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Documentation > Mac OS 8 and 9 > Legacy Services > QuickDraw GX

QuickDraw GX

QuickDraw GX provides an advanced imaging framework that combines color, graphics, fonts, text, and printing. Apple discontinued support for QuickDraw GX printing as of Mac OS 8 but maintained support for other QuickDraw GX technologies. Mac OS 8.5 is the last Mac OS release that will support any QuickDraw GX technologies.

Apple is introducing Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging (ATSUI) to replace QuickDraw GX's text rendering features. ATSUI enables the rendering of Unicode text using many of the same high-quality typography capabilities proivided by QuickDraw GX. Apple recommends that GX developers transition to ATSUI at their first opportunity.

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QuickDraw GX



    Inside Macintosh Documents
QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities
This document describes memory management, debugging, stream format, and mathematics in QuickDraw GX, as well as the Message Manager, Collection Manager and how GX interfaces with the Mac OS environment.

QuickDraw GX Graphics
This document describes how to create graphics with QuickDraw GX. It includes concepts and programming examples, as well as reference material covering QuickDraw GX graphics functions, data types, and constants.

QuickDraw GX Objects
This document introduces the QuickDraw GX object-based approach to graphics programming, providing a basic understanding of objects and how to manipulate them.

QuickDraw GX Printing
This document describes how to implement printing in the QuickDraw GX environment, including how to support printing-related dialog boxes and events, implement a print loop, and customize printing features.

QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions and Drivers
This document describes how to design and develop printing extensions and drivers for use with QuickDraw GX.

QuickDraw GX Programmer's Overview
This document introduces QuickDraw GX and provides code recipes that demonstrate typical uses of this technology.

QuickDraw GX Typography
This document describes how to use QuickDraw GX to add powerful and sophisticated text-handling capabilities to your application. It presents an overview of typographic concepts, numerous programming examples, and reference material for the data structures and functions you use to create text with QuickDraw GX.