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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 30 - AppleTalk Reference / AppleTalk Addressing Reference
AppleTalk Utility Functions /


Compares two DDP address structures.

Boolean OTCompareDDPAddresses(const DDPAddress* addr1, 
                                         const DDPAddress* addr2);
None. C++ applications use the C interface to this function.

A pointer to one of the DDP address structures you wish to compare.
A pointer to the second DDP address structure you wish to compare.
function result
A value of true means the two addresses match.
The OTCompareDDPAddresses function compares two DDP addresses for equality and returns true if the two addresses match. It cannot compare NBP or combined DDP-NBP addresses; using these address types always returns false. This function uses the zero-matches-anything AppleTalk rule when doing the matching, which means that a value of 0 in any field results in an acceptable match (except for the node field, which must match exactly).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998