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Text Services Manager Reference

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The Text Services Manager ("TSM") provides an environment for applications to use non-application-specific text services. The Text Services Manager handles communication between client applications that request text services and the software modules, known as text service components, that provide them. The Text Services Manager exists so that these two types of programs can work together without needing to know anything about the internal structures or identities of each other.

A client application is any text-processing program that uses the Text Services Manager to request a service from a text service component. To accomplish this, a client application needs to make specific Text Services Manager calls during execution.

A text service component is a utility program that uses the Text Services Manager to provide a text service to an application. Text service components are registered components with the Component Manager. Text services can include many different types of specific text-handling tasks, including spell-checking, hyphenation, and handling the input of complex text.

The most prevalent category of text services are those that handle the entry of complex text, that is, input methods. A typical example of an input method is a service that converts keyboard input into text that cannot be directly entered via a keyboard. Text input in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or Unicode usually requires an input method.

TSM introduces input modes in Mac OS X version 10.3. An input mode allows an input method to temporarily accept text input in a script other than the one it normally supports. An input method uses a CFDictionary to define the input modes it supports and the tag kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag to specify that the input method supports input modes. An application finds out what input modes are supported by an input method by calling the function CopyTextServiceInputModeList.

Also new in Mac OS X version 10.3 is a suite of Carbon events that allow a text service relatively direct access to a document's text content and text attributes, such as font and glyph information. To take advantage of this new functionality in TSM, all text and offsets in your application must map to and from a flattened Unicode space. Your application must also implement callback functions to handle the appropriate Carbon events.

Mac OS X version 10.4 introduces input mode palette configuration routines.

The Text Services Manager defines three separate programming interfaces:

Functions by Task

Applications - Facilitating User Interactions With Components

Applications - Managing TSM Documents

Components - Sending Events

Low Level - Accessing Text Service Properties

Low Level - Confirming Text Service Input

Low Level - Managing Text Service States

Low Level - Querying Text Services

Low Level - Sending Events to Text Services

Working With Document Properties

Input Mode Palette Configuration



Notifies a text service component that its associated document window is becoming active.

ComponentResult ActivateTextService (
   ComponentInstance ts


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.

Return Value

See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

The appropriate response to ActivateTextService is for the text service component to restore its active state, including displaying all floating windows if they have been hidden. (Note that typically an input-method component should not hide its windows in response to being deactivated. If the subsequent document being activated is using the same component’s service, it would be irritating to the user to hide and then immediately redisplay the same windows. An input-method component should hide its windows only in response to a HidePaletteWindows call.) If the component is an input method, it should specify the redisplay of any unconfirmed text currently in the active input area.

The Text Services Manager makes this call either on its own or in response to application-interface calls it receives from client applications. Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Informs the Text Services Manager that a TSM document is active.

OSErr ActivateTSMDocument (
   TSMDocumentID idocID


A TSM document identification number created by a prior call to the NewTSMDocument function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


When a window that has an associated TSM document becomes active, your client application must call the ActivateTSMDocument function to inform the Text Services Manager that the document is activated and is ready to use text service components.

ActivateTSMDocument calls the equivalent text service component function ActivateTextService for all open text service components associated with the TSM document.

If a text service component has a menu, the Text Services Manager inserts the menu into the menu bar.

Declared In


Obtains a copy of the set of input modes supported by a keyboard-class input method.

ComponentResult CopyTextServiceInputModeList (
   ComponentInstance ts,
   CFDictionaryRef *outInputModes


The component whose set of input modes you want to obtain.


On output, the CFDictionary contains the list of supported input modes. See the Discussion for more information on the structure and requirements of the dictionary.

Return Value

See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


This function is supported by input methods that adopt the input mode protocol. If this component call is not supported by an input method, calls to functions that access text service properties (using the tag kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag) return the result tsmComponentPropertyUnsupportedErr.

The CFDictionary of input modes (available in TSM 2.2 and later) must have the following form:

<key> kTSInputModeListKey </key>
<key> modeSignature : (internal ascii name)</key>
<!-- This can be any of the generic input modes defined in this  file,-->
<!-- such as kTextServiceInputModeRoman,or can be a private input-->
<!-- mode such as CFSTR("")  -->
<string> (path for menu icon image file)</string>
<string> (path for alternate menu icon image file, when item  is hilited)</string>
<string> (path for palette icon image file) </string>
<boolean> (default on/off state) </boolean>
<string> (scriptCode string for this mode, for example, "smRoman")  </string>
<boolean> (true if this is primary mode in this script) </boolean>
<boolean> (true if this input mode should appear in System  UI) </boolean>
<integer> (modifiers)</integer>
<string> (key equivalent character) </string>
<integer> (optional: 0=none,1=hiragana, 2=katakana, 3=eisu)  </integer>

This dictionary must also be present in the Info.plist for the component bundle, in addition to being available through this component call. Availability in the Info.plist allows retrieval of input modes by the system without opening the component. The component call is used whenever the system is notified of a change in the contents of the input mode list, such as when the name or key-equivalents of individual input modes have changed.

If, when the input method is first activated in a login session, the settings of the individual input modes (names or key-equivalents) differ from the default settings as found in the component bundle Info.plist, the system needs to be notified of the change. The input method does this by sending out the Carbon event kEventTextInputInputMenuChanged, just as when the change originally took place.

For more information on the dictionary keys used to define input modes and the input mode dictionary, see “Input Mode Dictionary Key” and “Individual Input Mode Keys.”

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that its associated document window is becoming inactive.

ComponentResult DeactivateTextService (
   ComponentInstance ts


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.

Return Value

See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

When it receives a DeactivateTextService call, the text service component is responsible for saving whatever state information it needs to save, so that it can restore the proper information when it becomes active again. Note that an input method should not confirm any unconfirmed text in the active input area, but should save it until reactivated.

A component other than an input method should hide all its floating windows and menus. However, an input-method component should not hide its windows in response to this call. If the subsequent document being activated is using the same component’s service, it would be irritating to the user to hide and then immediately redisplay the same windows. An input-method component should hide its windows only in response to a HidePaletteWindows call.

The Text Services Manager makes this call either on its own or in response to application-interface calls it receives from client applications. Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Informs the Text Services Manager that a TSM document is inactive.

OSErr DeactivateTSMDocument (
   TSMDocumentID idocID


A TSM document identification number created by a prior call to the NewTSMDocument function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


The DeactivateTSMDocument function lets you inform the Text Services Manager that a TSM document in your client application is no longer active and must temporarily stop using text service components.

The Text Services Manager calls the equivalent text service component function DeactivateTextService for any text service component associated with the TSM document being deactivated.

An application that supports inline input should always strive to have a TSM document active at all times. If a situation arises in which all TSM documents are inactive and keyboard input occurs, the Text Services Manager automatically interacts with the user via its floating input window. (This is the same floating window that the Text Services Manager displays if an application calls the function UseInputWindow with a value of TRUE for the useWindow parameter.)

Declared In


Closes all opened text service components for the TSM document.

OSErr DeleteTSMDocument (
   TSMDocumentID idocID


A TSM document identification number created by a prior call to the NewTSMDocument function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


When your application disposes of a TSM document, it must call the DeleteTSMDocument function to inform the Text Services Manager that the document is no longer using text service components. DeleteTSMDocument invokes the Component Manager CloseComponent function for each open text service component associated with this document. It also disposes of the internal data structure for the TSM document.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that it must complete the processing of any input that is in progress.

ComponentResult FixTextService (
   ComponentInstance ts


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.

Return Value

See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

For input method components, this function is equivalent to the user explicitly confirming text, but in this case the request comes instead from the application or from the Text Services Manager. Typically, users confirm text explicitly (such as by pressing the Return key), and input methods continually process these user events and send the confirmed text to client applications. Circumstances may arise, however, in which an application needs the input method to confirm and send input without an explicit confirmation from the user.

If, for example, the user clicks the mouse in text outside the active input area, that constitutes an implicit user acceptance of the text in the active input area. In this case, applications should explicitly terminate any active input by calling the FixTSMDocument function, which notifies the Text Services Manager. The Text Services Manager then calls the FixTextService function, which notifies the text service component that it must stop accepting further input and pass the current contents (both converted and unconverted) of the active input area as confirmed text to the client application.

Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Informs the Text Services Manager that user input for a TSM document has been interrupted.

OSErr FixTSMDocument (
   TSMDocumentID idocID


The identification number of a TSM document created by a prior call to the NewTSMDocument function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


Typically, an inline input text service component removes confirmed input from the active input area each time the user presses the Return key, and passes the confirmed text to your application through a Carbon event or an Apple event.

In certain situations, however, your client application may need to inform the text service component that input in the active input area of a specified TSM document has been interrupted, and that the text service component must confirm the text and terminate user input.In this case you call the FixTSMDocument function to give the input method text service component the opportunity to confirm any input in progress.

For instance, if the user clicks in the close box of the window in which active input is taking place, call FixTSMDocument before you close the window. The text service component will pass you the current contents (both converted and unconverted) of the active input area as confirmed text.

For simple activating and deactivating of your application’s window, it is not necessary to confirm the text in the active inline area. The input method saves the text and restores it when your window is reactivated.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that it must produce a handle to its menu.

ComponentResult GetTextServiceMenu (
   ComponentInstance ts,
   MenuRef *serviceMenu


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.


A pointer to a menu handle (defined by the Menu Manager MenuHandle data type) for the text service component that is to be updated. The menu handle may be preallocated or it may be NULL. If the menu handle is NULL, the text service component should allocate a new menu and return it. On Mac OS 8 and 9, note that all instances of a component must share a single menu handle, allocated in the system heap. On Mac OS X, all instances of a component must share a single menu handle within an application’s context.

Return Value

If the text service component does not have a menu, it should return a ComponentResult value of TSMHasNoMenuErr. See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

The Text Services Manager calls GetTextServiceMenu when a component is opened or activated, so that it can put the component’s menu on the menu bar.

Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that it must identify the current value of one of its properties.

ComponentResult GetTextServiceProperty (
   ComponentInstance ts,
   TextServicePropertyTag inPropertyTag,
   TextServicePropertyValue *outPropertyValue


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.


A constant identifying a general property of a text service. For descriptions of the system-defined property selectors, see “Text Service Properties.”


On return, a constant specifying the value for a text service property. For descriptions of the system-defined property values, see “Text Service Properties.”

Return Value

See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components have the option of implementing a function for this call.

Both the Text Services Manager and client applications can call this function to manage text service properties. If client applications directly make this call, the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that it must hide its floating windows.

ComponentResult HidePaletteWindows (
   ComponentInstance ts


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.

Return Value

If the text service component has no palettes, it should return a ComponentResult value of noErr. See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

If a window associated with a TSM document associated with your text service is being deactivated, your text service component receives the DeactivateTextService call. You should perform any necessary cleanup or other tasks associated with deactivating your current component instance. If your text service component is not an input method, you should also hide all floating windows associated with the document being deactivated. If your text service component is an input method and if the newly activated document does not use your text services, you receive the HidePaletteWindows call. When it receives a HidePaletteWindows call, your input method should hide all its floating and nonfloating windows associated with the component instance being deactivated. Its menus, if any, will be removed from the menu bar by the Text Services Manager.

The Text Services Manager makes this call either on its own or in response to application-interface calls it receives from client applications. Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that it must perform any necessary set-up tasks and begin operating.

ComponentResult InitiateTextService (
   ComponentInstance ts


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.

Return Value

This function should return a ComponentResult value of zero if there is no error, and an error code if there is one. See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

The Text Services Manager can call InitiateTextService to any component that it has already opened with the Component Manager OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent functions. Text service components should be prepared to handle InitiateTextService calls at any time.

Any text service component can receive multiple InitiateTextService calls. The Text Services Manager calls InitiateTextService each time the user adds a text service to a TSM document, even if the text service component has already been opened. This provides an opportunity for the component to restart or to display user interface elements that the user may have closed.

The Text Services Manager makes this call either on its own or in response to application-interface calls it receives from client applications. Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Creates a TSM document and returns a handle to the document’s ID.

OSErr NewTSMDocument (
   SInt16 numOfInterface,
   InterfaceTypeList supportedInterfaceTypes,
   TSMDocumentID *idocID,
   SRefCon refcon


The number of text service interface types that your application supports.


A value of type InterfaceTypeList specifying the kinds of text services that your program supports. This list helps the Text Services Manager locate the text services that have the correct interface type.


Upon successful completion of the call, a pointer to the document identification number of the TSM document created. If NewTSMDocument fails to create a new TSM document, it returns an error and sets idocID to NULL.


A reference constant to be associated with the TSM document. This may have any value you wish.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


Each time your client application calls the NewTSMDocument function, the Text Services Manager creates an internal structure called a TSM document and returns its ID.

If the call is successful, NewTSMDocument opens the default input method text service component of the current keyboard script and assigns it to this document. If NewTSMDocument returns tsmScriptHasNoIMErr, it has still created a valid TSM document, but has not associated an input method with it.

Starting in Mac OS X v10.3, the NewTSMDocument function turns on the kTSMDocumentUnicodeInputWindowPropertyTag implicitly for TSMDocuments of interface type kUnicodeDocumentInterfaceType. The effect is that Unicode input sources (keyboard layouts) can remain available, not only in an editing mode where Unicode is supported by an application, but also outside of editing mode where no TSMDocument in particular is active.

This change also provides compatibility with many applications that relied on Unicode input being available even without activating any of their own TSMDocuments, as well as other applications that do create their own Unicode TSMDocument but call the function UseInputWindow passing true (which was really an undefined operation in the original Unicode/TSM specification).

Declared In


Sends Carbon text input events from a text service component to a client application.

OSStatus SendTextInputEvent (
   EventRef inEvent


A reference to the Carbon event to be sent.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.” The SendTextInputEvent function returns noErr if the event is successfully handled. If the event is not handled, the function may return a Carbon Event Manager error, as well as Apple event or Text Encoding Conversion Manager errors.


The SendTextInputEvent function allows a Carbon text service component on Mac OS X to send a Carbon text input event to the Text Services Manager for dispatching to a client application. This function can be used for events of Carbon event class kEventClassTextInput as well as for events of class kEventClassTSMDocumentAccess.

If the client application does not handle a particular Carbon text input event, the Text Services Manager converts the event to the corresponding Apple event and sends it again. An exception to this is when the application is not Unicode-aware (that is, the active TSM document was not created with the kUnicodeDocument interface type). In this case, a kEventUnicodeForKeyEvent Carbon event would not be converted to the corresponding Apple event (kUnicodeNotFromInputMethod). In every case, if the application handles neither the Unicode Carbon text input event nor the corresponding Apple event, the Text Services Manager converts the component’s text input event into a stream of “classic” key events for delivery to WaitNextEvent clients.

If the application has no active TSM documents or has called the function UseInputWindow to request input via the Text Services Manager’s floating input window—that is, if the application does not handle the event at all—the Text Services Manager routes the component’s text input event to the floating input window to allow bottom-line input.

Carbon Porting Notes

Note that this function replaces the function SendAEFromTSMComponent on Mac OS X only. With Mac OS X, text service components must be Carbon clients. This is in contrast to Mac OS 8 and 9, where text service components must not be Carbon clients. (This restriction is due to the fact that it is potentially destabilizing for a Carbon-based component to load Carbon in the context of a non-Carbon application.) Therefore, text service components use Carbon text input events and the SendTextInputEvent function only on Mac OS X. The function SendAEFromTSMComponent must be used by components running on Mac OS 8 and 9.

On any system, the Text Services Manager automatically converts component-originated text input events to the proper form for client applications. On Mac OS X, the Text Services Manager automatically converts component-originated Carbon events to Apple events, if a client application does not provide handlers for Carbon events. Conversely, on Mac OS 8 and 9, the Text Services Manager automatically converts component-originated Apple events to Carbon events and provides these Carbon events to applications, so they have the option of handling them.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that one of its properties has been selected.

ComponentResult SetTextServiceProperty (
   ComponentInstance ts,
   TextServicePropertyTag inPropertyTag,
   TextServicePropertyValue inPropertyValue


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.


A constant identifying a general property of a text service. For descriptions of the system-defined property selectors, see “Text Service Properties.”


A constant specifying a particular value for the text service property. For descriptions of the system-defined property values, see “Text Service Properties.”

Return Value

See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components have the option of implementing a function for this call.

An application can call SetTextServiceProperty to request that a text service component use a specific feature or functionality of the component’s program. For example, if an application knows that a Japanese input method which supports various typing methods is the currently active input method, the application can solicit the user’s preference of typing methods. Then the application can call SetTextServiceProperty to request that the input method use the preferred typing method, for example, Roman or Kana. Currently, the only properties that are defined by the system are typing methods for Japanese input methods.

Both the Text Services Manager and client applications can call this function to manage text service properties. If client applications directly make this call, the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Notifies a text service component that it must terminate its operations in preparation for closing.

ComponentResult TerminateTextService (
   ComponentInstance ts


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.

Return Value

If the text service component needs to remain open, it should return an OSErr value in the component result return value. This could happen, for example, if the user chooses Cancel in response to a text service component dialog box. See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Text service components must implement a function for this call.

The Text Services Manager calls TerminateTextService before closing the component instance. A text service component must use this opportunity to confirm any inline input in progress. If this call is made to the last open instance of a text service component, the component should hide any open palette windows. If it is an input method, the component should not dispose of its menu handle if it has a menu.

The Text Services Manager makes this call either on its own or in response to application-interface calls it receives from client applications. Client applications may directly make this call, but the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Provides an opportunity for a text service component to handle a Carbon event.

ComponentResult TextServiceEventRef (
   ComponentInstance ts,
   EventRef event


A Component Manager value of type ComponentInstance that identifies the component being called. When the Text Services Manager makes this call, it passes the ComponentInstance value returned by its call to the OpenComponent function. If an application makes this call, it may use the ComponentInstance value obtained from the kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance parameter of the Carbon event or the keyAEServerInstance parameter of an Apple event sent by the component being called. Alternately, an application may obtain a ComponentInstance value from a prior call to the function OpenTextService.


A reference to the Carbon event being passed to the component.

Return Value

If the text service component handles the event, it should return a nonzero value for componentResult. If it does not handle the event, it should return 0. Note that the Text Services Manager clones an event before passing it to a component, so any changes made to the contents of an event by the text service have no effect on the original event. See the Component Manager documentation for a description of the ComponentResult data type.


Carbon text service components (that is, Mac OS X text services) must implement a function for this call.

The Text Services Manager automatically passes raw keyboard Carbon events (events of class kEventClassKeyboard) and some Carbon mouse events to text service components associated with an active TSM document. The Text Services Manager passes mouse-click events (kEventMouseDown, kEventMouseUp, kEventMouseDragged) to active text services directly. However, the Text Services Manager does not send kEventMouseMoved events to text service components. Instead, when a mouse-moved event occurs inside an inline input region (as registered via an application call to the TSMSetInlineInputRegion function), the Text Services Manager promotes the kEventMouseMoved event to the window-specific kEventWindowCursorChange event, which it then sends to the text service. For more details, see the function TSMSetInlineInputRegion.

Both the Text Services Manager and client applications can call this function to send Carbon events to components. If client applications directly make this call, the Text Services Manager does not then play a role in the connection between the client application making the call and the text service component receiving it.

Declared In


Obtains the active TSM document in the current application context.

TSMDocumentID TSMGetActiveDocument (

Return Value

If the Text Services Manager has enabled bottom line input because no TSM document is active, NULL is returned. See the description of the TSMDocumentID data type.


This function can be useful to identify whether the currently active TSM document belongs to the application, or whether it may belong to a control or a plug-in which has user focus within the application’s window.

Declared In


Obtains a TSM document property.

OSStatus TSMGetDocumentProperty (
   TSMDocumentID docID,
   TSMDocumentPropertyTag propertyTag,
   UInt32 bufferSize,
   UInt32 *actualSize,
   void *propertyBuffer


The TSMDocumentID that identifies the document whose property you want to obtain.


A tag that specifies the property you want to obtain.


The size of the data pointed to by the propertyBuffer parameter. See the Discussion for what to supply.


On return, the actual size of the data.


On return, a pointer to the property data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


You can call the function TSMGetDocumentProperty to retrieve arbitrary data with a specific TSM document. You associated arbitrary data with a TSM document by calling the function TSMSetDocumentProperty.

Input methods can call the function TSMGetDocumentProperty to determine whether the application that owns the document supports the glyph ID specification (kTSMDocumentPropertySupportGlyphInfo).

You can call the function TSMGetDocumentProperty to check for the following predefined properties:

These properties do not have any data associated with them. If the function TSMGetDocumentProperty returns noErr when you call the function with one of these properties, it indicated the property is present.

Typically you need to call this function twice, as follows:

  1. Pass the document ID for the document, the tag that specifies the property you want to obtain, 0 for the bufferSize parameter, NULL for the actualSize parameter, and NULL for the propertyBuffer parameter.

  2. Allocate enough space for a buffer of the returned size, then call the function again, passing a pointer in the propertyBuffer parameter. On return, the pointer references the property data.

Declared In


Removes a property from a TSM document.

OSStatus TSMRemoveDocumentProperty (
   TSMDocumentID docID,
   TSMDocumentPropertyTag propertyTag


The TSMDocumentID that identifies the document whose property you want to obtain.


A tag that specifies the property you want to remove.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets a property for a TSM document.

OSStatus TSMSetDocumentProperty (
   TSMDocumentID docID,
   TSMDocumentPropertyTag propertyTag,
   UInt32 propertySize,
   void *propertyData


The TSMDocumentID that identifies the document whose property you want to set.


A tag that specifies the property you want to set.


The size of the property data.


A pointer to the property data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


You can call the function TSMSetDocumentProperty to associate arbitrary data with a specific TSM document. You can call the function TSMGetDocumentProperty to retrieve arbitrary data.

If your application supports input of unencoded glyphs you must notify the Text Service Manager and input methods by setting the glyph ID specification (kTSMDocumentPropertySupportGlyphInfo) as a property of each TSM document.

Declared In


Associates a floating input window with one or more TSM documents.

OSErr UseInputWindow (
   TSMDocumentID idocID,
   Boolean useWindow


The TSM document ID of the particular TSM document to be associated with the floating input window. If NULL, this call affects all your application’s TSM documents.


Indicates whether to use the floating input window. Pass TRUE if you want to use a floating window; pass FALSE if you do not want to use a floating window.

Return Value

A result code. See “Text Services Manager Result Codes.”


The Text Services Manager provides a floating input window for your application’s use if you call UseInputWindow with a value of TRUE in the useWindow parameter. To specify inline input instead, call UseInputWindow with a value of FALSE in the useWindow parameter.

The default value for useWindow is FALSE; if you do not call UseInputWindow, the Text Services Manager assumes that your application wants to use inline input. If your application wants to save the user’s choice, it can put the last-used value for useWindow in a preferences file before quitting.

If you pass a valid TSM document ID for the idocID parameter, the useWindow parameter affects only that TSM document. If you pass NULL for the idocID parameter, the useWindow parameter affects all your application’s TSM documents, including documents you create after making this call.

Declared In

Data Types

TSM Document Interface Type

Defines an interface type for a TSM document.

typedef OSType TSMDocumentInterfaceType;


As of Mac OS X version 10.3, TSM interface types are also stored as TSM document properties. Interface types are a subset of TSM document properties; not all properties are interface types. Once a TSM document is created, you can easily find out its interface types at document creation. See “TSM Document Interfaces” for a list of the possible interface types.

Declared In


An array of four-character codes identifying Text Services Manager interface types.

typedef OSType InterfaceTypeList[1];


The InterfaceTypeList type is used in the function NewTSMDocument to identify the type of interfaces that an application supports and in the function GetServiceList to identify the types of interfaces that are currently available. See “TSM Document Interfaces” for a list of the possible interfaces.

Declared In


Identifies a specific script-language combination.

struct ScriptLanguageRecord {
   ScriptCode fScript;
   LangCode fLanguage;
typedef struct ScriptLanguageRecord ScriptLanguageRecord;


A ScriptCode value identifying a particular set of written characters (for example, Roman versus Cyrillic) and their encoding.


A LangCode value identifying a particular language (for example, English), as represented using a particular ScriptCode value.


Structures of type ScriptLanguageRecord are used in the functions SetDefaultInputMethod, GetDefaultInputMethod, SetTextServiceLanguage, and GetTextServiceLanguage.

Declared In


Lists a component’s supported scripts and languages.

struct ScriptLanguageSupport {
   short fScriptLanguageCount;
   ScriptLanguageRecord fScriptLanguageArray[1];
typedef struct ScriptLanguageSupport ScriptLanguageSupport;
typedef ScriptLanguageSupport * ScriptLanguageSupportPtr;
typedef ScriptLanguageSupportPtr * ScriptLanguageSupportHandle;


An integer specifying the number of ScriptLanguageRecord structures provided in the fScriptLanguageArray field.


A variable-length array of structures of type ScriptLanguageRecord. Each of these structures identifies a specific script-language combination.


A structure of type ScriptLanguageSupport is used in the function GetScriptLanguageSupport to list all of a component’s supported scripts and languages. If you are a component developer filling out a ScriptLanguageSupport structure, you should start with the component’s primary script and language as specified in the componentFlags field of its ComponentDescription structure.

Declared In


Identifies a single text service component by name and Component value.

struct TextServiceInfo {
   Component fComponent;
   Str255 fItemName;
typedef struct TextServiceInfo TextServiceInfo;
typedef TextServiceInfo *TextServiceInfoPtr;


A Component Manager value of type Component. A Component value is a pointer to an opaque structure called a ComponentRecord that describes a component. You must supply a Component value in the function OpenTextService.


A Pascal string with the name of a text service component. (The script system to use for displaying the string is specified in the componentFlags field of a ComponentDescription structure.

Declared In


Lists one or more text service components by name and Component value.

struct TextServiceList {
   short fTextServiceCount;
   TextServiceInfo fServices[1];
typedef struct TextServiceList TextServiceList;
typedef TextServiceList * TextServiceListPtr;
typedef TextServiceListPtr * TextServiceListHandle;


An integer specifying the number of TextServiceInfo structures in the text service component list provided in the fServices field.


A variable-length array of structures of type TextServiceInfo. Each TextServiceInfo structure identifies a specific component by name and Component value.


A structure of type TextServiceInfo is used in the function GetServiceList to list of all the text service components of a specified type that are currently available on a system.

Declared In


Defines a data type for text service property values.

typedef SInt32 TextServicePropertyValue;


The property values associated with this data type are “Text Services Property Values.” Note that these values are declared as CFStringRef data types, so they require a cast to the SInt32 data type before you can supply them as a TextServicePropertyValue.

Declared In


A reference to an opaque object that specifies a TSM context.

typedef struct OpaqueTSMContext * TSMContext;

Declared In


A reference to an opaque object that identifies a specific TSM document.

typedef struct OpaqueTSMDocumentID * TSMDocumentID;


Each time a client application calls the function NewTSMDocument, the Text Services Manager creates an opaque internal structure called a TSM Document and returns a pointer to the document’s identification number.

Declared In


Describes one glyph embedded in a run of text.

struct TSMGlyphInfo {
   CFRange range;
   ATSFontRef fontRef;
   UInt16 collection;
   UInt16 glyphID;
typedef struct TSMGlyphInfo TSMGlyphInfo;


A CFRange data structure that specifies, in UTF-16 offsets, a range within the text to which this TSMGlyphInfo data structure applies. I


An ATS font reference that specifies the font with which the glyph should be displayed. Note that the character collection ROS (Adobe Registry, Ordering, Supplement) is a property of the font.


A glyph collection type that specifies how the glyphID parameter should be interpreted. When the value is kGlyphCollectionID, glyphID specifies the glyph's ID. When collection is a non-zero value, it specifies a character collection and glyphID specifies a CID. Note that collection must match the character collection of the font specified by the fontRef parameter.

When collections do not match, the TSMGlyphInfo data structure is invalid and should be ignored. You need to supply an ATSUI constant of type GlyphCollection to specify the character set you want to use. See Inside Mac OS X: ATSUI Reference for a list of the glyph collection constants you can specify.


A glyph ID that specifies the glyph to use you to use in place of the current glyph. If you pass 0 instead of specifying a glyph, the TSMGlyphInfo data structure is used to attach a font to a range of text. In this case, the fontRef parameter specifies a font that should be used to display the range of text specified by the range parameter. This is useful when using characters in the Unicode private use area. Windings and other Windows based pi fonts are examples of such characters. When glyphID is zero, collection should also be zero and applications should ignore its value.


The TSMGlyphInfo data structure is used as an item in the TSMGlyphInfoArray data structure. You use these structures to provide TSM with glyph and font information when you want to override the current glyph or font.

Declared In


Contains an array of glyph information structures.

struct TSMGlyphInfoArray {
   ItemCount numGlyphInfo;
   TSMGlyphInfo glyphInfo[1];
typedef struct TSMGlyphInfoArray TSMGlyphInfoArray;


The number of items in the glyphInfo array.


An array of glyph information structures.

Declared In


Attribute Bits for TSM Document Access Carbon Events

Represents TSM document attributes.

enum {
   kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttributeBit = 0,
   kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttributeBit = 1


When this bit is set, indicates to obtain font size information; used in the Carbon event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetFont.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


When this bit is set, indicates to obtain effective range information used in the Carbon events kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetFont and kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetGlyphInfo.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


These bit assignments are used for the TSM document access attribute parameters. You can use these bits to specify desired (optional) attributes in the kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes parameter available for the events kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetFont and kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetGlyphInfo.


Attribute Masks for TSM Document Access Carbon Events

Used to set or test for document-access attributes.

typedef UInt32 TSMDocAccessAttributes;
enum {
   kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttribute = 1L << kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttributeBit,
   kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttribute = 1L <<  kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttributeBit


Use to set or test for the kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttributeBit bit.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Use to set or test for the kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttributeBit bit.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Carbon Event Class for TSM Document Access

Defines a constant for the Carbon event class used to allow TSM access to application documents content.

enum {
   kEventClassTSMDocumentAccess = 'tdac'


Used to request and deliver document content information. The events associated with this class provide text access, text attribute access, and transaction information. See “Carbon Events for TSM Document Access” for a list of the events defined for this class.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The Text Services Manager (TSM) dispatches TSM document access events as Carbon events. You must install a Carbon event handler to access these events because they are not available through AppleEvent handlers.

Text Services dispatches these Carbon events through the function SendTextInputEvent.


Carbon Events for TSM Document Access

Define constants for the Carbon events associated with the TSM document access event class.

enum {
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetLength = 1,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetSelectedRange = 2,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtr = 3,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtrForLargestBuffer = 4,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharacters = 5,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetFont = 6,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetGlyphInfo = 7,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessLockDocument = 8,
   kEventTSMDocumentAccessUnlockDocument = 9


Returns the number of 16-bit Unicode characters in the document.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the text service originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessCharacterCount. The size of the document in UniChar characters.

You can obtain the same information from this event as you can by calling the function CFStringGetLength, passing the document content formatted as a CFString.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Returns the selection range in the document.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the text service originating the event. This can be NULL for input methods of the palette class, such as the typography panel.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharacterRange. The selection range as a CFRange in UniChar characters. If the selection is empty, the range identifies the insertion point and the range specifies a length of 0.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Returns a Unicode pointer to the entire document content. Handle this event when your application has access to the entire document. If your application has access to a cache, use the event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtrForLargestBuffer.

Some text engines may not support this event for reasons that are implementation-dependent. For example, a text engine backing store may consist of legacy encoding runs. It may also consist of unflattened Unicode, stored as a B-tree of text blocks. For such reasons, a text engine may reject a request for a pointer to a flattened Unicode buffer. Note that text access through this pointer is to be strictly read-only, so any changes to the document should be made through TSM text input events, such as kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea or kEventTextInputUnicodeText. This pointer is valid only during a transaction surrounded by document lock/unlock events, or until an event causes the document to change, such as dispatching kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea or kEventTextInputUnicodeText events, whichever occurs first.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharactersPtr. The UniChar pointer to the document.

You can obtain the same information from this event as you can by calling the function CFStringGetCharactersPtr, passing the document content formatted as a CFString.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Returns a Unicode pointer to a portion of the document. Handle this event when your application has access to a cache. If your application has access to the entire document, use the event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtr.

Some text engines keep text in unflattened Unicode—for example, stored as a B-tree of text blocks. Sometimes, especially for chunks of text near the insertion point, the text engine caches a chunk of text to which it can readily provide a pointer. But because the text is not flattened, the text engine might reject a request for such a pointer. See the Discussion for more information.

Note that text access through this pointer is strictly read-only, so any changes to the document should be made through TSM text input events, such as kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea or kEventTextInputUnicodeText. This pointer is valid only during a transaction surrounded by document lock/unlock, or until an event causes the document to change, such as dispatching kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea or kEventTextInputUnicodeText events.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterIndex. The location in the document for which the caller wants a pointer to a buffer of text that includes that location. This buffer could be available from a cache due to recent interaction near that location, such as the insertion point.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharactersPtr. The UniChar pointer to a portion of the document text.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharacterRange. A CFRange value for the text returned by the text pointer. The initial offset in the range is document-relative.

This event is similar to calling the function CFStringGetCharactersPtr on a portion of the document content formatted as a CFString, except that the substring is determined by the text engine.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


This fills a caller provided buffer with Unicode characters in the specified range. This event is equivalent to calling the function CFStringGetCharacters on the document content treated as a CFString.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterRange. The range of text that should be copied into the buffer provided by the caller.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharactersPtr. A buffer provided by the caller to contain the specified range of UniChar characters. This buffer is identical in usage to the one used in the function CFStringGetCharacters.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Returns font, font size, and the range over which these attributes are constant. Where the font/font size attributes span multiple characters, an effective range (over which requested attributes are constant) is returned by the text engine.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterIndex. The location in the document for which the caller would like font information.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes. A TSMDocAccessAttributes bit field filled out with the desired attributes. Applicable values for this event are: kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttribute which requests font size information through the kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyFontSize parameter, and kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttribute which requests the text range over which font or font/size is constant.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyATSFont. The ATSFontRef for the location specified by the caller.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyFontSize. The font size for the requested location. This is an optional reply parameter. Return this information if kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttribute is specified in the bit field passed as the kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes parameter.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterRange. The maximum range of text the caller cares about. This is used to restrict the area of interest to the caller so the text engine doesn't process more characters than necessary in order to return an effective range.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessEffectiveRange. The range of text over which both font and size are constant, within the bounds of the kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterRange parameter. This is an optional reply parameter. Return this information if kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttribute is specified in the bit field passed as the kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes parameter.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Returns glyph info and the range covered by that glyph. Where a glyph spans multiple characters, the effective range, represented by the glyph, is returned by the application.

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterIndex. The location in the document for which the caller would like glyph information.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes. A TSMDocAccessAttributes bit field filled out with the information desired. The applicable value for this event is kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttribute, which requests the text range represented by a glyph.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyATSUGlyphSelector. The glyph used to display the range of text returned in the kEventParamTSMDocAccessEffectiveRange parameter. If the glyph used is the one that ATSUI would normally derive, this parameter can be omitted.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessEffectiveRange. The range of text displayed as a glyph ID or CID. This is an optional reply parameter. Return this information if kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttribute is specified in the bit field passed as the kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes parameter.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Notifies the application that it should not change its document's text content (on its own) while a text service is involved in a transaction. The application should not allow changes, for example, by its secondary threads. This type of event defines how a text service can obtain access to a document in a way that ensures data integrity during its transaction. The event can be used to prevent the application from letting its secondary threads modify the document while a text service is busy servicing an event, such as a key event, or some user interaction with text-service-provided user interface such as a menu selection. Also, while the document is locked, a text service is free to request pointer access to the document's text content (if this is supported by the application’s text engine.) These lock-related events should be implemented using a retention counting scheme. Most applications will not support this kind of threading, so implementation of these events in the text engine are optional. In most text engines, the implementation of these events should be trivial, that is, just maintain a simple semaphore. TSM itself will implicitly lock/unlock around normal entry points into a text service, such as when it delivers key events to an input method, but there may be times when document changes can be driven by an input method without TSM involvement, such as the Carbon events involved when the user interacts with some user interface. In this case, the input method must manage locking, if the application supports it. However, the logic in an input method should not depend on whether TSM is in the call chain or not, and TSM should not depend on whether an input method performs correctly. This is why the lock mechanism needs to be some kind of retention counting scheme instead of a simple on and off mechanism. Document lock support is optional on the part of the text engine (if it is not threaded). TSM implicitly locks/unlocks the document around delivery of events to input methods, if the application supports it.You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessLockCount. The resulting retention count of locks on the document.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Unlock the document so the application text engine is free to initiate changes again. (See kEventTSMDocumentAccessLockDocument).

You can obtain the following event parameters from this event:

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance. This parameter is provided by the input method originating the event.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon. The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus.

  • kEventParamTSMDocAccessLockCount. The resulting retention count of locks on the document.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Text-access events are very similar in design to the CFString API. You can think of an entire document as a flattened Unicode string, and the events in this interface can access any portion of it. Just as the text is Unicode, the text offsets are also Unicode.

The event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetSelectedRange allows a text service to obtain text near the insertion point (or selection), but access is by no means restricted to this vicinity. Use the event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetLength to obtain the size of the document.

Supporting these events effectively provide hooks into the text engine, but it is understood that access to a document in this way is strictly read-only. Where direct access to document content cannot be provided through a pointer, the requested text can be copied instead. Situations where a pointer may not be available from the text engine include the following:

The idea is to minimize copying and converting text encodings where possible. The text service typically begins by asking for a document pointer through the event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtr. If this fails, it typically falls back to the event kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtrForLargestBuffer, specifying a location of interest. If this fails, it falls back to kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharacters, specifying a range of interest. Of course, when requesting small amounts of data with such a few characters on either side of the insertion point, there is no obligation to optimize in this way. It's valid to simply use kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharacters.

The text engine is entirely free to deny a request for a text pointer for these or any other implementation-specific reason.


Carbon Event Parameters for General TSM Events

Define general parameters for TSM events.

enum {
   kEventParamTSMSendRefCon      = 'tsrc',
   kEventParamTSMSendComponentInstance = 'tsci'


This parameter is equivalent to the text input parameter kEventParamTextInputSendRefCon; the parameter data type is typeLongInteger.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


This parameter is equivalent to the text input parameter kEventParamTextInputSendComponentInstance; the parameter data type is typeComponentInstance.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


Carbon Event Parameters for TSM Document Access

Define document access parameters for TSM events.

enum {
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon = kEventParamTSMSendRefCon,
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance =  kEventParamTSMSendComponentInstance,
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessCharacterCount = 'tdct',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharacterRange = 'tdrr',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharactersPtr = 'tdrp',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterIndex = 'tdsi',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterRange = 'tdsr',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharactersPtr = 'tdsp',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessRequestedCharacterAttributes = 'tdca',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyATSFont = 'tdaf',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyFontSize = 'tdrs',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessEffectiveRange = 'tder',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyATSUGlyphSelector = 'tdrg',
   kEventParamTSMDocAccessLockCount = 'tdlc',
   typeATSFontRef                = 'atsf',
   typeGlyphSelector             = 'glfs'


The TSM function SendTextInputEvent, called by an input method, inserts this parameter before dispatching the event to the user focus. The parameter data type is typeLongInteger.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeComponentInstance.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeCFIndex.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeCFRange.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typePtr.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeCFIndex.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeCFRange.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typePtr.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeUInt32.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeATSFontRef.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeFloat.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeRange.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeGlyphSelector.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is typeCFIndex.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is ATSFontRef.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


The parameter data type is ATSUGlyphSelector.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CarbonEvents.h.


See “Carbon Events for TSM Document Access” for more information on these parameters and the information they contain for a specific event.


Component Flags

Specify flags used for input method components.

enum {
   bTakeActiveEvent = 15,
   bHandleAERecording = 16,
   bScriptMask = 0x00007F00,
   bLanguageMask = 0x000000FF,
   bScriptLanguageMask = bScriptMask + bLanguageMask


This bit is set if the component takes an active event,

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


This bit is set if the component takes care of recording Apple Events.

Available beginning with version 2.0.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies bits 8 - 14.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies bits 0 - 7.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies bits 0 - 14.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Document Property Tags

Specify property tags for a TSM document.

typedef OSType      TSMDocumentPropertyTag;
enum {
kTSMDocumentSupportGlyphInfoPropertyTag = 'dpgi',
kTSMDocumentUseFloatingWindowPropertyTag = 'uswm',
kTSMDocumentUnicodeInputWindowPropertyTag = 'dpub',
kTSMDocumentSupportDocumentAccessPropertyTag = 'dapy',
kTSMDocumentRefconPropertyTag = 'refc',
kTSMDocumentInputModePropertyTag = 'imim',
kTSMDocumentPropertySupportGlyphInfo =
kTSMDocumentPropertyUnicodeInputWindow =
kTSMDocumentTextServicePropertyTag = kTextServiceDocumentInterfaceType,
kTSMDocumentUnicodePropertyTag = kUnicodeDocumentInterfaceType,
kTSMDocumentTSMTEPropertyTag  = kTSMTEDocumentInterfaceType


The existence of this property in a TSM document indicates that the event handlers associated with he TSM document are aware of the TSM GlyhInfo data structure. This structure allows the input source producing text to apply Glyph IDs, CIDs, or fonts to subranges of text produced. This is useful or characters in Unicode private use area, such as Windings. For more information, see Technical Note TN2079 Glyph Access Protocol. By convention, this value can be a UInt32 with a value of 0, but this is arbitrary. Available in TSM 1.5, in Mac OS X 10.2 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


The presence of this property tag indicates that the TSM document should use the TSM floating input window to handle input from input methods. This form of input does not support Unicode input by default, unless the property kTSMDocumentUnicodeInputWindowPropertyTag is set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


The presence of this property tag indicates that although the TSM document has been told to use the TSM floating input window to handle input from input methods, the floating window is to support Unicode input. This is useful when non input-related activity is to produce Unicode, such as keyboard navigation.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


The presence of this property tag indicates that the event handlers associated with this TSM document support the TSM document access event suite (see “Carbon Events for TSM Document Access.”) This property also indicates that the handler for the TSMevent kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea supports the replaceRange parameter and that the handler is a Carbon event handler, not an AppleEvent handler.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


The property value initially contains the refcon value passed to the function NewTSMDocument. This property is useful for changing the refcon value after the TSM document has been created. The refcon value is a long, the same as that passed to NewTSMDocument. Property is value-dependent; see the Discussion for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


The property value indicates which input mode should be used by the current keyboard-class input method. It is useful for temporarily restricting text input to a subset of characters normally produced by an input method in a given script, such as Katakana for Japanese input. See “Text Service Properties” for more details. Also note that this property tag and value are passed unchanged to the function “SetTextServiceProperty,” so it also serves as a text service property tag. See kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag for discussion on the values associated with this property.

The property value is a CFStringRef data type. With the function TSMGetTextServiceProperty, the behavior is that of a Copy function. The implementation of SetTextServiceProperty (in the component) retains or copies the CFString object. In either case the caller is responsible for releasing the reference. Property is value-dependent; see the Discussion for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


You should no longer use this property.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


You should no longer use this property.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a non-Unicode savvy document. This property is equivalent to a pre-existing document interface type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


This property is equivalent to the Unicode document interface type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


This property is equivalent to the TSMTE document interface type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


You can use the functions TSMSetDocumentProperty and TSMGetDocumentProperty to set and get arbitrary property data needed by your application.

Unless otherwise noted, all properties are read-only, value-independent, and available in TSM version 2.2, which is the version available starting in Mac OS X version 10.3.

Value-independent properties are used where the existence of the property, and not its value, is sufficient. These properties can read by other clients, and are most often used by input methods. For example, input methods can query the current TSM document to see if supports unrestricted Unicode input, or if it supports the GlyphInfo protocol.

Value-dependent properties are used when the value associated with a property is meaningful.

Input Method Identifier

Specifies a keyboard input method text service.

enum {
   kInputMethodService = kKeyboardInputMethodClass


A four-character code identifying an input method text service. Specifies that the older constant name kInputMethodService is equivalent to the newer constant name kKeyboardInputMethodClass.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Input Mode Dictionary Key

Defines a string for the input mode dictionary key that you can use in the Component bundle info.plist.

#define kComponentBundleInputModeDictKey  CFSTR("ComponentInputModeDict")


If you are developing an input method, you use this key in the component bundle info.plist to identify a dictionary of input mode information. The dictionary should contain keys to identify input modes—see “Individual Input Mode Keys”—and should have the form described in the Discussion section of the function CopyTextServiceInputModeList. The function CopyTextServiceInputModeList returns an input mode dictionary.

Input Mode Palette Menu Definition Keys

Defines keys used to describe the items in a pull-down menu.

#define kTSInputModePaletteItemTitleKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemTitleKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemKeyEquivalentKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemKeyEquivalentKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemKeyEquivalentModifiersKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemKeyEquivalentModifiersKey")


A CFString that specifies a menu item title. Use - for a separator.


A CFString that specifies a menu item keyboard shortcut .


A CFNumber that specifies a menu item keyboard shortcut modifier (from Events.h).


These keys are returned by the function GetInputModePaletteMenu, in the outMenuItemsArray parameter. For information on the structure of the CFDictionary, see the TextServices.h header file.

Input Mode Palette Control Keys

Defines keys used to describe controls for an input palette.

#define kTSInputModePaletteItemTypeKey  CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemTypeKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemIconKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemIconKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemAltIconKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemAltIconKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemStateKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemStateKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemEnabledKey   CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemEnabledKey")
#define kTSInputModePaletteItemIDKey    CFSTR("tsInputModePaletteItemIDKey")


A CFNumber that specifies the type of control (0: push button, 1: toggle button, 2: pull-down menu),


A CFString that specifies an icon file name. The file should be located in the input method bundle resource directory, so this is just the file name, not full path.


A CFString that specifies an alternate icon file name. The file should be located in the input method bundle resource directory, so this is just the file name, not full path.


A CFNumber that specifies the state of the control (0: clear or unpressed, 1: checked or pressed, 2: mixed).


A CFBoolean that specifies the enabled state of the control.


A CFNumber that specifies a UInt32 tag ID for the control.


You use these keys in a CFDictionary that contains control descriptions passed to the functions TSMInputModePaletteLoadButtons and TSMInputModePaletteUpdateButtons. For information on the structure of the CFDictionary, see the TextServices.h header file.

Individual Input Mode Keys

Defines keys used to identify input modes in an input mode dictionary.

#define kTSInputModeListKey CFSTR("tsInputModeListKey")
#define kTSInputModeMenuIconFileKey CFSTR("tsInputModeMenuIconFileKey")
#define kTSInputModeAlternateMenuIconFileKey
#define kTSInputModePaletteIconFileKey
#define kTSInputModeDefaultStateKey CFSTR("tsInputModeDefaultStateKey")
#define kTSInputModeScriptKey CFSTR("tsInputModeScriptKey")
#define kTSInputModePrimaryInScriptKey
#define kTSInputModeIsVisibleKey      CFSTR("tsInputModeIsVisibleKey")
#define kTSInputModeKeyEquivalentModifiersKey
#define kTSInputModeKeyEquivalentKey
#define kTSInputModeJISKeyboardShortcutKey


If you are developing an input method, you use these keys in a dictionary of input mode information. The Component bundle info.plist should an input mode dictionary key that identifies the dictionary—see “Input Mode Dictionary Key.” The dictionary should have the form described in the Discussion section of the function CopyTextServiceInputModeList. The function CopyTextServiceInputModeList returns an input mode dictionary.


Specify types of text services interfaces.

enum {
   kTextService = 'tsvc'


A four-character code identifying a text service of any kind (including input methods). This value is also used to identify non-Unicode TSM documents.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


This constant is used in arrays of type InterfaceTypeList. In addition to this constants, the constant kTSMTEInterfaceType ('tmTE'), from TSMTE.h, is a supported interface type that allows TextEdit to provide automatic inline input support in TextEdit documents.

Language and Script Constants

Specify the language or script is not known or neutral.

enum {
   kUnknownLanguage = 0xFFFF,
   kUnknownScript = 0xFFFF,
   kNeutralScript = 0xFFFF


Specifies an unknown language.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies an unknown script.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a neutral script.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Low-level Routine Selectors

Specify low level routines which are dispatched directly to the Component Manager.

enum {
   kCMGetScriptLangSupport = 0x0001,
   kCMInitiateTextService = 0x0002,
   kCMTerminateTextService = 0x0003,
   kCMActivateTextService = 0x0004,
   kCMDeactivateTextService = 0x0005,
   kCMTextServiceEvent = 0x0006,
   kCMGetTextServiceMenu = 0x0007,
   kCMTextServiceMenuSelect = 0x0008,
   kCMFixTextService = 0x0009,
   kCMSetTextServiceCursor = 0x000A,
   kCMHidePaletteWindows = 0x000B,
   kCMGetTextServiceProperty = 0x000C,
   kCMSetTextServiceProperty = 0x000D


Specifies the function GetScriptLanguageSupport; Component Manager call selector 1.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function InitiateTextService; Component Manager call selector 2.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function TerminateTextService; Component Manager call selector 3.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function ActivateTextService; Component Manager call selector 4.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function DeactivateTextService; Component Manager call selector 5.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function TextServiceEventRef; Component Manager call selector 6.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function GetTextServiceMenu; Component Manager call selector 7.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Component Manager call selector 8.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function FixTextService; Component Manager call selector 9.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Component Manager call selector 10.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function HidePaletteWindows; Component Manager call selector 11.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function GetTextServiceProperty; Component Manager call selector 12.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the function SetTextServiceProperty; Component Manager call selector 13.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

New Low-level Routine Selector

Specifies new low-level routine that are dispatched directly to the Component Manager.

enum {
   kCMUCTextServiceEvent = 0x000E


Component Manager call selector 14.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Text Service Classes

Specify text service classes supported by TSM.

enum {
   kKeyboardInputMethodClass = 'inpm',
   kInkInputMethodClass = 'ink ',
   kCharacterPaletteInputMethodClass = 'cplt',
   kSpeechInputMethodClass = 'voic',
   kOCRInputMethodClass = 'ocr '
typedef OSType TextServiceClass;


Specifies a text service class for keyboard input methods. Behavior is exclusive. Input methods in this class are normally associated with a Mac ScriptCode or Unicode, although they can be associated with several scripts by adopting the input mode protocol.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a text service class for Ink input methods. Behavior is additive. Text services in the Ink class do not belong to any given script in the sense that those of the Keyboard class do. Once selected, this kind of text service remains active regardless of the current keyboard script. Although text services in this class are keyboard script agnostic, similar to input methods of the keyboard class they can still profess to produce only those Unicodes that are encoded in the Mac encoding specified in their component description record or their implementation of the GetScriptLanguageSupport component call.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a text service class for Character Palette input methods. Behavior is additive. Text services in the character palette class do not belong to any given script in the same sense that do those of the keyboard class. Once selected, this kind of text service remains active regardless of the current keyboard script. Although text services in this class are keyboard script agnostic, similar to input methods of the keyboard class, they can still produce only those Unicodes that are encoded in the Mac encoding specified in their component description record or their implementation of the GetScriptLanguageSupport component call. Unlike input methods in the keyboard class, multiple such text services can be activate in parallel. Mac OS X provides a System user interface to allow the user to both enable and select multiple such input methods.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a text service class for Speech input methods. Behavior is additive. Similar to Character palette class.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a text service class for Optical Character Recognition input methods. Behavior is additive. Similar to Character palette class.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Text service classes fall in two categories or behaviors. Text services that belong to some classes are exclusive of one another within a given Mac script code, such input methods of the keyboard class. Input Methods of other classes are additive in nature, regardless of the current keyboard script.

Within a given class and script, exclusive input methods can only be activated one at a time. Input methods in additive classes are keyboard script agnostic and can be active in parallel with other text services in the same class, such as multiple character palettes.

These are the same as the component subtype for the component description.

Text Service Version

Specifies the interface type for version 2.

enum {
   kTextServiceVersion2 = 'tsv2'


The interface type for V2 interfaces

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Text Service Properties

Specify a feature or functionality of a component.

typedef OSType TextServicePropertyTag;
enum {
   kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag = kTSMDocumentInputModePropertyTag,
   kIMJaTypingMethodRoman = 'roma',
   kIMJaTypingMethodKana = 'kana',
   kIMJaTypingMethodProperty = kTextServiceJaTypingMethodPropertyTag,
   kTextServiceJaTypingMethodPropertyTag = 'jtyp'


Specifies the input mode property for input methods. This property is a CFString object that uniquely identifies which input mode should be made current by a keyboard class input method, if possible. This property tag is identical to the tag kTSMDocumentInputModePropertyTag passed to the function TSMDocumentProperty. This allows the tag and value to be passed through without interpretation.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Not recommended. Specify Japanese input in Roman script.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Not recommended. Specify Japanese input in Kana script.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Deprecated. Specify the typing method as Japanese input. This property is deprecated. Use the tag kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag instead.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Deprecated.Use the tag kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag instead.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Text Service Property constants are used in SetTextServiceProperty and GetTextServiceProperty. The only property that is recommend for you to use is the property kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag.

Input modes are either generic (pre-defined by TSM), or specific to an input method. An example of a generic input mode is Katakana input (Japanese) where input in a text field needs to be restricted to that character subset. Another is Roman input mode. This is useful to temporarily provide Roman input from an input method that normally allows text input in another script. The advantage to using Roman input mode over forcing the keyboard script to Roman is that the same user interface for the input method continues to be available to the user, even though the input script changed. An example of a special input mode (input method specific) is Hanin input mode in Traditional Chinese input methods.

To temporarily change the current input mode from whatever it is to a generic one, use the function GetTextServiceProperty to obtain the current input mode, then call the function SetTextServiceProperty to switch to the generic mode. When done using the generic input mode, you can restore the original input mode.

You can find out what input modes are supported by an input method by calling the function CopyTextServiceInputModeList. If the input method does not support a specified input mode, the functions GetTextServiceProperty and SetTextServiceProperty return the result tsmComponentPropertyUnsupportedErr. The function GetTextServiceProperty returns the result tsmComponentPropertyNotFoundErr.

Text Services Property Values

Define values for the text services input mode property tags.

#define kTextServiceInputModeRoman     CFSTR("")
#define kTextServiceInputModePassword
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseHiragana
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseKatakana
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseFullWidthRoman
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseHalfWidthKana
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapanesePlaceName
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseFirstName
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseLastName
#define kTextServiceInputModeBopomofo
#define kTextServiceInputModeTradChinesePlaceName
#define kTextServiceInputModeHangul
#define kTextServiceInputModeJapanese
#define kTextServiceInputModeTradChinese
#define kTextServiceInputModeSimpChinese
#define kTextServiceInputModeKorean


Specifies to restrict output to Roman characters only.


Specifies to restrict output to Hiragana characters only (no conversion to Kanji, that is, yomi).


Specifies to restrict output to Katakana characters only (no conversion to Kanji).


Specifies to restrict output to Bopomofo characters only (no conversion to Han).


Specifies to restrict output to traditional chines place name.


Specifies to restrict output to Hangul syllables only (no conversion to Hanja).


Specifies unrestricted Japanese output.


Specifies traditional Chinese generic (unrestricted) input mode.


Specifies simplified Chinese generic (unrestricted) input mode.


Specifies Korean generic (unrestricted) output (Hanja possible).


These values require a cast from the CFStringRef data type to an SInt32 data type before they can be used in text services functions.

Text Services Object Attributes

Specify characteristics of text services.

#define kKeyboardInputMethodTypeName ";\pkeyboardinputmethod"
#define kHandwritingInputMethodTypeName ";\phandwritinginputmethod"
#define kSpeechInputMethodTypeName ";\pspeechinputmethod"
#define kTokenizeServiceTypeName ";\ptokenizetextservice"
#define kInteractiveTextServiceTypeName ";\pinteractivetextservice"
#define kInputMethodModeName ";\pinputmethodmode"
#define kInputMethodModeVariantName ";\pinputmethodvariantmode"
#define kTextServiceModeName ";\ptextservicemode"
#define kTextServiceNeedsInlineAppMode ";\ptextservicesneedsinlineapp"
#define kTextServiceNeedsGetProtocolMode ";\ptextservicesneedsGetProtocol"
#define kTextServiceAnyAppMode ";\ptextservicesanyapp"

TSM Document Interfaces

Specify types of TSM document interfaces.

enum {
   kTextServiceDocumentInterfaceType = kTextService,
   kTSMTEDocumentInterfaceType   = 'tmTE',
   kUnicodeDocumentInterfaceType = 'udoc',


A four-character code identifying a TSM document type for traditional (non-Unicode) TSM documents. This is the traditional TSM document type. It does not support Unicode. TSM converts all Unicode produced by input methods to the Mac encoding represented by the current keyboard script (or the Mac encoding specified by the input method producing text.) Full Unicode input sources may not be selectable when this TSM document is active.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Deprecated. Specifies a TSM document type for TSMTE document (see kTSMTEInterfaceType in TSMTE.h). This requests automatic management of inline input sessions by TextEdit (the text engine.) See Technote TE27 - Inline Input for TextEdit with TSMTE. This document interface type should no longer be used because TextEdit has been replaced by MLTE.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a TSM document type for Unicode-savvy applications. TSM pass through all Unicode text unchanged. When this TSM document is active, the full range of input sources is available to the user, such as Unicode keyboard layouts.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


These constants are used in arrays of type InterfaceTypeList. TSM Interface types, as of Mac OS X 10.3, are also stored as TSM document properties, so once a TSM document is created, you can easily find out its interface types at document creation.

Unicode Identifiers

Specify constants that identify Unicode components and documents.

enum {
   kUnicodeDocument = 'udoc',
   kUnicodeTextService = 'utsv'


A four-character code that identifies a Unicode TSM document, for use by Unicode-savvy applications.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a component type for a Unicode text service.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Collection Tags

Specify collection tags.

enum {
   kInteractiveServicesTag = 'tmin',
   kLocaleIDTag = 'loce',
   kTextInputObjectTag = 'tiot',
   kLocaleObjectRefTag = 'lobj',
   kLocaleRefTag = 'lref',
   kKeyboardInputMethodContextTag = 'kinp',
   kKeyboardLocaleObjectRefTag = 'kilo',
   kHandwritingInputMethodContextTag = 'hinp',
   kHandwritingLocaleObjectRefTag = 'hilo',
   kSpeechInputMethodContextTag = 'sinp',
   kSpeechLocaleObjectRefTag = 'silo',
   kPasswordModeTag = 'pwdm',
   kRefconTag = 'refc',
   kUseFloatingWindowTag = 'uswm',
   kReadOnlyDocumentTag = 'isro',
   kSupportsMultiInlineHolesTag = 'minl',
   kProtocolVersionTag = 'nprt',
   kTSMContextCollectionTag = 'tsmx'


Specifies the use of a bottom-line floating window for an input method.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in TextServices.h.


All the constants in this enumeration, except kUseFloatingWindowTag, are reserved for future use.

Input Mode Variants

Specify variant tags for input modes.

enum {
   kIM2ByteInputMode = '2byt',
   kIM1ByteInputMode = '1byt',
   kIMDirectInputMode = 'dinp'


Specifies a double-byte input mode.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a single-byte input mode.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies a direct input mode.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in TextServices.h.


These constants are reserved for future use.

Input Mode - Standard Tags

Specify standard tags for input method modes.

enum {
   kIMRomanInputMode = 'romn',
   kIMPasswordInputMode = 'pasw',
   kIMXingInputMode = 'xing',
   kIMHuaInputMode = 'huam',
   kIMPinyinInputMode = 'piny',
   kIMQuweiInputMode = 'quwe',
   kIMCangjieInputMode = 'cgji',
   kIMJianyiInputMode = 'jnyi',
   kIMZhuyinInputMode = 'zhuy',
   kIMB5CodeInputMode = 'b5cd',
   kIMKatakanaInputMode = 'kata',
   kIMHiraganaInputMode = 'hira'


These constants are reserved for future use.

Locale Object Attributes

Specify attributes of a locale object.

enum {
   kNeedsInputWindow = 1,
   kHandlesUpdateRegion = 2,
   kHandlesGetRegion = 3,
   kHandlesPos2Offset = 4,
   kHandlesOffset2Pos = 5,
   kInPasswordMode = 6,
   kHandleMultipleHoles = 7,
   kDocumentIsReadOnly = 8


These constants are reserved for future use.

Version Constants

Specify versions of the Text Services Manager.

enum {
   kTSMVersion = 0x0150,
   kTSM15Version = kTSMVersion,
   kTSM20Version = 0x0200,
   kTSM22Version = 0x0220,
   kTSM23Version = 0x0230


Specifies the version of the Text Services Manager is 1.5

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the version of the Text Services Manager is 1.5

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the version of the Text Services Manager is 2.0 (Mac OS X v10.0).

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the version of the Text Services Manager is 2.2 (Mac OS X 1v0.3).

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.


Specifies the version of the Text Services Manager is 2.3 (Mac OS X v10.4).

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in TextServices.h.

Result Codes

The most common result codes returned by Text Services Manager are listed below.

Result CodeValueDescription
tsmComponentNoErr 0

Component result: no error

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr -2500

Specified script and language are not supported

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr -2501

Specified input method cannot be found

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmNotAnAppErr -2502

The caller was not an application

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr -2503

The caller is already TSM-initialized

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmNeverRegisteredErr -2504

The caller is not TSM-aware

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmInvalidDocIDErr -2505

Invalid TSM document ID

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmTSMDocBusyErr -2506

Document is still active

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmDocNotActiveErr -2507

Document is not active

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmNoOpenTSErr -2508

There is no open text service component

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmCantOpenComponentErr -2509

Can’t open the component

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr -2510

No text service component found

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmDocumentOpenErr -2511

There are open documents

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmUseInputWindowErr -2512

An input window is being used

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmTSHasNoMenuErr -2513

The text service component has no menu

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmTSNotOpenErr -2514

Text service component is not open

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr -2515

Text service component already open for document

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmInputMethodIsOldErr -2516

The default input method is old-style

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmScriptHasNoIMErr -2517

Script has no (or old) input method

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmUnsupportedTypeErr -2518

Unsupported interface type

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmUnknownErr -2519

Any other error not listed in this table

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmDefaultIsNotInputMethodErr -2524

Current input source is a keyboard layout resource

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

tsmDocPropertyNotFoundErr -2528

Requested TSM document property not found

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

tsmDocPropertyBufferTooSmallErr -2529

Buffer passed for property value is too small

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

tsmCantChangeForcedClassStateErr -2530

Enabled state of a TextService class has been forced and cannot be changed

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

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