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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 3 - InputSprocket / InputSprocket Reference

The InputSprocket Set List Resource

You use a set list resource to specify a list of initial saved sets of preferences for the various devices that a user might use to play your game. A set list resource allows you to have one default configuration as well as various other named configurations. A set list resource is of type 'setl'.

The set list resource contains the following elements:

The set list entry record contains the following elements:

kSetListEntrySelectedMask = 0x000000001
kSetListEntryIsSelected = 0x000000001 // set list entry is selected
kSetListEntryNotSelected = 0x000000000 // set list entry is not
                            	   // selected
For the second field you should OR in kSetListEntryDefaultEntry if you want this entry to be the default; otherwise, OR in kSetListEntryAppEntry.

kSetListEntryWhoMask = 0x000000006
kSetListEntryNormalEntry = 0x000000000// a normal user-created
                               	  	// entry
kSetListEntryDefaultEntry = 0x000000002 // the default entry
kSetListEntryAppEntry = 0x000000004// an application-provided
                                	 // entry
kSetListEntryDriverEntry = 0x000000006// a driver-provided entry

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996