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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberSession


Creates a new Cyberdog display part to replace an opener part.

ODPart CreateCyberPart (in ODPart openerPart, 
in ODType partType, 
in ODEditor optionalEditor);
The opener part to be replaced by the new display part.
The part kind to create.
The part editor to create.
return value
The newly created part.
This method is called by a Cyberdog item during the opening process to create a new Cyberdog display part. This method determines the correct draft in which to create the new part by calling the specified opener part's GetDestinationDraft method.

If GetDestinationDraft returns a draft, the opener part is contained in some OpenDoc document other than the Cyberdog session document; CreateCyberPart creates the new part in the same draft that contains the opener part. If GetDestinationDraft returns kODNULL, the opener part is contained in the session document. In this case, CreateCyberPart calls CreatePartInCyberDocument to create the new part in the Cyberdog session document.

If you specify kODNULL for the optionalEditor parameter, CreateCyberPart creates the default editor for the part kind specified by the partType parameter.

Do not subclass this class.

The CreatePartInCyberDocument method (page 357).
The CyberOpenerPartExtension::GetDestinationDraft method (page 272).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996