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The Reference Library is a comprehensive collection of Apple technical resources, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Each of the links below leads to the resources for a specific topic.

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ABMultiValue Reference for C (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the opaque type for accessing Address Book properties with multiple values.
Carbon Reference 2003-08-20
ABMutableMultiValue Reference for C (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the opaque type for accessing Address Book properties with multiple values.
Apple Applications Reference 2003-08-20
Non Mac OS X Bundled data-fork based Resources (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1098: Mac OS X Bundled data-fork based Resources
Carbon, Mac OS X Server Technical Q&As 2003-08-20
OTEndpointInfo (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Demonstrates how to query an endpoint for its 'vital statistic' using OTGetEndpointInfo.
Carbon, Networking Sample Code 2003-08-20
Using a QuickTime time base callback to detect when a movie has stopped (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1282: Using a QuickTime time base callback (NewCallBack) to detect when a movie has stopped.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-08-12
Speech (HTML) (PDF)
Explains Cocoa's interfaces to the speech synthesis and speech recognition technologies.
Cocoa, User Experience Guides 2003-08-08
Collections Programming Topics for Core Foundation (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to group objects in arrays, sets, or dictionaries in Core Foundation.
Carbon, Core Foundation, Open Source Guides 2003-08-07
Bluetooth Radio Power Class for Apple Systems (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1278: Notes Preferred Bluetooth Transmitter Characteristics for products designed for Apple Systems.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2003-08-06
Optimizing an Xserve for Web Hosting (HTML)
Learn how to configure and optimize an Xserve to ensure fast, robust web hosting.
Internet & Web, Mac OS X Server, Networking Articles 2003-08-06
Security Credentials (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1277: Discusses AuthorizationCopyRights and the relationship between Authorization Services, authorization sessions, Security Server, credentials, and the credentials cache.
Security Technical Q&As 2003-08-06
Customizing Component Border Colors (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1272: Retaining Aqua background for JComboBox menus with custom control borders.
Java Technical Q&As 2003-07-31
Printing Plug-in Interfaces Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the various callback interfaces that Mac OS X printing plug-ins implement in Carbon.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Printing Reference 2003-07-31
GrabBag (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates variety of techniques and features of Carbon. DataBrowser , PBCatalogSearchAsync, Overlay windows, Tab controls, more...
Carbon Sample Code 2003-07-29
TextLinks (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Programmatically creates links to URLs and other objects and handles clicks in non-URL links.
Cocoa Sample Code 2003-07-29
BasicPlugIn (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses the CFPlugin to locate, load, execute plugin. Derived from the SillyBalls sample.
Carbon, Porting Sample Code 2003-07-28
X11CallCarbonAndCocoa (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates a double clickable X11 application which performs various "native" Mac OS X operations.
Mac OS X Server, Open Source, Porting, User Experience Sample Code 2003-07-28
Using Ink Services in Your Application (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how Ink Services works and how to customize handwriting recognition.
Carbon, Text & Fonts Guides 2003-07-24
Filtering QuickTime media types in Navigation Services (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1274: Describes how to filter QuickTime media types in a Navigation Services filter procedure.
Carbon, QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-07-23
CopyBits vs. CopyMask (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - CopyBits (using a mask region) vs. CopyMask (using a mask BitMap). Which do you think is faster?
Carbon, Performance Sample Code 2003-07-22
The Data Browser GetDataBrowserUserState API (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1270: Explains a problematic Data Browser API definition and how to work around it.
Carbon Technical Q&As 2003-07-22
Deprecated - A library for calling Open Transport synchronously from preemptively scheduled tasks (MP tasks).
Carbon, Networking Sample Code 2003-07-22
OTPingSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Demonstrates how to implement ping on top of the Open Transport API.
Carbon, Networking Sample Code 2003-07-22
Simple DrawSprocket (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Simple use of DrawSprocket to set screen resolution and size.
Carbon, Games Sample Code 2003-07-22
TE Over Background (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - A textEdit that shows old text editing over a colored background
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, User Experience Sample Code 2003-07-22
CallMachOFramework (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows two ways of calling a Mach-O framework from a CFM application on Mac OS X.
Carbon, Cocoa Sample Code 2003-07-17
CFM application calls Mach-O routine, passing in a fixed up CFM function pointer as a callback parameter.
Carbon, Cocoa Sample Code 2003-07-17
CGImageRef contents are immutable (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1276: Explains that CGImageRef contents are considered immutable once created.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2003-07-17
Cocoa CG aliasing demo (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to draw both aliased and anti-aliased text and graphics using Quartz and Cocoa.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-17
Cocoa CG arc demo (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to draw both aliased and anti-aliased arcs using Quartz and Cocoa.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-17
DeviceListener (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses the DiscRecording framework to listen for device plug/unplug events and media insertion events.
Cocoa Sample Code 2003-07-17
Server-Side Java with the Struts Framework on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn how to combine such things as Servlets, JSP, and custom Struts tag libraries using Struts.
Internet & Web, Java, Tools Articles 2003-07-17
Draw Pixels (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An example of the correct use of DrawPixels.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-16
Monochrome Image (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Applies the NTSC color weighting formula to an image to generate a monochrome version of the image.
Cocoa Sample Code 2003-07-16
Sequence Grabber Source, Video, and Channel Bounds (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1250: Explains the QuickTime Sequence Grabber's relationship between the Source, Video, and Channel Bounds when capturing video.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-07-16
TextureRange (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows the fundamental techniques required to fast texture upload performance.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-16
Tioga PostScript Printing Plugins in Mac OS X 10.2 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1085: Why Tioga printing plugins for PostScript printing aren't called on Mac OS X 10.2 and later.
Graphics & Imaging, Printing Technical Q&As 2003-07-14
HID Manager Basics (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows basic use of HID Manager for Mac OS X: including device discovery, queues and polling elements.
Games, Hardware & Drivers, User Experience Sample Code 2003-07-10
Image Decompressor Data-loading Procs (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMCC19: Explains how to use an image decompressor's data-loading proc.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-07-10
SampleButtonPlugin (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to write a TWAIN button listener plug-in code module.
Apple Applications Sample Code 2003-07-10
SampleDS (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to implement a TWAIN Data Source (DS) for Mac OS X.
Apple Applications Sample Code 2003-07-10
AGLSurfaceTexture (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Example of render to texture/texture from surface using aglSurfaceTexture.
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-07
Carbon GLSnapshot (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the use of OpenGL with Quicktime to capture OpenGL content.
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging, QuickTime Sample Code 2003-07-07
NURBSSurfaceVertexProg (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses a vertex program to compute the vertex position for a NURB surface.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-07
SurfaceVertexProgram (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Vertex program that demonstrates the use of a UV mesh to draw an implicit surface.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-07
A simple example of how to create an OpenGLView in AppKit.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-07
Vertex Optimization (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows examples of optimized vertex throughput.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-07-07
DRAM DIMM power pin connections for Macintosh Computers (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1271: Discusses design considerations for DRAM DIMM power pin connections for Macintosh Computers.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2003-07-04
Driver Tuning on Panther or G5 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2090: Describes potential issues when using drivers in Panther or later, or on a Power Macintosh G5.
Darwin Technical Notes 2003-06-24
Maximizing Mac OS X Application Performance (HTML)
Learn how to achieve better performance on Mac OS X.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, Performance, Tools Articles 2003-06-23
FireWire: DCL Programs Under Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2072: Describes the structure and creation of DCL programs under Mac OS X.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Notes 2003-06-21
I/O Kit Power Controller (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2076: Describes code to include in a KEXT in order to register for power management events.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Notes 2003-06-20
Full Screen changes in QuickTime 6.1 and 6.3 (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2068: Changes made to the QuickTime Full Screen API with the release of QuickTime6.1 and QuickTime6.3
QuickTime Technical Notes 2003-06-19
TWAIN Data Sources for Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2088: Describes how to implement a TWAIN Data Source (DS) for Mac OS X
QuickTime Technical Notes 2003-06-19
Updating OpenGL Contexts (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1209: When and why to update an OpenGL context in response to system and user actions.
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2003-06-19
Using FXScript (PDF)
Explains how to use the FXScript feature in Final Cut Pro.
Apple Applications Guides 2003-06-14
Program sample demonstrates how to send and receive raw LLC Ethernet packets.
Carbon, Core Foundation, Hardware & Drivers, Mac OS X Server, Networking, Performance, Security Sample Code 2003-06-12
Power adapter Sensing for the 17" PowerBook (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1266: Details Design and detection considerations for 17-inch PowerBook power adapters
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2003-06-12
Java 1.4.1 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Java Release Notes 2003-06-11
Can't attach during two-machine debugging with GDB (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - QA1019: Describes a workaround for a problem attaching during two-machine debugging on Mac OS X 10.0.x.
Darwin, Tools Technical Q&As 2003-06-02
QuickTime 6.3 + 3GPP (HTML) (PDF)
Summarizes features, changes, and new capabilities of QuickTime 6.3 plus 3GPP.
QuickTime Guides 2003-06-01
Power Management for Macintosh; getting started (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2075: Outlines available documentation and its location for power management on Mac OS X and OS 9.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Notes 2003-05-30
Java for WebObjects Developers (PDF)
Introduces Java concepts and terms to WebObjects developers. Includes exercises for developing Java expertise in WebObjects.
Internet & Web, Java, Mac OS X Server, Tools Guides 2003-05-27
Sproing (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how "springs" work to control view resizing behavior.
Cocoa, Tools Sample Code 2003-05-20
Demonstrates the basics of writing an Internet setup assistant for traditional Mac OS and Mac OS X.
Carbon, Darwin, Networking, Security Sample Code 2003-05-15
BasicDataBrowser (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to create a basic, functional data browser.
Carbon Sample Code 2003-05-08
FunkyOverlayWindow (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates several window layering, transparency and widget interaction techniques in Cocoa.
Cocoa Sample Code 2003-05-08
Glyph Access Protocol (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2079: How to support unencoded glyphs using the TSM, ATSUI and Cocoa.
Carbon, Internationalization Technical Notes 2003-05-06
Migrating to FSRefs & long Unicode names from FSSpecs (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2078: Answers and coding techniques to commonly asked questions about adopting FSRefs and long file names.
Carbon Technical Notes 2003-05-06
How do I count the frames in an MPEG movie? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QTMTB54: Talks about using the QuickTime Movie Toolbox function GetMovieNextInterestingTime with MPEG media tracks.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-05-02
Internet Config Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the legacy technology for managing Internet preferences in Classic Mac OS.
Carbon, Networking Reference 2003-05-01
Programming With the Language Analysis Manager (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how morpholgical analysis is performed by the system.
Carbon, Internationalization Guides 2003-05-01
Using the Japanese Analysis Engine and Access Method (HTML) (PDF)
Describes dictionary access and the environments used by the Japanese Analysis Engine.
Carbon, Internationalization Guides 2003-05-01
FunWithFileDialogs (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demo of the AWT FileChooser and Swing Aqua JFileChooser, and available Mac-specific runtime options.
Java Sample Code 2003-04-30
CubePuzzle (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Models a Rubik's Cube using Cocoa and OpenGL
Cocoa, Games, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-04-21
Empty Memory Objects (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1259: Describes how two memory management edge cases are handled by the common Mac OS memory allocators.
Carbon, Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2003-04-21
GLChildWindowDemo (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows using Cocoa's child windows and Quartz Extreme to provide 2D/3D overlays above 3D content.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-04-21
OpenGLCompositorLab (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates using OpenGL to composite multiple sources in hardware. Requires NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti hardware.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, QuickTime Sample Code 2003-04-21
Is ColorSync thread safe? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1261: Discusses ColorSync thread-safety issues.
Carbon, Cocoa, Games, Graphics & Imaging, Mac OS X Server, Performance, QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-04-17
Notifying the Finder of changed or newly created files (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1260: Recommended approach to notifying the Finder to update its open windows of a file creation or change.
Carbon Technical Q&As 2003-04-15
PPPoE Server for Testing (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1252: Describes how to configure Mac OS X as a PPPoE server for testing purposes.
Carbon, Cocoa, Networking Technical Q&As 2003-04-11
Can I have parameters of type typeHIRect instead of type typeQDRectangle in my kEventControlBoundsChanged message handler? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1246: Details the automatic coercions between QuickDraw and Quartz types provided by the Carbon Event Parameter accessors.
Carbon Technical Q&As 2003-04-03
Collection Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for implementing an abstract data type that stores related pieces of information.
Carbon Reference 2003-04-01
'dynamic shared library not made a weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET...' bug (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1233: Why 'ld' may give a warning about the Mac OS X_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable and its failure to weak link.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-04-01
Language Analysis Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Carbon shared library that performs morphological analysis for Japanese text.
Carbon, Internationalization Reference 2003-04-01
Mixed Mode Manager Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the interface that supports PowerPC computers running 680x0 code.
Carbon Reference 2003-04-01
CarbonInCocoa (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
How to use Carbon GUI code in a Cocoa application.
Carbon, Cocoa Sample Code 2003-03-26
FSSetCatalogInfo versus UID and GID (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1251: Describes why FSSetCatalogInfo does not set the UID and GID of the file, and provides a work around.
Carbon, Cocoa Technical Q&As 2003-03-26
Internet Connect Speed (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1165: Describes how to get the modem connection speed from the System Configuration framework dynamic store.
Carbon, Core Foundation, Games, Internet & Web, Mac OS X Server, Networking Technical Q&As 2003-03-26
SimpleSpeechRecExample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to use the Speech Recognition Manager in a simple application.
Audio, Carbon, Games, User Experience Sample Code 2003-03-26
Disabling QuickTime Error Dialogs When Opening or Tasking a Movie (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1164: How to disable QuickTime error dialogs which may be presented when opening or tasking a movie.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-03-20
Project Builder 2.1 needs projects to be checked into CVS to enable CVS support (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1245: Explains how to workaround a bug in Project Builder that blocks CVS functionality.
Tools Technical Q&As 2003-03-20
QuickTime Error -2127 qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr Explained (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1244: QuickTime qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr error code (-2127) occurs when the user's Connection Speed preference setting is too slow.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-03-20
QTMusicToo (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Shows all of the QuickTime Music features introduced with QuickTime 2.0.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-03-19
MeterTest (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Sampling of sound input using SPBGetDeviceInfo(). Metering is then turned on and sampling is repeated.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-03-14
Sound PreMixer effect (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - A sound manager pre-mixer effect component.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-03-14
Out of This GWorld (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Demonstrates the use of offscreen GWorlds and palette animation to simulate animation.
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging, User Experience Sample Code 2003-03-12
TubeTest (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - The program is a simple demonstration of how to use the Palette Manager in a color program.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-03-12
Using cmpWantsRegisterMessage not recommended on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1192: Describes why using the cmpWantsRegisterMessage flag is not recommended on Mac OS X.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-03-11
How can I verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld? (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1243: Techniques to verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-03-05
Viewing multi-page PDF files (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1247: How to draw each page of a multi-page PDF document using the QuickTime movie importers.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2003-03-05