Version: 1.1

Posted: 2005-08-01

Build Requirements: XCode 2.1, XCode 2.0

Runtime Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4, or Mac OS X 10.3.9 and QuickTime 7.0

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QTKitSimpleDocument shows how to build the simplest document-based Cocoa application that opens and displays QuickTime movies.

This sample code has been updated to include a project that produces a universal binary. No code changes were required for it to run correctly on the Developer Transition Systems.

In the Open panel, files with .mov extensions or 'MooV' file types are selectable. When the user selects a file, it opens in a document window.

This sample does not resize the movie window to conform to the natural size of the movie.

Notice that we use setAttribute:forKey to make the movie editable. The Edit menu items then work automagically to support basic movie editing. We do however need to override saveDocument: to save the edited movie.

Document Revision History

Date Notes
2005-08-01Updated to produce a universal binary. No code changes were required.
2005-06-01The simplest document-based Cocoa application that opens and displays QuickTime movies

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