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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 2 - DrawSprocket / DrawSprocket Reference
DrawSprocket Functions / Utility Functions


During debugging you can use the DSpSetDebugMode function to keep the screen and system resources visible at all times.

OSStatus DSpSetDebugMode   (Boolean inDebugMode);
true if the desktop display is to remain visible, even after fading; false otherwise.
During development, if you drop into the debugger when the display has been faded out, you cannot fade the display back in so that you can see the debugger screen. Calling the DSpSetDebugMode function with the inDebugMode flag set to a value of true causes your program to enter a mode in which the blanking window is not drawn and every fade operation (either in or out) causes only a partial dimming and immediate restoration of the screen intensity. Calling this function with the inDebugMode flag set to a value of false ends the mode and resumes normal operation.

To make use of this function, you must call it before activating your context. Once the blanking window is in place, this function effects only gamma fades.

This function is ignored in nondebugging builds of DrawSprocket.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996