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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials
Chapter 2 - Getting Started With Open Transport

Specifying an Address

This section explains the format of Open Transport addresses and the structure used to specify an address. This section also introduces helper routines that can do some of the work in creating these structures for you.

Addressing in Open Transport

Addresses in Open Transport all begin with a common structure that is followed by protocol-specific fields. The common structure is defined by the OTAddress type:

struct OTAddress
      OTAddressType fAddressType;
      UInt8       fAddress[1];
typedef struct OTAddress OTaddress;
The OTAddress type itself is abstract. You would not declare a structure of this type because it does not contain any address information. However, address formats defined by Open Transport protocols all use the fAddressType field to describe the format of the fields to follow, which do contain address information. For example, the DDPAddress type is an address format used by the AppleTalk protocol:

struct DDPAddress
      OTAddressType  fAddressType; /* must be AF_ATALK_DDP */
      UInt16         fNetwork;
      UInt8          fNodeID;
      UInt8          fSocket;
      UInt8          fDDPType;
      UInt8          fpad;
Open Transport recognizes this address as a DDP address because the first field of the address is AF_ATALK_DDP.

Address formats are protocol-specific. The protocol you choose determines the address format that the endpoint you connect to or listen from will accept. For example, if you're using an AppleTalk protocol, you have the choice of using a DDP, an NBP, or a DDP/NBP address format. When you use TCP/IP, you have the choice of the InetAddress format or the DNS address format.

Using TNetBuf Structures

Most provider functions that transfer data pass a parameter of type TNetbuf that specifies the size and location of the data. Such data is usually an address, option information, or the actual data that you want to transfer. You can think of the TNetbuf structure as Open Transport's universal bucket, used to pass and receive different kinds of information. Figure 2-1 shows how the TNetbuf structure refers to data in memory.

Figure 2-1 The TNetbuf structure

The structure is composed of three fields: the buf field, the len field, and the maxlen field. The buf field contains the beginning address of the data; the len field specifies the size of the data; and the maxlen field specifies the maximum amount of data that can be stored in the buffer. How you use this structure depends on whether the structure specifies an input or output parameter:

There are two situations in which you would not use a TNetBuf structure to store data: when sending noncontiguous data, or when doing a no-copy receive. For additional information about how you should handle these situations, see "Advanced Topics."

Storing an Address in a TNetBuf Structure

When you pass an address to Open Transport, you use a TNetBuf structure. Listing 2-1 shows how you might initialize that structure. The listing initializes a DDP address, stores the address in a TNetBuf structure, and then passes that address in the connectCall parameter to the OTConnect function to connect to a remote peer. Note that the addr field is also a TNetBuf structure.

Listing 2-1 Using a TNetBuf structure to store an address

void OSStatus MyConnectDDP (EndpointRef ep, UInt16 connectNetworkNumber, 
UInt8 connectNodeID, UInt8 connectSockID)
   OSStatus err;
   TCall connectCall;
   DDPAddress connectAddr;
   /* initialize the DDP address to connect to */

   connectAddr.fAddressType = AF_ATALK_DDP;
   connectAddr.fNetwork = connectNetworkNumber;
   connectAddr.fNodeID = connectNodeID;
   connectAddr.fSocket = connectSockID;
   connectAddr.fDDPType = 0;

   /* initialize the TNetBuf that contains the address */
   OTMemzero(connectCall, sizeof(TCall));
   connectCall.addr.buf = (UInt8 *) &connectAddr;
   connectCall.addr.len = sizeof(DDPAddress);

   /* now pass the address to Open Transport */
    err = OTConnect(ep, &connectCall, nil);
   return err;

Using Helper Routines to Initialize an Address

Some Open Transport protocols export routines that make the job of initializing addresses simpler. For example, Listing 2-2 shows how you can use the function OTInitDDPAddress to simplify some the work done in Listing 2-1.

Listing 2-2 Using Helper Routines to Initialize an Address

void OSStatus MyConnectDDP (EndpointRef ep, UInt16 connectNetworkNumber, 
UInt8 connectNodeID, UInt8 connectSockID)
   OSStatus err;
   TCall connectCall;
   DDPAddress connectAddr;

   /* initialize the DDP address to connect to */
   OTInitDDPAddress(&connectAddr, connectNetworkNumber, connectNodeID,
                  connectSockID, 0);

   /* initialize the TNetBuf that contains the address */
   OTMemzero(connectCall, sizeof(TCall));
   connectCall.addr.buf = (UInt8 *) &connectAddr;
   connectCall.addr.len = sizeof(DDPAddress);

   /* now pass the address to Open Transport */
   err = OTConnect(ep, &connectCall, nil);
   return err;
These helper routines are especially important when an address has a variable length. For example, a DNS address, used by the TCP/IP protocol, is defined as follows:

struct DNSAddress
      OTAddressTYpe  fAddressType; /* always AF_DNS */
      InetDomainName fName;
typedef struct DNSAddress DNSAddress;
The fName field of this structure can vary in length. You must pass a DNS address in a TNetBuf structure that gives the correct length of the entire address. The helper routine, OTInitDNSAddress, not only fills in the fields of the DNSAddress structure but also returns the correct length for the TNetBuf.len field. This technique is shown in Listing 2-4 .

Addressing in Open Transport
Using TNetBuf Structures
Storing an Address in a TNetBuf Structure
Using Helper Routines to Initialize an Address

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998