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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 3 - InputSprocket / InputSprocket Reference
Data Structures

Device Definition Structure

A device definition structure provides all the information about the input device available within the system. A device definition structure is defined by the ISpDeviceDefinition data type.

typedef struct ISpDeviceDefinition {
   Str63             deviceName; 
   ISpDeviceClass    theDeviceClass;
   ISpDeviceIdentifier theDeviceIdentifier;
   UInt32            permanentId;                    
   UInt32            flags;
   UInt32            reserved1;
   UInt32            reserved2;
   UInt32            reserved3;
} ISpDeviceDefinition;
Field Description
A human readable string with the name of the device.
The general category of device--for example, joystick, keyboard, mouse, and so on. There are built-in values for the theDeviceClass parameter, and device driver developers may create new ones. For a list of built-in values see "Built-in Device Categories" (page 3-18).
The registered four-character sequence that identifies the type of device.
An ID that identifies the device even after rebooting. If the device driver cannot distinguish this device from other devices with the same value for theDeviceIdentifier, this field should be 0.
Status flags.
Reserved. Always set this field to 0.
Reserved. Always set this field to 0.
Reserved. Always set this field to 0.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996