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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 29 - TCP/IP Services Reference / Functions
Opening a TCP/IP Service Provider /


Opens the TCP/IP service provider and returns an internet services reference.

InetSvcRef OTOpenInternetServices (OTConfiguration *cfig,
                                          OTOpenFlags oflag,
                                          OSStatus *
None. C++ clients use the C interface to this function.

A pointer to a network configuration structure. You can obtain the default configuration by using the constant kDefaultInternetServicesPath for this parameter.
Reserved. Must be set to 0.
A pointer to the function result.
function result
An internet services reference.
You must open a TCP/IP service provider before calling any TCP/IP service functions other than the address utility functions. The return value of this function is the internet services reference. You must provide the internet services reference when calling any of these non-utility functions. The OTOpenInternetServices function runs synchronously and also sets the mode of the TCP/IP service provider as synchronous.

If you want to set an option as part of the configuration string, you should translate the option's constant name, given in the header files, into a string that the configuration functions can parse. For the TCP/IP options, Table 11-2 provides the constant name used in "Options" and the value to used in the configuration string

The OTAsyncOpenInternetServices function.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998