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HIObject Reference

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HIObject is the base class for various objects in the HIToolbox. In Mac OS X v10.2 and later, most common user interface objects (controls, windows, menus, toolbars, and toolbar items) are derived from HIObject. Code that is external to HIToolbox can also create its own subclasses of these objects using the routines contained in this API. There are also polymorphic functions one can use on any HIObject for getting the class ID, and so on.

HIObjects are actually Core Foundation CF types under the hood. This means that they can be put into CF collections and you can retain/release them.

An HIObject is essentially a very basic building-block object which contains an event target. You can create these objects to use as your own Carbon Event receptors in your application, or you can subclass existing HIToolbox objects to suit your needs.

You register your subclasses with HIObjectRegisterSubclass, passing your class ID, the parent class, and an event handler. You also pass a list of events the handler is interested in.

To create an object of your subclass, you call HIObjectCreate, passing the class reference you registered, as well as an initialization event.

Construction is two-phase: first the basic construction of the object is done, then initialization is performed. The HIToolbox sends construction events bottom-up, as you would expect in C++ or the like. Here is the list of what goes on to create an object:

1) The HIToolbox creates the base HIObject

2) It then installs the event handler you specified when you registered your subclass. Your handler must listen for kEventHIObjectConstruct and kEventHIObjectDestruct events. If it does not, the class cannot be registered (you will get a paramErr).

3) Next, the HIToolbox directly calls your handler with an kEventHIObjectConstruct event. When called like this, you are not really being called in the context of a handler stack, so you cannot do things like CallNextEventHandler. The userData parameter is what you specified when you registered the class. Typically, during construction you will allocate memory yourself to store your own instance data; this allocation might be as simple as calling malloc or NewPtr, or it might involve creating your own C++ object. In the construct event, you are passed the base HIObjectRef of the object being created. Typically you would store this HIObjectRef in your own instance data for later use. When handling this construct event, you should be sure to use SetEventParameter to set the kEventParamHIObjectInstance parameter in the construction event with your own instance data. You must use typeVoidPtr as the type.

4) The HIToolbox looks for your instance of typeVoidPtr after you handle the construct event. It then takes that data and stores it off with the object and also sets the user data of the event handler it installed to be this instance data. This means that following the construct event, all calls to your event handler will have the instance data you returned to us.

5) Once construction has completed successfully, we will send your object the initialize event passed into HIObjectCreate. At this point, all events are now sent to your object using standard Carbon event mechanisms (it is only the construct event which is special). When we send the initialization event to your subclass, you should pass the event to your superclass before proceeding. You do this with CallNextEventHandler. Once back from that call, you should verify that the result is noErr, indicating that the superclass did in fact initialize properly. If it did not, your should return the error that CallNextEventHandler returned from your handler as well. The object will be destroyed by the HIToolbox. Your object should be able to be destroyed in a partially initialized state such as this. This stage is optional, i.e. an object does not need to respond to the initialize event unless it is expecting certain parameters to be passed to it at creation time. This is where those parameters can be fetched.

6) Once initialization is successful, the HIObjectRef is returned to the caller of HIObjectCreate.

When someone has called CFRelease enough such that the reference count of the object drops to zero, the object is destroyed. The HIToolbox will send a kEventHIObjectDestruct event to your object. Do not call CallNextEventHandler. Just clean up and return from your handler.

For more information about HIObjects and the HIView subclass, see HIView Programming Guide.

Functions by Task

Registering and Creating HIObjects

HIObject Utility Functions

Accessibility Functions

Archiving Functions

Miscellaneous Functions



Obtains the class ID of a given HIObject.

CFStringRef HIObjectCopyClassID (
   HIObjectRef inObject


The object whose class ID you want.

Return Value

A reference to the object’s class ID.

Declared In


Copies custom archive data that is associated with an HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectCopyCustomArchiveData (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   CFDictionaryRef *outCustomData


The HIObject whose custom archive data you want to retrieve.


On return, a pointer to the custom data, or NULL if no custom archive data is associated with the specified object. The caller is responsible for releasing the dictionary when it is no longer needed.

Return Value

An operating system result code.


This function would be used by an archive editor to get custom archive data associated with an HIObject so that the data can be edited.

Declared In


Creates an object derived from HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectCreate (
   CFStringRef inClassID,
   EventRef inConstructData,
   HIObjectRef *outObject


The class ID of the class of object you want to instantiate.


If your class (or any class you derive from) accepts creation parameters, you need to pass an event into this parameter. The class must be kEventClassHIObject, and the kind should be kEventHIObjectInitialize. Any other parameters should be added as necessary. Specific subclasses of HIObject which require initialization parameters will specify those parameters in the appropriate headers.


The instance of the object you create.

Return Value

A result code. See “HIObject Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the HIObject for the given bundle.

OSStatus HIObjectCreateFromBundle (
   CFBundleRef inBundle,
   HIObjectRef *outObject


The bundle with which you want to communicate.


The HIObject associated with the bundle.

Return Value

A result code. See “HIObject Result Codes.” If the bundle’s HIObject creation function cannot be found, cfragNoSymbolErr will be returned.


A bundle can be designed to communicate with an application through an HIObject. The bundle must be designed to create an HIObject and have a defined suite of Carbon Events that clients can use to communicate with the bundle’s HIObject. Given a CFBundleRef, this API will tell the bundle to create the HIObject and return it to the caller.

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Obtains the instance data for a specific class of an HIObject.

void * HIObjectDynamicCast (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   CFStringRef inClassID


The object whose class ID you want to check.


The class ID to get the instance data for.

Return Value

A void * result containing the instance data for the object, or NULL if the object is not an instance of the class.


The instance data returned is the same instance data the class’s construction event handler returns in the instance data parameter. This is stored off with the class reference so that it can be fetched later for use by this function. It allows your subclass to easily get at the data it created, if your subclass needs that data outside of an event handler. (Inside an event handler, your subclass can get at its instance data via the userData parameter to the event handler.)

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Obtains the event target of an HIObjectRef.

EventTargetRef HIObjectGetEventTarget (
   HIObjectRef inObject


The object whose target you want.

Return Value

An EventTargetRef.

Declared In


Reports whether the given HIObject is marked as ignored for accessibility.

Boolean HIObjectIsAccessibilityIgnored (
   HIObjectRef inObject


The object whose accessibility ignored state you want to query.

Return Value

A Boolean whose value is true if the object is marked as ignored or false if the object is not marked as ignored.


See the discussion of HIObjectSetAccessibilityIgnored for details on what it means to be accessibility ignored.

Declared In


Obtains a Boolean value indicating whether an HIObject is marked as ignored for archiving.

Boolean HIObjectIsArchivingIgnored (
   HIObjectRef inObject


The HIObject whose archiving-ignored state is to be queried.

Return Value

A Boolean whose value is true if the specified HIObject is ignored for archiving; otherwise, false.


By default, HIObjects are marked as ignored for archiving, which indicates that the HIObject does not support the archiving protocol.

Declared In


Determines whether an object is of a certain class.

Boolean HIObjectIsOfClass (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   CFStringRef inObjectClassID


The object whose class ID you want to check.


The class ID in question.

Return Value

A Boolean whose value is true if the object is of the specified class; otherwise, false.


You can use this to see whether an object you have derives from an expected superclass.

Declared In


Overrides the AXUIElement references supplied by an HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectOverrideAccessibilityContainment (
   HIObjectRef inHIObject,
   AXUIElementRef inDesiredParent,
   AXUIElementRef inDesiredWindow,
   AXUIElementRef inDesiredTopLevelUIElement


The object whose parent attribute you want to override.


The UI element value you want the HIObject to supply for the parent attribute. This function makes a copy of the AXUIElementRef, so you must release inDesiredParent when this function returns. Pass NULL if you want the specified HIObject to supply its normal parent.


The UI element value you want the HIObject to supply for the window attribute. This function makes a copy of the AXUIElementRef, so you must release this parameter when this function returns. Pass NULL if you want the specified HIObject to supply its normal window, if any.


The UI element you want the HIObject to supply for the top-level element attribute. This function makes a copy of the AXUIElementRef, so you must release this parameter when this function returns. Passing NULL indicates that you want the HIObject to supply is normal top-level element, if any.

Return Value

An operating system result code.


Use this function to change the parent that an HIObject would normally supply in the accessibility hierarchy. For example, a pop-up control would call this function on its menu so that the menu supplies the pop-up control as the menu’s parent instead of the application, which would normally be supplied as the menu’s parent. You can also use this function to change the window and the top-level element that an HIObject would normally supply.

If the specified HIObject is a standard HIToolbox construct, for example, an HIView or a menu, the specified HIObject is not added as an accessibility child of its normal parent. If it is not a standard construct, the caller is responsible for ensuring that the specified HIObject is not added as an accessibility child of its normal parent.

If the desired AXUIElementRef parent represents an HIView, menu, or window, the specified HIObject is automatically added as an accessibility child of the specified parent. In all other cases, it is the caller’s responsibility to add the specified HIObject manually as a child of the specified parent. To represent an HIView, menu, or window, an AXUIElementRef object must contain the appropriate HIObjectRef value and an identifier value of 0.

Currently, containment overrides are only supported by HIObjects that are of type HIView, Menu, or Window.

Declared In


Prints the internal information of an HIObject for debugging purposes.

void HIObjectPrintDebugInfo (
   HIObjectRef inObject


The object to inspect.


This function sends the information to stdout.

Declared In


Registers an HIObject subclass.

OSStatus HIObjectRegisterSubclass (
   CFStringRef inClassID,
   CFStringRef inBaseClassID,
   OptionBits inOptions,
   EventHandlerUPP inConstructProc,
   ItemCount inNumEvents,
   const EventTypeSpec *inEventList,
   void *inConstructData,
   HIObjectClassRef *outClassRef


The class ID of your class. It should be unique. We recommend using Java-style naming conventions to avoid collisions.


The class ID of the class you derive from. Passing NULL indicates you want to subclass HIObject (the base class) directly.


Any special options for your class. Currently you must pass 0 for this parameter.


A universal procedure pointer to the event handler for this subclass. You pass the address of an event handler into this parameter. This handler is called directly, rather than through the normal event-dispatching mechanism. This means that the EventHandlerCallRef passed in will be NULL, and you cannot use it for calls like CallNextEventHandler. Other than that, you should return a result as usual. After your object is constructed, this procedure is installed as the event handler for the remaining events specified in the inEventList parameter. In Mac OS X v10.4 and later, passing NULL creates an “abstract class” that cannot be instantiated but can still be used as a base class for subclasses. If you pass NULL, HIObjectCreate on the class ID will return hiObjectClassIsAbstractErr.


The number of events you are installing.


The events your handler wants to receive. You must handle the kEventHIObjectConstruct and kEventHIObjectDestruct event. If these events are not specified, an error is returned.


Pass any info you want passed into your event handler here. For a C++ hierarchy based on HIObjects, you might actually pass a static method to construct your object here, and the base class event handler to do construction as your event handler.


The newly created class reference. Pass NULL if you don’t care.

Return Value

A result code. See “HIObject Result Codes.”

Declared In


Marks an HIObject as ignored (or not) for the purposes of the accessibility APIs.

OSStatus HIObjectSetAccessibilityIgnored (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   Boolean inIgnored


The object whose accessibility ignored state you want to change.


A Boolean whose value is true to mark the object as ignored or false to mark the object as not ignored.

Return Value

An operating system result code.


An HIObject that is ignored for accessibility will never be shown to an assistive application that uses the accessibility APIs to examine an interface. Your application’s accessibility implementation can (and should) still report an ignored HIObject as usual. Carbon’s accessibility engine will automatically prune any ignored HIObjects out of the data that is shown to an assistive application.

By default, an HIObject is not accessibility-ignored.

Declared In


Changes the state of archiving for an HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectSetArchivingIgnored (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   Boolean inIgnored


The HIObject whose archiving ignored state is to be changed.


A Boolean whose value is true to indicate that the specified HIObject does not support the archiving protocol and should be ignored; otherwise, false.

Return Value

An operating system result code.


Call this function to mark or unmark an HIObject as ignored for archiving. By default, HIObjects are marked as ignored for archiving. HIObject subclasses supporting archiving with the kEventHIObjectInitialize and kEventHIObjectEncode events must set their archiving ignored state to false in order to receive archiving requests from clients. A client may still reset the archive ignored state to true on a particular object. An HIObject marked as ignored for archiving will never be requested to encode itself into an archive.

Declared In


Associates an additional accessibility attribute with an HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectSetAuxiliaryAccessibilityAttribute (
   HIObjectRef inHIObject,
   UInt64 inIdentifier,
   CFStringRef inAttributeName,
   CFTypeRef inAttributeData


The part of the object-identifier pair that is to be associated with attribute data.


The part of the object-identifier pair with which the attribute data is to be associated. Pass 0 if you want to associate the attribute data to the HIObject as a whole. For example, pass 0 if you want to associate a description attribute to a push button.


The name of the attribute that is to be associated with the object-identifier pair. This string is retained before it is added to the auxiliary attribute store.


The data that is to become the attribute’s value. This data is retained before it is added to the auxiliary attribute store. You should release inAttributeData after HIObjectSetAuxiliaryAccessibilityAttribute returns. Pass NULL to indicate that the named auxiliary attribute should no longer be associated with the object-identifier pair. When you pass NULL, any named attribute data that was previously associated with the object-identifier pair is released.

Return Value

An operating system result code.


Use this function to provide the name and data for an accessibility attribute you want to add to the UIElement representing an HIObject-identifier pair. Normally, Carbon events are used to supply accessibility attributes dynamically, but HIObjectSetAuxiliaryAccessibilityAttribute allows you to supply them statically.

This function is particularly useful for supplying values for the kAXDescriptionAttribute, kAXTitleUIElementAttribute, kAXServesAsTitleUIElementAttribute, kAXLinkedUIElementsAttribute, and other attributes whose values are specific to the layout and usage of your application. Note, however, that this function can associate only attributes whose values do not change. If you need to supply attributes whose values are determined dynamically or whose values can be set, you must install the normal accessibility Carbon event handlers for normal accessibility.

When an accessibility attribute Carbon event is handled by the HIObject with a given identifier, the HIToolbox automatically supplies the names and values of any auxiliary attributes associated with the HIObject-identifier pair.

The auxiliary attribute store is consulted during the HIObject’s default handling of accessibility attribute Carbon events. This means that any programmatic handling of a given accessibility attribute is able to override or block consultation of the store. In general, if the HIToolbox or a Carbon event handler can provide the attribute value in some other way, the store is not consulted.

Declared In


Associates custom archive data with an HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectSetCustomArchiveData (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   CFDictionaryRef inCustomData


The HIObject with which custom archive data is to be associated.


A CFDictionaryRef containing the custom archive data that is to be associated with the specified HIObject. Associating the custom archive data replaces any data that was previously associated. To archive, the dictionary’s keys and values must use CFType callbacks. Pass NULL to clear any custom archive data that was previously associated.

Return Value

An operating system result code.


This function might be used by an archive editor to associate custom archive data that it has edited with an HIObject.

Declared In


Unregisters a previously registered subclass of HIObject.

OSStatus HIObjectUnregisterClass (
   HIObjectClassRef inClassRef


The class reference of the object class you want to unregister.


You receive an error if there are subclasses of your class or existing instances of it. All instances and subclasses must be disposed of and unregistered first.

Declared In


Standard Custom Archive Data Dictionary Keys for Custom Initialize Events

Define standard custom archive dictionary keys for custom initialize events.

const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataParameterNamesKey;
const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataParameterTypesKey;
const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataParameterValuesKey;


The value of this key is an array of strings. Each CFStringRef contains an OSType that is a Carbon event parameter name.


The value of this key is an array of strings. Each CFStringRef contains an OSType that is a Carbon event parameter type.


The value of this key is an array of strings. Each CFStringRef contains a representation of the value.


The value for each of these constants is a CFArrayRef containing CFStringRefs. For a given dictionary, the names, types, and values arrays should each have the same number of CFStrings. The name-type-value triple at the given index in each array represents a Carbon event parameter in the initialization event for the HIObject.

The current supported set of Carbon event parameter types consists of 'cfst', 'TEXT', 'bool', 'cfrn', 'doub', 'osst', 'long', 'magn', 'hipt', 'hisz', and 'hirc'.


Standard Custom Archive Data Dictionary Class and SuperClass Keys

Define standard custom archive data dictionary keys for classes and superclasses.

const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataClassIDKey;
const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataSuperClassIDKey;


The class ID.


The super-class ID key.


These keys define a class and superclass for clients that do not implement the object’s true class. Each keyed value is an HIObject class ID.


Standard Custom Archive Data Dictionary Key for ProcPointer-Based CDEFs

Define a standard custom archive data dictionary key for ProcPointer-based CDEFs.

const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataCDEFProcIDKey;


The standard custom archive data dictionary key for ProcPointer-based CDEFs.


The key value is a CFStringRef-based signed 16-bit integer. Use CFStringGetIntValue in CFString.h to convert CFStringRef to SInt16 and to convert SInt16 to CFStringRef.


HIObject Base Class Events

Define the base-class functionality of HIObjects.

   kEventClassHIObject = 'hiob',
   kEventHIObjectConstruct = 1,
   kEventHIObjectInitialize = 2,
   kEventHIObjectDestruct = 3,
   kEventHIObjectIsEqual = 4,
   kEventHIObjectPrintDebugInfo = 5,
   kEventHIObjectEncode = 6


The event class for HIObject events.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


Your object is being constructed. When your event handler is called with this event, it is being called directly and not through the normal event dispatching mechanism. This means that the EventHandlerCallRef passed to your handler is NULL and CallNextEventHandler does not work. You are passed the actual HIObjectRef of your base class for you to record in your instance data. (Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


Your object is being initialized. Your handler should pass this onto the superclass first before handling this event. This is done by calling CallNextEventHandler with the event. When that function returns, you should make sure the result is noErr. If not, you should not continue to initialize your object. (Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


Your object is being destroyed. This is your chance to dispose of anything you might have allocated for your object. Do not call through with CallNextEventHandler. (Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


HIObjectIsEqual has been called, and you are being asked to determine whether your object is equivalent to the one being passed to your handler. If your object is equivalent, you should place true in the kEventParamResult parameter in the event; if your object is not equivalent, place false in the kEventParamResult parameter. (Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


HIObjectPrintDebugInfo has been called, and you are being asked to print your information to stdout. This event is sent to all handlers and you should not call CallNextEventHandler. (Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


HIArchiveEncodeHIObject has been called on your HIObject, and you are being asked to encode your object into an archive. Before handling this event, your handler should pass this event to the superclass by calling CallNextEventHandler with the event. If CallNextEventHandler does not return noErr, you should not continue to encode your instance data. (Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


You only need to be aware of these events if you are implementing a subclass.

Table 1  Parameter names and types for HIObject base class events

Event kind

Parameter name

Parameter type

















HIObject Base Class Event Parameters

Define constants for HIObject base class event parameters.

enum {
   kEventParamHIObjectInstance = 'hioi',
   kEventParamHIArchive = 'hiac',
   typeHIObjectRef = 'hiob'


On entry, the HIObject reference for your object. This parameter is currently only used for the kEventHIObjectConstruct event. Typically, you read this parameter from the event and store it in your instance data so that when your instance needs to call HIObject APIs, your instance can use this HIObjectRef. On exit, the value of this parameter is typeVoidPtr and is a pointer to the instance data you have written into the event using SetEventParameter. After your event handler returns, the HIToolbox reads your instance data pointer from the event, and installs the event handlers that were passed to HIObjectRegisterClassSubclass on the new object. The HIToolbox uses the instance data pointer as the refcon for the event handlers it installed so that your event handlers can retrieve your instance data pointer from the reference constant (the third parameter to an EventHandlerProcPtr).(Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.


An HIArchive used to store or retrieve the HIObject. This parameter is passed in the following cases:

  • In the kEventHIObjectInitialize event when the HIObject is requested to initialize itself from a decoded archive. If the HIObject is to be initialized normally (that is, not from an archive), the initialize event does not contain kEventParamHIArchive .

  • In the kEventHIObjectEncode event, which is sent to request that the HIObject encode itself within an archive.

(Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIObject.h.

Result Codes

Result CodeValueDescription
hiObjectClassExistsErr -22080

You are trying to register a class ID that already exists.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

hiObjectClassHasInstancesErr -22081

You are trying to unregister a class which has instances that still exist.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

hiObjectClassHasSubclassesErr -22082

You are trying to unregister a class which has subclasses registered. They must be unregistered before this class can be unregistered.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

hiObjectClassIsAbstractErr -22083

You are trying to create an HIObject class that is defined as being abstract. You must subclass it instead.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

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