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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 2 - DrawSprocket / DrawSprocket Reference
DrawSprocket Functions / Using Alternate Buffers


Use the DSpContext_SetOverlayAltBuffer function to designate an alternate buffer to be used as the current overlay buffer for a context.

OSStatus DSpContext_SetOverlayAltBuffer (
DSpContextReference inContext,
DSpAltBufferReference inNewOverlay);
A reference to the context the overlay is to be used with.
A reference to the alternate buffer that holds the overlay.
function result
A result code.
The DSpContext_SetOverlayAltBuffer function makes the alternate buffer specified in the inNewOverlay parameter serve as the current overlay for the context specified in the inContext parameter. You can have multiple overlay buffers--for example, if you have alternate cockpit views--and change between them with this call.

Do not call this function during an interrupt.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996