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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 6 - Types, Constants, and Global Functions / Programmer-Defined Functions


Implements the abort behavior for a progress broadcaster.

void MyAbortFunction (CDAbortProcMessage msgCode,
CyberProgressBroadcaster* broadcaster,
Ptr userDataPtr);
A message code that indicates that the progress broadcaster is being aborted.
A pointer to the progress broadcaster object that is being aborted.
A pointer to data that may be useful when aborting the progress broadcaster.
The purpose of your abort function is to implement any behavior that you want to perform when a progress broadcaster's Abort method is called. The Abort method calls the abort function, which you register when you call CyberProgressBroadcaster::ICyberProgressBroadcaster. This mechanism allows you to customize the abort behavior of a progress broadcaster object without having to subclass CyberProgressBroadcaster.

The userDataPtr parameter contains a pointer to data that may be useful when aborting the progress broadcaster. For example, this parameter might point to a display part whose progress broadcaster should be deleted.

The CyberProgressBroadcaster::Abort method (page 300).
The CyberProgressBroadcaster::ICyberProgressBroadcaster method (page 307).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996