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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials
Chapter 5 - Programming With Open Transport

Open Transport Programming Models

Designing a program that uses Open Transport involves finding an execution path that is simple to code but that does not degrade user experience nor endanger the robustness of your program. This section describes various strategies that you can use to structure code that calls Open Transport, focusing on the relative merits of the Open Transport notification mechanisms.

The Mac OS Open Transport API is a superset of the industry standard X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) specification. Because the XTI standard originated in a preemptive multitasking environment, a task's blocking I/O requests did not degrade the system's overall responsiveness. In such an environment all calls can be made synchronously, which eases the task of coding and minimizes synchronization problems. The matter stands differently in the current Mac OS cooperative multitasking environment, in which it is each task's responsibility to provide other, concurrent tasks with access to the processor. In the Mac OS environment, calling a task synchronously, without ceding time to other processes, is regarded as very poor programming practice and can easily hang the machine or seriously degrade user experience. To solve this problem, Open Transport extends the XTI API to support asynchronous notification of I/O completion. Open Transport uses several types of events to notify your application that something has occurred that requires its immediate attention. An event might signal the arrival of data, a connection or disconnection request, or the completion of an asynchronous function. Your program can either poll for these events or it can install a notifier function that Open Transport will call when an event occurs.

There are three basic ways to structure Open Transport programs:

Using Synchronous Processing With Threads

Figure 5-1 shows the key functions that your program must call to implement synchronous processing with threads. From within your program you must install a notification routine that handles the event kOTSyncIdleEvent by calling the function YieldToAnyThread. The program must also call the function OTUseSyncIdleEvents to let Open Transport know that it wants to receive events of the type kOTSyncIdleEvent.

Figure 5-1 Synchronous processing with threads

When Open Transport is waiting for a synchronous function to complete, it sends the event kOTSyncIdleEvent to your notifier when it is safe for the notifier to call the function YieldToAnyThread. This function eventually causes the Thread Manager to switch to a thread that calls WaitNextEvent, thus yielding time to other processes.

You must be familiar with the Thread Manager in order to use the YieldToAnyThread function.
The only disadvantage of this method is that once you give time to other processes, you have no control over how long it takes for these processes to call WaitNextEvent. So, while synchronous processing with threads might not be the method of choice for high performance servers, if your needs are more modest, you can enjoy the relative programming simplicity of this method. For a detailed example of a sample program using this model, see Listing 1-4 in "Getting Started With Open Transport."

To get out of a threaded synchronous routine, use the function OTCancelSynchronousCall .

Polling for Events

Figure 5-2 shows the structure of a program that calls Open Transport functions asynchronously and uses the OTLook function to poll for incoming events.

Figure 5-2 Polling for events

By using the OTLook function within its main event loop, an application does not need to idle while waiting for data to arrive. However, processing Open Transport events in an application's event loop can result in unpredictable packet processing delays. This is because the time between when your application receives a packet and when it responds depends on factors external to your application; it depends upon how other concurrent processes are using (or abusing) their access to the processor. Moreover, the OTLook function was written for the original XTI environment in which asynchronous processing played a very minor part. For this reason, the function does not return asynchronous completion events; as a result, if you are calling Open Transport functions asynchronously, you must use some other means to determine whether these have completed.

Using Asynchronous Processing With a Notifier

Figure 5-3 shows the structure of an application that calls Open Transport functions asynchronously and uses a notification routine to process asynchronous and completion events. The chapter "Providers" gives detailed information about the use of notifiers.

Figure 5-3 Asynchronous processing with a notifier

As shown in the figure, the advantage of using the notifier is that it is called by Open Transport whenever an event occurs, allowing you to respond immediately. Because Open Transport often calls your notifier at deferred task time, you can handle requests without the overhead of event loop processing.

To get the best performance and to minimize synchronization problems, you should attempt to respond to most events directly in the notifier. You should be able to perform the following tasks from your notifier:

By the same token, because notifiers do often execute at deferred task time, they are somewhat limited in the functions they can call. For more information, see "Deferred Task Level".

The following guidelines can help you use notifiers safely and effectively:

Note that Open Transport 68000-based applications can implement handler routines that use global variables without having to set up an A5 world.

Interrupt-Safe Functions

One reason it's difficult to process packets in a notifier is that when you do, you can't call the Mac OS Toolbox functions that move memory at deferred task time. To remedy this, Open Transport makes available a number of fast and interrupt-safe utility functions that you can use instead. These functions are documented in the chapter "Utilities Reference"."

Memory Management From Notifiers

You can safely call the functions OTAllocMem and OTFreeMem from your notifier. However, keep in mind that the memory allocated by OTAllocMem comes from the application's memory pool, which, due to Memory Manager constraints, can only be replenished at system task time. Therefore, if you allocate memory at hardware interrupt level or deferred task level, be prepared to handle a failure as a result of a temporarily depleted memory pool.

Using Synchronous Processing With Threads
Polling for Events
Using Asynchronous Processing With a Notifier
Interrupt-Safe Functions
Memory Management From Notifiers

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998