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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberNotebookExtension


Displays the Cyberdog address browser.

void PromptForAddresses (in CyberNotebookAddressUPP proc, 
in Ptr procData);
A pointer to a programmer-defined function that handles addresses selected by the user in the address browser.
A pointer to data that is passed to the callback function. For example, it could point to a data structure representing the mail message being created.
This method displays the Cyberdog address browser, which is a part that displays a selectable list of the Cyberdog items in the notebook that are mail addresses. This method is called by a message editor in the Cyberdog mail system.

When the user selects a set of addresses and clicks a button in the address browser (such as the "To:" button), this method passes the information to the callback function. The callback function should handle inserting the addresses into the appropriate address field of the mail message.

The proc parameter specifies a pointer to a callback function that is called to handle addresses that the user selects in the address browser. The following type is used for a notebook address function. The function takes three parameters: a constant, a list of Cyberdog items, and a pointer to data. The function returns no value.

typedef void (* CyberNotebookAddressProcPtr) (
CDAddressField whichField,
void* cyberItemsList,
Ptr userDataPtr);
The MyNotebookAddressHandler programmer-defined function (page 193) illustrates the form of a notebook address function.

If you subclass CyberNotebookExtension, you must override this method. Your override must not call its inherited method; that is, your override method must implement this method's functionality completely.


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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996