Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
function determines the order in which strings in two different scripts should be sorted.
FUNCTION ScriptOrder (script1, script2: ScriptCode): Integer;
- The script code of the first script.
- The script code of the second script.
takes a pair of script codes and determines in which order strings from the first script system should be sorted relative to strings from the second script system. It returns a value that indicates the sorting order: -1 if strings in the first script should be sorted before strings in the second script are sorted, 1 if strings in the first script should be sorted after strings in the second script are sorted, or 0 if the sorting order does not matter (that is, if the scripts are the same).The script code values are listed in the chapter "Script Manager" in this book.
- Note
- Text of the system script is always first in a sorted list, regardless of the result returned by this function.
may move memory; your application should not call this function at interrupt time.ASSEMBLY-LANGUAGE INFORMATION
The trap macro and routine selector for theScriptOrder
function are
Trap macro Selector _Pack6 $001E