WebObjects 5.2 | |||||||||
Packages that use NSTimestamp | |
com.webobjects.appserver | Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. |
com.webobjects.eoaccess | Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. |
com.webobjects.eocontrol | Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. |
com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa | Provides an implementation of Cocoa-Java classes that plug in to the interface layer. |
com.webobjects.foundation | Provides a set of robust and mature core classes, including utility, collection, key-value coding, time and date, notification, and debug logging classes. |
com.webobjects.woextensions | The WebObjects Extensions are non-synchronizing reusable components defined in the WebObjects Extensions Framework, which is included in every WebObjects Application project. |
Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.appserver |
Methods in com.webobjects.appserver that return NSTimestamp | |
NSTimestamp |
Return the NSTimestamp at which the WOTimer will first fire. |
NSTimestamp |
Returns the value of the cookie's "expires" attribute as an NSTimestamp. |
NSTimestamp |
WOMultipartIterator.WOFormData.dateFormValue(NSTimestampFormatter dateFormatter)
Method to return an NSTimestamp for the form value. |
NSTimestamp |
WORequest.dateFormValueForKey(String aKey,
NSTimestampFormatter dateFormatter)
Method to return an NSTimestamp for a form value from the request for a specific name (key). |
NSTimestamp |
Deprecated. this method is deprecated should not be used |
Methods in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSTimestamp | |
static WOCookie |
WOCookie.cookieWithName(String aName,
String aValue,
String aPath,
String aDomain,
NSTimestamp aDate,
boolean isSecure)
Deprecated. Use WOCookie(String aName, String aValue, String aPath, String aDomain, NSTimestamp aDate, boolean isSecure) instead |
void |
WOCookie.setExpires(NSTimestamp aDate)
Sets the cookie's "expires" attribute to expirationDate. |
Constructors in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSTimestamp | |
WOTimer(NSTimestamp fireDate,
long ti,
Object aTarget,
String aSelectorName,
Object userInfo,
Class userInfoClass,
boolean repeat)
Creates a timer which will fire at fireDate , and at
intervals ti thereafter (if repeats is true ). |
WOCookie(String aName,
String aValue,
String aPath,
String aDomain,
NSTimestamp aDate,
boolean isSecure)
Constructor for a WOCookie with the specified attributes. |
Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.eoaccess |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return NSTimestamp | |
NSTimestamp |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForDateValue(NSTimestamp value,
EOAttribute att)
The default implementation returns value unchanged. |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type NSTimestamp | |
NSTimestamp |
EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForDateValue(NSTimestamp value,
EOAttribute att)
The default implementation returns value unchanged. |
Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.eocontrol |
Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol that return NSTimestamp | |
NSTimestamp |
Returns the date at which the receiver was logged. |
Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa |
Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa that return NSTimestamp | |
static NSTimestamp |
EOCocoaUtilities.timestampForGregorianDate(com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa.NSGregorianDate date)
Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa with parameters of type NSTimestamp | |
static com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa.NSGregorianDate |
EOCocoaUtilities.gregorianDateForTimestamp(NSTimestamp timestamp)
Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.foundation |
Fields in com.webobjects.foundation declared as NSTimestamp | |
static NSTimestamp |
An NSTimestamp that represents a date in the distant future (in terms of centuries). |
static NSTimestamp |
An NSTimestamp that represents a date in the distant past (in terms of centuries). |
Methods in com.webobjects.foundation that return NSTimestamp | |
static NSTimestamp |
Deprecated. Use DistantFuture instead |
static NSTimestamp |
Deprecated. Use DistantPast |
NSTimestamp |
NSTimestamp.earlierTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
Deprecated. Use before instead |
NSTimestamp |
NSTimestamp.laterTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
Deprecated. Use after instead |
NSTimestamp |
NSTimestamp.timestampByAddingGregorianUnits(int years,
int months,
int days,
int hours,
int minutes,
int seconds)
Returns an NSTimestamp that is updated with the years, months, days,
hours, minutes , and seconds offsets specified as arguments. |
NSTimestamp |
NSTimestamp.timestampByAddingTimeInterval(long interval)
Deprecated. Use (new NSTimestamp((interval * 1000) + oldTs.getTime(), oldTs.getNanos())) instead. |
Methods in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSTimestamp | |
boolean |
NSLock.lockBeforeDate(NSTimestamp timestamp)
Deprecated. |
boolean |
NSLock.tryLock(NSTimestamp timestamp)
Attempts to acquire a lock until the time specified by timestamp . |
int |
NSTimestamp.compare(NSTimestamp ts)
Determines whether this NSTimestamp is before, after, or the same as another NSTimestamp. |
NSTimestamp |
NSTimestamp.earlierTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
Deprecated. Use before instead |
void |
NSTimestamp.gregorianUnitsSinceTimestamp(NSTimestamp.IntRef years,
NSTimestamp.IntRef months,
NSTimestamp.IntRef days,
NSTimestamp.IntRef hours,
NSTimestamp.IntRef minutes,
NSTimestamp.IntRef seconds,
NSTimestamp time)
Deprecated. |
NSTimestamp |
NSTimestamp.laterTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
Deprecated. Use after instead |
long |
NSTimestamp.timeIntervalSinceTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
Deprecated. Use getTime and calculate the delta instead |
String |
NSTimeZone.abbreviationForTimestamp(NSTimestamp aTimestamp)
Provides the abbreviation for the NSTimeZone at the instant specified by aTimestamp . |
boolean |
NSTimeZone.isDaylightSavingTimeForTimestamp(NSTimestamp aTimestamp)
Indicates whether this NSTimeZone uses daylight savings time at aTimestamp . |
int |
NSTimeZone.secondsFromGMTForTimestamp(NSTimestamp aTimestamp)
Indicates the difference between the NSTimeZone and Greenwich Mean Time (the offset) at the instant specified by aTimestamp . |
boolean |
NSRecursiveLock.lockBeforeDate(NSTimestamp timestamp)
Deprecated. Use NSRecursiveLock.tryLock(NSTimestamp) |
boolean |
NSRecursiveLock.tryLock(NSTimestamp timestamp)
Attempts to acquire a lock until a specific time timestamp is reached. |
Constructors in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSTimestamp | |
NSTimestamp(long time,
NSTimestamp date)
Creates an NSTimestamp object representing the specified number of milliseconds after the time specified by date . |
Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.woextensions |
Fields in com.webobjects.woextensions declared as NSTimestamp | |
NSTimestamp |
Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003. | |||||||||