WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use NSTimestamp
com.webobjects.appserver Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa Provides an implementation of Cocoa-Java classes that plug in to the interface layer. 
com.webobjects.foundation Provides a set of robust and mature core classes, including utility, collection, key-value coding, time and date, notification, and debug logging classes. 
com.webobjects.woextensions The WebObjects Extensions are non-synchronizing reusable components defined in the WebObjects Extensions Framework, which is included in every WebObjects Application project. 

Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.appserver

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver that return NSTimestamp
 NSTimestamp WOTimer.fireDate()
          Return the NSTimestamp at which the WOTimer will first fire.
 NSTimestamp WOCookie.expires()
          Returns the value of the cookie's "expires" attribute as an NSTimestamp.
 NSTimestamp WOMultipartIterator.WOFormData.dateFormValue(NSTimestampFormatter dateFormatter)
          Method to return an NSTimestamp for the form value.
 NSTimestamp WORequest.dateFormValueForKey(String aKey, NSTimestampFormatter dateFormatter)
          Method to return an NSTimestamp for a form value from the request for a specific name (key).
 NSTimestamp WOSession.expirationDateForIDCookies()
          Deprecated. this method is deprecated should not be used

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSTimestamp
static WOCookie WOCookie.cookieWithName(String aName, String aValue, String aPath, String aDomain, NSTimestamp aDate, boolean isSecure)
          Deprecated. Use WOCookie(String aName, String aValue, String aPath, String aDomain, NSTimestamp aDate, boolean isSecure) instead
 void WOCookie.setExpires(NSTimestamp aDate)
          Sets the cookie's "expires" attribute to expirationDate.

Constructors in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSTimestamp
WOTimer(NSTimestamp fireDate, long ti, Object aTarget, String aSelectorName, Object userInfo, Class userInfoClass, boolean repeat)
          Creates a timer which will fire at fireDate, and at intervals ti thereafter (if repeats is true).
WOCookie(String aName, String aValue, String aPath, String aDomain, NSTimestamp aDate, boolean isSecure)
          Constructor for a WOCookie with the specified attributes.

Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return NSTimestamp
 NSTimestamp EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForDateValue(NSTimestamp value, EOAttribute att)
          The default implementation returns value unchanged.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type NSTimestamp
 NSTimestamp EOAdaptor.fetchedValueForDateValue(NSTimestamp value, EOAttribute att)
          The default implementation returns value unchanged.

Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol that return NSTimestamp
 NSTimestamp EOEvent.startDate()
          Returns the date at which the receiver was logged.

Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa

Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa that return NSTimestamp
static NSTimestamp EOCocoaUtilities.timestampForGregorianDate(com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa.NSGregorianDate date)

Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa with parameters of type NSTimestamp
static com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa.NSGregorianDate EOCocoaUtilities.gregorianDateForTimestamp(NSTimestamp timestamp)

Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.foundation

Fields in com.webobjects.foundation declared as NSTimestamp
static NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.DistantFuture
          An NSTimestamp that represents a date in the distant future (in terms of centuries).
static NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.DistantPast
          An NSTimestamp that represents a date in the distant past (in terms of centuries).

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation that return NSTimestamp
static NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.distantFuture()
          Deprecated. Use DistantFuture instead
static NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.distantPast()
          Deprecated. Use DistantPast
 NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.earlierTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
          Deprecated. Use before instead
 NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.laterTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
          Deprecated. Use after instead
 NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.timestampByAddingGregorianUnits(int years, int months, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
          Returns an NSTimestamp that is updated with the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds offsets specified as arguments.
 NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.timestampByAddingTimeInterval(long interval)
          Deprecated. Use (new NSTimestamp((interval * 1000) + oldTs.getTime(), oldTs.getNanos())) instead.

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSTimestamp
 boolean NSLock.lockBeforeDate(NSTimestamp timestamp)
 boolean NSLock.tryLock(NSTimestamp timestamp)
          Attempts to acquire a lock until the time specified by timestamp.
 int NSTimestamp.compare(NSTimestamp ts)
          Determines whether this NSTimestamp is before, after, or the same as another NSTimestamp.
 NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.earlierTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
          Deprecated. Use before instead
 void NSTimestamp.gregorianUnitsSinceTimestamp(NSTimestamp.IntRef years, NSTimestamp.IntRef months, NSTimestamp.IntRef days, NSTimestamp.IntRef hours, NSTimestamp.IntRef minutes, NSTimestamp.IntRef seconds, NSTimestamp time)
 NSTimestamp NSTimestamp.laterTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
          Deprecated. Use after instead
 long NSTimestamp.timeIntervalSinceTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts)
          Deprecated. Use getTime and calculate the delta instead
 String NSTimeZone.abbreviationForTimestamp(NSTimestamp aTimestamp)
          Provides the abbreviation for the NSTimeZone at the instant specified by aTimestamp.
 boolean NSTimeZone.isDaylightSavingTimeForTimestamp(NSTimestamp aTimestamp)
          Indicates whether this NSTimeZone uses daylight savings time at aTimestamp.
 int NSTimeZone.secondsFromGMTForTimestamp(NSTimestamp aTimestamp)
          Indicates the difference between the NSTimeZone and Greenwich Mean Time (the offset) at the instant specified by aTimestamp.
 boolean NSRecursiveLock.lockBeforeDate(NSTimestamp timestamp)
          Deprecated. Use NSRecursiveLock.tryLock(NSTimestamp)
 boolean NSRecursiveLock.tryLock(NSTimestamp timestamp)
          Attempts to acquire a lock until a specific time timestamp is reached.

Constructors in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSTimestamp
NSTimestamp(long time, NSTimestamp date)
          Creates an NSTimestamp object representing the specified number of milliseconds after the time specified by date.

Uses of NSTimestamp in com.webobjects.woextensions

Fields in com.webobjects.woextensions declared as NSTimestamp
 NSTimestamp WOStatsPage.maxSessionsDate

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.