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Inside Macintosh: Programmer's Guide to MacApp /
Preface - About This Book

What This Book Contains

Chapter 1, "MacApp Overview," provides a broad overview of the MacApp class library, including a summary of MacApp's major features and a description of the sample applications distributed with MacApp.

The chapters in Part 1, "MacApp Theory and Architecture," present important features provided by the MacApp class library. Most features require the cooperation of several components. The chapters describe how the components are implemented, how they work together, and how they fit into your application.

The chapters in Part 2, "Working With MacApp," supply sample code and step-by-step recipes for using MacApp components to implement program features. Some of the chapters also supply additional information about MacApp components that aren't covered in detail in Part 1.

Three appendixes provide additional information on the MacApp class library:

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
25 JUL 1996