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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 22 - Endpoints Reference / Functions

Obtaining Information About an Endpoint

You use the functions described in this section to obtain information about an endpoint. The OTGetEndpointInfo function returns information about the type of service provided by the endpoint and the maximum size of the buffers used to specify address and option information and to hold data. Two other functions return information about an endpoint's address: the OTGetProtAddress function returns the endpoint's address and, if the endpoint is connected, the address of its peer. The OTResolveAddress function returns the protocol address that corresponds to an endpoint name. To obtain the state of the endpoint, you can call the OTGetEndpointState function. To determine whether there are any asynchronous events pending for the endpoint, you can call the OTLook function. Finally, the OTSync function is provided to accommodate existing XTI applications that use this function.

In addition to the functions described in this section, you can use general provider functions to determine an endpoint's modes of execution (OTIsSynchronous, OTIsAckingSends, OTIsNonBlocking). For more information about these functions, see "Providers Reference".

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998