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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 1 - Basics
Chapter 2 - Development Overview

Cyberdog Class Library

Cyberdog is a set of classes built on top of OpenDoc. Like OpenDoc, Cyberdog is an object-oriented library that is largely platform independent. As with OpenDoc, you can write a Cyberdog part editor in procedural code and use it within the OpenDoc and Cyberdog class structures. You can easily enhance existing OpenDoc parts to work with Cyberdog. Cyberdog is extensible, and many of its components are replaceable, allowing for innovation by developers at both the system and application levels.

Cyberdog and OpenDoc are implemented as shared libraries consisting of a set of classes constructed using System Object Model (SOM), a specification for object binding at runtime. Because Cyberdog and OpenDoc both use SOM, Cyberdog parts and components that have been created with different compilers or in completely different programming languages can nevertheless communicate properly with each other. Furthermore, they can be independently revised and extended and still work together.

The interfaces to all of Cyberdog's classes are specified in the Interface Definition Language (IDL), a programming-language-neutral syntax for creating interfaces. IDL interfaces are typically compiled separately from implementation code, using a SOM compiler.

For more information on SOM and using the SOM compiler on the Mac OS platform, see OpenDoc Cookbook for the Mac OS and OpenDoc Programmer's Guide for the Mac OS. For a more detailed description of IDL and instructions on programming with SOM, see SOMObjects Developer Toolkit Users Guide and SOMObjects Developer Toolkit Programmers Reference Manual from IBM.

Class Hierarchy

Cyberdog classes create objects that cooperate in referencing, downloading, and displaying remotely located content. Because the Cyberdog class library builds on the OpenDoc class library, you must use both class libraries to create Cyberdog components.

All Cyberdog classes are derived from the OpenDoc superclass ODObject, itself a subclass of somObject, the fundamental SOM superclass. The Cyberdog classes can be divided into three groups according to their uses:

Two additional Cyberdog classes, CyberSession and CyberExtension, are used more generally. An object of class CyberSession represents a single Cyberdog process; the CyberSession interface provides access to a number of Cyberdog utilities. Class CyberExtension, a subclass of class ODExtension, is the abstract superclass for all Cyberdog-specific extensions.

Classes for Cyberdog Display Parts

The classes shown in Figure 2-1 are classes you subclass or use to create a Cyberdog display part. The figure shows these categories of classes:

Figure 2-1 Classes for creating a Cyberdog display part

A Cyberdog display part is an OpenDoc part (an object of an ODPart subclass) with an extension subclassed from class CyberPartExtension. The CyberPartExtension object provides the Cyberdog-specific public interface for a Cyberdog display part.

The CyberPartExtension class is an abstract superclass with 12 methods, all of which you can override. At a minimum, Cyberdog display part developers usually override the OpenCyberItem method in their CyberPartExtension subclass. OpenCyberItem is called to notify the Cyberdog display part that it is being opened by a Cyberdog item, rather than in some other way, such as being restored from disk. Your implementation of OpenCyberItem depends on the desired behavior of your Cyberdog display part; a common behavior involves opening the display part and creating and opening a Cyberdog stream to download the content referenced by its Cyberdog item.

CyberProgressBroadcaster is an implemented class that a Cyberdog display part can instantiate directly to represent the progress of an asynchronous process, such as a download operation. If you display your display part embedded in a navigator, you can use the navigator and its associated progress receiver to display progress. However, if you want to implement your own progress part, you must subclass and implement the CyberProgressPartExtension and CyberProgressReceiver classes.

In addition, if you want your display part to include the Cyberdog service-related menus in its menu bar, you must create and initialize an object of the fully implemented CyberServiceMenu class. When your display part handles a menu event, adjusts its menus, and acquires or loses the menu focus, it should call the appropriate CyberServiceMenu methods to allow the service-related menus to handle their menu commands, adjust menus, and show and hide menus.

The ParameterSet class is a Cyberdog utility class. An object of class ParameterSet defines an arbitrary collection of objects. Parameter sets are general purpose objects; you can use them in any way you want. In Cyberdog, a parameter set is used during the opening of a Cyberdog item. For example, if a client wants a Cyberdog item to open embedded in a navigator, it can add, to the parameter set that is passed to the opening Cyberdog item, a pointer to the navigator.

Classes for Cyberdog Services

The classes shown in Figure 2-2 are classes you subclass or use to create a Cyberdog service.

Figure 2-2 Classes for creating a Cyberdog service

If you are adding a new service to Cyberdog, you will subclass the following abstract superclasses:

Classes for Supporting Parts

Cyberdog provides a number of classes, shown in Figure 2-3, that you can subclass and implement to replace Cyberdog supporting parts, such as the log or the notebook, with your own custom parts.

Figure 2-3 Classes for creating supporting parts

In addition to the extensions described above, the Cyberdog-supplied download part, opener part, and navigator part are also extended with a subclass of class CyberPartExtension.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996