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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit /
Preface - About The Programmer's Kit

The Book

This book contains three parts: overview information, programming examples, and reference documentation.

Part 1, "Basics", contains two chapters that you should read before reading any other parts of the book.

Part 2, "Programming in Cyberdog", consists of three chapters that describe, with programming samples and tutorial-like steps, how to write Cyberdog components.

Part 3, "Cyberdog Reference" consists of two chapters that document the Cyberdog programming interface.

A glossary at the end of this book defines common terms used in Cyberdog programming.

OpenDoc documentation
Cyberdog is based on OpenDoc, the cross-platform component software architecture. To program with Cyberdog, you need to use and understand OpenDoc development techniques. See OpenDoc Class Reference, OpenDoc Cookbook, and OpenDoc Programmer's Guide for information and examples of OpenDoc programming.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996