Leopard Reference
This page lists new and recently changed documents, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Most documents have a revision history, which details additions and changes to that document since the previous version. Look for "Revision History" at the bottom of the document or in the document's table of contents.

Items are listed in reverse chronological order by publication date. To see the list sorted by the type of revision, click Sort by Revision Type. Items published for the first time (First Version) will be at the top of the list, followed by items with new or changed content (Content Update), followed by items with small fixes, such as typos and format errors, but no significant content changes (Minor Change).

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Document Revision Descriptions
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2009-01-15 Quartz Window Services Reference (HTML)
New document that describes the interface for retrieving information about windows.
First Version Carbon
2009-03-04 CAMediaTiming Protocol Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Documented kCAFillModeFrozen as deprecated.
Minor Change Cocoa, Quartz
2009-03-04 CGPDFOperatorTable Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Clarified memory management function use in Introduction.
Minor Change Quartz
2009-03-04 IKSlideshowDataSource Protocol Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Adding note that data source methods may be called on secondary threads.
Minor Change Cocoa, Quartz
2009-03-04 NSWindow Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Fixed several typographical errors, added information to setFrameAutosaveName:, and documented several undocumented symbols.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-02-04 CALayer Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added -init method description.
Minor Change Cocoa, Quartz
2009-02-04 NSShadow Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a description for NSShadow's init method.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-02-04 NSView Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected typos.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 CGDataProvider Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added entries for the CGDataProviderCopyData and CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename functions.
Minor Change Quartz
2009-01-06 CGGeometry Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the descriptions of the CGRectMinYEdge and CGRectMaxYEdge constants to reflect the different coordinate system possibilities.
Minor Change Quartz
2009-01-06 NSBitmapImageRep Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the descriptions of the initWithCGImage: and initWithCIImage: methods.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 NSColor Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added definition for NSAppKitVersionNumberWithPatternColorLeakFix macro.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 NSImage Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the description of the alignmentRect method.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 NSImageRep Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a definition for the NSImageRepRegistryChangedNotification macro.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 NSPanel Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added information about NSHUDWindowMask constant.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 NSScreen Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the information regarding what constitutes the main screen.
Minor Change Cocoa
2008-11-19 Application Kit Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added NSTextInputClient Protocol Reference.
Minor Change Cocoa
2008-11-19 Quartz Display Services Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the description of the CGGetDisplaysWithRect function.
Minor Change Carbon, Hardware & Drivers, Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFArray Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFContentStream Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFDictionary Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFObject Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFScanner Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFStream Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added a note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 CGPDFString Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the note about not retaining and releasing this object.
Minor Change Quartz
2008-10-15 NSBox Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected descriptions of getter methods in "Customizing" method group, setTitleFont:, and titleFont.
Minor Change Cocoa
2008-10-15 NSOpenGLPixelFormat Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Updated the the constants section to reflect changes in Mac OS X v10.5.
Minor Change Cocoa, OpenGL
2008-09-09 CGColorSpace Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added information on color spaces and detailed gamma functions.
Minor Change Quartz