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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 6 - Types, Constants, and Global Functions / Programmer-Defined Functions


Responds to notification that the Cyberdog item resolution process is complete.

void MyCyberItemResolved (OSErr err, 
CyberItem* item, 
Ptr userDataPtr);
An error code that indicates whether the Cyberdog item was resolved successfully.
A pointer to the Cyberdog item.
A pointer to data that may be useful when a Cyberdog item is resolved.
This notification function is called when the Resolve method of a CyberItem subclass has finished trying to resolve a Cyberdog item. You register your notification function when you call the Resolve method. The value of the err parameter is noErr if the Cyberdog item was resolved successfully.

The userDataPtr parameter contains a pointer to data that may be useful when responding to notification that a Cyberdog item has been resolved. For example, this parameter might point to a method to be called if the Cyberdog item was resolved successfully.

The CyberItem::Resolve method (page 242).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996