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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 2 - DrawSprocket / DrawSprocket Reference
Application-Defined Functions /


You can use the MyEventHandler function to allow your game to handle events during the display of the device-selection dialog box.

pascal Boolean MyEventHandler (
			EventRecord *event);
A pointer to an event record.
function result
Returns true if your game has handled the event, false if not.
The MyEventHandler function returns true if your game handled the event specified in the event parameter; it returns false if it did not. Calls to MyEventHandler result from a call to the DSpUserSelectContext function. If you pass a pointer to this callback function to DSpUserSelectContext, your game can handle events, such as update events, that occur while the dialog box is displayed.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996