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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 1 - Basics
Chapter 2 - Development Overview

A Cyberdog Example

This section describes an example that illustrates how the key Cyberdog objects cooperate at runtime to access and display Internet data. The example includes two Cyberdog display parts:

Gopher Display Part

The Cyberdog Gopher display part, shown in Figure 2-11, displays Gopher directories; it knows how to interpret data coming from a Gopher server and how to display Gopher directories in a meaningful way. In particular, the Gopher display part knows that the Gopher directory entries represent links to other data located on the Gopher server and displays those links differently from other content. When the user clicks on a link, the Gopher display part initiates retrieving the content referenced by the link.

Figure 2-11 The Gopher display part embedded in the navigator

In addition to displaying the contents of a Gopher directory, the Gopher display part must be able to

In addition to its Cyberdog-specific features, the Gopher display part retains all the features of an ordinary OpenDoc part. It can display content, be embedded in other parts, store its content, and so on.

The Gopher display part is embedded in the Cyberdog navigator; both the Gopher display part and the navigator are contained in the Cyberdog session document. The Gopher display part has an extension subclassed from CyberPartExtension. The extension receives Cyberdog-related messages; the part and its extension cooperate to respond to those messages.

The Gopher display part displays the content referenced by a GopherItem object (an object subclassed from class CyberItem). In addition, the Gopher display part caches a GopherItem object for each link in the Gopher directory. The Gopher display part is responsible for initiating a response when the user clicks on a link. The runtime object relationships of the Gopher display part are shown in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 Gopher display part object relationships

Creating and Opening the Text Display Part

When the user clicks on one of the links shown in Figure 2-11, the Gopher display part calls the corresponding Cyberdog item's Open method. The Open method does two things:

The Cyberdog text display part is an OpenDoc part whose part editor can display text and has been extended with a CyberPartExtension subclass. The text display part is created in the Cyberdog session document. The editor for the Cyberdog text display part is shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13 The text display part

Once the text display part has been created, the Cyberdog item's Open method calls the text display part's OpenCyberItem method, passing the text display part the CyberItem object to be opened. The default implementation of OpenCyberItem does two things:

Developers of Cyberdog display parts usually override OpenCyberItem to receive notification that the part is opening; typically, in addition to the implementation described above, OpenCyberItem creates a Cyberdog stream, initiates the download operation, and adds the Cyberdog item to the log.

Downloading Content to the Text Display Part

Once the text display part has been created, it needs to download the content referenced by its Cyberdog item. The Cyberdog item relies on a Cyberdog stream to download the data for the text display part.

In its OpenCyberItem method, the text display part requests a stream object from its Cyberdog item by calling the Cyberdog item's CreateCyberStream method. The Cyberdog item returns a GopherStream object (an object subclassed from class CyberStream), initialized to download the data referenced by the Cyberdog item from the Gopher server. Then, OpenCyberItem calls the stream's Open method to initiate the download operation.

Figure 2-14 shows the runtime relationships between the text display part, the Cyberdog item, and the Cyberdog stream.

Figure 2-14 Downloading object relationships

The stream's Open method signals the stream to start downloading. Open is an asynchronous method; it returns to the Cyberdog text display part immediately, and the stream proceeds to download at its own pace in separate thread. The stream needs to resolve the address to find the data, establish a connection, and begin downloading the data.

The text display part calls the stream's GetStreamStatus method periodically to monitor the progress of the download operation. GetStreamStatus returns a set of flags that indicate status and error conditions. In particular, GetStreamStatus returns the kCDDataAvailable flag when the stream has some data downloaded and ready for the text display part to read. If data is available, the text display part calls the stream's GetBuffer method to retrieve a buffer of downloaded data. When the text display part is finished using a buffer, it calls ReleaseBuffer to release the buffer back to the stream. When GetStreamStatus returns the kCDDownloadComplete flag, the text display part deletes the stream object.

The stream methods GetStreamStatus, GetBuffer, and ReleaseBuffer are all synchronous methods; they are designed so that a stream object can always respond immediately. The stream knows its status without any lengthy computation, and GetBuffer and ReleaseBuffer operate on data the stream has already downloaded.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996