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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:
Determining whether
If (EmptyRect(&(**myPicture).picFrame)) |
InitGraf rect
callDate Written: 12/16/92
Last reviewed: 3/1/93
The Random
function call listed in QuickDraw.h can't be called from MPW tools
without crashing my system. It appears to work when the function is called from
applications or cdevs. What could be causing this problem?
Use SANE's RandomX
function instead of QuickDraw's Random
function if possible
because it gives you better randomness. If you do use QuickDraw's Random
function, be sure to call InitGraf rect
before calling Random
from any application
or tool. InitGraf rect
initializes a set of QuickDraw global variables for use with
the QuickDraw tools; these globals must be initialized because the Random
function uses one of them as a seed to generate the random number.
Normally, it's not good practice to call initialization routines from within an
MPW tool, but calling InitGraf rect
is OK. For more information on which initialization routines are OK
to call and which ones aren't, see page 7 in the MPW Tools chapter of Building and Managing Programs
in MPW.
Sometimes it isn't obvious when you need to call InitGraf rect
before using the
function. For example, if you're using the Macintosh serial tool in a
faceless background application, you'll need to initialize QuickDraw because
the tool calls Random
Date Written: 12/8/92
Last reviewed: 3/1/93
The Icon Utilities routine GetIconCacheData rect
leaves two bytes of garbage on the
stack. This surfaced as a problem for me because it prevented a saved register
from getting restored properly. SetIconCacheData rect
probably has the same problem,
since it calls the same trap internally. I solved the problem by encapsulating
GetIconCacheData rect
within my own static function, like so:
static OSErr _GetIconCacheData rect( Handle theCache, void **theData ) { return GetIconCacheData rect( theCache, theData ); } #define GetIconCacheData rect _GetIconCacheData rect |
I then call GetIconCacheData rect
normally. The #define redirects my call to my
static wrapper function. The extra two bytes on the stack are recovered when
the wrapper function UNLKs and returns. This method has the advantage that the
calling code will still work even after the trap is fixed. Am I correct?
You're quite correct; this is a bug in GetIconCacheData rect
and SetIconCacheData rect
Here's the offending code from the source:
EXIT MOVEA.L (SP)+, A0 ; Pop return address into A0 ADDQ.L #6, SP ; Point stack at return value MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; Put return value on the stack JMP (A0) ; Return |
As you can see, the exit routine is adding 6 to the stack to clear up the input parameters instead of 8 (handle and handle), so an extra word of garbage is being left on the stack. Thanks for letting us know about the problem.
and DrawString patched to be script awareDate Written: 11/16/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
While localizing our software, we were told not to assume that a character is
only one byte, and thus not to use DrawChar. Does this mean that we can't use
or DrawString
takes a one-byte character as a parameter, so it isn't suitable for
drawing a character whose internal representation requires two bytes. However, DrawText
and DrawString
(both end up in the same bottleneck procedure StdText) are patched in script-aware systems, and do
recognize whether a given byte in a given font-script still corresponds to a one-byte character,
or is the first byte of a two-byte character. In the latter case, it transparently fetches the
next byte, and looks up the right glyph encoded by a double byte, before actually drawing
the glyph.
Date Written: 6/1/92
Last reviewed: 9/15/92
If I call InitGraf rect
before I reference CurrentA5
, will CurrentA5
be valid and
can the QuickDraw globals be referenced off it? The screenBits
bounds values
seem screwy on some machines. Does the problem lie with CurrentA5
? Should I be
referencing A5?
Here's the process used by ShowINIT
, which is remarkably compatible with system
software and other INITs (and it had better be, because it's used by more than
half the system extensions available):
global to restore it later.CurrentA5
global.InitGraf rect
, passing a pointer to the thePort field of a QuickDraw globals structure.CurrentA5
global.To summarize, ShowINIT
saves the A5, creates and initializes its own A5 world,
does its drawing, then restores the previous A5 world. For more information on this subject, see the
Macintosh Technical Note "Stand-Alone Code."
Date Written: 4/23/92
Last reviewed: 7/13/92
Our zooming function crashes into flames when we pass valid coordinate values
to LineTo
, as in the following example:
SetPort(myPort); MoveTo(154,31619); LineTo(74, -31742); (* You are dead! *) |
What can we do to avoid LineTo
crashes like this?
The QuickDraw Engineering group is aware of the problem you described. The bug probably is going to be fixed in the next release that includes bug fixes. Given that waiting for a system solution may demand more patience than is reasonable, you may want to consider including in your software some form of workaround that will prevent your users from crashing every time an operation takes the software to the limits of QuickDraw.
One way to approach this problem is to replace the lineProc
bottleneck. All you
need to do is to check the distance between the current pen position and the line's end, and when the distance
becomes too big (let's say more than 32000) your procedure will call StdLine
a couple of times,
splitting the operation in two.
Replacing the bottlenecks is a very straightforward operation (which you are probably already using) and in most of the cases will only result in another level of indirection into StdLine but that will prevent your program from calling QuickDraw with parameters that are guaranteed to cause crashes.
Date Written: 3/3/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
The Macintosh QuickDraw routine ObscureCursor
hides the cursor until the next
time the mouse is moved, but it isn't affected by HideCursor
or ShowCursor
. Our
application needs to use ObscureCursor
while the user is typing but needs the
cursor to be visible after no typing has occurred for a short period. How do we
"undo" ObscureCursor
, since we can't rely on the user to move the mouse?
The only way (besides actual mouse movement) to make an obscured cursor visible again is to convince the system that the mouse has moved. There's no really good way to do this via Toolbox calls, so you're going to have to do it the hard way and simply update the low-memory cursor information to tell the system the cursor moved (even though you don't need to update the actual position).
To tell the system the cursor has changed location, simply set the crsrNew
(a byte located at $08CE
) to 1. When the system sees this byte is 1, it will
assume the cursor has moved and redraw the unobscured cursor at the appropriate
place (where it was all along), and reset CrsrNew
, waiting for the mouse to
move again.
Date Written: 2/27/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I can't get the black-and-white version of my lasso-type tool to work correctly
with CalcMask
and CopyMask
. With CalcCMask
it seems to work fine. What could I
be doing wrong?
and CalcCMask
are similar in that they both generate a 1-bit mask
given a source bitmap. With CalcCMask
, though, a pixMap can be used in place of
the source bitmap; the seedRGB
determines which color sets the bits in the mask
image. An easy mistake to make is to forget that CalcCMask
accepts a pointer to
a bitmap data structure while CalcMask
expects a pointer to the actual bit
image. And unlike CalcCMask
, which uses bounding Rects
for the image's
dimensions, CalcMask
uses the bitmap's rowBytes
and pixel image offsets to
determine the bounding Rects for the image. A typical call to these routines
would be:
BitMap source, mask; CalcMask (source.baseAddr, mask.baseAddr, source.rowBytes, mask.rowBytes,, source.rowBytes>>1); CalcCMask (&source, &mask, &(*source).bounds, &(*mask).bounds, &seedRGB, nil, 0); |
One last thing to note when using CalcMask
is that the width of the image is in
words and not bytes. To learn more about these routines, see page 24 of Inside Macintosh Volume IV and page 72 of Inside Macintosh
Volume V. Also, the Developer CD Series disc contains a sample, CalcCMask&CalcMask,
that shows how to use both these routines.
Date Written: 2/21/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Currently, when a polygon is filled, an even-odd rule is applied to determine which areas of the polygon are to be filled. For our application, we also need to fill all the areas of the defined polygon. Is there a relatively easy way to accomplish this?
There are many different ways to fill polygons, as you may know. If you do not
want to use QuickDraw's standard FillPoly
routine, you'll have to create your
own. The following sample illustrates one technique that might be used to fill
the area fully bounded by a polygon. It can be dropped right into the traffic
light sample (sample.p) that ships with MPW as a replacement for its DrawWindow
procedure. The green star is drawn using FillPoly
and the black star is drawn
using my filling technique that uses an offscreen bitmap and calcMask
to fill
in the poly the desired way, then CopyBits
to transfer it to the onscreen port.
The drawbacks of this method are that it is not as fast as writing a
specialized poly routine; the benefits are that it's small, fast enough for
most operations, and can be used for more than just polygons.
{$S Main} PROCEDURE DrawWindow(window: WindowPtr); var MyPoly:PolyHandle; MyRgn :RgnHandle; OffPort,OnPort:GrafPtr; Function CreateOffport(VAR newOffscreen:grafPtr; inBounds:Rect):Boolean; var SavePort,NewPort:Grafptr; begin GetPort(SavePort); NewPort:=GrafPtr(NewPtr(sizeof(grafport))); If MemError<>noErr then Begin CreateOffport:=false; EXIT(CreateOffport); END; OpenPort(newPort); With newPort^ do begin portRect :=Inbounds; RectRgn(ClipRgn,inBounds); RectRgn(visRgn, inBounds); End; With newPort^.PortBits DO BEGIN Bounds:=Inbounds; rowBytes:= ((inBounds.right-inBounds.Left+15) DIV 16) *2; baseAddr:= NewPtr(rowBytes * LONGINT(inBounds.Bottom-inBounds.Top)); End; If MemError <>noErr THEN BEGIN SetPort(SavePort); ClosePort(newPort); DisposPtr(ptr(newPort)); CreateOffport:=false; END ELSE BEGIN EraseRect(inBounds); newOffscreen :=newPort; setPort(SavePort); CreateOffPort:=true; end; end; Procedure KillOffPort(oldOffscreen :GrafPtr); Begin ClosePort(oldOffscreen); DisposPtr(OldOffscreen^.portBits.baseAddr); DisposPtr(ptr(OldOffScreen)); End; BEGIN If NOT (CreateOffPort(offPort,window^.portRect)) THEN Exit(DrawWindow); If NOT (CreateOffPort(onPort,window^.portRect)) THEN Exit(DrawWindow); SetPort(window); MyRgn:=NewRgn; OpenRgn; MoveTo(10,25); Lineto(70,25); Lineto(15,70); Lineto(40,10); Lineto(65,70); Lineto(10,25); CloseRgn(MyRgn); MyPoly:=OpenPoly; MoveTo(10,25); Lineto(70,25); Lineto(15,70); Lineto(40,10); Lineto(65,70); Lineto(10,25); ClosePoly; OffsetPoly(MyPoly,0,100); SetPort(OffPort); FramePoly(MyPoly); { Now "Fill the poly" the right way } CalcMask( Offport^.portBits.BaseAddr,OnPort^.portBits.BaseAddr, OffPort^.portBits.RowBytes, OnPort^.portBits.RowBytes, OffPort^.portRect.bottom-OnPort^.portRect.Top, OffPort^.portBits.RowBytes DIV 2); SetPort(OnPort); SetPort(Window); If gStopped then CopyBits( OnPort^.portBits, Window^.portBits, OnPort^.portRect, Window^.portRect, srcCopy, NIL) ELSE CopyBits( OffPort^.portBits, Window^.portBits, OffPort^.portRect, Window^.portRect, srcCopy, NIL); IF gStopped THEN begin ForeColor(greenColor); FrameRgn(MyRgn); end ELSE begin ForeColor(greenColor); PaintRgn(MyRgn); end; ForeColor(blackColor); DisposeRgn(MyRgn); KillPoly(MyPoly); KillOffPort(Offport); KillOffPort(OnPort); END; {DrawWindow} |
Date Written: 1/22/92
Last reviewed: 2/28/92
The definition of PICT version 2 on pages 92-105 of Inside Macintosh
Volume V says that the data size of the opcodes $001A
and $001B
is variable,
but also that the data is an RGBColor
. This is confusing, since the size of an
is fixed at six bytes. How can these two opcodes vary in the amount of
associated data?
Seems like you've run into a cut/paste problem. All the opcodes that refer to Table 4 are new for Color QuickDraw. Also, most of them are variable in length, so the author simply had a standard notation for anything that was explained further in table 4 (page V-103). The information contained in table 4 is, in fact, accurate. The size information of several of the opcodes listed is not variable even though the preceding pages told you they were.
All you gotta do is believe Table 4 and you will be fine.
Date Written: 1/10/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Why does my PICT (including dotted lines) use so much memory when drawn in
MacDraw, and even more when drawn in SuperPaint? Do they include PicComments
for PostScript?
Your guess that it has to do with PicComments is quite right; both MacDraw and SuperPaint include a PostScript representation of the dotted (dashed) lines and some other graphic operations in the PICT, together with the QuickDraw commands. During printing, this allows the LaserWriter driver to take advantage of specific PostScript capabilities that are unavailable in QuickDraw, like primitives for dashed lines.
On the other hand, the PostScript representation for dashed lines is much
shorter than the QuickDraw representation, which requires a (long, very long
...) sequence of ShortLine
opcodes. So, another piece of explanation for the
large PICT size basically is that QuickDraw does not have facilities to
describe dotted lines in an economic way.
SuperPaint also includes a copy of a proprietary dictionary, which adds substantially to the size of a PICT. On the other hand, the code that resides in that dictionary makes the picture's PostScript representation that much better. Ultimately, WYSIWYG is the goal, and sometimes it takes a little extra code to make that happen. (Incidentally, the PostScript dictionary contained in pictures created by older versions of SuperPaint makes assumptions about the contents of the LaserPrep file which are not true for the recent versions of the LaserWriter driver. Documents containing such pictures will not print correctly any more.)
To determine the primitives that define other nonstandard QuickDraw objects
found in drawing applications, you can use MPW's DeRez
function or a
third-party utility such as Palomar Software's PICT Detective on the resource
PICT. These tools will provide the opcodes that define the PICT.
looks for memory to useDate Written: 1/3/92
Last reviewed: 1/27/92
Where does CopyBits
look for the memory it needs?
checks the stack to determine if there is enough stack space for it to
copy the whole image, which in some cases may be roughly up to 5 extra rowbytes
of special effects per row, depending on what special effects such as dithering
or scaling are being used. If there is not enough stack space for the whole
image, CopyBits
then tries for half the image, and keeps halving until it gets
down to one row of the image (plus the room for the special effects rows). If
there is not enough stack space for one row of the image, then CopyBits
to allocate temporary memory.
Before allocating temporary memory, CopyBits
checks if the temporary memory
traps are available. (They are available under both System 6 MultiFinder and
System 7.) If the traps are available, CopyBits
tries to allocate a 256K byte
buffer for use as a "fake" stack. (CopyBits
used to try for a 64K block, but
this has been changed, and it may change again.) If this succeeds, then all is
well and the image is copied. If the temporary memory traps do not exist, or if
cannot allocate a 256K buffer, then the image is not copied and
does not check in the application heap for free memory, at least not
for its work buffer. For its work buffer it will only use the stack, and after
that it resorts to temporary memory, if available. There are some circumstances
that may cause memory allocations in the application heap, but this memory is
not used for CopyBits
's image buffer.
Also, please note that the implementation of CopyBits
is subject to change in
future versions of QuickDraw.
Date Written: 12/19/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I'd like to know more about that PatStretch
field inside a GrafPort
. If I stuff a values in PatStretch(4)
then nothing happens; prints
look the same, even using a standard bottleneck. Please tell me how I can get
this to work.
only works with values of 2 or 3. With any other value, it defaults
to no stretching. The "2" case was created because of the ImageWriter
(72->144 dpi) situation. The "3" case was added to support the ImageWriter
LQ and the AppleFax modem.
So why wasn't a "4" (72->300 dpi) handler added for the LaserWriter driver? Good question. Somehow or other it was decided that pattern stretching for the LaserWriter driver would be done completely by the driver itself. The LaserWriter driver actually does pattern stretching by using a pattern 4 times as large, rather than 4.17. In other words, it really scales the 72 dpi pattern to 288 dpi rather than 300 dpi. You may want to take a similar approach, since you'd only have to work with whole numbers this way.
So, if you want to do 4-times pattern stretching, you must scale the pattern
yourself. If you copy the original pattern into an area that's twice as wide
and twice as tall and use that, you should be all set. You'll need to use
PrGeneral to set the printer to the appropriate resolution and CopyBits
to copy
the pattern into the object that needs to be filled, using the "cookie cutter"
approach to fill the object.
X-Ref:Inside Macintosh Volume I, page I-150
Date Written: 12/16/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How do you determine whether the Picture Utilities Package function GetPictInfo
is available? Gestalt
doesn't seem to have the right stuff!
To determine whether the GetPictInfo
routine is available, check the system
version number with the Gestalt function. GetPictInfo
is available in system
software version 7.0 and later. Use the Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion
to determine the version of the system currently running. Usually it's best not
to rely on the system version to determine whether features are available, but
in this case, it's the only way to determine whether the Picture Utilities
Package is available.
For example, the following C function will determine whether the GetPictInfo call is available:
#include <GestaltEQU.h> Boolean IsGetPictInfoAvail() { OSErr err; long feature; err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion,&feature); /* Check for System 7 and later */ return (feature >= 0x00000700); } |
In Inside Macintosh Volume VI, see page 3-42 for information on using Gestalt to check the system version number, and see page 18-3 for information on the Picture Utilities Package.
Date Written: 9/26/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
We draw directly to the screen to gain the fastest possible animation speed,
and when we need compatibility--such as when windows overlap or for multiple
screens--we do use CopyBits
. How do we tell whether the window is hidden or
that the visible part is not rectangular?
If your window is covered partially by another applications window or if your
layer has been hidden by the process menu, the visRgn
of your window's grafport
will not be the portRect
anymore. (Keep in mind that if you scroll by modifying
the portRect
of the grafport
, then you'll have to do a more complex calculation...)
Here is a small Pascal routine that returns this information:
Function Use |
Date Written: 6/26/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Has anyone run across what I'm told is a bug in CopyBits
? It works like this:
In the deep, dark workings of CopyBits
, some routine tries to read the two
bytes preceding the baseAddress
of the source PixMap
. If the baseAddress
is at
the start of a card's NuBus space and there isn't a card filling the adjacent
space, this causes a bus error! Has anyone found a good workaround?
The short answer is: you're right. QuickDraw inadvertently reads from memory below the base address of a pixmap. The workaround is to place the video base address 32 bytes into the slot memory space for the card; if the card you're using doesn't have this workaround, there's nothing you can do other than making sure there's a card in the next-lower slot.
Date Written: 11/6/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Do you have an example of flicker-free animation on the Macintosh?
We have some good stuff that's written in MPW Pascal. It's DTS Sample Code #16, OffSample, and this uses some routines defined in DTS Sample Code #15, OffScreen. Also, the System 7.0 CD sample code folder contains a smaller sample called "GMonde" that uses GWorlds.
performanceDate Written: 11/4/91
Last reviewed: 11/27/91
We've noticed that using DrawText
is much slower in System 7, especially when
drawing in color (anything other than black on white). What can be done to
restore the drawing speed to System 6 levels?
A QuickDraw function like DrawString or DrawText
will be slower under certain
circumstances in System 7 than System 6. Specifically, if you are drawing in
mode and you colorize the text--that is, foreground color is not black
and background color is not white (Inside Macintosh Volume VI, page
17-16)--then QuickDraw really slows down as you have noticed. Sometimes,
the speed of drawing is 6 times as slow as System 6.
The cause of this slowness is a known System 7 bug. The bug has concerned the engineers greatly and will be responded to in an appropriate manner in the future.
There are a few workarounds: One, you can avoid using the srcCopy
mode and use
the default srcOr
mode instead. However, this is not a real workaround, since
you may have essential reasons to use srcCopy
. The other option is to create an
offscreen pixmap or GWorld
and perform a DrawText
with srcOr
to this GWorld
with colorization. Then, you can perform a CopyBits
from the offscreen to the
screen with srcCopy
mode and no colorization. Using CopyBits
will not cost you
much time. Again, this is a workaround and is not ideal.
The srcOr is a bit slower than in System 6.0.x, but it does not have a bug; rather it is a side effect of system enhancements. The slow speed is a trade-off taken to receive the host of other benefits.
Date Written: 6/12/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How can I programmatically move the Macintosh mouse without the real mouse interfering?
The real answer to your question is twofold: First, you can do exactly what you want to do with the sample included below. However, this is not a good thing to do, it would be better if you took the solution used in Apple's Guided Tour disks: Always hide the cursor and then decouple the cursor from the mouse. Then, instead of using the system's cursor, simply draw your own "cursor" using QuickDraw and treat it as a little animated bitmap on the screen. This avoids all the problems that you have with the mouse competing. (Apple does update the mouse globals with the mouse position so that other things function correctly.)
Now, as promised, here is the way to do what you want using the real cursor. As
you have discovered, setting the crsrCouple
variable to false prohibits the
mouse from affecting the cursor; unfortunately, it also prohibits the jcrsrTask
routine from drawing the cursor. The solution to this is to set crsr
couple to
TRUE, call the cursor drawing routine jCrsrTask
yourself, and then set the
variable to false, as shown below:
procedure callcrsr; inline $2078 ,$08EE ,$4E90; { move.L jcrsrTask,A0 jsr (A0) } Procedure FudgeMouse; type PointPtr=^Point; var RawMouse:PointPtr; MTemp:PointPtr; RandPt:Point; CrsrNew:ptr; CrsrCouple:ptr; fred:Longint; begin RawMouse:=PointPtr($82C); MTemp:=PointPtr($828); CrsrNew:=ptr($8CE); CrsrCouple:=ptr($8CF); RandPt:=RawMouse^; repeat RandPt.h:=RandPt.h+1; RandPt.V:=RandPt.v+1; RawMouse^:=RandPt; MTemp^:=RandPt; CrsrNew^:=1; CrsrCouple^:=1; callCrsr; crsrCouple^:=0; repeat until fred<tickCount; fred:=tickCount+3; until Button; crsrCouple^:=1; end; |
Date Written: 6/3/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How do I draw grayed-out text on the Macintosh, like the text for disabled buttons or menu items?
There are currently two different kinds of grayed text: First, there's
"patterned" gray, where every other dot is missing. This really only looks good
with Chicago or other heavy fonts and was always used for graying out menus and
controls in system software through 6.0.x, and is still used in 7.0 when the
screen is set to less than 4 bits deep. This is done by first drawing the text
in a normal, srcCopy
transfer mode. Then a gray rectangle is drawn over the
text using the patBic
mode. This "erases" half the bits in the text, and is
rapid enough that there is very rarely any flicker.
The second kind of text is the actually gray text, which is used in System 7 on
screens that are 4 bits deep or deeper for menus, controls, and other grayed
text. To draw this text, just call GetGray
(as documented on page 17-27 of
Inside Macintosh Volume VI) to get an appropriate gray. Then draw the
text in that color.
Date Written: 6/4/91
Last reviewed: 10/9/91
with srcCopy takes six times as long as with srcOr
now that my
Macintosh is running System 7. Why is this so slow? Is this a bug in System 7?
It's true that srcCopy
is slower than srcOr
when handling text, especially in
color mode. This loss in speed occurs because CopyBits
is a lot smarter than it
used to be. It can handle foreground and background colors a lot better, but
that improvement came at the cost of speed. Our recommended method for drawing
text is to erase before drawing, and use srcOr
to draw, not srcCopy
Alternatively, you could draw colorized text in srcOr mode off screen and then
use CopyBits
to draw it on the screen in srcCopy
mode without colorization.
Date Written: 3/4/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Is there a simple way to put PICT images up in mirror image format, or is there sample code showing how to flip an offscreen bitmap?
There is no easy way to do this, nor do we have sample code showing how to flip an offscreen bitmap. Indeed, the best way to do what you want is to draw it to an offscreen pixel map and reverse it.
If you are using Color QuickDraw, always draw it to an 8-bit-per-pixel offscreen bitmap, and then the reverse is a very simple task. Here is some sample Pascal code that might roughly do what you want, with the following assumptions:
correspond exactly to pixel width of the port.
Procedure FlipScanLine(theV:Integer; thePort:cGrafPtr); { Given any scan line number in the indicated port, this routine will flip } { that scan line horizontally. This routine assumes that you have made } { sure that scan line theV exists. } type ScanLn=Packed Array [0..0] of Byte; ScanPtr=^ScanLine; var thePixMap:PixMapPtr; Index,Size:Integer; ThisScanLine:ScanPtr; TempPixel:Byte; Begin thePixMap:=thePort^.PortPixMap^; { First create a pointer to the scan line we are currently reversing. } ThisScanLine:=ScanPtr(thePixMap^.BaseAddr); ThisScanLine:=ScanPtr(ord4(ThisScanLine)+(thePixMap^.RowBytes*theV)); { Now simply reverse all the bytes. } { The scan line is simply an array [0..RowBytes] of Byte, and since this is } { 8 bits per pixel, each one is a single pixel.} Size:=thePixMap^.RowBytes; For Index:=0 to (Size div 2) do begin tempPixel:=ThisScanLine^[Index]; ThisScanLine^[Index]:=ThisScanLine[Size-Index-1]; ThisScanLine^[Index]:=tempPixel; end; end; |
This same procedure can be used also to swap a 1-, 2- or 4-bit-per-pixel pixmap if you add a function that accepts a byte and swaps the pixels in it.
Date Written: 11/28/90
Last reviewed: 12/19/90
When I draw a 32-bit Macintosh PICT image from a file to an 8-bit port via an
offscreen GWorld
, I use dither mode in the CopyBits
call and the results are
quite impressive. If there is not enough memory to allocate the GWorld
, I draw
the image directly to the port. But since there does not seem to be any way to
tell QuickDraw to use dithered drawing mode, the image looks horrible.
Do you have any suggestions? I have installed bottleneck procs to allow
to get its data from the file instead of the handle in memory. Is
there a way, while in the bottlenecks, to find the CopyBits
call that comes
from the picture and force it to use dithered mode instead of source mode? I
don't want to try and parse the PICT myself, but I thought that maybe a
QuickDraw global could be modified in my StdBits
proc to force dithered
drawing for that operation only?
You can install a StdBits
or bitsProc
bottleneck procedure to get all the
calls when the picture is being played back. One of the parameters to
the StdBits
call is the mode. You can install a procedure that saves the
current mode, and then passes ditherMode to the original StdBits
proc. This is
all you should need to do. It's been done here so we know it works, only not in
any form that can be sent to you as sample code at this time.
Date Written: 11/28/90
Last reviewed: 12/19/90
I have a PostScript routine (using TextBegin/TextEnd
) to generate bitmapped
rotated text on the screen (which can be later printed on QuickDraw printers).
Why do I get duplicate text? I get both bitmapped rotated text and PostScript
rotated text when I print on the LaserWriter II, and both bitmapped rotated
text and horizontal text on the ImageWriter. When I make a machine dependent
check (check type of printer) and call the proper printing procedure, it works
fine. Because of the speed and memory considerations of generating the rotated
bitmapped text (especially at 300 dpi), is there a way to ensure that the
printer will use the PostScript BEFORE generating the bitmap?
We will use the following Macintosh PicComments
to hide your QuickDraw calls
from the LaserWriter, but the ImageWriter will use them:
PostScriptBegin >> Put your CopyBits and QuickDraw calls to image your rotated >> bitmapped text here.... PostScriptEnd |
By wrapping your QuickDraw code within the PostScriptBegin
and PostScriptEnd
, the code will be ignored by the LaserWriter, but the ImageWriter will use the QuickDraw calls.
Basically, the PostScriptBegin
and PostScriptEnd
PicComments tell the LaserWriter driver to turn "off" QuickDraw. In the
ImageWriter case, the ImageWriter does not understand the PicComments. Therefore, it will use the QuickDraw calls to
create and image your bitmapped text.
Now, we need to use the rotation PicComments
to rotate the text on the
LaserWriter, but have the ImageWriter ignore the code:
Rect zeroRect; SetRect (&zeroRect, 0, 0, 0, 0); TextBegin TextCenter ClipRect (&zeroRect); >> Draw your text to be rotated on the LaserWriter.... ClipRect (&rPageRect); TextEnd |
Wrapping your text drawing call(s) between the ClipRect
calls will ensure that
the text is drawn only on the LaserWriter. Setting the ClipRect
to zero tells
the ImageWriter to ignore all QuickDraw calls until the ClipRect
is reset to
something "real" (actually, a zero ClipRect
prevents QuickDraw from drawing
anything). After we have completed drawing the rotated text, we reset the
to the dimensions of rPage
(that is, rPage
is the image-able area of
the currently selected printer--see Inside Macintosh Volume II, page
150). This will allow all of your normal drawing to continue on the ImageWriter
and LaserWriter. If you did not reset the ClipRect after the TextEnd
nothing would be drawn on the ImageWriter or LaserWriter.
Date Written: 11/1/90
Last reviewed: 12/19/90
On page 189 of Inside Macintosh Volume I, in the QuickDraw chapter's
description of OpenPicture
, is the following warning: "A grafPort's clipRgn is
initialized to an arbitrarily large region. You should always change the
clipRgn to a smaller region before calling OpenPicture, or no drawing may occur
when you call DrawPicture." The "arbitrarily large" clipping region rectangle
is set to -32767,- 32767,32767,32767 (top, left, bottom, right) for new ports.
This is the largest rectangle possible. If this is not a "valid" clipping
rectangle for pictures, what is? Is there some specific limit to the size of
the clipping rectangle? Does it depend on either available memory or the size
of the picture?
Inside Macintosh's warning is based on truth but it's incomplete. It didn't actually say that this rectangle is invalid as a clipping region, because this is in fact a perfectly valid clipping region. But, you could run into problems if you use this as a clipping region when creating a QuickDraw picture. It's not a matter of available memory or size; it's a simple matter of 16-bit signed integer overflow and underflow.
When you open a picture, the current clip region is recorded in the picture
(this wasn't necessarily true in some early versions of QuickDraw). When you
draw the resulting picture using the picture's picFrame as the destination
rectangle, there won't be any problems. But if you use a destination rectangle
that's larger than the picFrame
, QuickDraw scales everything in the picture
proportionately, including the clip region. If you allowed the default clip
region to be recorded into the picture, then its rgnBBox
, already as large as
possible, will be made even larger. That means that the -32767 coordinates
might wrap around to the positive number range, and the 32767 coordinates might
wrap around to the negative number range. This leaves you with an empty clip
region. Nothing at all gets drawn when the current port's clip region is empty.
If the destination rectangle is smaller than the picture's picFrame
, you won't
have any problems because the default clip region will be made smaller, and
that's no problem.
This is why Inside Macintosh suggests that you make the clip region smaller than the default clip region before opening a picture. By doing this, you're almost guaranteed that the clip region won't get scaled to the point that it turns inside out. What size should you make it? Small enough so that the risk of the clip region's coordinates being scaled out of QuickDraw coordinate space is minimal. I usually just set the clip region to the picFrame of the picture. It's hard to go wrong this way.
Date Written: 10/23/90
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Is it legal to call InitCursor
instead of SetCursor(arrow)
when I want to set
the cursor to an arrow (after my normal one-time program initialization code,
in my UpdateCursor
routine)? The only reason I'd want to do such a nasty thing
is to save code. Calling a trap with no parameters is less code than one with
parameters. What, exactly, if anything, does InitCursor
do besides setting the
cursor to an arrow and setting the cursor level to zero?
There's no problem at all with this, as long as you are aware that the hidden,
busy, and obscured states are cleared when you call InitCursor
, so if the
cursor was hidden or obscured for good reason it'll suddenly reappear. It also
gets the arrow from QuickDraw, of course, but that's not a problem.
Date Written: 8/3/90
Last reviewed: 10/8/91
How do I convert PICT format data to PostScript in my printer driver?
Converting PICT files to PostScript involves a detailed understanding of both bitmaps (or pixmaps) and the graphics state in PostScript, which is a data structure defining the context in which other graphic operators in PostScript execute. If you don't know PostScript, the following manuals are a must:
You need to convert all the QuickDraw operations in a PICT to corresponding PostScript operations. To get a feel for this conversion, you can analyze the PostScript dump from a LaserWriter to see how it converts a PICT to PostScript. Under System 6.x, a PostScript dump can be obtained by pressing Command-K while printing. Under System 7.0, you can get a dump by selecting the PostScript File option in the Print dialog.
Some areas of QuickDraw, such as transfer modes, do not have a correspondence in PostScript. The PostScript imaging model is designed so that all areas of a page affected by an image are marked as if with opaque paint. Using image masks can help. See the Graphics chapter in the PostScript reference manual.
PICT-to-PostScript conversion can be a long process, especially if one is unfamiliar with PostScript. Using the above books and the PostScript dump from the LaserWriter (but ONLY as a general guide) should help.
Date Written: 5/1/90
Last reviewed: 10/9/91
If I use the PostScriptHandle PicComment
to send PostScript code to the
LaserWriter driver, do I need to open a picture and then draw the picture to
the driver, or can I just use the PicComment
with no picture open while drawing
to the printer's grafPort
You don't need to create a picture with your PicComment
in it and draw the
picture to the driver. The best method for sending PostScript code to the
LaserWriter is to use the PostScriptHandle PicComment
documented in the
Macintosh Technical Note "Optimizing for the LaserWriter--Picture Comments,"
as shown below.
PrOpenPage(...) { Send some QuickDraw so that the Printing Manager gets a } { chance to define the clipping region. } PenSize(0,0); MoveTo(0,0); LineTo(0,0); PenSize(1,1); PicComment(PostScriptBegin, 0, NIL); { QuickDraw representation of graphic. } MoveTo(100, 100); LineTo(200, 200); { PostScript representation of graphic. } thePSHandle^^ := '100 100 moveto 200 200 lineto stroke'; PicComment(PostScriptHandle, GetHandleSize(thePSHandle), thePSHandl); PicComment(PostScriptEnd, 0, NIL); PrClosePage(...) |
The above code prints a line on any type of printer, PostScript or not. The
first MoveTo/LineTo
combination is required to give the LaserWriter driver a
chance to define a clipping region. The LaserWriter driver replaces the
record in the grafPort
returned from PrOpenDoc
. In order for the
LaserWriter driver to get execution time, you must execute a QuickDraw drawing
routine that calls one of the grafProcs
. In this case, the MoveTo/LineTo
combination calls the StdLine grafProc
. When StdLine
executes, it notices that
the grafPort
has been reinitialized, and therefore initializes the clipping
region for the port. Until the MoveTo/LineTo
combination is executed, the
clipping region for the port is set to (0,0,0,0). If PostScript code is sent
via the PostScriptHandle
before executing any QuickDraw routines,
all PostScript operations will be clipped to (0,0,0,0).
The next thing that's done is to send the PostScriptBegin PicComment
. This
comment is recognized only by PostScript printer drivers. When the driver
receives this comment, it saves the current state of the PostScript device (by
executing the PostScript gsave operator), then disables all QuickDraw drawing
operations. This way, the QuickDraw representation of the graphic will be
ignored by PostScript devices. In the above example, the second MoveTo/LineTo
combination is executed only on non-PostScript devices.
The next PicComment
is PostScriptHandle, which tells the driver that the data
in thePSHandle
is to be sent to the device as PostScript code. The driver then
passes this code unchanged to the PostScript device for execution. The
comment is recognized only by PostScript printer drivers.
The last PicComment
, PostScriptEnd
, tells the driver to restore the previous
state of the device (via a PostScript grestore
call), and to enable QuickDraw
drawing operations.
Since most PicComments
are ignored by QuickDraw devices, only the QuickDraw
representation is printed. Since PostScriptBegin
tells PostScript drivers to
ignore QuickDraw operations, only the PostScript representation is printed on
PostScript devices. This is a truly device-independent method for providing
both PostScript and QuickDraw representations of a document.
Date Written: 1/1/90
Last reviewed: 11/21/90
I'm working with regions, and I'm having problems with Macintosh QuickDraw trashing the heap and crashing, even though my regions are under 32K.
There are some quirks in the current version of QuickDraw. Here are some the commonly-encountered problems:
, DiffRgn
, XorRgn
, or SectRgn
, the sum of the sizes of the source regions must be less than 32K, regardless of the size of the resulting region.FrameRgn
will fail if it tries to frame a region bigger than 16K.CloseRgn
fails, the internal region data is already corrupt; there is nothing you can do to recover. CloseRgn
will also fail if there isn't at least a 32K block of free space available.Here are some workarounds:
Apple is working on these problems and expects to fix them in future versions of QuickDraw.
Date Written: 1/1/90
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Is there a way to obtain the endpoints of an arc drawn by the Macintosh
QuickDraw arc routines, such as FrameArc
and PaintArc
Given a rectangle R which frames the arc you wish to draw, convert your angles to an absolute coordinate system, where three o'clock is 0 degrees and 12 o'clock is 90 degrees.
Now, let:
x = .5 (+ or -) (R.right - R.left) y = .5 (+ or -) (R.bottom - |
The endpoint of the curve will be defined by:
EndPoint.h = x (+ or -) cos(ang); EndPoint.v = y (+ or -) sin(ang); |
h & v are relative to center of rectangle R
This calculates only the upper endpoint of the arc, but you can easily calculate the other endpoint using the same formula by calculating the absolute angle for the start point and applying the same formula.
Here is a subroutine which illustrates the algorithm, in ThinkSpeed Pascal:
{ DrawCurve: draw an arc from 0 degrees until the point defined } { by 'angle'. At that point draw a 4 by 4 crosshair. } procedure DrawCurve (frame : Rect; angle : integer); var x, y : integer; xr, yr : extended; rad : extended; begin { Convert angle to radians } rad := (90 - angle) / 180 * 3.14159; { Find end point } xr := (frame.right - frame.left) * cos(rad) / 2; yr := (frame.bottom - * sin(rad) / 2; x := (frame.right + frame.left) / 2 + Num2Integer(xr); y := (frame.bottom + / 2 + Num2Integer(yr); { Draw crosshair } MoveTo(x - 4, y); LineTo(x + 4, y); MoveTo(x, y - 4); LineTo(x, y + 4); { Draw arc } FrameArc(frame, 0, angle); end; |
Acrobat version of this Note (80K). |