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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 3 - InputSprocket / InputSprocket Reference
Data Structures

Directional Pad Configuration Information Structure

The directional pad configuration information structure provides information used during configuration and in interpreting directional pad element data. For each element of kind kISpElementKind_DPad, the device driver fills out a directional pad configuration information structure, which is stored by InputSprocket. A directional pad configuration information structure is defined by the ISpDPadConfigurationInfo data type.

typedef struct {
   UInt32         id;
   Boolean        fourWayPad;
} ISpDPadConfigurationInfo;
Field Description
Use this ID to indicate which directional pad to assign first during configuration if the device has more than one directional pad element. A lower value indicates priority. A value of 0 means use the directional pads in any order.
This value is true if the pad can produce only four directions plus idle.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996