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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 3 - InputSprocket / InputSprocket Reference

Built-in Element Kinds

Use these constants to specify the kind of data an element produces and to identify virtual elements. Element kind constants are used in the ISpElementInfo structure and by the ISpElementList_ExtractByKind function.

enum {
   kISpElementKind_Button = 'butn',
   kISpElementKind_DPad = 'dpad',
   kISpElementKind_Axis = 'axis',
   kISpElementKind_Movement = 'move'
   kISpElementKind_Virtual = 'virt'
Constant descriptions

Button data.
Directional pad data.
Axis data, either with or without a meaningful center position (as determined by the ISpAxisConfigurationInfo data structure).
Movement data that is given both as x-y axis data and directional pad data, allowing the game to use whichever is suitable.
A virtual element created by the ISpElement_NewVirtual function. Those created by the ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds function have the element kind specified by the need structure they correspond to.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996