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Leopard Reference Library
Java support in Mac OS X is based on the Java 2, Standard Edition implementation, installed with every copy of Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Mac OS X Server provides more resources through JBoss and WebObjects. Developers' cross-platform J2SE applications appear as native Mac OS X applications.

A guided introduction and learning path for developers new to Java in Mac OS X.   Essential information for developers using the Mac OS X built-in Java support.  
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Accessibility Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use the accessibility features built into Mac OS X.
Accessibility Guides 2008-03-11
BlockedEventQueue (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Counter-example: shows hang when Java ActionListener blocks AWTEventQueue
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2006-04-13
CFBundleIdentifier and user application access (HTML)
QA1373: Describes the role of CFBundleIdentifier in limiting a user's application access.
Design Guidelines Technical Q&As 2005-02-08
Customizing Component Border Colors (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1272: Retaining Aqua background for JComboBox menus with custom control borders.
Design Guidelines Technical Q&As 2003-07-31
CWCocoaComponent (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Native color picker Integration for AWT/Swing applications using NSColorWell and NSColorPanel
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2006-04-12
HelpHook (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Simple Help Viewer integration for J2SE applications, using a native Cocoa library.
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2006-04-12
Important Java Directories on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1170: Mac OS X equivalents of common Java runtime and development directories.
Design Guidelines Technical Q&As 2003-10-21
Java Runtime Properties for Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - TN2031: Runtime properties for use with Java 1.3.1 applications.
Design Guidelines Technical Notes 2002-06-12
JNI Development on Mac OS X (HTML)
TN2147: Discusses use of native APIs and UI elements from Java applications
Design Guidelines Technical Notes 2006-04-17
JSheets (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses AWT Native Interface (JAWT) to Display Cocoa sheet dialogs in Java
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2006-07-11
Mixing AWT/Swing and Cocoa-Java (HTML)
QA1342: Recommended alternatives to mixing Cocoa-Java and AWT/Swing.
Design Guidelines Technical Q&As 2006-10-12
MRJToolkitStubs (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Stubs of the MRJToolkit API for building or distributing on non-Mac OS X systems.
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2003-01-14
MyFirstJNIProject (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Java application that calls the Address Book framework through the JNI
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2006-04-12
OSXAdapter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Hooks into the Mac OS X Application Menu with the com.apple.eawt classes via reflection.
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2007-06-01
QCCocoaComponent (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Displays Quartz Composer compositions inside a Swing JFrame
Design Guidelines Sample Code 2006-04-12
Right- and Control-Drags on Mac OS X (HTML)
QA1362: Describes a difference in Drag and Drop on Mac OS X that affects all cross-platform Java applications
Design Guidelines Technical Q&As 2005-06-29
Tailoring Java 1.3.1 Applications for Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - TN2042: Deprecated. Please refer to " Java 1.3 Development for Mac OS X".
Design Guidelines Technical Notes 2005-04-01
Unsolicited About Boxes (HTML)
QA1363: How to properly override the default about and quit behaviors in Java 1.4 and later
Design Guidelines Technical Q&As 2004-08-31
DNS Service Discovery Java Reference (HTML)
Describes DNS Service Discovery API features of ZeroConf networking for Java on Mac OS X in Javadoc format.
General Reference 2008-10-15
J2SE 5.0 API Reference Library (HTML)
Describes the Javadoc-formatted API for the JDK and for Apple's MRJ packages.
General Reference 2007-10-31
J2SE 5.0 Apple Extensions Reference (HTML)
Describes the Javadoc-formatted API for the JDK and for Apple's MRJ packages.
General Reference 2009-02-04
J2SE 5.0 Release 1 for Mac OS X Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists features, known issues, and workarounds for J2SE 5.0 for Mac OS X.
General Release Notes 2005-10-04
J2SE 5.0 Release 3 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with J2SE 5.0 Release 3 for Mac OS X v.10.4.
General Release Notes 2006-01-10
J2SE 5.0 Release 4 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with J2SE 5.0 Release 4 for Mac OS X v.10.4.
General Release Notes 2006-05-23
Java 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release 2 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Explains new features, resolved and known issues, and workarounds for Java 1.4.2 and 1.3.1 Release 2 for Mac OS X v10.4.
General Release Notes 2005-10-03
Java 1.3.1 Update 1 Release Notes (HTML)
General Release Notes 2002-02-01
Java 1.4 API Reference Library (HTML)
Describes standard Java 1.4 APIs supported on Mac OS X.
General Reference 2007-10-31
Java 1.4 API Reference: Apple Extensions (HTML)
Describes Apple extensions for integrating Java applications with the native Mac OS X environment.
General Reference 2007-10-31
Java 1.4.1 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
General Release Notes 2003-06-11
Java 1.4.1 Update 1 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
General Release Notes 2003-09-02
Java 1.4.2 for Mac OS X v10.4 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Explains new features, resolved, and outstanding issues in the Java 1.4.2 for Mac OS X v10.4.
General Release Notes 2005-09-08
Java 1.4.2 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
All links and other outstanding issues fixed.
General Release Notes 2004-08-11
Java 1.4.2 Update 1 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Explains resolved and outstanding issues in the Java 1.4.2 Update 1 release.
General Release Notes 2004-08-11
Java 1.4.2 Update 2 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Outlines the resolved and outstanding issues in Java 1.4.2 Update 2.
General Release Notes 2004-10-05
Java 3D 1.2 API Reference (HTML)
Describes the Javadoc-formatted API for the Java 3D 1.2 package. Does not include any Apple-specific reference.
General Reference
Java Advanced Imaging 1.1 API Reference (HTML)
Describes the Javadoc-formatted API for the Java Advanced Imaging 1.1 package. Does not include any Apple-specific reference.
General Reference
Java Advanced Imaging and Java 3D for Java 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 Release Notes (HTML)
Describes notes and known issues about Java Advanced Imaging and Java 3D for Java 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 on Mac OS X.
General Release Notes 2004-10-05
Java Development Guide for Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Describes what you need to take into account when developing and deploying a Java application on Mac OS X.
General Guides 2008-10-15
Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.4 Release 5
General Release Notes 2007-03-08
Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 6 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.4 Release 6.
General Release Notes 2007-12-14
Java for Mac OS X v10.4, Release 7 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
First version of Java for Mac OS X v10.4 Update 7 Release Notes.
General Release Notes 2008-09-24
Java for Mac OS X v10.4, Release 8 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.4, Release 8.
General Release Notes 2009-03-04
Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
General Release Notes 2007-10-31
Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Update 1 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Update 1.
General Release Notes 2008-05-02
Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Update 2 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Update 2.
General Release Notes 2008-09-24
Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Update 3 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.5 Update 3.
General Release Notes 2009-03-04
Java Info.plist Key Reference for Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the property list keys available in Java for Mac OS X.
General Reference 2009-03-04
Java System Property Reference for Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the System Properties offered by Java for Mac OS X.
General Reference 2009-03-04
Java Virtual Machine Option Reference for Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the virtual machine options offered by Java for Mac OS X.
General Reference 2009-03-04
Debugging Graphics with QuartzDebug (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1236: Explains how to use QuartzDebug to debug graphics issues.
Graphics & Imaging Technical Q&As 2006-01-12
JAWTExample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Using the new JAWT structs included with Java 1.4.1 Update 1 for Jaguar.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-10-27
JNI Development on Mac OS X (HTML)
TN2147: Discusses use of native APIs and UI elements from Java applications
Graphics & Imaging Technical Notes 2006-04-17
SimpleCocoaJavaMovieCocoa (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Shows how to use the NSMovieView and NSMovie Cocoa Java AppKit classes.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2003-01-14
SkyCreator (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates using the QuartzDebug utility with Java Applications by creating a random image of a starry sky.
Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2006-04-12
Building a JNI Universal Application with Xcode (HTML)
Learn to add Mac OS X features into your Java application using JNI and Xcode.
Internet & Web Articles 2006-03-20
Customer-focused Software Design: Marratech Turns a Java App into a Mac App (HTML)
Learn how Marratech used the Apple Developer Connection to help port its Java-based application.
Internet & Web Articles 2003-11-10
Developer Tools JBoss and Tomcat Do Not Start After Installing Java 1.4.2 Update (HTML)
QA1025: Describes how to re-enable JBoss and Tomcat after installing the Java 1.4.2 update.
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2004-03-04
Developing Java Applications on Mac OS X with Eclipse (HTML)
Learn from this hands-on article how to work with Eclipse on Mac OS X.
Internet & Web Articles 2005-02-28
Eclipse and Mac OS X: a Natural Combination (HTML)
Learn about the Eclipse IDE on Mac OS X and how to get started using it.
Internet & Web Articles 2004-06-07
Getting a Packet Trace (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1176: Lists tools available for looking at the network packets on the wire.
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2008-06-03
Hang launching signed Applets from JavaScript (HTML)
QA1395: Making a LiveConnect call to a signed Applet before that Applet has finished loading can cause a hang.
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2004-12-02
Java Application Server Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains J2EE and JBoss development on Mac OS X Server.
Internet & Web Guides 2005-08-11
Java Development Guide for Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Describes what you need to take into account when developing and deploying a Java application on Mac OS X.
Internet & Web Guides 2008-10-15
JavaEOGenerator (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Java-based template generation engine similar to EOGenerator
Internet & Web Sample Code 2007-11-14
JavaFrameEmbedding example (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Small Cocoa application that demonstrates how to use JavaFrameEmbedding.framework
Internet & Web Sample Code 2007-06-12
Server-Side Java with the Struts Framework on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn how to combine such things as Servlets, JSP, and custom Struts tag libraries using Struts.
Internet & Web Articles 2003-07-17
Sharing Browser Cookies With Java Applets (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1265: Creating a persistent browser session (cookie) inside Java 1.3 Applets
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2004-10-13
Using Sun Java Studio Creator 2 on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn to use the tool that provides visual access to databases and web services.
Internet & Web Articles 2004-11-15
Where are the LiveConnect classes on Mac OS X? (HTML)
QA1364: Locating classes necessary to build Java-Javascript communication into Java Applets on Mac OS X.
Internet & Web Technical Q&As 2006-10-02
Developer Tools JBoss and Tomcat Do Not Start After Installing Java 1.4.2 Update (HTML)
QA1025: Describes how to re-enable JBoss and Tomcat after installing the Java 1.4.2 update.
Mac OS X Server Technical Q&As 2004-03-04
Java Application Server Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains J2EE and JBoss development on Mac OS X Server.
Mac OS X Server Guides 2005-08-11
Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 6 Release Notes (HTML) (PDF)
Lists resolved and outstanding developer issues with Java for Mac OS X v10.4 Release 6.
Mac OS X Server Release Notes 2007-12-14
JavaEOGenerator (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Java-based template generation engine similar to EOGenerator
Mac OS X Server Sample Code 2007-11-14
Mac OS X Server Command-Line Administration (PDF)
Explains how to use commands and configuration files to perform server administration tasks in a UNIX command shell.
Mac OS X Server Guides 2007-12-11
Mac OS X Server Web Technologies Administration (PDF)
Explains how to set up and manage a web server, including WebDAV, WebMail, and web modules.
Mac OS X Server Guides 2007-10-31
BlockAnimation (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A bit of java code which INCORRECTLY handles animation
Performance Sample Code 2006-08-01
Bouncy (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demostrates using Shark For Java to profile Java Applications
Performance Sample Code 2006-04-17
Fractal Performance (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Three fractal applications that show various bottlenecks and how they can be fixed.
Performance Sample Code 2006-04-17
Mixing AWT/Swing and Cocoa-Java (HTML)
QA1342: Recommended alternatives to mixing Cocoa-Java and AWT/Swing.
Performance Technical Q&As 2006-10-12
Performance Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces the factors that determine performance.
Performance Guides 2006-10-03
SkyCreator (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates using the QuartzDebug utility with Java Applications by creating a random image of a starry sky.
Performance Sample Code 2006-04-12
AESendandReceive (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Sending and receiving Apple Events with JDK 1.3.1 on Mac OS X.
Porting Sample Code 2003-01-14
AppleJavaExtensions (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Stub classes for compiling com.apple.eawt/com.apple.eio references on non-Mac OS X platforms.
Porting Sample Code 2006-10-17
Customer-focused Software Design: Marratech Turns a Java App into a Mac App (HTML)
Learn how Marratech used the Apple Developer Connection to help port its Java-based application.
Porting Articles 2003-11-10
Identifying Java on Mac OS X (HTML)
TN2110: Discovering installed versions of J2SE, Mac OS X from Java code.
Porting Technical Notes 2008-05-07
Important Java Directories on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1170: Mac OS X equivalents of common Java runtime and development directories.
Porting Technical Q&As 2003-10-21
Jar Bundler User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Conceptual information and a tutorial about deploying JAR-based applications as Mac OS X application bundles.
Porting Guides 2006-05-23
Java on Intel-based Macs (HTML)
QA1295: Required changes (if any) for Java applications to run on Intel-based Macs.
Porting Technical Q&As 2006-10-17
JavaSplashScreen (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Deprecated - Quickly display a splash screen while instantiating the 1.4.x/1.5 JVM from a Cocoa application.
Porting Sample Code 2006-04-12
Mixing AWT/Swing and Cocoa-Java (HTML)
QA1342: Recommended alternatives to mixing Cocoa-Java and AWT/Swing.
Porting Technical Q&As 2006-10-12
New Control Styles available within J2SE 5.0 on Mac OS X 10.5 (HTML)
TN2196: Details what new control styles are available within J2SE 5.0 on Mac OS X 10.5
Porting Technical Notes 2007-11-02
OSXAdapter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Hooks into the Mac OS X Application Menu with the com.apple.eawt classes via reflection.
Porting Sample Code 2007-06-01
Right- and Control-Drags on Mac OS X (HTML)
QA1362: Describes a difference in Drag and Drop on Mac OS X that affects all cross-platform Java applications
Porting Technical Q&As 2005-06-29
Server Processes and the Dock (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1328: Discusses using headless AWT from Java server applications that need to be hidden.
Porting Technical Q&As 2004-01-19
simpleJavaLauncher (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
How to launch 1.4.x and future JVM's from a Core Foundation tool.
Porting Sample Code 2006-04-12
Unsolicited About Boxes (HTML)
QA1363: How to properly override the default about and quit behaviors in Java 1.4 and later
Porting Technical Q&As 2004-08-31
AddTextMovie (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Adds a text track to an existing movie selected by the user.
QuickTime Sample Code 2006-06-28
AddTextMovie.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to Add a text track to a Movie.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-01-14
CreatePictFile (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Creates a QTComponent from a PICT, JPEG or GIF file using a GraphicsImporter.
QuickTime Sample Code 2006-05-11
CustomMedia (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to subclass quicktime.std.movies.media.Media to support custom media types.
QuickTime Sample Code 2006-05-11