).
 void NSRange.subtractRange(NSRange otherRange, NSMutableRange resultRange1, NSMutableRange resultRange2)
          Subtracts a range from this NSRange and stores the result in one or two NSMutableRanges.
 void NSArray.getObjects(Object[] objects, NSRange range)
          Deprecated. use public Object[] objects() in NSRange instead
 int NSArray.indexOfIdenticalObject(Object object, NSRange range)
          Searches the specified subset within this array for object (testing for equality by directly comparing Object references with ==) and returns the first (lowest) index whose corresponding element is identical to object.
 int NSArray.indexOfObject(Object object, NSRange range)
          Searches the specified subset within this array for object and returns the first (lowest) index whose corresponding element is equal to object.
 Object[] NSArray.objects(NSRange range)
          Copies a subset of this array into a Java array.
 NSArray NSArray.subarrayWithRange(NSRange range)
          This method creates a new array from a subset of this array.
 void NSMutableRange.intersectRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Changes the receiver to the range resulting from the intersection of otherRange and the receiver before the operation.
 void NSMutableRange.unionRange(NSRange otherRange)
          Changes the receiver to the range resulting from the union of otherRange and the receiver before the operation.
 byte[] NSData.bytes(NSRange range)
          Returns a byte array containing all of the receiver's contents
 NSData NSData.subdataWithRange(NSRange range)
          Creates a data object containing a copy of the receiver's bytes that fall within the range specified by range.
 void NSMutableData.appendBytes(byte[] bytes, NSRange range)
          Appends the contents of byte array bytes to the receiver.
 void NSMutableData.resetBytesInRange(NSRange range)
          Resets to zero the receiver's bytes that fall within the specified range.
 boolean NSMutableArray.removeIdenticalObject(Object object, NSRange range)
          As removeIdenticalObject(Object object) but it only searchs a subset of this array as specified by range.
 boolean NSMutableArray.removeObject(Object object, NSRange range)
          Same as removeObject(Object object) but only searches a subset of this array as specified by NSRange.
 void NSMutableArray.removeObjectsInRange(NSRange range)
          Removes each of the objects within the specified range from this array using removeObjectAtIndex.
 void NSMutableArray.replaceObjectsInRange(NSRange range, NSArray otherArray, NSRange otherRange)
          Replaces a subset of the objects in this array as specified by range with a subset of the objects in otherArray as specified by otherRange.

Constructors in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSRange
NSRange(NSRange range)
          Creates an NSRange with the location and length values of range.
NSArray(Object[] objects, NSRange range)
          Creates an array containing the objects from objects in the range specified by range.
NSArray(Vector vector, NSRange range, boolean ignoreNull)
          Creates an array containing the objects from vector in the range specified by range.
NSMutableRange(NSRange range)
          Creates a new NSMutableRange with the location and length values of range.
NSData(byte[] bytes, NSRange range)
          Creates a data object with the bytes from the byte array bytes that fall in the range specified by range.
NSData(byte[] bytes, NSRange range, boolean noCopy)
          Creates a data object with the bytes from the byte array bytes that fall in the range specified by range.
NSMutableData(byte[] bytes, NSRange range)
          Creates an NSMutableData object with the bytes from the byte array bytes that fall in the range specified by range.
NSMutableData(byte[] bytes, NSRange range, boolean noCopy)
          Creates an NSMutableData object with the bytes from the byte array bytes that fall in the range specified by range.
NSMutableArray(Object[] objects, NSRange range)
          Creates a mutable array containing the objects from objects in the range specified by range.
NSMutableArray(Vector vector, NSRange range, boolean ignoreNull)
          Creates a mutable array containing the objects from vector in the range specified by range.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.