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Leopard Technical Notes
Cocoa is an object-oriented application environment designed for developing Mac OS X native applications. The Cocoa frameworks support rapid development and high productivity. Cocoa provides developers starting new Mac OS X projects the fastest way to full-featured implementations. Applications from other platforms can also be brought to Mac OS X quickly using Cocoa.

A guided introduction and learning path for developers new to Cocoa.   Essential information for developers using Objective-C.   Objective-C API references organized by framework.
Document Descriptions
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Ensuring Backwards Binary Compatibility - Weak Linking and Availability Macros on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2064: Ensuring that Mach-O applications built using today's Mac OS X runs on previous versions of the OS.
Design Guidelines 2003-02-18
Frequently Asked Text Services Manager (TSM) Questions (HTML)
TN2128: Regroups a collection of Text Services Manager (TSM) questions frequently asked by Input Method Developers
Events & Other Input 2005-06-24
Using Secure Event Input Fairly (HTML)
TN2150: Describes the proper use of EnableSecureEventInput.
Events & Other Input 2007-06-08
Exclusive File Access in Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2037: Covers exclusive file access In Mac OS X
File Management 2002-05-01
File Manager Performance and Caching (HTML)
FL16: Discusses traditional Mac OS file system input/output performance issues and the File Manager's volume cache.
File Management 2000-09-01
HFS Plus Volume Format (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN1150: Describes the physical layout of an HFS Plus volume.
File Management 2004-03-05
Querying Metadata With Spotlight (HTML)
TN2192: Describes how a Cocoa application can search Spotlight metadata.
File Management 2007-06-04
Resolving Alias Files Quietly (HTML)
FL30: Describes how to resolve alias files on remote volumes without user interaction.
File Management 1999-11-01
OpenGL Release Highlights - Mac OS X 10.3 Panther (HTML)
TN2131: Contains a list of bugs along with a short description on a release-by-release basis
Games 2005-02-04
Getting images in and out from Quartz Composer compositions (HTML)
TN2143: Describes how to efficiently pass images into and out of Quartz Composer
Graphics & Imaging 2005-10-04
Making the most of Cocoa bindings in Quartz Composer (HTML)
TN2146: Describes how to best use Cocoa bindings with Quartz Composer.
Graphics & Imaging 2006-03-03
OpenGL Release Highlights - Mac OS X 10.3 Panther (HTML)
TN2131: Contains a list of bugs along with a short description on a release-by-release basis
Graphics & Imaging 2005-02-04
Understanding and Detecting OpenGL Functionality (HTML)
TN2080: Discusses OpenGL API design, and how to access the full power of hardware and software renderers.
Graphics & Imaging 2003-12-29
Working Around Incorrect -needsToDrawRect: Behavior in Custom View Classes (HTML)
TN2107: Describes how to work around a bug in NSView's -needsToDrawRect: method.
Graphics & Imaging 2007-01-22
JNI Development on Mac OS X (HTML)
TN2147: Discusses use of native APIs and UI elements from Java applications
Java 2006-04-17
The Enhanced Print Apple Event (HTML)
TN2082: Describes an enhancement to the print Apple event that gives developers more control over scripted printing.
Printing 2003-12-09
Daemons and Agents (HTML)
TN2083: Describes the most common problems encountered with daemons and agents, and suggests detailed solutions.
Process Management 2007-11-05
Observing Process Lifetimes Without Polling (HTML)
TN2050: Shows a variety of methods to observe process lifetimes without polling.
Process Management 2008-09-10
Using collection classes safely with multithreaded applications (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2059: Describes some problems with and workarounds for using mutable collection classes in multithreaded applications.
Process Management 2002-09-10
Managing QTCompressionOptions - An overview of the QTCompressionOptionsWindow sample (HTML)
TN2219: Introductory overview of the QTCompressionOptionsWindow sample demonstrating one way to manage QTCompressionOptions objects.
QuickTime 2008-03-11
QTKit Frequently Asked Questions (HTML)
TN2138: Provides answers to many frequently asked QTKit questions.
QuickTime 2008-04-24
Tagging Handle and Pointer Data References in QuickTime (HTML)
TN1195: The use of data reference extensions used by QuickTime to tag handle and pointer data references.
QuickTime 2006-08-30
Thread-safe programming in QuickTime (HTML)
TN2125: Discusses how to use QuickTime from background threads for applications and component developers.
QuickTime 2007-09-14
Ensuring Backwards Binary Compatibility - Weak Linking and Availability Macros on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2064: Ensuring that Mach-O applications built using today's Mac OS X runs on previous versions of the OS.
Runtime Architecture 2003-02-18
Scripting Interface Guidelines (HTML)
TN2106: Directions for providing a clean and consistent scripting interface for your application.
Scripting & Automation 2004-03-01
Using AppleScript Scripts in Cocoa Applications (HTML)
TN2084: Explains how to work with AppleScript scripts in your Cocoa application.
Scripting & Automation 2006-09-19
Mac OS X Code Signing In Depth (HTML)
TN2206: Intermediate to expert level overview of code signing that details specific options and gotchas
Security 2008-08-06
Using Secure Event Input Fairly (HTML)
TN2150: Describes the proper use of EnableSecureEventInput.
Security 2007-06-08
Frequently Asked Text Services Manager (TSM) Questions (HTML)
TN2128: Regroups a collection of Text Services Manager (TSM) questions frequently asked by Input Method Developers
Text & Fonts 2005-06-24
Mac OS X 10.2 (HTML)
TN2053: Describes software development-related changes provided in system software update Mac OS X 10.2.
Tools 2002-09-04
Mac OS X: v10.1.1 - v10.1.3 (HTML)
TN2043: Describes changes provided by system software updates 10.1.1 through 10.1.3.
Tools 2002-03-06
Creating an About Panel in Your Cocoa Application (HTML)
TN2179: Describes different ways in implementing your Cocoa application's "About" panel.
User Experience 2007-01-22
Guide to Creating Kiosks on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2062: Discusses techniques used in creating applications which require kiosk-like functionality on Mac OS X.
User Experience 2003-02-24
Querying Metadata With Spotlight (HTML)
TN2192: Describes how a Cocoa application can search Spotlight metadata.
User Experience 2007-06-04
Using AppleScript Scripts in Cocoa Applications (HTML)
TN2084: Explains how to work with AppleScript scripts in your Cocoa application.
User Experience 2006-09-19