Use the DSpAltBuffer_RebuildTransparencyMask function to rebuild the transparency mask associated with an alternate buffer being used as an overlay.
OSStatus DSpAltBuffer_RebuildTransparencyMask ( DSpAltBufferReference inAltBuffer, UInt32 inTransparencyValue);
- The buffer whose transparency mask is to be rebuilt.
- The pixel values that are to be transparent.
- function result
- A result code.
You must rebuild the transparency masks associated with an alternate buffer if you are using the alternate buffer as an overlay in the following situations:
The DSpAltBuffer_RebuildTransparencyMask function takes a reference to the buffer containing the transparency mask to be rebuilt in the
- You have just created the alternate buffer and rendered its image for the first time. Any time a context is activated, the transparency mask is built automatically.
- You have modified the overlay image in such a way that you need a different transparency mask.
parameter and instructions as to which pixels to make transparent in theinTransparencyValue
parameter.If you have modified only a subsection of the alternate buffer, you can invalidate the rectangles enclosing the areas you have modified with the DSpAltBuffer_InvalRect function (page 2-65) and then rebuild the transparency mask for those areas only.
Do not call this function during an interrupt.