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Deprecated QuickDraw Functions

A function identified as deprecated has been superseded and may become unsupported in the future.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4


Adds a function to the head of the current device data structure’s list of complement functions. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void AddComp (
   ColorComplementUPP compProc


A pointer to your complement function, ColorComplementProcPtr.


AddComp creates and allocates a CProcRec data structure.

Declared In


Adds a function to the head of the current GDevice data structure’s list of search functions. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void AddSearch (
   ColorSearchUPP searchProc


A pointer to your custom search function, ColorSearchProcPtr.


AddSearch creates and allocates an SProcRec data structure.

Declared In


Reallocates cursor memory. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void AllocCursor (


Under normal circumstances, you should never need to use this function, since Color QuickDraw handles reallocation of cursor memory.

Declared In


Makes the base address for an offscreen pixel image purgeable. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void AllowPurgePixels (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to an offscreen pixel map.


The AllowPurgePixels function allows the Memory Manager to free the memory it occupies if available memory space becomes low. By default, NewGWorld creates an unpurgeable base address for an offscreen pixel image.

To get a handle to an offscreen pixel map, first use the GetGWorldPixMap function. Then supply this handle for the pm parameter of AllowPurgePixels.

Your application should call the LockPixels function before drawing into or copying from an offscreen pixel map. If the Memory Manager has purged the base address for its pixel image, LockPixels returns FALSE. In that case either your application should use the UpdateGWorld function to begin reconstructing the offscreen pixel image, or it should draw directly to an onscreen graphics port.

Only unlocked memory blocks can be made purgeable. If you use LockPixels, you must use the UnlockPixels function before calling AllowPurgePixels.

Special Considerations

The AllowPurgePixels function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Changes a basic graphics port’s background color. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void BackColor (
   long color


One of eight color values. See “Color Constants.”


The background color is the color of the pixels in the bitmap wherever no drawing has taken place. By default the background color of a GrafPort is white.

The BackColor function sets the background color for the current graphics port to the color that you specify in the color parameter. When you draw with the patCopy and srcCopy transfer modes, for example, white pixels are drawn in the color you specify with BackColor.

All nonwhite colors appear as black on black-and-white screens. Before you use BackColor, use the DeviceLoop function to determine the color characteristics of the current screen.

Special Considerations

The BackColor function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Version Notes

In System 7, use the Color QuickDraw function RGBBackColor.

Declared In


Changes the bit pattern used as the background pattern by the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void BackPat (
   const Pattern *pat


A bit pattern, as defined by a Pattern structure.


The BackPat function sets the bit pattern defined in the Pattern structure, which you specify in the pat parameter, to be the background pattern. (The standard bit patterns white, black, gray, ltGray, and dkGray are predefined; the initial background pattern for the graphics port is white.) This pattern is stored in the bkPat field of a GrafPort structure.

The BackPat function also sets a bit pattern for the background color in a color graphics port. The BackPat function creates a handle, of type PixPatHandle, for the bit pattern and stores this handle in the bkPixPat field of the CGrafPort structure. As in basic graphics ports, Color QuickDraw draws patterns in color graphics ports at the time of drawing, not at the time you use PenPat to set the pattern.

To define your own patterns, you typically create pattern, ‘PAT’, or pattern list, ‘PAT#’, resources.

Special Considerations

The BackPat function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Assigns a pixel pattern as the background pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void BackPixPat (
   PixPatHandle pp


A handle to the pixel pattern to use as the background pattern.


Setting the background pattern allows the ScrollRect function and the shape-erasing functions (for example, EraseRect) to fill the background with a colored patterned “ink.”

The BackPixPat function is similar to the basic QuickDraw function BackPat, except that you pass BackPixPat a handle to a multicolored pixel pattern instead of a bit pattern.

The handle to the pixel pattern is stored in the bkPixPat field of the CGrafPort structure, therefore, you should not dispose of this handle since QuickDraw removes all references to your pattern from an existing graphics port when you dispose of it.

If you use BackPixPat to set a background pixel pattern in a basic graphics port, the data in the pat1Data field of the PixPat structure is placed into the bkPat field of the GrafPort structure.

To define your own pixel pattern, create a pixel pattern resource, x is described on 'ppat', or use the NewPixPat function. To set the background pattern to a bit pattern, you can also use the QuickDraw function, BackPat.

Special Considerations

The BackPixPat function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Converts a bitmap or pixel map to a region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr BitMapToRegion (
   RgnHandle region,
   const BitMap *bMap


A handle to a region to hold the converted BitMap or PixMap structure. This must be a valid region handle created with the NewRgn function. The old region contents are lost.


A pointer to a BitMap or PixMap structure to be converted. If you supply a PixMap structure, its pixel depth must be 1.

Return Value

A result code.


The BitMapToRegion function converts a given BitMap or PixMap structure to a region. Pixels are added to the region where the corresponding entries in the bitmap have a value of 1. You would generally use this region later for drawing operations.

Declared In


Determines where filling will not occur when filling from the outside of a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CalcCMask (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const BitMap *dstBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *dstRect,
   const RGBColor *seedRGB,
   ColorSearchUPP matchProc,
   long matchData


The source image. If the image is in a pixel map, you must coerce its PixMap structure to a BitMap structure.


The destination image. The CalcCMask function returns the generated bitmap mask in this parameter. You can then use this mask with the CopyBits, CopyMask, and CopyDeepMask functions.


The rectangle of the source image.


The rectangle of the destination image.


An RGBColor structure specifying the color for pixels that should not be filled.


An optional matching function.


Data for the optional matching function.


Specify a source image in the srcBits parameter and in the srcRect parameter, specify a rectangle within that source image. Starting from the edges of this rectangle, CalcCMask calculates which pixels cannot be filled. By default, CalcCMask returns 1’s in the mask to indicate which pixels have the exact color that you specify in the seedRGB parameter and which pixels are enclosed by shapes whose outlines consist entirely of pixels with this color.

For instance, if the source image in srcBits contains a dark blue rectangle on a red background, and your application sets seedRGB equal to dark blue, then CalcCMask returns a mask with 1’s in the positions corresponding to the edges and interior of the rectangle, and the 0’s outside of the rectangle.

If you set the matchProc and matchData parameters to 0, CalcCMask uses the exact color specified in the RGBColor structure that you supply in the seedRGB parameter. You can customize CalcCMask by writing your own color search function and pointing to it in the matchProc parameter. As with SeedCFill, you can then use the matchData parameter in any manner useful for your application.

The CalcCMask function does not scale so the source and destination rectangles must be the same size. Calls to CalcCMask are not clipped to the current port and are not stored into QuickDraw pictures.

Declared In


Determines where filling will not occur when filling from the outside of a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CalcMask (
   const void *srcPtr,
   void *dstPtr,
   short srcRow,
   short dstRow,
   short height,
   short words


A pointer to the source bit image.


A pointer to the destination bit image.


Row width of the source bitmap.


Row width of the destination bitmap.


Height (in pixels) of the fill rectangle.


Width (in words) of the fill rectangle.


The CalcMask function produces a bit image with 1’s in all pixels to which paint could not flow from any of the outer edges of the rectangle. Use this bit image as a mask with the CopyBits or CopyMask function. A hollow object produces a solid mask, but an open object produces a mask of itself.

As with the SeedFill function, point to the bit image you want to fill with the srcPtr parameter, which can point to the image’s base address or a word boundary within the image. Specify a pixel height and word width with the height and words parameters to define a fill rectangle that delimits the area you want to fill. The fill rectangle can be the entire bit image or a subset of it. Point to a destination image with the dstPtr parameter. Specify the row widths of the source and destination bitmaps (their rowBytes values) with the srcRow and dstRow parameters. (The bitmaps can be different sizes, but they must be large enough to contain the fill rectangle at the origins specified by srcPtr and dstPtr.)

Calls to CalcMask are not clipped to the current port and are not stored into QuickDraw pictures.

Declared In


Sets the clipping path in a Quartz 2D graphics context, using a clipping region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus ClipCGContextToRegion (
   CGContextRef gc,
   const Rect *portRect,
   RgnHandle region


A Quartz context associated with a graphics port. You can obtain such a context by calling QDBeginCGContext.


The portRect for the graphics port associated with the context.


A region that represents the desired clipping path.

Return Value

A result code. If noErr, the clipping path is now the region-based path.


This function sets the clipping path in the specified context to closely approximate the geometry of the specified region.

Unlike clipping in Quartz 2D, this function does not intersect the new region-based path with the current clipping path—the new path simply replaces the current clipping path.

You should use this function only when absolutely necessary—it’s relatively inefficient when compared to Quartz 2D clipping functions such as CGContextClipToRect.

Declared In


Changes the clipping region of the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ClipRect (
   const Rect *r


A pointer to a rectangle for the boundary of the new clipping region. The ClipRect function changes the clipping region of the current graphics port to a region that’s equivalent to this rectangle. ClipRect doesn’t change the region handle, but it affects the clipping region itself.


Since ClipRect makes a copy of the given rectangle, any subsequent changes you make to that rectangle do not affect the clipping region of the port.

The ClipRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr CloseCursorComponent (
   ComponentInstance ci

Return Value

A result code.

Declared In


Completes the collection of drawing commands and picture comments that define your picture. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ClosePicture (


The ClosePicture function stops collecting drawing commands and picture comments for the currently open picture. You should perform one and only one call to ClosePicture for every call to the OpenCPicture (or OpenPicture) function.

The ClosePicture function calls the ShowPen function, balancing the call made by OpenCPicture (or OpenPicture) to the HidePen function.

Declared In


Completes the collection of lines that defines a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ClosePoly (


The ClosePoly function stops collecting line-drawing commands for the currently open polygon and computes the polyBBox field of the Polygon structure. You should call ClosePoly only once for every call to the OpenPoly function.

The ClosePoly function uses the ShowPen function, balancing the call to the HidePen function made by the OpenPoly function.

Special Considerations

The ClosePoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Organizes a collection of lines and shapes into a region definition. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CloseRgn (
   RgnHandle dstRgn


The handle to the region to close. This handle should be a region handle returned by the NewRgn function.


The CloseRgn function stops the collection of lines and framed shapes, organizes them into a region definition, and saves the result in the region whose handle you pass in the dstRgn parameter.

The CloseRgn function does not create the destination region; you must have already allocated space for it by using the OpenRgn function. The CloseRgn function calls the ShowPen function, balancing the call to the HidePen function made by OpenRgn.

When you no longer need the memory occupied by the region, use the DisposeRgn function.

If the points or rectangles supplied to this function are defined in a graphics port other than your current graphics port, you must convert them to the local coordinate system of your current graphics port. You can accomplish this by using the SetPort function to change to the graphics port containing the points or rectangles, using the LocalGlobal function to convert their locations to global coordinates, using SetPort to return to your starting graphics port, and then using the GlobalToLocal function to convert the locations of points or rectangles to the local coordinates of your current graphics port.

Special Considerations

Regions are limited to 32 KB in size in basic QuickDraw and 64 KB in Color QuickDraw. When you structure drawing operations in an open region, the resulting region description may overflow this limit. Should this happen in Color QuickDraw, the QDError function returns the result code regionTooBigError. Since the resulting region is potentially corrupt, the CloseRgn function returns an empty region if it detects QDError has returned regionTooBigError.

The CloseRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains the index of the best available approximation for a given color in the color table of the current GDevice data structure. This function is used only by system software. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

long Color2Index (
   const RGBColor *myColor


A pointer to the RGB color value to be approximated.

Return Value

The index of the best approximation for the given color that is available in the color table of the current GDevice data structure. Note that Color2Index returns a long integer, in which the low-order word is the index value; the high-order word contains zeros.


You should not call Color2Index from within a custom search function (described in ColorSearchProcPtr ).

Declared In


Sets the foreground color for all printing in the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ColorBit (
   short whichBit


An integer specifying the plane to draw into.


The ColorBit function is called by printing software for a color printer (or other color-imaging software) to set the GrafPort structure’s colorBit field to the value in the whichBit parameter. This value tells QuickDraw which plane of the color picture to draw into. QuickDraw draws into the plane corresponding to the bit number specified by the whichBit parameter. Since QuickDraw can support output devices that have up to 32 bits of color information per pixel, the possible range of values for whichBit is 0 through 31. The initial value of the colorBit field is 0.

Declared In


Copies a portion of a bitmap or a pixel map from one graphics port or offscreen graphics world into another graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CopyBits (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const BitMap *dstBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *dstRect,
   short mode,
   RgnHandle maskRgn


The source BitMap structure.


The destination BitMap structure.


The source rectangle.


The destination rectangle.


One of the eight source modes in which the copy is to be performed. See “Source, Pattern, and Arithmetic Transfer Mode Constants.” The CopyBits function always dithers images when shrinking them between pixel maps on direct devices.

When transferring pixels from a source pixel map to a destination pixel map, color QuickDraw interprets the source mode constants differently than basic QuickDraw does.

When you use CopyBits on a computer running color QuickDraw, you can also specify one of the transfer modes in the mode parameter.


A region to use as a clipping mask. You can pass a region handle to specify a mask region the resulting image is always clipped to this mask region and to the boundary rectangle of the destination bitmap. If the destination bitmap is the current graphics port’s bitmap, it is also clipped to the intersection of the graphics port’s clipping region and visible region. If you do not want to clip to a masking region, just pass NULL for this parameter.


The CopyBits function transfers any portion of a bitmap between two basic graphics ports, or any portion of a pixel map between two color graphics ports. Use CopyBits to move offscreen graphic images into an onscreen window, to blend colors for the image in a pixel map, and to shrink and expand images.

Specify a source bitmap in the srcBits parameter and a destination bitmap in the dstBits parameter. When copying images between color graphics ports, you must coerce each CGrafPort structure to a GrafPort structure, dereference the portBits fields of each, and then pass these “bitmaps” in the srcBits and dstBits parameters. If your application copies a pixel image from a color graphics port called MyColorPort, for example, you could specify (* GrafPtr(MyColorPort)).portBits in the srcBits parameter. In a CGrafPort structure, the high 2 bits of the portVersion field are set. This field, which shares the same position in a CGrafPort structure as the portBits.rowBytes field in a GrafPort structure, indicates to CopyBits that you have passed it a handle to a pixel map rather than a bitmap.

Using the srcRect and dstRect parameters, you can specify identically or differently sized source and destination rectangles; for differently sized rectangles, CopyBits scales the source image to fit the destination. If the bit image is a circle in a square source rectangle, and the destination rectangle is not square, the bit image appears as an oval in the destination. When you specify rectangles in the srcRect and dstRect parameters, use the local coordinate systems of, respectively, the source and destination graphics ports.

The CopyDeepMask function combines the functions of the CopyBits and CopyMask functions.

Special Considerations

When you use the CopyBits function to transfer an image between pixel maps, the source and destination images may be of different pixel depths, of different sizes, and they may have different color tables. However, CopyBits assumes that the destination pixel map uses the same color table as the color table for the current GDevice structure. (This is because the Color Manager requires an inverse table for translating the color table from the source pixel map to the destination pixel map.)

The CopyBits function applies the foreground and background colors of the current graphics port to the image in the destination pixel map (or bitmap), even if the source image is a bitmap. This causes the foreground color to replace all black pixels in the destination and the background color to replace all white pixels. To avoid unwanted coloring of the image, use the RGBForeColor function to set the foreground to black and use the RGBBackColor function to set the background to white before calling CopyBits.

The source bitmap or pixel map must not occupy more memory than half the available stack space. The stack space required by CopyBits is roughly five times the value of the rowBytes field of the source pixel map: one rowBytes value for the pixel map (or bitmap), an additional rowBytes value for dithering, another rowBytes value when stretching or shrinking the source pixel map into the destination, another rowBytes value for any color map changing, and a fifth additional rowBytes value for any color aliasing. If there is insufficient memory to complete a CopyBits operation in Color QuickDraw, the QDError function returns the result code –143.

If you use CopyBits to copy between two graphics ports that overlap, you must first use the LocalToGlobal function to convert to global coordinates, and then specify the global variable screenBits for both the srcBits and dstBits parameters.

The CopyBits function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

If you are reading directly from a NuBus video card with a base address of Fs00000 and there is not a card in the slot (s–1) below it, CopyBits reads addresses less than the base address of the pixel map. This causes a bus error. To work around the problem, remap the baseAddr field of the pixel map in your video card to at least 20 bytes above the NuBus boundary; an address link of Fs000020 precludes the problem.

Declared In


Uses a mask when copying bitmaps or pixel maps between graphics ports (or from an offscreen graphics world into a graphics port). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CopyDeepMask (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const BitMap *maskBits,
   const BitMap *dstBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *maskRect,
   const Rect *dstRect,
   short mode,
   RgnHandle maskRgn


The source BitMap structure.


The masking BitMap structure.


The destination BitMap structure. The result is clipped to the mask region that you specify in the maskRgn parameter, and to the boundary rectangle that you specify in the dstRect parameter.


The source rectangle.


The mask rectangle. This must be the same size as the rectangle passed in the srcRect parameter. The rectangle you pass here selects the portion of the bitmap or pixel map that you specify in the maskBits parameter to use as the mask.


The destination rectangle.


The source mode.


The mask clipping region. If you do not want to clip to the mask region, specify NULL.


CopyDeepMask combines the effects of the CopyBits and CopyMask functions. You specify a mask to CopyDeepMask so that it transfers the source image to the destination image only where the bits of the mask are set to 1. Use CopyDeepMask to move offscreen graphic images into an onscreen window, to blend colors for the image in a pixel map, and to shrink and expand images.

When copying images between color graphics ports, you must coerce each port’s CGrafPort structure to a GrafPort structure, dereference the portBits fields of each, and then pass these “bitmaps” in the srcBits and dstBits parameters. If your application copies a pixel image from a color graphics port called MyColorPort, for example, you could specify (* GrafPtr(MyColorPort)).portBits in the srcBits parameter. The transfer can be performed in any of the transfer modes—with or without adding the ditherCopy constant—that are available to CopyBits.

Using the srcRect and dstRect parameters, you can specify identically or differently sized source and destination rectangles; for differently sized rectangles, CopyDeepMask scales the source image to fit the destination. When you specify rectangles in the srcRect and dstRect parameters, use the local coordinate systems of, respectively, the source and destination graphics ports.

If you specify pixel maps to CopyDeepMask, they may range from 1 to 32 pixels in depth. The pixel depth of the mask that you specify in the maskBits parameter is applied as a filter between the source and destination pixel maps that you specify in the srcBits and dstBits parameters. A black mask pixel value means that the copy operation is to take the source pixel a white value means that the copy operation is to take the destination pixel. Intermediate values specify a weighted average, which is calculated on a color component basis. For each pixel’s color component value, the calculation is

(1 – mask) x source + (mask) x destination

Thus high mask values for a pixel’s color component reduce that component’s contribution from the source PixMap structure.

Special Considerations

As with the CopyMask function, calls to CopyDeepMask are not recorded in pictures and do not print.

See the list of special considerations for CopyBits; these considerations also apply to CopyDeepMask.

The CopyDeepMask function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Copies a bit or pixel image from one graphics port or offscreen graphics world into another graphics port only where the bits in a mask are set to 1. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CopyMask (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const BitMap *maskBits,
   const BitMap *dstBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *maskRect,
   const Rect *dstRect


The source BitMap structure.


The mask BitMap structure.


The destination BitMap structure.


The source rectangle.


The mask rectangle. This must be the same size as the rectangle passed in the srcRect parameter. The rectangle you pass in this parameter selects the portion of the bitmap or pixel map that you specify in the maskBits parameter to use as the mask.


The destination rectangle.


The CopyMask function copies the source bitmap or pixel map that you specify in the srcBits parameter to a destination bitmap or pixel map that you specify in the dstBits parameter—but only where the bits of the mask bitmap or pixel map that you specify in the maskBits parameter are set to 1. When copying images between color graphics ports, you must coerce each CGrafPort structure to a GrafPort structure, dereference the portBits fields of each, and then pass these “bitmaps” in the srcBits and dstBits parameters. If your application copies a pixel image from a color graphics port called MyColorPort, for example, you could specify (* GrafPtr(MyColorPort)).portBits in the srcBits parameter.

Using the srcRect and dstRect parameters, you can specify identically or differently sized source and destination rectangles; for differently sized rectangles, CopyMask scales the source image to fit the destination. When you specify rectangles in the srcRect and dstRect parameters, use the local coordinate systems of, respectively, the source and destination graphics ports.

If you specify pixel maps to CopyMask, they may range from 1 to 32 pixels in depth. The pixel depth of the mask that you specify in the maskBits parameter is applied as a filter between the source and destination pixel maps that you specify in the srcBits and dstBits parameters. A black mask pixel value means that the copy operation is to take the source pixel a white value means that the copy operation is to take the destination pixel. Intermediate values specify a weighted average, which is calculated on a color component basis. For each pixel’s color component value, the calculation is

(1 – mask) x source + (mask) x destination

Thus high mask values for a pixel’s color component reduce that component’s contribution from the source PixMap structure.

Use the bitmap returned by CalcMask as the mask in order to implement a mask copy similar to that performed by the MacPaint lasso tool. In the same way, you can use the pixel map returned by the CalcCMask function.

The CopyDeepMask function combines the functions of the CopyMask and CopyBits functions.

Special Considerations

Calls to CopyMask are not recorded in pictures and do not print.

See the list of special considerations for CopyBits; these considerations also apply to CopyMask.

The CopyMask function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Duplicates a PixMap structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CopyPixMap (
   PixMapHandle srcPM,
   PixMapHandle dstPM


A handle to the PixMap structure to be copied.


On return, a handle to the duplicated PixMap structure.


Typically, you do not need to call this function in your application code, because the CopyPixMap function copies the contents of the source PixMap structure to the destination PixMap structure. The contents of the color table are copied, so the destination PixMap has its own copy of the color table. Because the baseAddr field of the PixMap structure is a pointer, the pointer, but not the image itself, is copied.

Declared In


Copies the contents of one pixel pattern to another. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CopyPixPat (
   PixPatHandle srcPP,
   PixPatHandle dstPP


A handle to a source pixel pattern, the contents of which you want to copy.


A handle to a destination pixel pattern, into which you want to copy the contents of the pixel pattern in the srcPP parameter.


The CopyPixPat function copies all of the fields in the source PixPat structure, including the contents of the data handle, expanded data handle, expanded map, pixel map handle, and color table.

Generally, your application should create a pixel pattern in a 'ppat' resource, instead of using this function.

Declared In


Creates a Quartz 2D drawing environment associated with a graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Not Recommended

OSStatus CreateCGContextForPort (
   CGrafPtr inPort,
   CGContextRef *outContext


A color graphics port in which to draw. Offscreen graphics worlds with pixel depths of 1, 2, 4, and 8 are not supported. When using Quartz 2D to draw in a offscreen graphics world, alpha information is always ignored. Printing ports are not supported—if you specify a printing port, this function does nothing and returns a non-zero result code.


A pointer to your storage for a Quartz context. Upon completion, contextPtr points to a context associated with the port. The context matches the port’s pixel depth, width, and height. Otherwise the context is in a default state and does not necessarily match other port attributes such as foreground color, background color, or clip region.

You should release this context when you no longer need it.

Return Value

A result code. If noErr, the context was successfully created.


This function is not recommended in Mac OS X version 10.1 and later. For information about its replacement, see QDBeginCGContext.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CGrafPtr CreateNewPort (

Return Value
Declared In


Creates a graphics port associated with a display. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CGrafPtr CreateNewPortForCGDisplayID (
   UInt32 inCGDisplayID


A display identifier. If the identifier is not valid, the main display is used instead. For information about finding displays, see Quartz Display Services Reference.

Return Value

A new display port. The portBounds rectangle is the same size as the display. When you are finished using the port, you should call DisposePort to release it.


This function returns a graphics port used to draw directly to a display. The pixel map for the new port is taken from the GDevice record corresponding to the display. There is no back buffer associated with the port.

Before calling this function, you should capture the display. For information about capturing displays, see Quartz Display Services Reference.

You should not call this function and then attempt to create a Quartz drawing environment inside the port. Instead, applications using Quartz 2D can call CGDisplayGetDrawingContext to obtain a context suitable for drawing directly to a captured display.

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Signals QuickDraw that the content of a ColorTable structure has been modified. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void CTabChanged (
   CTabHandle ctab


A handle to the ColorTable structure changed by your application.


The CTabChanged function calls the function GetCTSeed and gets a new, unique identifier in the ctSeed field of the ColorTable structure, and notifies QuickDraw of the change.

Your application should never need to directly modify a ColorTable structure and use the CTabChanged function; instead, your application should use the QuickDraw functions provided for manipulating the values in a ColorTable structure.

Special Considerations

The CTabChanged function may move or purge memory in the application heap; do not call the CTabChanged function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr CursorComponentChanged (
   ComponentInstance ci

Return Value

A result code.

Carbon Porting Notes

This function is not implemented on Mac OS X.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr CursorComponentSetData (
   ComponentInstance ci,
   long data

Return Value

A result code.

Carbon Porting Notes

This function is not implemented on Mac OS X.

Declared In


Removes a custom complement function from the current GDevice data structure’s list of complement functions. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DelComp (
   ColorComplementUPP compProc


A pointer to the complement function, ColorComplementProcPtr, to be deleted. DelComp disposes of the chain element, but does nothing to the ProcPtr data structure.

Declared In


Removes a custom search function from the current GDevice data structure’s list of search functions. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DelSearch (
   ColorSearchUPP searchProc


A pointer to the custom search function, ColorSearchProcPtr to be deleted. DelSearch disposes of the chain element, but does nothing to the ProcPtr data structure.

Declared In


Subtracts the coordinates of one point from another. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

long DeltaPoint (
   Point ptA,
   Point ptB


The first point.


The second point, the coordinates of which are to be subtracted from the coordinates of the first point.

Return Value

A 32-bit value that contains the differences between the coordinates of the points p1 and p2. The vertical difference is returned in the high 16 bits and the horizontal difference is returned in the low 16 bits.


You should not cast the result to a Point data structure. Instead, use HiWord and LoWord to obtain the horizontal and vertical differences.

For example:

    Point pointDiff;
    SInt32 difference = DeltaPoint(p1, p2);
    pointDiff.h = LoWord(difference);
    pointDiff.v = HiWord(difference);

While DeltaPoint is supported in Carbon, you can achieve the same result in a more direct manner using the function SubPt.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use DeltaPoint instead.)

long deltapoint (
   Point *ptA,
   Point *ptB

Declared In


Draws images that are optimized for every screen they cross. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DeviceLoop (
   RgnHandle drawingRgn,
   DeviceLoopDrawingUPP drawingProc,
   long userData,
   DeviceLoopFlags flags


A handle to the region in which you will draw; this drawing region uses coordinates that are local to its graphics port.


A pointer to your own drawing function.


Any additional data that you wish to supply to your drawing function.


One or more members of the set of flags defined by the “ Device Loop Flags” data type. if you want to use the default behavior of DeviceLoop, specify an empty set ([]) in this parameter.


The DeviceLoop function searches for graphics devices that intersect your window’s drawing region, and it calls your drawing function for each dissimilar video device it finds.

Because DeviceLoop provides your drawing function with the pixel depth and other attributes of each video device, your drawing function can optimize its drawing for each video device.

See DeviceLoopDrawingProcPtr for a description of the drawing function you must provide for the drawingProc parameter.

Special Considerations

The DeviceLoop function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Disposes of all structures allocated by the GetCCursor function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeCCursor (
   CCrsrHandle cCrsr


A handle to the color cursor to be disposed of.


Use DisposeCCursor for each call to the GetCCursor function.

The DisposeCCursor function is also available as the DisposCCursor function.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeColorComplementUPP (
   ColorComplementUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeColorSearchUPP (
   ColorSearchUPP userUPP

Declared In


Disposes a ColorTable structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeCTable (
   CTabHandle cTable


A handle to a ColorTable structure to dispose of.


The DisposeCTable procedure disposes of the ColorTable record whose handle you pass in the cTable parameter.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeDeviceLoopDrawingUPP (
   DeviceLoopDrawingUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeDragGrayRgnUPP (
   DragGrayRgnUPP userUPP

Declared In


Disposes of a GDevice structure, releases the space allocated for it, and disposes of all the data structures allocated for it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeGDevice (
   GDHandle gdh


A handle to the GDevice structure.


Generally, you should never need to use this function. Color QuickDraw calls this function when appropriate. The DisposeGDevice function is also available as the DisposGDevice function.

When your application uses the DisposeGWorld function to dispose of an offscreen graphics world, DisposeGDevice disposes of its GDevice structure.

Declared In


Disposes of all the memory allocated for an offscreen graphics world. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeGWorld (
   GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld


A pointer to an offscreen graphics world. In this parameter, pass the pointer returned to your application by the NewGWorld function when you created the offscreen graphics world.


The DisposeGWorld function disposes of all the memory allocated for the specified offscreen graphics world, including the pixel map, color table, pixel image, and GDevice structure (if one was created).

Call DisposeGWorld only when your application no longer needs the pixel image associated with this offscreen graphics world. If this offscreen graphics world was the current device, the current device is reset to the device stored in the global variable MainDevice.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Disposes a PixMap structure and its color table. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposePixMap (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to the PixMap structure to be disposed of.


The CloseCPort function calls DisposePixMap.

Your application typically does not need to call this function. This function is also available as DisposPixMap.

If your application uses DisposePixMap, take care that it does not dispose of a PixMap structure whose color table is the same as the current device’s CLUT.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Releases the storage allocated to a pixel pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposePixPat (
   PixPatHandle pp


A handle to the pixel pattern to be disposed of.


The DisposePixPat function disposes of the data handle, expanded data handle, and pixel map handle allocated to the pixel pattern that you specify in the ppat parameter.

The DisposePixPat function is also available as the DisposPixPat function.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposePort (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDArcUPP (
   QDArcUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDBitsUPP (
   QDBitsUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDCommentUPP (
   QDCommentUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDGetPicUPP (
   QDGetPicUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDJShieldCursorUPP (
   QDJShieldCursorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDLineUPP (
   QDLineUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDOpcodeUPP (
   QDOpcodeUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDOvalUPP (
   QDOvalUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDPolyUPP (
   QDPolyUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDPutPicUPP (
   QDPutPicUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDRectUPP (
   QDRectUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDRgnUPP (
   QDRgnUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDRRectUPP (
   QDRRectUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDStdGlyphsUPP (
   QDStdGlyphsUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDTextUPP (
   QDTextUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeQDTxMeasUPP (
   QDTxMeasUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeRegionToRectsUPP (
   RegionToRectsUPP userUPP

Declared In


Disposes an offscreen graphics world. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DisposeScreenBuffer (
   PixMapHandle offscreenPixMap


A handle to an existing offscreen PixMap structure.


Generally, applications do not need to use DisposeScreenBuffer. The DisposeGWorld function uses the DisposeScreenBuffer function when disposing of an offscreen graphics world.

The DisposeScreenBuffer function disposes of the memory allocated for the base address of an offscreen pixel image.

Declared In


Draws a picture on any type of output device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void DrawPicture (
   PicHandle myPicture,
   const Rect *dstRect


A handle to the picture to be drawn. You must access a picture through its handle.

When creating pictures, the OpenCPicture and OpenPicture functions return their handles. You can use the GetPicture function to get a handle to a QuickDraw picture stored in a 'PICT' resource. To get a handle to a QuickDraw picture stored in a 'PICT' file, you must use File Manager functions. To get a picture stored in the scrap, use the Scrap Manager function GetScrap to get a handle to its data and then coerce this handle to one of type PicHandle.


A destination rectangle, specified in coordinates local to the current graphics port, in which to draw the picture. The DrawPicture function shrinks or expands the picture as necessary to align the borders of its bounding rectangle with the rectangle you specify in this parameter. To display a picture at a resolution other than that at which it was created, your application should compute an appropriate destination rectangle by scaling its width and height by the following factor:

scale factor = destination resolution / source resolution

For example, if a picture was created at 300 dpi and you want to display it at 75 dpi, then your application should compute the destination rectangle width and height as 1/4 of those of the picture’s bounding rectangle. Use the GetPictInfo function to gather information about a picture. The PictInfo structure returned by GetPictInfo returns the picture’s resolution in its hRes and vRes fields. The sourceRect field contains the bounding rectangle for displaying the image at its optimal resolution.


Within the rectangle that you specify in the dstRect parameter, the DrawPicture function draws the picture that you specify in the myPicture parameter.

The DrawPicture function passes any picture comments to the StdComment function pointed to by the commentProc field of the CQDProcs or QDProcs structure, which in turn is pointed to by the grafProcs field of a CGrafPort or GrafPort structure. The default StdComment function provided by QuickDraw does no comment processing whatsoever. If you want to process picture comments when drawing a picture, use the SetStdCProcs function to assist you in changing the CQDProcs structure and use the SetStdProcs function to assist you in changing the QDProcs structure.

Special Considerations

Always use the ClipRect function to specify a clipping region appropriate for your picture before defining it with the OpenCPicture (or OpenPicture) function. If you do not use ClipRect to specify a clipping region, OpenCPicture uses the clipping region specified in the current graphics port. If the clipping region is very large (as it is when a graphics port is initialized) and you want to scale the picture, the clipping region can become invalid when DrawPicture scales the clipping region—in which case, your picture will not be drawn. On the other hand, if the graphics port specifies a small clipping region, part of your drawing may be clipped when DrawPicture draws it. Setting a clipping region equal to the port rectangle of the current graphics port always sets a valid clipping region.

When it scales, DrawPicture changes the size of the font instead of scaling the bits. However, the widths used by bitmap fonts are not always linear. For example, the 12-point width isn’t exactly 1/2 of the 24-point width. This can cause lines of text to become slightly longer or shorter as the picture is scaled. The difference is often insignificant, but if you are trying to draw a line of text that fits exactly into a box (a spreadsheet cell, for example), the difference can become noticeable to the user—most typically, at print time. The easiest way to avoid such problems is to specify a destination rectangle that is the same size as the bounding rectangle for the picture. Otherwise, your application may need to directly process the opcodes in the picture instead of using DrawPicture.

You may also have disappointing results if the fonts contained in an image are not available on the user’s system. Before displaying a picture, your application may want to use the Picture Utilities to determine what fonts are contained in the picture, and then use Font Manager functions to determine whether the fonts are available on the user’s system. If they are not, you can use Dialog Manager functions to display an alert box warning the user of display problems.

If there is insufficient memory to draw a picture in Color QuickDraw, the QDError function returns the result code noMemForPictPlaybackErr.

The DrawPicture function may move or purge memory.

Declared In


Erases a wedge. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void EraseArc (
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle


The rectangle that defines an oval’s boundaries.


The angle indicating the start of the arc.


The angle indicating the arc’s extent.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the EraseArc function draws a wedge of the oval bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter with the background pattern for the current graphics port. As in FrameArc , use the startAngle and arcAngle parameters to define the arc of the wedge.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

Special Considerations

The EraseArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Erases an oval. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void EraseOval (
   const Rect *r


The rectangle that defines the oval’s boundary.


Using the background pattern for the current graphics port and the patCopy pattern mode, the EraseOval function draws the interior of an oval just inside the bounding rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. This effectively erases the oval bounded by the specified rectangle.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

Special Considerations

The EraseOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Erases a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ErasePoly (
   PolyHandle poly


A handle to the polygon to erase. The OpenPoly function returns this handle when you first create the polygon.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the ErasePoly function draws the interior of the polygon whose handle you pass in the poly parameter with the background pattern for the current graphics port.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

This function temporarily converts the polygon into a region to perform their operations. The amount of memory required for this temporary region may be far greater than the amount required by the polygon alone.

You can estimate the size of this region by scaling down the polygon with the MapPoly , converting the polygon into a region, checking the region’s size with the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize, and multiplying that value by the factor by which you scaled the polygon.

The result of this graphics operation is undefined whenever any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the polygon would intersect the polygon’s outline more than 50 times.

Special Considerations

The ErasePoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Erases a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void EraseRect (
   const Rect *r


The rectangle to erase.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the EraseRect function draws the interior of the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter with the background pattern for the current graphics port. This effectively erases the rectangle, making the shape blend into the background pattern of the graphics port. For example, use EraseRect to erase the port rectangle for a window before redrawing into the window.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

Special Considerations

The EraseRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Erases a region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void EraseRgn (
   RgnHandle rgn


The region to erase.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the EraseRgn function draws the interior of the region whose handle you pass in the rgn parameter with the background pattern for the current graphics port.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

This function depends on the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. If you draw a region in a graphics port different from the one in which you defined the region, it may not appear in the proper position in the graphics port.

If any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the region would intersect the region’s outline more than 50 times, the results of this graphics operation are undefined.

Special Considerations

The EraseRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Erases a rounded rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void EraseRoundRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight


The rectangle that defines the rounded rectangle’s boundaries.


The width of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The height of the oval defining the rounded corner.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the EraseRoundRect function draws the interior of the rounded rectangle bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter with the background pattern of the current graphics port. This effectively erases the rounded rectangle. Use the ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters to specify the diameters of curvature for the corners of the rounded rectangle.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

Special Considerations

The EraseRoundRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a wedge with any available bit pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillArc (
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle,
   const Pattern *pat


The rectangle that defines an oval’s boundaries.


The angle indicating the start of the arc.


The bit pattern to use for the fill.


The angle indicating the arc’s extent.


Using the patCopy pattern mode and the pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter, the FillArc function draws a wedge of the oval bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. As in FrameArc use the startAngle and arcAngle parameters to define the arc of the wedge.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

Use GetPattern and GetIndPattern to get a pattern stored in a resource.

Use PaintArc to draw a wedge with the pen pattern for the current graphics port.

To fill a wedge with a pixel pattern, use the FillCArc function.

Special Considerations

The FillArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a wedge with the given pixel pattern, using the patCopy pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillCArc (
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle,
   PixPatHandle pp


The rectangle that defines the oval’s boundaries.


The angle indicating the start of the arc.


The angle indicating the arc’s extent.


A handle to the PixPat structure for the pixel pattern to be used for the fill.


Use the startAngle and arcAngle parameters to define the arc of the wedge. This function ignores the pnPat, pnMode, and bkPat fields of the current graphics port and leaves the pen location unchanged.

Special Considerations

The FillCArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills an oval with the given pixel pattern, using the patCopy pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillCOval (
   const Rect *r,
   PixPatHandle pp


The rectangle containing the oval to be filled.


A handle to the PixPat structure for the pixel pattern to be used for the fill.


This function ignores the pnPat, pnMode, and bkPat fields of the current graphics port and leaves the pen location unchanged.

Special Considerations

The FillCOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a polygon with the given pixel pattern, using the patCopy pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillCPoly (
   PolyHandle poly,
   PixPatHandle pp


A handle to the polygon to be filled.


A handle to the PixPat structure for the pixel pattern to be used for the fill.


This function ignores the pnPat, pnMode, and bkPat fields of the current graphics port and leaves the pen location unchanged.

Special Considerations

The FillCPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a rectangle with the given pixel pattern, using the patCopy pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillCRect (
   const Rect *r,
   PixPatHandle pp


The rectangle to be filled.


A handle to the PixPat structure for the pixel pattern to be used for the fill.


This function ignores the pnPat, pnMode, and bkPat fields of the current graphics port and leaves the pen location unchanged.

Special Considerations

The FillCRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a region with the given pixel pattern, using the patCopy pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillCRgn (
   RgnHandle rgn,
   PixPatHandle pp


A handle to the region to be filled.


A handle to the PixPat structure for the pixel pattern to be used for the fill.


This function ignores the pnPat, pnMode, and bkPat fields of the current graphics port and leaves the pen location unchanged.

Special Considerations

The FillCRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a rounded rectangle with the given pixel pattern, using the patCopy pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillCRoundRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight,
   PixPatHandle pp


The rectangle that defines the rounded rectangle’s boundaries.


The width of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The height of the oval defining the rounded corner.


A handle to the PixPat structure for the pixel pattern to be used for the fill.


Use the ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters to specify the diameters of curvature for the corners. This function ignores the pnPat, pnMode, and bkPat fields of the current graphics port and leaves the pen location unchanged.

Special Considerations

The FillCRoundRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills an oval with any available bit pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillOval (
   const Rect *r,
   const Pattern *pat


The rectangle that defines the oval’s boundaries.


The bit pattern to use for the fill.


Using the patCopy pattern mode and the bit pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter, the FillOval function draws the interior of an oval just inside the bounding rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. The pen location does not change.

Use GetPattern and GetIndPattern , to get a pattern stored in a resource. Use the PaintOval function to draw the interior of an oval with the pen pattern for the current graphics port.

To fill an oval with a pixel pattern, use the FillCOval function.

Special Considerations

The FillOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a polygon with any available bit pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillPoly (
   PolyHandle poly,
   const Pattern *pat


A handle to the polygon to fill. The OpenPoly function returns this handle when you first create the polygon.


The bit pattern to use for the fill.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the FillPoly function draws the interior of the polygon whose handle you pass in the poly parameter with the pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

This function temporarily converts the polygon into a region to perform their operations. The amount of memory required for this temporary region may be far greater than the amount required by the polygon alone.

You can estimate the size of this region by scaling down the polygon with the MapPoly , converting the polygon into a region, checking the region’s size with the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize, and multiplying that value by the factor by which you scaled the polygon.

The result of this graphics operation is undefined whenever any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the polygon would intersect the polygon’s outline more than 50 times.

Use GetPattern and GetIndPattern to get a pattern stored in a resource.

Use PaintPoly to draw the interior of a polygon with the pen pattern for the current graphics port. To fill a polygon with a pixel pattern, use the FillCPoly function.

Special Considerations

The FillPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a rectangle with any available bit pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillRect (
   const Rect * r,
   const Pattern * pat


The rectangle to fill.


The bit pattern to use for the fill.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the FillRect function draws the interior of the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter with the pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter. This function leaves the pen location unchanged.

Use GetPattern and GetIndPattern , to get a pattern stored in a resource.

Use the PaintRect to draw the interior of a rectangle with the pen pattern for the current graphics port. To fill a rectangle with a pixel pattern, use the FillCRect function.

Special Considerations

The FillRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a region with any available bit pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillRgn (
   RgnHandle rgn,
   const Pattern * pat


A handle to the region to fill.


The bit pattern to use for the fill.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the FillRgn function draws the interior of the region with the pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

This function depends on the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. If you draw a region in a graphics port different from the one in which you defined the region, it may not appear in the proper position in the graphics port.

If any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the region would intersect the region’s outline more than 50 times, the results of this graphics operation are undefined.

Use GetPattern and GetIndPattern to get a pattern stored in a resource.

Use PaintRgn to draw the interior of a region with the pen pattern for the current graphics port. To fill a region with a pixel pattern, use the FillCRegion function.

Special Considerations

The FillRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Fills a rounded rectangle with any available bit pattern. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FillRoundRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight,
   const Pattern *pat


The rectangle that defines the rounded rectangle’s boundaries.


The width of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The height of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The bit pattern to use for the fill.


Using the patCopy pattern mode, the FillRoundRect function draws the interior of the rounded rectangle bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter with the bit pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter. Use the ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters to specify the diameters of curvature for the corners. The pen location does not change.

To fill a rounded rectangle with a pixel pattern, use the FillCRoundRect function.

Use GetPattern and GetIndPattern to get a pattern stored in a resource. Use PaintRoundRect to draw the interior of a rounded rectangle with the pen pattern for the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

The FillRoundRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Changes the color of the “ink” used for framing, painting, and filling on computers that support only basic QuickDraw. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ForeColor (
   long color


One of eight color values. See “Color Constants.”


By default, the foreground color of a GrafPort is black.

The ForeColor function sets the foreground color for the current graphics port to the color that you specify in the color parameter. When you draw with the patCopy and srcCopy transfer modes, for example, black pixels are drawn in the color you specify with ForeColor.

When printing, use the ColorBit function to set the foreground color.

All nonwhite colors appear as black on black-and-white screens. Before you use ForeColor, use the DeviceLoop function to determine the color characteristics of the current screen.

Special Considerations

The ForeColor function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Version Notes

In System 7, you may instead use the color QuickDraw function RGBForeColor.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Draws an arc of the oval that fits inside a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FrameArc (
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle


The rectangle that defines an oval’s boundaries.


The angle indicating the start of the arc.


The angle indicating the arc’s extent.


Using the pattern, pattern mode, and size of the graphics pen for the current graphics port, the FrameArc function draws an arc of the oval bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. Use the startAngle parameter to specify where the arc begins as modulo 360. Use the arcAngle parameter to specify how many degrees the arc covers. Specify whether the angles are in positive or negative degrees a positive angle goes clockwise, while a negative angle goes counterclockwise. Zero degrees is at 12 o’clock high, 90 (or –270) is at 3 o’clock, 180 (or –180) is at 6 o’clock, and 270 (or –90) is at 9 o’clock. Measure other angles relative to the bounding rectangle.

A line from the center of the rectangle through its upper-right corner is at 45, even if the rectangle is not square a line through the lower-right corner is at 135, and so on.

The arc is as wide as the pen width and as tall as the pen height. The pen location does not change.

Special Considerations

The FrameArc function differs from other QuickDraw functions that frame shapes in that the arc is not mathematically added to the boundary of a region that’s open and being formed.

The FrameArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws an outline inside an oval. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FrameOval (
   const Rect *r


The rectangle that defines the oval’s boundary.


Using the pattern, pattern mode, and size of the graphics pen for the current graphics port, the FrameOval function draws an outline just inside the oval with the bounding rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. The outline is as wide as the pen width and as tall as the pen height. The pen location does not change.

If a region is open and being formed, the outside outline of the new oval is mathematically added to the region’s boundary.

Special Considerations

The FrameOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws the outline of a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FramePoly (
   PolyHandle poly


A handle to the polygon to draw. The OpenPoly function returns this handle when you first create the polygon.


Using the current graphics port’s pen pattern, pattern mode, and size, the FramePoly function plays back the line-drawing commands that define the polygon whose handle you pass in the poly parameter.

The graphics pen hangs below and to the right of each point on the boundary of the polygon. Thus, the drawn polygon extends beyond the right and bottom edges of the polygon’s bounding rectangle (which is stored in the polyBBox field of the Polygon structure) by the pen width and pen height, respectively. All other graphics operations, such as painting a polygon with the PaintPoly function, occur strictly within the boundary of the polygon.

If a polygon is open and being formed, FramePoly affects the outline of the polygon just as if the line-drawing functions themselves had been called. If a region is open and being formed, the outside outline of the polygon being framed is mathematically added to the region’s boundary.

The result of this function is undefined whenever any horizontal or vertical line through the polygon would intersect the polygon’s outline more than 50 times.

Special Considerations

The FramePoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws an outline inside a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FrameRect (
   const Rect * r


The rectangle to frame.


Using the pattern, pattern mode, and size of the graphics pen for the current graphics port, the FrameRect function draws an outline just inside the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. The outline is as wide as the pen width and as tall as the pen height. The pen location does not change.

If a region is open and being formed, the outside outline of the new rectangle is mathematically added to the region’s boundary.

Special Considerations

The FrameRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws an outline inside a region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FrameRgn (
   RgnHandle rgn


A handle to the region to frame.


Using the current graphics port’s pen pattern, pattern mode, and pen size, the FrameRgn function draws an outline just inside the region whose handle you pass in the rgn parameter. The outline never goes outside the region boundary. The pen location does not change.

If a region is open and being formed, the outside outline of the region being framed is mathematically added to that region’s boundary.

This function depends on the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. If you draw a region in a graphics port different from the one in which you defined the region, it may not appear in the proper position in the graphics port.

If any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the region would intersect the region’s outline more than 50 times, the results of this graphics operation are undefined. The FrameRgn function in particular requires that there would be no more than 25 such intersections.

Special Considerations

The FrameRgn function calls the functions CopyRgn, InsetRgn, and DiffRgn, so FrameRgn may temporarily use heap space that’s three times the size of the original region.

The FrameRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws an outline inside a rounded rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void FrameRoundRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight


The rectangle that defines the rounded rectangle’s boundaries.


The width of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The height of the oval defining the rounded corner.


Using the pattern, pattern mode, and size of the graphics pen for the current graphics port, the FrameRoundRect function draws an outline just inside the rounded rectangle bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. The outline is as wide as the pen width and as tall as the pen height. The pen location does not change.

Use the ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters to specify the diameters of curvature for the corners of the rounded rectangle.

If a region is open and being formed, the outside outline of the new rounded rectangle is mathematically added to the region’s boundary.

Special Considerations

The FrameRoundRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Notifies QuickDraw that the content of a GDevice structure has been modified. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GDeviceChanged (
   GDHandle gdh


If your application changes the pmTable field of the PixMap structure specified in a GDevice structure, call GDeviceChanged. If your application changes the content of the ColorTable structure referenced by the PixMap structure, call both GDeviceChanged and CTabChanged.

Your application should never need to directly modify a GDevice structure and use the GDeviceChanged function; instead, your application should use the QuickDraw functions described in this book for manipulating the values in a GDevice structure.

Special Considerations

The GDeviceChanged function may move or purge memory in the application heap; do not call the GDeviceChanged function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains the background color of the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetBackColor (
   RGBColor *color


On return, the RGBColor structure for the current background color.


This function operates for graphics ports defined by both the GrafPort and CGrafPort structures. If the current graphics port is defined by a CGrafPort structure, the returned value is taken directly from the rgbBkColor field.

If the current graphics port is defined by a GrafPort structure, then only eight possible colors can be returned. These eight colors are determined by the values in a global variable named QDColors, which is a handle to a color table containing the current QuickDraw colors.

Use the RGBBackColor function to change the background color.

Declared In


Loads a color cursor resource into memory. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CCrsrHandle GetCCursor (
   short crsrID


The resource ID of the cursor that you want to display.

Return Value

A handle to the new CCrsr structure. To display this cursor on the screen, call SetCCursor. If a resource with the specified ID isn’t found, then this function returns a NULL handle.


The GetCCursor function creates a new CCrsr structure and initializes it using the information in the ‘crsr’ resource with the specified ID.

Since the GetCCursor function creates a new CCrsr structure each time it is called, do not call the GetCCursor function before each call to the SetCCursor function. Unlike the way GetCursor and SetCursor are normally used, GetCCursor does not dispose of or detach the resource, so resources of type 'crsr' should typically be purgeable. Call the DisposeCCursor function when you are finished using the color cursor created with GetCCursor.

Declared In


Determines the color of an individual pixel specified in the h and v parameters. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetCPixel (
   short h,
   short v,
   RGBColor *cPix


The horizontal coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the pixel.


The vertical coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the pixel.


On return, the RGBColor structure for the pixel color.


Use the SetCPixel function to change the color of this pixel.

Declared In


Obtains a color table stored in a 'clut' resource. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CTabHandle GetCTable (
   short ctID


The resource ID of a 'clut' resource.

Return Value

A handle to the color table. If the 'clut' resource with that ID is not found, GetCTable returns NULL. Before you place this handle in the pmTable field of a PixMap structure, first use the DisposeCTable function to dispose of the handle already there.


Before you modify a ColorTable structure, change its ctSeed field to invalidate it. To do this, use the CTabChanged function.

The GetCTable function recognizes a number of standard 'clut' resource IDs. You can obtain the default grayscale color table for a given pixel depth by calling GetCTable, adding 32 (decimal) to the pixel depth, and passing these values in the ctID parameter:

For full color, obtain the default color tables by adding 64 to the pixel depth and passing these values in the ctID parameter:

Special Considerations

The GetCTable function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a unique seed value for a color table created by your application. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

long GetCTSeed (

Return Value

A unique seed value that you can use in the ctSeed field of a color table created by your application. It is greater than the value stored in the constant minSeed.


The seed value guarantees that the color table is recognized as distinct from the destination, and that color table translation is performed properly.

Declared In


Loads a cursor resource into memory. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CursHandle GetCursor (
   short cursorID


The resource ID for the cursor you want to display. You can supply one of the “Cursor ID Constants” to get a handle to one of the standard cursors.

Return Value

A handle to a Cursor structure for the cursor with the resource ID that you specify in the cursorID parameter. If the resource cannot be read into memory, GetCursor returns NULL.


To get a handle to a color cursor, use the GetCCursor function.

Declared In


Obtains a handle to the first GDevice structure in the device list. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle GetDeviceList (

Return Value

A handle to the first GDevice structure in the global variable DeviceList.


All existing GDevice structures are linked together in the device list. After using this function to obtain a handle to the current GDevice structure, your application can use the GetNextDevice function to obtain a handle to the next GDevice structure in the list.

Special Considerations

The GetDeviceList function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains the color of the foreground color for the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetForeColor (
   RGBColor *color


On return, the RGBColor structure for the current foreground color.


This function operates for graphics ports defined by both the GrafPort and CGrafPort structures. If the current graphics port is defined by a CGrafPort structure, the returned value is taken directly from the rgbFgColor field.

If the current graphics port is defined by a GrafPort structure, then only eight possible RGB values can be returned. These eight values are determined by the values in a global variable named QDColors, which is a handle to a color table containing the current QuickDraw colors.

Use the RGBForeColor function to change the foreground color.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a handle to the GDevice structure for the current device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle GetGDevice (

Return Value

A handle to the current device.


At any given time, exactly one video device is the current device—that is, the one on which drawing is actually taking place.

Color QuickDraw stores a handle to the current device in the global variable TheGDevice.

All existing GDevice structures are linked together in the device list. After using this function to obtain a handle to the current GDevice structure, your application can use the GetNextDevice function to obtain a handle to the next GDevice structure in the list.

You can also use the GetGWorld function to get a handle to the GDevice structure for the current device.

Special Considerations

The GetGDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a handle to the GDevice structure associated with an offscreen graphics world. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle GetGWorldDevice (
   GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld


A pointer to an offscreen graphics world. The pointer returned to your application by the NewGWorld function.

Return Value

A handle to the GDevice structure associated with the offscreen graphics world specified by the offscreenGWorld parameter.

If you created the offscreen world by specifying the noNewDevice flag, the GDevice structure is for one of the screen devices or is the GDevice structure that you specified to NewGWorld or UpdateGWorld.

If you point to a GrafPort or CGrafPort structure in the offscreenGWorld parameter, GetGWorldDevice returns the current device.

Special Considerations

The GetGWorldDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains the pixel map created for an offscreen graphics world. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixMapHandle GetGWorldPixMap (
   GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld


A pointer to an offscreen graphics world. Pass the pointer returned to your application by the NewGWorld function when you created the offscreen graphics world.

Return Value

A handle to the pixel map created for an offscreen graphics world. Your application can, in turn, pass the handle returned by GetGWorldPixMap as a parameter to other QuickDraw functions that accept a handle to a pixel map.

On a system running only basic QuickDraw, the GetGWorldPixMap function returns the handle to a 1-bit pixel map that your application can supply as a parameter to the other functions related to offscreen graphics worlds. However, your application should not supply this handle to color QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

To ensure compatibility on systems running basic QuickDraw instead of Color QuickDraw, use GetGWorldPixMap whenever you need to gain access to the bitmap created for a graphics world—that is, do not dereference the GWorldPtr structure for that graphics world.

Version Notes

The GetGWorldPixMap function is not available in systems preceding System 7. You can make sure that the GetGWorldPixMap function is available by using the Gestalt function with the gestaltSystemVersion selector. Test the low-order word in the response parameter; if the value is $0700 or greater, then GetGWorldPixMap is available.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a pattern stored in a pattern list ('PAT#') resource. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetIndPattern (
   Pattern *thePat,
   short patternListID,
   short index


On return, a pointer to a Pattern structure for the pattern stored in the specified pattern list resource.


The resource ID for a resource of type 'PAT#'.


The index number for the desired pattern within the pattern list ('PAT#') resource. The index number can range from 1 to the number of patterns in the pattern list resource.


The GetIndPattern function calls the following Resource Manager function with these parameters:

GetResource('PAT#', patternListID);

There is a pattern list resource in the System file that contains the standard Macintosh patterns used by MacPaint. The resource ID is represented by the constant sysPatListID.

Special Considerations

The GetIndPattern function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a handle to the GDevice structure for the main screen. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle GetMainDevice (

Return Value

A handle to the device for the main screen, which is the device containing the menu bar.


A handle to the main device is kept in the global variable MainDevice.

All existing GDevice structures are linked together in the device list. After using this function to obtain a handle to the current GDevice structure, your application can use the GetNextDevice function to obtain a handle to the next GDevice structure in the list.

Special Considerations

The GetMainDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Ptr GetMaskTable (

Declared In


Obtains a handle to the GDevice structure for the video device with the greatest pixel depth. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle GetMaxDevice (
   const Rect *globalRect


A rectangle, in global coordinates, that intersects the graphics devices that you are searching to find the one with the greatest pixel depth.

Return Value

A handle to the device with the greatest pixel depth.


All existing GDevice structures are linked together in the device list. After using this function to obtain a handle to the current GDevice structure, your application can use the GetNextDevice function to obtain a handle to the next GDevice structure in the list.

Special Considerations

The GetMaxDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Returns a handle to the next GDevice structure in the device list. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle GetNextDevice (
   GDHandle curDevice


A handle to the GDevice structure at which you want the search to begin.

Return Value

A handle to the next device. If there are no more GDevice structures in the list, NULL.


After using any of the functions GetDeviceList , GetGDevice , GetMainDevice , or GetMaxDevice to obtain a handle to a GDevice structure, use the GetNextDevice function to obtain a handle to the next GDevice structure in the list.

Special Considerations

The GetNextDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a pattern ('PAT') resource stored in a resource file. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PatHandle GetPattern (
   short patternID


The resource ID for a resource of type ‘PAT’.

Return Value

a handle to the pattern having the resource ID that you specify in the patID parameter. If a pattern resource with the ID that you request does not exist, the GetPattern function returns NULL.


The GetPattern function calls the following Resource Manager function with these parameters:

GetResource('PAT', patID);

When you are finished using the pattern, dispose of its handle with the Memory Manager function DisposeHandle.

Special Considerations

The GetPattern function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Determines the location of the graphics pen. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetPen (
   Point *pt


On return, a pointer to the graphics pen’s current position in the current graphics port. The point returned is in the local coordinates of the current graphics port.


In the pt parameter, the GetPen procedure returns the current pen position. The point returned is in the local coordinates of the current graphics port.

Declared In


Determines the graphics pen’s location, size, pattern, and pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetPenState (
   PenState *pnState


On return, a pointer to a PenState structure holding information about the graphics pen. The GetPenState function saves the location, size, pattern, and pattern mode of the graphics pen for the current graphics port in this structure.


After changing the graphics pen as necessary, restore these pen states with the SetPenState function.

This pen-manipulation function uses the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. Remember that each graphics port has its own pen, the state of which is stored in several fields of its GrafPort or CGrafPort structure. If you draw in one graphics port, change to another, and return to the first, the pen for the first graphics port has the same state as when you left it.

Declared In


Obtains a handle to a picture stored in a 'PICT' resource. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PicHandle GetPicture (
   short pictureID


The resource ID for a 'PICT' resource.

Return Value

A handle to the picture in the specified ‘PICT’ resource. To draw the picture stored in the resource, pass this handle to the DrawPicture function. If the resource cannot be read, GetPicture returns NULL.


The GetPicture function calls the Resource Manager function GetResource as follows:

GetResource(‘PICT’, picID)

Special Considerations

To release the memory occupied by a picture stored in a 'PICT' resource, use the Resource Manager function ReleaseResource.

The GetPicture function may move or purge memory.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Rect * GetPixBounds (
   PixMapHandle pixMap,
   Rect *bounds

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPixDepth (
   PixMapHandle pixMap

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


Determines whether the pixel associated with a point is black or white. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean GetPixel (
   short h,
   short v


The horizontal coordinate of the point for the pixel to be tested.


The vertical coordinate of the point for the pixel to be tested.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the pixel is black or FALSE if it is white.


The selected pixel is immediately below and to the right of the point whose coordinates you supply in the h and v parameters, in the local coordinates of the current graphics port. There’s no guarantee that the specified pixel actually belongs to the current graphics port, however it may have been drawn in a graphics port overlapping the current one. To see if the point indeed belongs to the current graphics port, you could use the PtInRgn function to test whether the point is in the current graphics port’s visible region.

Declared In


Saves the current information about the memory allocated for an offscreen pixel image. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GWorldFlags GetPixelsState (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to an offscreen pixel map. To get a handle to an offscreen pixel map, use the GetGWorldPixMap function.

Return Value

Information about the memory allocated for the base address for an offscreen pixel image. This result can be either of the constants, pixelsPurgeable or pixelsLocked. If the pixelsPurgeable flag is not returned, then the base address for the offscreen pixel image is unpurgeable. If the pixelsLocked flag is not returned, then the base address for the offscreen pixel image is unlocked.


After using GetPixelsState to save this state information, use the SetPixelsState function to restore this state to the offscreen graphics world.

After using GetPixelsState and before using SetPixelsState, temporarily use the AllowPurgePixels function to make the base address for an offscreen pixel image purgeable, the NoPurgePixels function to make it unpurgeable, the LockPixels function to prevent it from being moved, and the UnlockPixels function to allow it to be moved.

Special Considerations

The GetPixelsState function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a pixel pattern ('ppat') resource stored in a resource file. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixPatHandle GetPixPat (
   short patID


The resource ID for a resource of type 'ppat'.

Return Value

A handle to the pixel pattern having the resource ID you specify in the patID parameter. The GetPixPat function calls the following Resource Manager function with these parameters:

GetResource('ppat', patID);

If a 'ppat' resource with the ID that you request does not exist, the GetPixPat function returns NULL.


When you are finished with the pixel pattern, use the DisposePixPat function. For more information on the pixel pattern resource, see 'ppat'.

Pixel patterns can use colors at any pixel depth and can be of any width and height that’s a power of 2. To create a pixel pattern, you typically define it in a 'ppat' resource, which you store in a resource file. To retrieve the pixel pattern stored in a 'ppat' resource, you can use the GetPixPat function.

Special Considerations

The GetPixPat function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

SInt32 GetPixRowBytes (
   PixMapHandle pm

Declared In


Saves the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetPort (
   GrafPtr *port


On return, a pointer to a GrafPort structure for the current graphics port. If the current graphics port is a color graphics port, GetPort coerces its CGrafPort structure into a GrafPort structure.


When your application runs in Color QuickDraw or uses offscreen graphics worlds, it should use the GetGWorld function instead of GetPort. The GetGWorld function saves the current graphics port for basic and color graphics ports as well as offscreen graphics worlds.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RGBColor * GetPortBackColor (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RGBColor *backColor

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixPatHandle GetPortBackPixPat (
   CGrafPtr port,
   PixPatHandle backPattern

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

const BitMap * GetPortBitMapForCopyBits (
   CGrafPtr port

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Rect * GetPortBounds (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Rect *rect

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPortChExtra (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RgnHandle GetPortClipRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle clipRgn

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4.)

Not recommended

OSErr GetPortCustomXFerProc (
   CGrafPtr port,
   CustomXFerProcPtr *proc,
   UInt32 *flags,
   UInt32 *refCon

Return Value

A result code.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixPatHandle GetPortFillPixPat (
   CGrafPtr port,
   PixPatHandle fillPattern

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RGBColor * GetPortForeColor (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RGBColor *foreColor

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPortFracHPenLocation (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CQDProcsPtr GetPortGrafProcs (
   CGrafPtr port

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RGBColor * GetPortHiliteColor (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RGBColor *hiliteColor

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RGBColor * GetPortOpColor (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RGBColor *opColor

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Point * GetPortPenLocation (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Point *penLocation

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

SInt32 GetPortPenMode (
   CGrafPtr port

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixPatHandle GetPortPenPixPat (
   CGrafPtr port,
   PixPatHandle penPattern

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Point * GetPortPenSize (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Point *penSize

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPortPenVisibility (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixMapHandle GetPortPixMap (
   CGrafPtr port

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Fixed GetPortSpExtra (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Style GetPortTextFace (
   CGrafPtr port

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPortTextFont (
   CGrafPtr port

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPortTextMode (
   CGrafPtr port

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short GetPortTextSize (
   CGrafPtr port

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RgnHandle GetPortVisibleRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle visRgn

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Cursor * GetQDGlobalsArrow (
   Cursor *arrow

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Pattern * GetQDGlobalsBlack (
   Pattern *black

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Pattern * GetQDGlobalsDarkGray (
   Pattern *dkGray

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Pattern * GetQDGlobalsGray (
   Pattern *gray

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Pattern * GetQDGlobalsLightGray (
   Pattern *ltGray

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

long GetQDGlobalsRandomSeed (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

BitMap * GetQDGlobalsScreenBits (
   BitMap *screenBits

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

CGrafPtr GetQDGlobalsThePort (

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Pattern * GetQDGlobalsWhite (
   Pattern *white

Return Value
Declared In


Searches one color table for the best matches to colors in another color table. Your application should not need to call this function; it is used by system software only. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GetSubTable (
   CTabHandle myColors,
   short iTabRes,
   CTabHandle targetTbl


A handle to a color table containing the colors for which you want matches.


The resolution of the inverse table to be used.


A handle to a color table whose colors are to be matched. If you supply NULL for targetTbl, then the Color Manager searches the current GDevice data structure’s CLUT, and uses its inverse table. Otherwise a temporary inverse table is built, with a resolution of the value in the iTabRes parameter.


The Color Manager uses the Color2Index function for each RGBColor data structure in the color table of the myColors parameter. It determines the best match in the target table and stores that index value in the value field of the color table of the myColors parameter.

Depending on the requested resolution, building the inverse table can require large amounts of temporary space in the application heap: twice the size of the table itself, plus a fixed overhead of 3–15 KB for each inverse table resolution.

Declared In


Converts the coordinates of a point from global coordinates to the local coordinates of the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GlobalToLocal (
   Point *pt


A pointer to a point expressed in global coordinates (where the upper-left corner of the main screen has coordinates [0,0]). On return, this point is converted to local coordinates.


The GlobalToLocal procedure takes a point expressed in global coordinates (where the upper-left corner of the main screen has coordinates [0,0]) and converts it into the local coordinates of the current graphics port.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void GrafDevice (
   short device

Declared In


Makes the graphics pen invisible, so that pen drawing doesn’t show on the screen. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void HidePen (


The HidePen function is called by the OpenRgn , OpenPicture, and OpenPoly functions so that you can create regions, pictures, and polygons without drawing on the screen.

The HidePen function decrements the pnVis field of the current graphics port. The pnVis field is initialized to 0 by the OpenPort function. Whenever pnVis is negative, the pen does not draw on the screen. The pnVis field keeps track of the number of times the pen has been hidden to compensate for nested calls to the HidePen and ShowPen functions.

Every call to HidePen should be balanced by a subsequent call to ShowPen.

This pen-manipulation function uses the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. Remember that each graphics port has its own pen, the state of which is stored in several fields of its GrafPort or CGrafPort structure. If you draw in one graphics port, change to another, and return to the first, the pen for the first graphics port has the same state as when you left it.

Declared In


Changes the highlight color for the current color graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void HiliteColor (
   const RGBColor *color


An RGBColor structure that defines the highlight color.


All drawing operations that use the hilite transfer mode use the highlight color. When a color graphics port is created, its highlight color is initialized from the global variable HiliteRGB.

If the current graphics port is a basic graphics port, HiliteColor has no effect.

Declared In


Obtains the RGBColor data structure corresponding to an index value in the color table of the current GDevice data structure. Your application should not need to call this function; it is used by system software only. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void Index2Color (
   long index,
   RGBColor *aColor


The index value whose color entry is sought; you should supply a long integer in which the high-order word is padded with zeros.


A pointer to the returned RGBColor data structure.

Declared In


Initializes a GDevice structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InitGDevice (
   short qdRefNum,
   long mode,
   GDHandle gdh


Reference number of the graphics device. System software sets this number at system startup time for most graphics devices.


The device configuration mode. Used by the screen driver, this value sets the pixel depth and specifies color or black and white.


The handle, returned by the NewGDevice function, to the GDevice structure to be initialized.


The InitGDevice function sets the graphics device whose driver has the reference number specified in the gdRefNum parameter to the mode specified in the mode parameter. The InitGDevice function then fills out the GDevice structure, previously created with the NewGDevice function, to contain all information describing that mode.

The mode parameter determines the configuration of the device. Possible modes for a device are determined by interrogating the video device’s ROM through Slot Manager functions. The information describing the device’s mode is primarily contained in the video device’s ROM. If the video device has a fixed color table, then that table is read directly from the ROM. If the video device has a variable color table, then InitGDevice uses the default color table defined in a 'clut' resource, contained in the System file, that has a resource ID equal to the video device’s pixel depth.

In general, your application should never need to call InitGDevice. All video devices are initialized at start time, and users change modes through the Monitors control panel.

If your program uses NewGDevice to create a graphics device without a driver, InitGDevice does nothing; instead, your application must initialize all fields of the GDevice structure. After your application initializes the color table for the GDevice structure, call the Color Manager function MakeITable to build the inverse table for the graphics device.

Special Considerations

The InitGDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Inverts the pixels of a wedge. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertArc (
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle


The rectangle that defines an oval’s boundaries.


The angle indicating the start of the arc.


The angle indicating the arc’s extent.


The InvertArc function inverts the pixels enclosed by a wedge of the oval bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. Every white pixel becomes black and every black pixel becomes white. As in FrameArc , use the startAngle and arcAngle parameters to define the arc of the wedge.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

Special Considerations

The InvertArc function was designed for 1-bit images in basic graphics ports. This function operates on color pixels in color graphics ports, but the results are predictable only with direct devices or 1-bit pixel maps. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the CLUT. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Inversion works better for direct pixels. Inverting a pure green, for example, that has red, green, and blue component values of $0000, $FFFF, and $0000 results in magenta, which has component values of $FFFF, $0000, and $FFFF.

The InvertArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Finds the complement of an RGBColor data structure. This function is used only by system software. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertColor (
   RGBColor *myColor


A pointer to the RGBColor data structure for which the complement is to be found. The InvertColor function returns the complement of an absolute color, using the list of complement functions in the current device data structure. The default complement function uses the one’s complement of each component of the given color.

Declared In


Inverts the pixels enclosed by an oval. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertOval (
   const Rect *r


The rectangle that defines the oval’s boundary.


The InvertOval function inverts the pixels enclosed by an oval just inside the bounding rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. Every white pixel becomes black and every black pixel becomes white. The pen location does not change.

Special Considerations

The InvertOval function was designed for 1-bit images in basic graphics ports. This function operates on color pixels in color graphics ports, but the results are predictable only with direct devices or 1-bit pixel maps. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the CLUT. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Inversion works better for direct pixels. Inverting a pure green, for example, that has red, green, and blue component values of $0000, $FFFF, and $0000 results in magenta, which has component values of $FFFF, $0000, and $FFFF.

The InvertOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Inverts the pixels enclosed by a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertPoly (
   PolyHandle poly


A handle to a polygon, the pixels of which you want to invert. The OpenPoly function returns this handle when you first create the polygon.


The InvertPoly function inverts the pixels enclosed by the polygon whose handle you pass in the poly parameter. Every white pixel becomes black and every black pixel becomes white.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

InvertPoly temporarily converts the polygon into a region to perform their operations. The amount of memory required for this temporary region may be far greater than the amount required by the polygon alone.

You can estimate the size of this region by scaling down the polygon with the MapPoly , converting the polygon into a region, checking the region’s size with the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize, and multiplying that value by the factor by which you scaled the polygon.

The result of this graphics operation is undefined whenever any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the polygon would intersect the polygon’s outline more than 50 times.

Special Considerations

The InvertPoly function was designed for 1-bit images in basic graphics ports. This function operates on color pixels in color graphics ports, but the results are predictable only with 1-bit or direct pixels. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the CLUT. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Inversion works better for direct pixels. Inverting a pure green, for example, that has red, green, and blue component values of $0000, $FFFF, and $0000 results in magenta, which has component values of $FFFF, $0000, and $FFFF.

The InvertPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Inverts the pixels enclosed by a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertRect (
   const Rect * r


The rectangle whose enclosed pixels are to be inverted.


The InvertRect function inverts the pixels enclosed by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. Every white pixel becomes black and every black pixel becomes white. The pen location does not change.

Special Considerations

The InvertRect function was designed for 1-bit images in basic graphics ports. This function operates on color pixels in color graphics ports, but the results are predictable only with direct pixels or 1-bit pixel maps. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the CLUT. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Inversion works better for direct pixels. Inverting a pure green, for example, that has red, green, and blue component values of $0000, $FFFF, and $0000 results in magenta, which has component values of $FFFF, $0000, and $FFFF.

The InvertRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Inverts the pixels enclosed by a region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertRgn (
   RgnHandle rgn


A handle to the region whose pixels are to invert.


The InvertRgn function inverts the pixels enclosed by the region whose handle you pass in the rgn parameter. Every white pixel becomes black and every black pixel becomes white.

This function leaves the location of the graphics pen unchanged.

This function depends on the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. If you draw a region in a graphics port different from the one in which you defined the region, it may not appear in the proper position in the graphics port.

If any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the region would intersect the region’s outline more than 50 times, the results of this graphics operation are undefined.

Special Considerations

The InvertRgn function was designed for 1-bit images in basic graphics ports. This function operates on color pixels in color graphics ports, but the results are predictable only with 1-bit or direct pixels. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the CLUT. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Inversion works better for direct pixels. Inverting a pure green, for example, that has red, green, and blue component values of $0000, $FFFF, and $0000 results in magenta, which has component values of $FFFF, $0000, and $FFFF.

The InvertRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Inverts the pixels enclosed by a rounded rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvertRoundRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight


The rectangle that defines the rounded rectangle’s boundaries.


The width of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The height of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The InvertRoundRect function inverts the pixels enclosed by the rounded rectangle bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. Every white pixel becomes black and every black pixel becomes white. The ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters specify the diameters of curvature for the corners. The pen location does not change.

Special Considerations

The InvertRoundRect function was designed for 1-bit images in basic graphics ports. This function operates on color pixels in color graphics ports, but the results are predictable only with direct devices or 1-bit pixel maps. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the CLUT. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Inversion works better for direct pixels. Inverting a pure green, for example, that has red, green, and blue component values of $0000, $FFFF, and $0000 results in magenta, which has component values of $FFFF, $0000, and $FFFF.

The InvertRoundRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean InvokeColorComplementUPP (
   RGBColor *rgb,
   ColorComplementUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean InvokeColorSearchUPP (
   RGBColor *rgb,
   long *position,
   ColorSearchUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeDeviceLoopDrawingUPP (
   short depth,
   short deviceFlags,
   GDHandle targetDevice,
   SRefCon userData,
   DeviceLoopDrawingUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeDragGrayRgnUPP (
   DragGrayRgnUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDArcUPP (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle,
   QDArcUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDBitsUPP (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *dstRect,
   short mode,
   RgnHandle maskRgn,
   QDBitsUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDCommentUPP (
   short kind,
   short dataSize,
   Handle dataHandle,
   QDCommentUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDGetPicUPP (
   void *dataPtr,
   short byteCount,
   QDGetPicUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDJShieldCursorUPP (
   short left,
   short top,
   short right,
   short bottom,
   QDJShieldCursorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDLineUPP (
   Point newPt,
   QDLineUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDOpcodeUPP (
   const Rect *fromRect,
   const Rect *toRect,
   UInt16 opcode,
   SInt16 version,
   QDOpcodeUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDOvalUPP (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r,
   QDOvalUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDPolyUPP (
   GrafVerb verb,
   PolyHandle poly,
   QDPolyUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDPutPicUPP (
   const void *dataPtr,
   short byteCount,
   QDPutPicUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDRectUPP (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r,
   QDRectUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDRgnUPP (
   GrafVerb verb,
   RgnHandle rgn,
   QDRgnUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDRRectUPP (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight,
   QDRRectUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus InvokeQDStdGlyphsUPP (
   void *dataStream,
   ByteCount size,
   QDStdGlyphsUPP userUPP

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void InvokeQDTextUPP (
   short byteCount,
   const void *textBuf,
   Point numer,
   Point denom,
   QDTextUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short InvokeQDTxMeasUPP (
   short byteCount,
   const void *textAddr,
   Point *numer,
   Point *denom,
   FontInfo *info,
   QDTxMeasUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus InvokeRegionToRectsUPP (
   UInt16 message,
   RgnHandle rgn,
   const Rect *rect,
   void *refCon,
   RegionToRectsUPP userUPP

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortClipRegionEmpty (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortColor (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortOffscreen (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortPictureBeingDefined (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortPolyBeingDefined (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortRegionBeingDefined (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsPortVisibleRegionEmpty (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean IsValidPort (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


Releases the memory occupied by a picture not stored in a 'PICT' resource. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void KillPicture (
   PicHandle myPicture


A handle to the picture whose memory can be released.


Use this function only when you are completely finished with a picture.

Special Considerations

If you use the Window Manager function SetWindowPic to store a picture handle in the window structure, use the Window Manager function DisposeWindow or CloseWindow to release the memory allocated to the picture. These functions automatically call KillPicture for the picture.

If the picture is stored in a 'PICT' resource, use the Resource Manager function ReleaseResource instead of KillPicture. The Window Manager functions DisposeWindow and CloseWindow will not delete it. Instead, call ReleaseResource before calling DisposeWindow or CloseWindow.

The KillPicture function may move or purge memory.

Declared In


Releases the memory occupied by a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void KillPoly (
   PolyHandle poly


A handle to the polygon to dispose of.


Use KillPoly only when you are completely through with a polygon.

Special Considerations

The KillPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws a line a specified distance from the graphics pen’s current location in the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void Line (
   short dh,
   short dv


The horizontal distance of the graphics pen’s movement.


The vertical distance of the graphics pen’s movement.


Starting at the current location of the graphics pen, the Line function draws a line the horizontal distance that you specify in the dh parameter and the vertical distance that you specify in the dv parameter. The Line function calls


where (h,v) is the current location in local coordinates. The pen location becomes the coordinates of the end of the line after the line is drawn. If you are using Line to draw a region or polygon, its outline is infinitely thin and is not affected by the values of the pnSize, pnMode, and pnPat fields of the graphics port.

Special Considerations

The Line function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Draws a line from the graphics pen’s current location to a new location. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LineTo (
   short h,
   short v


The horizontal coordinate of the graphics pen’s new location.


The vertical coordinate of the graphics pen’s new location.


The LineTo function draws a line from the graphics pen’s current location in the current graphics port to the new location (h,v), which you specify in the local coordinates of the current graphics port. If you are using LineTo to draw a region or polygon, its outline is infinitely thin and is not affected by the values of the pnSize, pnMode, or pnPat field of the graphics port.

Special Considerations

The LineTo function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean LMGetCursorNew (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle LMGetDeviceList (

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

UInt8 LMGetFractEnable (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

UInt8 LMGetHiliteMode (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMGetHiliteRGB (
   RGBColor *hiliteRGBValue

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle LMGetLastFOND (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

SInt32 LMGetLastSPExtra (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle LMGetMainDevice (

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle LMGetQDColors (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

SInt16 LMGetScrHRes (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

SInt16 LMGetScrVRes (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle LMGetTheGDevice (

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle LMGetWidthListHand (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Ptr LMGetWidthPtr (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle LMGetWidthTabHandle (

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetCursorNew (
   Boolean value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetDeviceList (
   GDHandle value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetFractEnable (
   UInt8 value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetHiliteMode (
   UInt8 value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetHiliteRGB (
   const RGBColor *hiliteRGBValue

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetLastFOND (
   Handle value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetLastSPExtra (
   SInt32 value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetMainDevice (
   GDHandle value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetQDColors (
   Handle value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetScrHRes (
   SInt16 value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetScrVRes (
   SInt16 value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetTheGDevice (
   GDHandle value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetWidthListHand (
   Handle value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetWidthPtr (
   Ptr value

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LMSetWidthTabHandle (
   Handle value

Declared In


Converts a point’s coordinates from the local coordinates of the current graphics port (basic or color) to global coordinates. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void LocalToGlobal (
   Point *pt


A pointer to a point in local coordinates. On return, this point is converted to global coordinates.


The LocalToGlobal function converts the given point from the current graphics port’s local coordinate system into the global coordinate system (where the upper-left corner of the main screen has coordinates [0,0]). This global point can then be compared to other global points, or it can be changed into the local coordinates of another graphics port.

Because a rectangle is defined by two points, you can convert a rectangle into global coordinates with two calls to LocalToGlobal. In conjunction with LocalToGlobal, you can use the OffsetRect, OffsetRgn, or OffsetPoly functions to convert a rectangle, region, or polygon into global coordinates.

Declared In


Prevents the base address for an offscreen pixel image from being moved while you draw into or copy from its pixel map. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean LockPixels (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to an offscreen pixel map. To get a handle to an offscreen pixel map, use the GetGWorldPixMap function .

Return Value

If the base address for an offscreen pixel image hasn’t been purged by the Memory Manager or is not purgeable, LockPixels returns TRUE as its function result, and your application can draw into or copy from the offscreen pixel map. However, if the base address for an offscreen pixel image has been purged, LockPixels returns FALSE to indicate that you can perform no drawing to or copying from the pixel map. At that point, your application should either call the UpdateGWorld function to reallocate the offscreen pixel image and then reconstruct it, or draw directly in a window instead of preparing the image in an offscreen graphics world.


You must call LockPixels before drawing to or copying from an offscreen graphics world.

The baseAddr field of the PixMap structure for an offscreen graphics world contains a handle instead of a pointer (which is what the baseAddr field for an onscreen pixel map contains). The LockPixels function dereferences the PixMap handle into a pointer. When you use the UnlockPixels function the handle is recovered.

As soon as you are finished drawing into and copying from the offscreen pixel image, call the UnlockPixels function.

Special Considerations

The LockPixels function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Acquires an exclusive lock on the back buffer for a Carbon window. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr LockPortBits (
   GrafPtr port


A window port.

Return Value

A result code. If noErr, the window’s back buffer is locked and available for direct access.


In Mac OS X, a Carbon window’s port bits are in a back buffer shared by the application and the Quartz compositor (sometimes called the window server). When an application needs to update this buffer, the Quartz compositor must be locked out temporarily. You can use this function together with UnlockPortBits to acquire and release an exclusive lock.

If you’re using QuickDraw or Quartz 2D to draw in a window, you do not need to call this function—buffer locks are handled for you automatically. If you’re writing code that reads or modifies the port bits directly, you should bracket your code with calls to this function and UnlockPortBits.

Nested calls to this function for the same port are permitted. For a given port, if you call LockPortBits n times, the lock is actually released after the nth balancing call to UnlockPortBits.

You should not call any QuickTime functions while holding the lock. To avoid degrading the user experience, you should release the lock as quickly as possible.

In Mac OS 9, this function does nothing and returns noErr.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Generates an inverse table for a color table. Your application should not need to call this function; it is used by system software only. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void MakeITable (
   CTabHandle cTabH,
   ITabHandle iTabH,
   short res


The color table for which an inverse table is to be generated. Passing NULL substitutes an appropriate handle from the current GDevice data structure.


The generated inverse table. Passing NULL substitutes an appropriate handle from the current GDevice data structure.


The resolution needed for the inverse table. Passing 0 substitutes the current GDevice data structure’s inverse table resolution.


The MakeITable function generates an inverse table based on the current contents of the color table pointed to by the cTabH parameter, with a resolution specified by the value in the res parameter. Reserved color table pixel values are not included in the resulting color table. MakeITable tests its input parameters and returns an error in QDError if the resolution is less than three or greater than five.

This function allows maximum precision in mapping colors, even if colors in the color table differ by less than the resolution of the inverse table. Five-bit inverse tables are not needed when drawing in normal Color QuickDraw modes. However, Color QuickDraw transfer modes such as add, subtract, and blend may require a 5-bit inverse table for best results with certain color tables. The 'mitq' resource governs how much memory is allocated for temporary internal structures; this resource type is for internal use only.

Depending on the requested resolution, building the inverse table can require large amounts of temporary space in the application heap: twice the size of the table itself, plus a fixed overhead of 3–15 KB for each inverse table resolution.

Declared In


Creates the appearance of otherwise unavailable colors on indexed devices. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void MakeRGBPat (
   PixPatHandle pp,
   const RGBColor *myColor


On return, a handle to the generated pixel pattern.


An RGBColor structure that defines the color you want to approximate.


The MakeRGBPat function generates a PixPat structure that approximates the color you specify in the myColor parameter. For example, if your application draws to an indexed device that supports 4 bits per pixel, you only have 16 colors available if you simply set the foreground color and draw. If you use MakeRGBPat to create a pattern, and then draw using that pattern, you effectively get 125 different colors. If the graphics device has 8 bits per pixel, you effectively get 2197 colors. (More color are theoretically possible; this implementation opted for a fast pattern selection rather than the best possible pattern selection.)

For a pixel pattern, the (** patMap).bounds field of the PixPat structure always contains the values (0,0,8,8), and the (** patMap).rowbytes field equals 2.

Because patterns produced with MakeRGBPat aren’t usually solid—they provide a selection of colors by alternating between colors, with up to four colors in a pattern— lines that are only one pixel wide may not look good.

When MakeRGBPat creates a ColorTable structure, it fills in only the rgb fields of its ColorSpec structures; the value fields are computed at the time the drawing actually takes place, using the current pixel depth for the system.

Declared In


Maps and scales a polygon within one rectangle to another rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void MapPoly (
   PolyHandle poly,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *dstRect


A handle to a polygon. Upon input, this is the polygon to map. Upon completion, this polygon is the one mapped to a new location.


The rectangle containing the polygon.


The rectangle in which the new region will be mapped.


The MapPoly function takes a polygon within one rectangle and maps and scales it to another rectangle. In the poly parameter, you specify a handle to a polygon that lies within the rectangle that you specify in the srcRect parameter. By calling the MapPt function to map all the points that define the polygon specified in the poly parameter, MapPoly maps and scales it to the rectangle that you specify in the dstRect parameter. The MapPoly function returns the result in the polygon whose handle you initially passed in the poly parameter.

Similar to the MapRgn function described in the previous section, the MapPoly function is useful for determining whether a polygon operation will exceed available memory.

Special Considerations

If the points or rectangles supplied to this function are defined in a graphics port other than your current graphics port, you must convert them to the local coordinate system of your current graphics port. You can accomplish this by using the SetPort function to change to the graphics port containing the points or rectangles, using the LocalGlobal function to convert their locations to global coordinates, using SetPort to return to your starting graphics port, and then using the GlobalToLocal function to convert the locations of points or rectangles to the local coordinates of your current graphics port.

Declared In


Moves the graphics pen a particular distance. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void Move (
   short dh,
   short dv


The horizontal distance of the graphics pen’s movement.


The vertical distance of the graphics pen’s movement.


The Move function moves the graphics pen from its current location in the current graphics port a horizontal distance that you specify in the dh parameter and a vertical distance that you specify in the dv parameter. The Move function calls


where (h,v) is the graphics pen’s current location in local coordinates. The Move function performs no drawing.

Declared In


Changes the position of the port rectangle of the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void MovePortTo (
   short leftGlobal,
   short topGlobal


The horizontal distance to move the port rectangle.


The vertical distance to move the port rectangle.


The MovePortTo function is normally called only by the Window Manager. The MovePortTo function changes the position of the current graphics port’s port rectangle: the leftGlobal and topGlobal parameters set the distance between the upper-left corner of the boundary rectangle and the upper-left corner of the new port rectangle.

This does not affect the screen; it merely changes the location at which subsequent drawing inside the graphics port appears. Like the PortSize function, MovePortTo doesn’t change the clipping or visible region, nor does it affect the local coordinate system of the graphics port.

Declared In


Moves the graphics pen to a particular location in the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void MoveTo (
   short h,
   short v


The horizontal coordinate of the graphics pen’s new position.


The vertical coordinate of the graphics pen’s new position.


The MoveTo function changes the graphics pen’s current location to the new horizontal coordinate you specify in the h parameter and the new vertical coordinate you specify in the v parameter. Specify the new location in the local coordinates of the current graphics port. The MoveTo function performs no drawing.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

ColorComplementUPP NewColorComplementUPP (
   ColorComplementProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

ColorSearchUPP NewColorSearchUPP (
   ColorSearchProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

DeviceLoopDrawingUPP NewDeviceLoopDrawingUPP (
   DeviceLoopDrawingProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

DragGrayRgnUPP NewDragGrayRgnUPP (
   DragGrayRgnProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


Creates a new GDevice structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GDHandle NewGDevice (
   short refNum,
   long mode


Reference number of the graphics device for which you are creating a GDevice structure. For most video devices, this information is set at system startup.


The device configuration mode. Used by the screen driver, this value sets the pixel depth and specifies color or black and white.

Return Value

A handle to the new GDevice structure. If the request is unsuccessful, NewGDevice returns NULL.


Generally, you do not need to use NewGDevice, because Color QuickDraw uses this function to create GDevice structures for your application automatically. When the system starts up, it allocates and initializes one handle to a GDevice structure for each video device it finds. When you use the NewGWorld function, QuickDraw automatically creates a GDevice structure for the new offscreen graphics world.

For the graphics device whose driver is specified in the refNum parameter and whose mode is specified in the mode parameter, the NewGDevice function allocates a new GDevice structure and all of its handles, and then calls the InitGDevice function to initialize the structure.

NewGDevice allocates the new GDevice structure and all of its handles in the system heap, and the NewGDevice function sets all attributes in the gdFlags field of the GDevice structure to FALSE. If your application creates a GDevice structure, use the SetDeviceAttribute function to change the flag bits in the gdFlags field of the GDevice structure to TRUE. Your application should never directly change the gdFlags field of the GDevice structure. Instead, use only the SetDeviceAttribute function.

If your application creates a GDevice structure without a driver, set the mode parameter to –1. In this case, InitGDevice cannot initialize the GDevice structure, so your application must perform all initialization of the structure. A GDevice structure’s default mode is defined as 128. This is assumed to be a black-and-white mode. If you specify a value other than 128 in the mode parameter, the structure’s gdDevType bit in the gdFlags field of the GDevice structure is set to TRUE to indicate that the graphics device is capable of displaying color.

The NewGDevice function does not automatically insert the GDevice structure into the device list. In general, your application should not create GDevice structures, and if it ever does, it should never add them to the device list.

If your program uses NewGDevice to create a graphics device without a driver, InitGDevice does nothing; instead, your application must initialize all fields of the GDevice structure. After your application initializes the color table for the GDevice structure, call the Color Manager function MakeITable to build the inverse table for the graphics device.

Special Considerations

The NewGDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDErr NewGWorldFromPtr (
   GWorldPtr *offscreenGWorld,
   UInt32 PixelFormat,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CTabHandle cTable,
   GDHandle aGDevice,
   GWorldFlags flags,
   Ptr newBuffer,
   SInt32 rowBytes

Return Value
Declared In


Creates a new, initialized PixMap structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixMapHandle NewPixMap (

Return Value

A handle to the new PixMap structure.


All fields of the PixMap structure are copied from the current device’s PixMap structure except the color table. In System 7, the hRes and vRes fields are set to 72 dpi, no matter what values the current device’s PixMap structure contains. A handle to the color table is allocated but not initialized.

Typically, you do not need to call this function because PixMap structures are created for you when you create a window using the Window Manager functions NewCWindow and GetNewCWindow and when you create an offscreen graphics world with the NewGWorld function.

If your application creates a pixel map, your application must initialize the PixMap structure’s color table to describe the pixels. Use the GetCTable function to read such a table from a resource file. Use the DisposeCTable function to dispose of the PixMap structure’s color table and replace it with the one returned by GetCTable.

Special Considerations

The NewPixMap function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Creates a new pixel pattern. Generally, however, your application should create a pixel pattern in a 'ppat' resource. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PixPatHandle NewPixPat (

Return Value

A handle to the new PixPat structure created by the NewPixPat function.


This function calls the NewPixMap function to allocate the pattern’s PixMap structure and initializes it to the same settings as the pixel map of the current GDevice structure. NewPixPat also sets the pat1Data field of the new PixPat structure to a 50 percent gray pattern. NewPixPat allocates new handles for the PixPat structure’s data, expanded data, expanded map, and color table but does not initialize them instead, your application must initialize them.

Set the rowBytes, bounds, and pixelSize fields of the pattern’s PixMap structure to the dimensions of the desired pattern. The rowBytes value should be equal to

(width of bounds) x pixelSize/8

The rowBytes value need not be even. The width and height of the bounds must be a power of 2. Each scan line of the pattern must be at least 1 byte in length—that is, ([width of bounds] x pixelSize) must be at least 8.

Your application can explicitly specify the color corresponding to each pixel value with a color table. The color table for the pattern must be placed in the pmTable field in the pattern’s PixMap structure.

Including the PixPat structure itself, NewPixPat allocates a total of five handles. The sizes of the handles to the PixPat and PixMap structures are the sizes of their respective data structures. The other three handles are initially small in size. Once the pattern is drawn, the size of the expanded data is proportional to the size of the pattern data, but adjusted to the depth of the screen. The color table size is the size of the structure plus 8 bytes times the number of colors in the table.

When you are finished using the pixel pattern, use the DisposePixPat function to make the memory used by the pixel pattern available again.

Special Considerations

The NewPixPat function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDArcProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDBitsProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDCommentUPP NewQDCommentUPP (
   QDCommentProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDGetPicProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDJShieldCursorUPP NewQDJShieldCursorUPP (
   QDJShieldCursorProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDLineProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDOpcodeUPP NewQDOpcodeUPP (
   QDOpcodeProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDOvalProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDPolyProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDPutPicProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDRectProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDRgnProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDRRectProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDStdGlyphsUPP NewQDStdGlyphsUPP (
   QDStdGlyphsProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDTextProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

   QDTxMeasProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RegionToRectsUPP NewRegionToRectsUPP (
   RegionToRectsProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


Creates an offscreen PixMap structure and allocates memory for the base address of its pixel image. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDErr NewScreenBuffer (
   const Rect *globalRect,
   Boolean purgeable,
   GDHandle *gdh,
   PixMapHandle *offscreenPixMap


The boundary rectangle, in global coordinates, for the offscreen pixel map.


A value of TRUE to make the memory block for the offscreen pixel map purgeable, or a value of FALSE to make it unpurgeable.


On return, a pointer to the handle to the GDevice structure for the graphics device with the greatest pixel depth among all graphics devices whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle specified in the globalRect parameter.


On return, a pointer to a handle to the new offscreen PixMap structure.

Return Value

A result code.


Applications generally do not need to use NewScreenBuffer. The NewGWorld function uses the NewScreenBuffer function to create and allocate memory for an offscreen pixel image.

Special Considerations

The NewScreenBuffer function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Creates an offscreen PixMap structure and allocate temporary memory for the base address of its pixel image applications generally don’t need to use NewTempScreenBuffer. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDErr NewTempScreenBuffer (
   const Rect *globalRect,
   Boolean purgeable,
   GDHandle *gdh,
   PixMapHandle *offscreenPixMap


The boundary rectangle, in global coordinates, for the offscreen pixel map.


A value of TRUE to make the memory block for the offscreen pixel map purgeable, or a value of FALSE to make it unpurgeable.


On return, a pointer to the handle to the GDevice structure for the graphics device with the greatest pixel depth among all graphics devices whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle specified in the globalRect parameter.


On return, a pointer to the handle to the new offscreen PixMap structure.

Return Value

A result code.


The NewTempScreenBuffer function performs the same functions as NewScreenBuffer except that it creates the base address for the offscreen pixel image in temporary memory. When an application passes it the useTempMem flag, the NewGWorld function uses NewTempScreenBuffer instead of NewScreenBuffer.

Your application should not need to use this function.

Special Considerations

The NewTempScreenBuffer function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Prevents the Memory Manager from purging the base address for an offscreen pixel image. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void NoPurgePixels (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to an offscreen pixel map.


The NoPurgePixels function marks the base address for an offscreen pixel image as unpurgeable.

To get a handle to an offscreen pixel map, use the GetGWorldPixMap function. Then supply this handle for the pm parameter of NoPurgePixels.

Special Considerations

The NoPurgePixels function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

SInt32 OffscreenVersion (

Declared In


Moves a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void OffsetPoly (
   PolyHandle poly,
   short dh,
   short dv


A handle to a polygon to move.


The horizontal distance to move the polygon.


The vertical distance to move the polygon.


The OffsetPoly function moves the polygon whose handle you pass in the poly parameter by adding the value you specify in the dh parameter to the horizontal coordinates of its points, and by adding the value you specify in the dv parameter to the vertical coordinates of all points of its region boundary. If the values of dh and dv are positive, the movement is to the right and down; if either is negative, the corresponding movement is in the opposite direction. The region retains its size and shape. This does not affect the screen unless you subsequently call a function to draw the region.

OffsetPoly is an especially efficient operation, because the data defining a polygon is stored relative to the first point of the polygon and so is not actually changed by OffsetPoly.

Declared In


Sets the maximum color values for the addPin and subPin arithmetic transfer modes and the weight color for the blend arithmetic transfer mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void OpColor (
   const RGBColor *color


An RGBColor structure that defines a color.


Specify the red, green, and blue values in the RGBColor structure and specify this structure in the color parameter.

If the current graphics port is defined by a GrafPort structure, OpColor has no effect.

Declared In


Begins defining a picture in extended version 2 format. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PicHandle OpenCPicture (
   const OpenCPicParams *newHeader


An OpenCPicParams structure.

Return Value

A handle to a new Picture structure. OpenCPicture collects your subsequent drawing commands in this structure. Use this handle when referring to the picture in subsequent functions, such as the DrawPicture function.


When defining a picture, you can use all other QuickDraw drawing functions, with the exception of CopyMask, CopyDeepMask, SeedFill, SeedCFill, CalcMask, and CalcCMask. You can also use the PicComment function to include picture comments in your picture definition.

The OpenCPicture function creates a pictures in the extended version 2 format. This format permits your application to specify resolutions when creating images.

Use the OpenCPicParams structure you pass in the newHeader parameter to specify the horizontal and vertical resolution for the picture, and specify an optimal bounding rectangle for displaying the picture at this resolution. When you later call the DrawPicture function to play back the saved picture, supply a destination rectangle, and DrawPicture scales the picture so that it is completely aligned with the destination rectangle. To display a picture at a resolution other than that at which it was created, compute an appropriate destination rectangle by scaling its width and height by the following factor:

scale factor = destination resolution / source resolution

For example, if a picture was created at 300 dpi and you want to display it at 75 dpi, then your application should compute the destination rectangle width and height as 1/4 of those of the picture’s bounding rectangle.

The OpenCPicture function calls the HidePen function, so no drawing occurs on the screen while the picture is open (unless you call the ShowPen function just after OpenCPicture, or you called ShowPen previously without balancing it by a call to HidePen).

After defining the picture, close it by using the ClosePicture function.

After creating the picture, use the GetPictInfo function to gather information about it. The PictInfo structure returned by GetPictInfo returns the picture’s resolution and optimal bounding rectangle.

Special Considerations

When creating a picture, use the ClosePicture function to finish it before you open the Printing Manager with the PrOpen function. There are two main reasons for this. First, you should allow the printing driver to use as much memory as possible. Second, the Printing Manager creates its own type of graphics port, one that replaces the standard QuickDraw drawing operations stored in the grafProcs field of a CGrafPort or GrafPort structure. To avoid unexpected results when creating a picture, draw into a graphics port created with QuickDraw instead of drawing into a printing port created by the Printing Manager.

After calling OpenCPicture, be sure to finish your picture definition by calling ClosePicture before you call OpenCPicture again. You cannot nest calls to OpenCPicture.

Always use the ClipRect procedure to specify a clipping region appropriate for your picture before you call OpenCPicture. If you do not use ClipRect to specify a clipping region, OpenCPicture uses the clipping region specified in the current graphics port. If the clipping region is very large (as it is when a graphics port is initialized) and you scale the picture when drawing it, the clipping region can become invalid when DrawPicture scales the clipping region—in which case, your picture will not be drawn.

The OpenCPicture function may move or purge memory; do not call at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr OpenCursorComponent (
   Component c,
   ComponentInstance *ci

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

This function is not implemented on Mac OS X.

Declared In


Creates a picture which allows you to specify resolutions for your pictures. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PicHandle OpenPicture (
   const Rect *picFrame


The bounding rectangle for the picture. The DrawPicture function uses this rectangle to scale the picture if you draw it into a destination rectangle of a different size.

Return Value

A handle to a new Picture structure. OpenPicture collects your subsequent drawing commands in this structure. Use this handle when referring to the picture in subsequent functions, such as the DrawPicture function.


The OpenPicture function, which was created for earlier versions of system software, is described here for completeness. Use the OpenPicture function to begin defining a picture.

The OpenPicture function calls the HidePen function, so no drawing occurs on the screen while the picture is open (unless you call the ShowPen function just after OpenPicture or you called ShowPen previously without balancing it by a call to HidePen).

The OpenPicture function creates pictures in the version 2 format on computers with Color QuickDraw when the current graphics port is a color graphics port. Pictures created in this format support color drawing operations at 72 dpi. On computers supporting only basic QuickDraw, or when the current graphics port is a basic graphics port, this function creates pictures in version 1 format. Pictures created in version 1 format support only black-and-white drawing operations at 72 dpi.

When defining a picture, you can use all other QuickDraw drawing functions, with the exception of CopyMask, CopyDeepMask, SeedFill, SeedCFill, CalcMask, and CalcCMask. You can also use the PicComment function to include picture comments in your picture definition.

After defining the picture, close it by using the ClosePicture function. To draw the picture, use the DrawPicture function.

Special Considerations

The version 2 and version 1 picture formats support only 72-dpi resolution. The OpenCPicture function creates pictures in the extended version 2 format. The extended version 2 format, which is created by the OpenCPicture function on all Macintosh computers running System 7, permits your application to specify additional resolutions when creating images.

Version 1 pictures are limited to 32 KB. You can determine the picture size while it is being formed by calling the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize.

Declared In


Begins defining a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

PolyHandle OpenPoly (

Return Value

A handle to a new polygon.


The OpenPoly function starts saving lines for processing as a polygon definition. While a polygon is open, all calls to the Line and LineTo functions affect the outline of the polygon. Only the line endpoints affect the polygon definition; the pattern mode, pattern, and size do not affect it. The OpenPoly function calls the HidePen function, so no drawing occurs on the screen while the polygon is open (unless you call the ShowPen function just after calling OpenPoly, or you called ShowPen previously without balancing it by a call to HidePen).

A polygon should consist of a sequence of connected lines. The OpenPoly function stores the definition for a polygon in a Polygon structure.

When a polygon is open, the current graphics port’s polySave field contains a handle to information related to the polygon definition. If you want to temporarily disable the polygon definition, you can save the current value of this field, set the field to NULL, and later restore the saved value to resume the polygon definition.

Even though the onscreen presentation of a polygon is clipped, the definition of a polygon is not; you can define a polygon anywhere on the coordinate plane.

When you are finished calling the line-drawing functions that define your polygon, use the ClosePoly function.

Special Considerations

Do not call OpenPoly while a region or another polygon is already open.

Polygons are limited to 64 KB. You can determine the polygon size while it is being formed by calling the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize.

The OpenPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Begins defining a region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void OpenRgn (


The OpenRgn function allocates temporary memory to start saving lines and framed shapes for processing as a region definition. Call OpenRgn only after initializing a region with the NewRgn function.

The NewRgn function stores the definition for a region in a Region structure.

While a region is open, all calls to Line, LineTo, and the functions that draw framed shapes (except arcs) affect the outline of the region. Only the line endpoints and shape boundaries affect the region definition—the pattern mode, pattern, and size do not affect it.

When you are finished defining the region, call the CloseRgn function.

The OpenRgn function calls HidePen, so no drawing occurs on the screen while the region is open (unless you call ShowPen just after OpenRgn, or you called ShowPen previously without balancing it by a call to HidePen). Since the pen hangs below and to the right of the pen location, drawing lines with even the smallest pen changes pixels that lie outside the region you define.

The outline of a region is mathematically defined and infinitely thin, and it separates the bit or pixel image into two groups of pixels: those within the region and those outside it.

A region should consist of one or more closed loops. Each framed shape itself constitutes a loop. Any lines drawn with the Line or LineTo function should connect with each other or with a framed shape. Even if the onscreen presentation of a region is clipped, the definition of a region is not; you can define a region anywhere on the coordinate plane with complete disregard for the location of various graphics port entities on that plane.

When a region is open, the current graphics port’s rgnSave field contains a handle to information related to the region definition. If you want to temporarily disable the collection of lines and shapes, you can save the current value of this field, set the field to NULL, and later restore the saved value to resume the region definition. Also, calling SetPort while a region is being formed discontinues formation of the region until another call to SetPort resets the region’s original graphics port.

If the points or rectangles supplied to this function are defined in a graphics port other than your current graphics port, you must convert them to the local coordinate system of your current graphics port. You can accomplish this by using the SetPort function to change to the graphics port containing the points or rectangles, using the LocalGlobal function to convert their locations to global coordinates, using SetPort to return to your starting graphics port, and then using the GlobalToLocal function to convert the locations of points or rectangles to the local coordinates of your current graphics port.

Special Considerations

Regions are limited to 32 KB in size in basic QuickDraw and 64 KB in Color QuickDraw. You can determine the current size of an existing region by calling the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize. When you structure drawing operations in an open region, the resulting region description may overflow the 32 KB or 64 KB limit. Should this happen in Color QuickDraw, the QDError function returns the result code regionTooBigError.

Do not call OpenRgn while another region or a polygon is already open. When you are finished constructing the region, use the CloseRgn function, which is described next.

The OpenRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Compresses a data buffer stored in RAM. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PackBits (
   Ptr *srcPtr,
   Ptr *dstPtr,
   short srcBytes


On entry, a pointer to the first byte of a buffer of data to be compressed. On exit, a pointer to the first byte following the bytes compressed.


On entry, a pointer to the first byte in which to store compressed data. On exit, a pointer to the first byte following the compressed data.


The number of bytes of uncompressed data to be compressed. In versions of software prior to version 6.0.2, this number must be 127 or less.


You must allocate memory for the destination buffer itself. Allocate enough memory for a worst-case scenario where the destination buffer is 128 bytes long for each block of source data up to 127 bytes. Use the following formula to determine how much space to allocate for the destination buffer:

maxDstBytes := srcBytes + (srcBytes+126) DIV 127;

where maxDstBytes stands for the maximum number of destination bytes.

The PackBits algorithm is most effective on data buffers in which there are likely to be series of bytes containing the same value. For example, resources of many formats often contain many consecutive zeros. If you have a data buffer in which there are only likely to be a series of words or long words containing the same values, PackBits is unlikely to be effective.

Special Considerations

Because your application must allocate memory for the source and destination buffers, PackBits does not move relocatable blocks. Thus, you can call it at interrupt time.

Because PackBits changes the values of the srcPtr and dstPtr parameters, you should pass to PackBits only copies of the pointers to the source and destination buffers. This allows you to access the beginning of the source and destination buffers after PackBits returns. Also, if the source or destination buffer is stored in an unlocked, relocatable block, this technique prevents PackBits from changing the value of a master pointer, which would make the original handle invalid.

Declared In


Paints a wedge of the oval that fits inside a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PaintArc (
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle


The rectangle that defines an oval’s boundaries.


The angle indicating the start of the arc.


The angle indicating the arc’s extent.


Using the pen pattern and pattern mode of the current graphics port, the PaintArc function draws a wedge of the oval bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. As in the FrameArc function, use the startAngle and arcAngle parameters to define the arc of the wedge.

The pen location does not change.

Use FillArc , to draw a wedge with a pattern different from that specified in the pnPat field of the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

The PaintArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Paints an oval with the graphics pen’s pattern and pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PaintOval (
   const Rect *r


The rectangle that defines the oval’s boundary.


Using the pen pattern and pattern mode for the current graphics port, the PaintOval function draws the interior of an oval just inside the bounding rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. The pen location does not change.

Use FillOval to draw the interior of an oval with a pen pattern different from that for the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

The PaintOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Paints a polygon with the graphics pen’s pattern and pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PaintPoly (
   PolyHandle poly


A handle to the polygon to paint. The OpenPoly function returns this handle when you first create the polygon.


Using the pen pattern and pattern mode for the current graphics port, the PaintPoly function draws the interior of a polygon whose handle you pass in the poly parameter. The pen location does not change.

This function temporarily converts the polygon into a region to perform their operations. The amount of memory required for this temporary region may be far greater than the amount required by the polygon alone.

You can estimate the size of this region by scaling down the polygon with the MapPoly , converting the polygon into a region, checking the region’s size with the Memory Manager function GetHandleSize, and multiplying that value by the factor by which you scaled the polygon.

The result of this graphics operation is undefined whenever any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the polygon would intersect the polygon’s outline more than 50 times.

Use the FillPoly function to draw the interior of a polygon with a pattern different from that specified in the pnPat field of the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

Do not create a height or width for the polygon greater than 32,767 pixels, or PaintPoly will crash.

The PaintPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Paints a rectangle with the graphics pen’s pattern and pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PaintRect (
   const Rect *r


The rectangle to paint.


The PaintRect function draws the interior of the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter with the pen pattern for the current graphics port, according to the pattern mode for the current graphics port. The pen location does not change.

Use the FillRect to draw the interior of a rectangle with a pen pattern different from that for the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

The PaintRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Paints a region with the graphics pen’s pattern and pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PaintRgn (
   RgnHandle rgn


A handle to the region to paint.


Using the pen pattern and pattern mode for the current graphics port, the PaintRgn function draws the interior of the region whose handle you pass in the rgn parameter. The pen location does not change.

This function depends on the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. If you draw a region in a graphics port different from the one in which you defined the region, it may not appear in the proper position in the graphics port.

If any horizontal or vertical line drawn through the region would intersect the region’s outline more than 50 times, the results of this graphics operation are undefined.

Use FillRgn to draw the interior of a region with a pen pattern different from that for the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

The PaintRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Paints a rounded rectangle with the graphics pen’s pattern and pattern mode. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PaintRoundRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight


The rectangle that defines the rounded rectangle’s boundaries.


The width of the oval defining the rounded corner.


The height of the oval defining the rounded corner.


Using the pattern and pattern mode of the graphics pen for the current graphics port, the PaintRoundRect function draws the interior of the rounded rectangle bounded by the rectangle that you specify in the r parameter. Use the ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters to specify the diameters of curvature for the corners of the rounded rectangle.

The pen location does not change.

Use FillRoundRect to draw the interior of a rounded rectangle with a pen pattern different from that for the current graphics port.

Special Considerations

The PaintRoundRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets the pattern mode of the graphics pen in the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PenMode (
   short mode


The pattern mode. See “Source, Pattern, and Arithmetic Transfer Mode Constants.”


Using the pattern mode you specify in the mode parameter, the PenMode function sets the manner in which the pattern of the graphics pen is transferred onto the bitmap (or pixel map) when you draw lines or shapes in the current graphics port.

If you specify a source mode (such as one used with the CopyBits function) instead of a pattern mode, no drawing is performed.

The current pattern mode is stored in the pnMode field of the current graphics port. The initial pattern mode value is patCopy, in which the pen pattern is copied directly to the bitmap.

To use highlighting, add the hilite constant or its value to the source or pattern mode:

With highlighting, QuickDraw replaces the background color with the highlight color when your application draws or copies images between graphics ports. This has the visual effect of using a highlighting pen to select the object. (The global variable HiliteRGB is read from parameter RAM when the machine starts. Basic graphics ports use the color stored in the HiliteRGB global variable as the highlight color. Color graphics ports default to the HiliteRGB global variable, but can be overridden by the HiliteColor function.

This pen-manipulation function uses the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. Remember that each graphics port has its own pen, the state of which is stored in several fields of its GrafPort or CGrafPort structure. If you draw in one graphics port, change to another, and return to the first, the pen for the first graphics port has the same state as when you left it.

Special Considerations

When your application draws with a pixel pattern, Color QuickDraw ignores the pattern mode and simply transfers the pattern directly to the pixel map without regard to the foreground and background colors.

The results of inverting a pixel are predictable only with direct pixels or 1-bit pixel maps. For indexed pixels, Color QuickDraw performs the inversion on the pixel indexes, which means the results depend entirely on the contents of the color table. The eight colors used in basic QuickDraw are stored in a color table represented by the global variable QDColors. To display those eight basic QuickDraw colors on an indexed device, Color QuickDraw uses the Color Manager to obtain indexes to the colors in the CLUT that best map to the colors in the QDColors color table. Because the index, not the color value, is inverted, the results are unpredictable.

Declared In


Sets the size, pattern, and pattern mode of the graphics pen in the current graphics port to their initial values. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PenNormal (


The PenNormal function restores the size, pattern, and pattern mode of the graphics pen in the current graphics port to their initial values: a size of 1 pixel by 1 pixel, a pattern mode of patCopy, and a pattern of black. The pen location does not change.

Special Considerations

The PenNormal function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets the bit pattern to be used by the graphics pen in the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PenPat (
   const Pattern *pat


A bit pattern, as defined by a Pattern structure.


The PenPat function sets the graphics pen to use the bit pattern defined in the Pattern structure that you specify in the pat parameter. (The standard patterns white, black, gray, ltGray, and dkGray are predefined; the initial bit pattern for the pen is black.) This pattern is stored in the pnPat field of a GrafPort structure. The QuickDraw painting functions (such as PaintRect) also use the pen’s pattern when drawing a shape.

The PenPat function also sets a bit pattern for the graphics pen in a color graphics port. The PenPat function creates a handle, of type PixPatHandle, for the bit pattern and stores this handle in the pnPixPat field of the CGrafPort structure. This pattern always uses the graphics port’s current foreground and background colors.

To define your own patterns, you typically create pattern, ‘PAT’, or pattern list, ‘PAT#’, resources.

Special Considerations

The PenPat function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets the pixel pattern used by the graphics pen in the current color graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PenPixPat (
   PixPatHandle pp


A handle to the pixel pattern to use as the pen pattern.


The PenPixPat function is similar to the basic QuickDraw function PenPat, except that you pass PenPixPat a handle to a multicolored pixel pattern rather than a bit pattern.

The PenPixPat function stores the handle to the pixel pattern in the pnPixPat field of the CGrafPort structure, therefore, you should not dispose of this handle since QuickDraw removes all references to your pattern from an existing graphics port when you dispose of it.

If you use PenPixPat to set a pixel pattern in a basic graphics port, the data in the pat1Data field of the PixPat structure is placed into the pnPat field of the GrafPort structure.

To define your own pixel pattern, you can create a pixel pattern resource, which is described in 'ppat', or you can use the NewPixPat function. To set the pen to use a bit pattern, you can also use the QuickDraw function PenPat.

Special Considerations

The PenPixPat function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets the dimensions of the graphics pen in the current graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PenSize (
   short width,
   short height


The pen width, as an integer from 0 to 32,767. If you set the value to 0, the pen does not draw. Values less than 0 are undefined.


The pen height, as an integer from 0 to 32,767. If you set the value to 0, the pen does not draw. Values less than 0 are undefined.


The PenSize function sets the width that you specify in the width parameter and the height that you specify in the height parameter for the graphics pen in the current graphics port. All subsequent calls to the Line and LineTo functions and to the functions that draw framed shapes in the current graphics port use the new pen dimensions.

You can get the current pen dimensions from the pnSize field of the current graphics port, where the width and height are stored as a Point structure.

This pen-manipulation function uses the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. Remember that each graphics port has its own pen, the state of which is stored in several fields of its GrafPort or CGrafPort structure. If you draw in one graphics port, change to another, and return to the first, the pen for the first graphics port has the same state as when you left it.

Declared In


Inserts a picture comment into a picture that you are defining or into your printing code. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PicComment (
   short kind,
   short dataSize,
   Handle dataHandle


The type of comment.


Size of any additional data passed in the dataHandle parameter. If no additional data is used, specify 0 in this parameter.


A handle to additional data, if used. If no additional data is used, specify NULL in this parameter.


When used after your application begins creating a picture with the OpenCPicture (or OpenPicture) function, the PicComment function inserts the specified comment into the Picture structure. When sent to a printer driver after your application uses the PrOpenPage function, PicComment passes the data or commands in the specified comment directly to the printer.

Picture comments contain data or commands for special processing by output devices, such as printers.

Usually printer drivers process picture comments, but applications can also do so. For your application to process picture comments, it must replace the StdComment function pointed to by the commentProc field of the CQDProcs or QDProcs structure, which in turn is pointed to by the grafProcs field of a CGrafPort or GrafPort structure. The default StdComment function provided by QuickDraw does no comment processing whatsoever. You can use the SetStdCProcs function to assist you in changing the CQDProcs structure, and you can use the SetStdProcs function to assist you in changing the QDProcs structure.

If you create and process your own picture comments, you should define comments so that they contain information that identifies your application (to avoid using the same comments as those used by Apple or by other third-party products). You should define a comment as an ApplicationComment comment type with a kind value of 100. The first 4 bytes of the data for the comment should specify your application’s signature. You can use the next 2 bytes to identify the type of comment—that is, to specify a kind value to your own application.

Suppose your application signature were 'WAVE', and you wanted to use the value 128 to identify a kind value to your own application. You would supply values to the kind and data parameters to PicComment as follows:

kind = 100; data = 'WAVE' [4 bytes] + 128 [2 bytes] + additional data [n bytes]

Your application can then parse the first 6 bytes of the comment to determine whether and how to process the rest of the data in the comment. It is up to you to publish information about your comments if you wish them to be understood and used by other applications.

Special Considerations

These former picture comments are now obsolete: SetGrayLevel, ResourcePS, PostScriptFile, and TextIsPostScript.

The PicComment function may move or purge memory.

Declared In


Determines whether a pixel map requires 32-bit addressing mode for access to its pixel image. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean PixMap32Bit (
   PixMapHandle pmHandle


A handle to an offscreen pixel map.

Return Value

TRUE if a pixel map requires 32-bit addressing mode for access to its pixel image. If your application is in 24-bit mode, you must change to 32-bit mode.


To get a handle to an offscreen pixel map, first use the GetGWorldPixMap function. Then supply this handle for the pm parameter of PixMap32Bit.

Declared In


Notifies QuickDraw that the content of a PixPat structure, including its PixMap structure or the image in its patData field, has been modified. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PixPatChanged (
   PixPatHandle ppat


A handle to the changed pixel pattern.


The PixPatChanged function sets the patXValid field of the PixPat structure specified in the ppat parameter to –1 and notifies QuickDraw of the change.

If your application changes the pmTable field of a pixel pattern’s PixMap structure, it should call PixPatChanged. However, if your application changes the content of the color table referenced by the PixMap structure’s pmTable field, it should call both the PixPatChanged and the CTabChanged functions.

Your application should never need to directly modify a PixPat structure and use the PixPatChanged function; instead, your application should use the QuickDraw functions for manipulating the values in a PixPat structure.

Special Considerations

The PixPatChanged function may move or purge memory in the application heap; do not call the PixPatChanged function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Notifies QuickDraw that the content of a GrafPort structure or CGrafPort structure, including any of the data structures specified by handles within the structure, has been modified. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PortChanged (
   GrafPtr port


A pointer to the GrafPort structure that you have changed.


If your application has changed a CGrafPort structure, it must coerce the CGrafPtr so it will point to a GrafPtr before passing the pointer in the port parameter.

You generally should not directly change any of the PixPat structures specified in a CGrafPort structure, but instead use the PenPixPat and BackPixPat functions. However, if your application does change the content of a PixPat structure, it should call the PixPatChanged function and the PortChanged function.

If your application changes the pmTable field of the PixMap structure specified in the graphics port, your application should call PortChanged. If your application changes the content of the ColorTable structure referenced by the pmTable field, it should call CTabChanged also.

Declared In


Changes the size of the port rectangle of the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void PortSize (
   short width,
   short height


The width of the reset port rectangle.


The height of the reset port rectangle.


The PortSize function is normally called only by the Window Manager. The PortSize function changes the size of the current graphics port’s port rectangle. The upper-left corner of the port rectangle remains at its same location the width and height of the port rectangle are set to the given width and height. In other words, PortSize moves the lower-right corner of the port rectangle to a position relative to the upper-left corner.

The PortSize function doesn’t change the clipping or visible region of the graphics port, nor does it affect the local coordinate system of the graphics port it changes only the width and height of the port rectangle. Remember that all drawing occurs only in the intersection of the boundary rectangle and the port rectangle, after being cropped to the visible region and the clipping region.

Declared In


Adds protection to or removes protection from an entry in the current GDevice data structure’s color table. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ProtectEntry (
   short index,
   Boolean protect


The index to the entry whose protection is to be changed.


A Boolean value: specify true to protect the entry, false to remove protection.


A protected entry can not be changed by other applications. ProtectEntry returns a protection error in QDErr if you attempt to protect an already protected entry. However, it can remove protection from any entry, even an already unprotected one.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDAddRectToDirtyRegion (
   CGrafPtr inPort,
   const Rect *inBounds

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDAddRegionToDirtyRegion (
   CGrafPtr inPort,
   RgnHandle inRegion

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void QDDisplayWaitCursor (
   Boolean forceWaitCursor

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDDisposeRegionBits (
   QDRegionBitsRef regionBits

Return Value
Declared In


Determines whether QuickDraw has completed drawing in a given graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean QDDone (
   GrafPtr port


The GrafPort structure for a graphics port in which your application has begun drawing; if you pass NULL, QDDone tests all open graphics ports.

Return Value

TRUE if all drawing operations have finished in the graphics port specified in the port parameter, FALSE if any remain to be executed. If you pass NULL in the port parameter, then QDDone returns TRUE only if drawing operations have completed in all ports.


The QDDone function may be useful if a graphics accelerator is present and operating asynchronously. You can use it to ensure that all drawing is done before issuing new drawing commands, and to avoid the possibility that the new drawing operations might be overlaid by previously issued but unexecuted operations.

Special Considerations

If a graphics port draws a clock or some other continuously operating drawing process, QDDone may never return TRUE.

To determine whether all drawing in a color graphics port has completed, you must coerce its CGrafPort structure to a GrafPort structure, which you pass in the port parameter.

Declared In


Obtains a result code from the last applicable QuickDraw function that you called. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

short QDError (

Return Value

The error result. On a system with only basic QuickDraw, QDError always returns noErr.


The QDError function is helpful in determining whether insufficient memory caused a drawing operation - particularly those involving regions, polygons, pictures, and images copied with CopyBits - to fail.

Basic QuickDraw uses stack space for work buffers. For complex operations such as depth conversion, dithering, and image resizing, stack space may not be sufficient. QuickDraw attempts to get temporary memory from other parts of the system. If that is still not enough, QDError returns the nsStackErr error. If your application receives this result, reduce the memory required by the operation.

When you structure drawing operations in an open region, the resulting region description may overflow the 64 KB limit. In this case, QDError returns regionTooBigError. Since the resulting region is potentially corrupt, the CloseRgn function returns an empty region if it detects QDError has returned regionTooBigError. A similar error, rgnTooBigErr, occurs when using the BitMapToRegion function to convert a bitmap to a region.

The BitMapToRegion function also generates the pixmapTooDeepErr error if a PixMap structure is supplied that is greater than 1 bit per pixel. You may be able to recover from this problem by coercing your PixMap structure into a 1-bit PixMap structure and calling the BitMapToRegion function again.

Special Considerations

The QDError function does not report errors returned by basic QuickDraw.

Declared In


Calls the Quartz compositor to flush all new drawing in a Carbon window to the display. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void QDFlushPortBuffer (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle region


A window port. If the port has no back buffer, or if the port is an offscreen or printing port, this function does nothing.


An update region. Under normal conditions, you should pass NULL to avoid the overhead of additional region operations.


In Mac OS X, drawing in a window port updates a back buffer associated with the window. Updates to this buffer are accumulated in a list called the dirty region.

The back buffer is automatically flushed to the display each time through the event loop. When the event loop does not get control soon enough—for example, during an animation sequence—you can call this function to flush the port buffer to the device immediately.

When you call this function, there are several different execution paths:

  1. If the region parameter is NULL, the dirty region is flushed—along with any Quartz 2D drawing operations marked for update by calls to CGContextSynchronize—and the dirty region is set to empty.

  2. If the region parameter specifies an update region, the intersection of the dirty region and the update region is flushed—along with any Quartz 2D drawing operations marked for update by calls to CGContextSynchronize—and the flushed region is subtracted from the dirty region.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDGetCursorData (
   Boolean contextCursor,
   PixMapHandle *crsrData,
   Point *hotSpot

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDGetDirtyRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle rgn

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void QDGetPatternOrigin (
   Point *origin

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Rect * QDGetPictureBounds (
   PicHandle picH,
   Rect *outRect

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Point * QDGlobalToLocalPoint (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Point *point

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Rect * QDGlobalToLocalRect (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Rect *bounds

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RgnHandle QDGlobalToLocalRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle region

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean QDIsNamedPixMapCursorRegistered (
   const char name[128]

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean QDIsPortBufferDirty (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean QDIsPortBuffered (
   CGrafPtr port

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Point * QDLocalToGlobalPoint (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Point *point

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Rect * QDLocalToGlobalRect (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Rect *bounds

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

RgnHandle QDLocalToGlobalRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle region

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDRegisterNamedPixMapCursor (
   PixMapHandle crsrData,
   PixMapHandle crsrMask,
   Point hotSpot,
   const char name[128]

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDRestoreRegionBits (
   RgnHandle region,
   QDRegionBitsRef regionBits

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

QDRegionBitsRef QDSaveRegionBits (
   RgnHandle region

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDSetCursorScale (
   float scale

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDSetDirtyRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle rgn

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDSetNamedPixMapCursor (
   const char name[128]

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void QDSetPatternOrigin (
   Point origin

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean QDSwapPort (
   CGrafPtr inNewPort,
   CGrafPtr *outOldPort

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

UInt32 QDSwapPortTextFlags (
   CGrafPtr port,
   UInt32 newFlags

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

UInt32 QDSwapTextFlags (
   UInt32 newFlags

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus QDUnregisterNamedPixMapCursor (
   const char name[128]

Return Value
Declared In


Obtains a pseudorandom integer. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use the Standard C Library random(3) function instead.)

short Random (

Return Value

A pseudorandom integer, uniformly distributed in the range -32767 to 32767.


The value Random returns depends solely on the global variable randSeed, which the QuickDraw InitGraf function initializes to 1. Each time the Random function executes, it uses a numerical algorithm to change the value of randSeed to prevent it from returning the same value each time it is called.

To prevent your application from generating the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers each time it is executed, initialize the randSeed global variable, when your application starts up, to a volatile long word variable such as the current date and time. If you would like to generate the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers twice, on the other hand, simply set randSeed to the same value before calling Random for each sequence.

Declared In


Determines whether a given RGBColor data structure exists in the current device’s color table. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean RealColor (
   const RGBColor *color


The RGBColor data structure to be tested.


The RealColor function determines whether the color is available in the current GDevice data structure’s CLUT, basing its search on the current resolution of the inverse table. For example, if the current value of the iTabRes field is 4, RealColor returns true if there exists a color that exactly matches the top 4 bits of red, green, and blue. (See the iTabRes field of the inverse table, ITab.)

Declared In


Reserves or removes reservation from an entry in the current GDevice data structure’s color table. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ReserveEntry (
   short index,
   Boolean reserve


The index to the entry.


True to reserve the entry, false to remove the reservation.


A reserved entry cannot be matched by another application’s search function, and Color2Index (or other functions that depend on it such as RGBForeColor, RGBBackColor, and SetCPixel) never return that entry to another client. You could use this function to selectively protect a color for color table animation.

The ReserveEntry function copies the low byte of the gdID field of the current GDevice data structure into the low byte of the ColorSpec.value field of the color table when reserving an entry, and leaves the high byte alone. ReserveEntry acts like selective protection and does not allow any changes if the current gdID field is different than the one in the ColorSpec.value field of the reserved entry. If a requested match is already reserved, ReserveEntry returns a protection error. It can remove reservation from any entry, even if a requested match is already not reserved.

Carbon Porting Notes

This function does nothing useful on Mac OS X.

Declared In


Restores a selection of color table entries. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void RestoreEntries (
   CTabHandle srcTable,
   CTabHandle dstTable,
   ReqListRec *selection


The color table containing entries to be restored.


The color table in which to restore the entries. If dstTable is NULL, or points to the current GDevice data structure’s color table, RestoreEntries changes the device’s color table and the hardware CLUT to these new colors.


A pointer to the ReqListRec data structure. The entries to be restored are enumerated as offsets into a ColorTable data structure, not the contents of the ColorSpec.value field.


The RestoreEntries function does not rebuild the inverse table.

If a request is beyond the end of the destination color table, RestoreEntries sets that position in the requestList data structure to colReqErr, and returns an error. RestoreEntries assumes that the color table specified by the srcTable parameter and the request list specified by the selection parameter have the same number of entries.

RestoreEntries does not change the color table’s seed, so no invalidation occurs (which may cause RGBForeColor to act strangely). RestoreEntries ignores protection and reservation of color table entries.

You generally should use the Palette Manager to give your application its own set of colors; use of RestoreEntries should be limited to special-purpose applications. RestoreEntries allows you to change a color table without changing its ctSeed field. You can execute the application code and then use RestoreEntries to put the original colors back in. However, in some cases things in the background may appear in the wrong colors, since they were never redrawn. To avoid this, your application must build its own new inverse table and redraw the background. If you then use RestoreEntries, you should call the CTabChanged function to clean up correctly.

Carbon Porting Notes

This function does nothing useful on Mac OS X.

Declared In


Changes the background color. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void RGBBackColor (
   const RGBColor *color


An RGBColor structure.


If the current port is defined by a CGrafPort structure, QuickDraw supplies its rgbBkColor field with the RGB value that you specify in the color parameter, and places the pixel value most closely matching that color in the bkColor field. For indexed devices, the pixel value is an index to the current device’s CLUT. F or direct devices, the value is the 16-bit or 32-bit equivalent to the RGB value.

If the current port is defined by a GrafPort structure, basic QuickDraw supplies its fgColor field with a color value determined by taking the high bit of each of the red, green, and blue components of the color that you supply in the color parameter. Basic QuickDraw uses that 3-bit number to select a color from its eight-color system.

You can also use Palette Manager functions to set the background color.

To determine the current background color, use the GetBackColor function.

Because a pixel pattern already contains color, QuickDraw ignores the background color and foreground colors when your application draws with a pixel pattern. Use the PenPixPat function to assign a pixel pattern to the foreground pattern used by the graphics pen. Use the BackPixPat function to assign a pixel pattern as the background pattern for the current color graphics port. Use the FillCRect, FillCOval, FillCRoundRect, FillCArc, FillCRgn, and FillCPoly functions to fill shapes with a pixel pattern.

Special Considerations

The RGBBackColor function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Changes the color of the “ink” used for framing and painting. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void RGBForeColor (
   const RGBColor *color


An RGBColor structure.


If the current port is defined by a CGrafPort structure, QuickDraw supplies its rgbFgColor field with the RGB value that you specify in the color parameter, and places the pixel value most closely matching that color in the fgColor field. For indexed devices, the pixel value is an index to the current device’s CLUT. For direct devices, the value is the 16-bit or 32-bit equivalent to the RGB value.

If the current port is defined by a GrafPort structure, basic QuickDraw supplies its fgColor field with a color value determined by taking the high bit of each of the red, green, and blue components of the color that you supply in the color parameter. Basic QuickDraw uses that 3-bit number to select a color from its eight-color system.

You can also use Palette Manager functions to set the foreground color.

To determine the current foreground color, use the GetForeColor function.

QuickDraw ignores the foreground and background colors when your application draws with a pixel pattern. Assign a pixel pattern to the foreground pattern used by the graphics pen; by using the BackPixPat function to assign a pixel pattern as the background pattern for the current color graphics port; and by using the FillCRect, FillCOval, FillCRoundRect, FillCArc, FillCRgn, and FillCPoly functions to fill shapes with a pixel pattern.

Special Considerations

The RGBForeColor function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Saves a selection of color table entries. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SaveEntries (
   CTabHandle srcTable,
   CTabHandle resultTable,
   ReqListRec *selection


The color table containing entries to be saved. If you supply NULL, SaveEntries uses the current device’s color table as the source.


The color table in which to save the entries.


A pointer to the ReqListRec data structure. The entries to be set are enumerated as offsets into a ColorTable data structure, not the contents of the ColorSpec.value field.) If an entry is not present in srcTable, then SaveEntries sets that position of the selection parameter to colReqErr, and that position of resultTable contains random values.


If SaveEntries can not find one or more entries, then it posts an error code to QDError; however, for every entry in selection which is not colReqErr, the values in resultTable are valid. SaveEntries assumes that the color table specified by the srcTable parameter and the request list specified by the selection parameter have the same number of entries.

The output of SaveEntries is the same as the input for RestoreEntries, except for the order.

Declared In


Determines the resolution of the main device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ScreenRes (
   short *scrnHRes,
   short *scrnVRes


On return, the number of horizontal pixels per inch displayed by the current device.


On return, the number of vertical pixels per inch displayed by the current device.


To determine the resolutions of all available graphics devices, examine their GDevice structures. The horizontal and vertical resolutions for a graphics device are stored in the hRes and vRes fields, respectively, of the PixMap structure for the device’s GDevice structure.

Currently, QuickDraw and the Printing Manager always assume a screen resolution of 72 dpi.

Do not use the actual screen resolution as a scaling factor when drawing into a printing graphics port. Instead, always use 72 dpi as the scaling factor. See the Printing Manager documentation for more information about drawing into a printing graphics port.

Declared In


Scroll the pixels of a specified portion of a basic graphics port’s bitmap (or a color graphics port’s pixel map). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ScrollRect (
   const Rect *r,
   short dh,
   short dv,
   RgnHandle updateRgn


The pointer to the rectangle defining the area to be scrolled.


The horizontal distance to be scrolled.


The vertical distance to be scrolled.


A handle to the region of the window that needs to be updated.


The ScrollRect function shifts pixels that are inside the specified rectangle of the current graphics port. No other pixels or the bits they represent are affected. The pixels are shifted a distance of dh horizontally and dv vertically. The positive directions are to the right and down. The pixels that are shifted out of the specified rectangle are not displayed, and the bits they represent are not saved. It is up to your application to save this data.

The empty area created by the scrolling is filled with the graphics port’s background pattern, and the update region is changed to this filled area.

The ScrollRect function doesn’t change the local coordinate system of the graphics port it simply moves the rectangle specified in the r parameter to different coordinates. Notice that ScrollRect doesn’t move the graphics pen or the clipping region. However, because the document has moved, they’re in different positions relative to the document.

By creating an update region for the window, ScrollRect forces an update event. After using ScrollRect, your application should use its own window-updating code to draw into the update region of the window.

The ScrollRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SectRegionWithPortClipRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle ioRegion

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SectRegionWithPortVisibleRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle ioRegion

Declared In


Determines how far filling will extend to pixels matching the color of a particular pixel. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SeedCFill (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const BitMap *dstBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *dstRect,
   short seedH,
   short seedV,
   ColorSearchUPP matchProc,
   long matchData


The source image. If the image is in a pixel map, you must coerce its PixMap structure to a BitMap structure.


On return, the destination mask.


The rectangle of the source image.


The rectangle of the destination image.


The horizontal position of the seed point.


The vertical position of the seed point.


An optional color search function.


Data for the optional color search function.


The SeedCFill function generates a mask showing where the pixels in an image can be filled from a starting point, like the paint pouring from the MacPaint paint-bucket tool. This mask is a bitmap filled with 1’s to indicate all pixels adjacent to a seed point whose colors do not exactly match the RGBColor structure for the pixel at the seed point. You can then use this mask with the CopyBits, CopyMask, and CopyDeepMask functions.

You specify a source image in the srcBits parameter and, in the srcRect parameter, specify a rectangle within that source image. You specify where to begin seeding in the seedH and seedV parameters, which must be the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a point in the local coordinate system of the source bitmap. By default, the 1’s returned in the mask indicate all pixels adjacent to the seed point whose pixel values do not exactly match the pixel value of the pixel at the seed point. To use this default, set the matchProc and matchData parameters to 0.

In generating the mask, SeedCFill uses the CopyBits function to convert the source image to a 1-bit mask. The SeedCFill function installs a default color search function that returns 0 if the pixel value matches that of the seed point all other pixel values return 1’s.

The SeedCFill function does not scale so the source and destination rectangles must be the same size. Calls to SeedCFill are not clipped to the current port and are not stored into QuickDraw pictures.

To customize SeedCFill, write your own color search function and point to it in the matchProc parameter; SeedCFill will then use your function instead of the default.

Declared In


Determines how far filling will extend from a seeding point. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SeedFill (
   const void *srcPtr,
   void *dstPtr,
   short srcRow,
   short dstRow,
   short height,
   short words,
   short seedH,
   short seedV


A pointer to the source bit image.


On input, a pointer to the destination bit image; upon return, a pointer to the bitmap containing the resulting mask.


Row width of the source bitmap.


Row width of the destination bitmap.


Height (in pixels) of the fill rectangle.


Width (in words) of the fill rectangle.


The horizontal offset (in pixels) at which to begin filling the destination bit image.


The vertical offset (in pixels) at which to begin filling the destination bit image.


The SeedFill function produces a mask showing where bits in an image can be filled from a starting point, like the paint pouring from the MacPaint paint-bucket tool. The SeedFill returns this mask in the dstPtr parameter. This mask is a bitmap filled with 1’s only where the pixels in the source image can be filled. You can then use this mask with the CopyBits, CopyMask, and CopyDeepMask functions.

Point to the bit image you want to fill with the srcPtr parameter, which can point to the image’s base address or a word boundary within the image. Specify a pixel height and word width with the height and words parameters to define a fill rectangle that delimits the area you want to fill. The fill rectangle can be the entire bit image or a subset of it. Point to a destination image with the dstPtr parameter. Specify the row widths of the source and destination bitmaps (their rowBytes values) with the srcRow and dstRow parameters. (The bitmaps can be different sizes, but they must be large enough to contain the fill rectangle at the origins specified by the srcPtr and dstPtr parameters.)

You specify where to begin filling with the seedH and seedV parameters: they specify a horizontal and vertical offset in pixels from the origin of the image pointed to by the srcPtr parameter. The SeedFill function calculates contiguous pixels from that point out to the boundaries of the fill rectangle, and it stores the result in the bit image pointed to by the dstPtr parameter.

Calls to SeedFill are not clipped to the current port and are not stored into QuickDraw pictures.

Declared In


Specifies a color cursor for display on the screen. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetCCursor (
   CCrsrHandle cCrsr


A handle to the color cursor to be displayed.


At the time the cursor is set, it is expanded to the current screen depth so that it can be drawn rapidly. You must call GetCCursor before you call SetCCursor; however, you can make several subsequent calls to SetCCursor once GetCCursor creates the CCrsr structure.

If your application has changed the cursor’s data or its color table, it must also invalidate the crsrXValid and crsrID fields of the CCrsr structure before calling SetCCursor.

Declared In


Sets the gdID field in the current GDevice data structure to identify this client program to its search and complement functions. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetClientID (
   short id


The ID to be set in the device data structure.

Declared In


Sets the color of an individual pixel to the color that most closely matches the RGB color that you specify in the cPix parameter. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetCPixel (
   short h,
   short v,
   const RGBColor *cPix


The horizontal coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the pixel.


The vertical coordinate of the point at the upper-left corner of the pixel.


An RGBColor structure.


On an indexed color system, the SetCPixel function sets the pixel value to the index of the best-matching color in the current device’s CLUT. In a direct environment, the SetCPixel function sets the pixel value to a 16-bit or 32-bit direct pixel value.

To determine the color of an individual pixel, use the GetCPixel function.

Special Considerations

The SetCPixel function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets the current cursor. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetCursor (
   const Cursor * crsr


A Cursor structure for the cursor to be displayed.


If the cursor is hidden, it remains hidden and attains its new appearance only when it’s uncovered. If the cursor is already visible, it changes to the new appearance immediately.

You need to use the InitCursor function to initialize the standard arrow cursor and make it visible on the screen before you call SetCursor to change the cursor’s appearance.

To display a color cursor, use the SetCCursor function.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr SetCursorComponent (
   ComponentInstance ci

Return Value
Carbon Porting Notes

This function is not implemented on Mac OS X.

Declared In


Sets the attribute bits of a GDevice structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetDeviceAttribute (
   GDHandle gdh,
   short attribute,
   Boolean value


A handle to a GDevice structure.


One of the specific constants, which represent bits in the gdFlags field of a GDevice structure. See GDevice for the values you can use in this parameter.


A value of either 0 or 1 for the flag bit specified in the attribute parameter.


For the graphics device specified in the gdh parameter, the SetDeviceAttribute function sets the flag bit specified in the attribute parameter to the value specified in the value parameter.

Your application should never directly change the gdFlags field of the GDevice structure; instead, use only the SetDeviceAttribute function.

Special Considerations

The SetDeviceAttribute function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets a group of color table entries for the current GDevice data structure. This function is used by system software and your application should not need to call it. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetEntries (
   short start,
   short count,
   CSpecArray aTable


The index of the first entry to be changed.


The number of entries to be changed. Note that all values are zero-based; for example, to set three entries, pass 2 in the count parameter.


An array of ColorSpec data structures containing the colors to be used. Directly specify a cSpecArray structure, not the beginning of a color table. The ColorSpec.value fields of the entries must be in the logical range for the target device’s assigned pixel depth. Thus, with a 4-bit pixel size, the ColorSpec.value fields should be in the range 1 to 15. With an 8-bit pixel size, the range is 0 to 255.


Instead of using SetEntries, you should use the Palette Manager function SetEntryColor to allow your application to run in a multiscreen or multitasking environment.

The SetEntries positional information works in logical space rather than in the actual memory space used by the hardware. Requesting a change at the fourth position in the color table may not modify the fourth color table entry in the hardware, but it does correctly change the color on the screen for any pixels with a value of 4 in the video card. The SetEntries mode characterized by a start position and a length is called sequence mode. In this case, SetEntries sequentially loads new colors into the hardware in the same order as they appear in the aTable parameter, copies the clientID fields for changed color table entries from the current GDevice data structure’s gdID field, and ignores the ColorSpec.value fields.

The other SetEntries mode is called index mode. It allows the cSpecArray structure to specify where the data will be installed on an entry-by-entry basis. To use this mode, pass –1 for the start position, with a valid count and a pointer to the cSpecArray data structure. Each entry is installed into the color table at the position specified by the ColorSpec.value field of each entry in the cSpecArray data structure. In the current GDevice data structure’s color table, the ColorSpec.value fields of all changed entries are assigned the GDevice data structure’s gdID value.

When the Color Manager changes color table entries, it invalidates all cached fonts, and changes the color table’s seed number so that the next drawing operation triggers the Color Manager to rebuild the inverse table. If any of the requested entries are protected or out of range, the Color Manager returns a protection error, and nothing happens. The Color Manager changes a reserved entry only if the current gdID field of the current GDevice data structure matches the low byte of the intended ColorSpec.value field in the color table.

Declared In


Sets a GDevice structure as the current device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetGDevice (
   GDHandle gd


A handle to a GDevice structure.


Your application won’t generally need to use this function, because when your application draws into a window on one or more screens, Color QuickDraw automatically switches GDevice structures as appropriate; and when your application needs to draw into an offscreen graphics world, it can use the SetGWorld function to set the graphics port as well as the GDevice structure for the offscreen environment. However, if your application uses the SetPort function instead of the SetGWorld function to set the graphics port to or from an offscreen graphics world, then your application must use SetGDevice in conjunction with SetPort.

A handle to the currently active device is kept in the global variable TheGDevice.

Special Considerations

The SetGDevice function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Changes the coordinates of the window origin of the port rectangle of the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetOrigin (
   short h,
   short v


The horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the port rectangle.


The vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the port rectangle.


The SetOrigin function changes the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the current graphics port’s port rectangle to the values supplied by the h and v parameters. All other points in the current graphics port’s local coordinate system are calculated from this point. All subsequent drawing and calculation functions use the new coordinate system.

The SetOrigin function does not affect the screen; it does, however, affect where subsequent drawing inside the graphics port appears. The SetOrigin function does not offset the coordinates of the clipping region or the graphics pen, which therefore change position on the screen (unlike the boundary rectangle, port rectangle, and visible region, which don’t change position onscreen).

Because SetOrigin does not move the window’s clipping region, use the GetClip function to store your clipping region immediately after your first call to SetOrigin—if you use clipping regions in your windows. Before calling your own window-drawing function, use the ClipRect function to define a new clipping region—to avoid drawing over your scroll bars, for example. After calling your own window-drawing function, use the SetClip function to restore the original clipping region. You can then call SetOrigin again to restore the window origin to a horizontal coordinate of 0 and a vertical coordinate of 0 with your original clipping region intact.

All other functions in the Macintosh Toolbox and Operating System preserve the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. The SetOrigin function is useful for readjusting the coordinate system after a scrolling operation.

Note that the Window Manager and Control Manager always assume the window’s upper-left point has a horizontal coordinate of 0 and a vertical coordinate of 0 when they draw in a window. Therefore, if you use SetOrigin to change the window origin, be sure to use SetOrigin again to return the window origin to a horizontal coordinate of 0 and a vertical coordinate of 0 before using any Window Manager or Control Manager functions.

Declared In


Restores the state of the graphics pen that was saved with the GetPenState function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPenState (
   const PenState *pnState


A PenState structure previously created with the GetPenState function. The SetPenState function sets the graphics pen’s location, size, pattern, and pattern mode in the current graphics port to the values stored in this structure.


This pen-manipulation function uses the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. Remember that each graphics port has its own pen, the state of which is stored in several fields of its GrafPort or CGrafPort structure. If you draw in one graphics port, change to another, and return to the first, the pen for the first graphics port has the same state as when you left it.

Declared In


Restores an offscreen pixel image to the state that you saved with the GetPixelsState function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPixelsState (
   PixMapHandle pm,
   GWorldFlags state


A handle to an offscreen pixel map.


Flags, which you usually save with the GetPixelsState function. You can use either of the constants pixelsPurgeable or pixelsLocked here.

Because only an unlocked memory block can be purged, SetPixelsState calls the UnlockPixels and AllowPurgePixels functions if the state parameter specifies the pixelsPurgeable flag. If the state parameter does not specify the pixelsPurgeable flag, SetPixelsState makes the base address for the offscreen pixel image unpurgeable.

If the state parameter does not specify the pixelsLocked flag, SetPixelsState allows the base address for the offscreen pixel image to be moved.


The SetPixelsState function changes the state of the memory allocated for an offscreen pixel image to the state indicated in the state parameter.

After using GetPixelsState and before using SetPixelsState, your application can temporarily alter the offscreen graphics world by using the AllowPurgePixels function to temporarily mark the memory block for its offscreen pixel map as purgeable, the NoPurgePixels function to make it unpurgeable, the LockPixels function to prevent it from being moved, and the UnlockPixels function to unlock it.

Special Considerations

The SetPixelsState function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Changes the current graphics port (basic or color). (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

virtual void SetPort (
   void *port


A pointer to a GrafPort structure. Typically, you pass a pointer to a GrafPort structure that you previously saved with the GetPort function. The SetPort function sets this structure to be the current graphics port.


All QuickDraw drawing functions affect the bitmap of, and use the local coordinate system of, the current graphics port. Each graphics port has its own graphics pen and text characteristics, which remain unchanged when the graphics port isn’t selected as the current graphics port.

When your application runs in Color QuickDraw or uses offscreen graphics worlds, it should use the SetGWorld function instead of SetPort. The SetGWorld function restores the current graphics port for basic and color graphics ports as well as offscreen graphics worlds.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortBackPixPat (
   CGrafPtr port,
   PixPatHandle backPattern

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


Sets the bitmap for the current basic graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortBits (
   const BitMap *bm


A pointer to the BitMap structure to set for the current graphics port. Be sure to prepare all fields of the BitMap structure before you call SetPortBits.


You should never need to use this function. This function, created for early versions of QuickDraw, allows you to perform all normal drawing and calculations on a buffer other than the screen—for example, copying a small offscreen image onto the screen with the CopyBits function. However, instead of using SetPortBits, you should use the more powerful offscreen graphics capabilities.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortBounds (
   CGrafPtr port,
   const Rect *rect

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortClipRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle clipRgn

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4.)

Not recommended

OSErr SetPortCustomXFerProc (
   CGrafPtr port,
   CustomXFerProcPtr proc,
   UInt32 flags,
   UInt32 refCon

Return Value
Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortFillPixPat (
   CGrafPtr port,
   PixPatHandle penPattern

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortFracHPenLocation (
   CGrafPtr port,
   short pnLocHFrac

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortGrafProcs (
   CGrafPtr port,
   CQDProcsPtr procs

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortOpColor (
   CGrafPtr port,
   const RGBColor *opColor

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortPenMode (
   CGrafPtr port,
   SInt32 penMode

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortPenPixPat (
   CGrafPtr port,
   PixPatHandle penPattern

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortPenSize (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Point penSize

Carbon Porting Notes

Use this new accessor function in place of direct access to structures.

Declared In


Sets the pixel map for the current color graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortPix (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to the PixMap structure.


The SetPortPix function replaces the portPixMap field of the current CGrafPort structure with the handle you specify in the pm parameter.

Typically, your application does not need to call this function.

The SetPortPix function is analogous to the basic QuickDraw function SetPortBits, which sets the bitmap for the current basic graphics port. The SetPortPix function has no effect when used with a basic graphics port. Similarly, SetPortBits has no effect when used with a color graphics port.

Both SetPortPix and SetPortBits allow you to perform drawing and calculations on a buffer other than the screen. However, instead of using these functions, use the offscreen graphics capabilities.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortTextFace (
   CGrafPtr port,
   StyleParameter face

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortTextFont (
   CGrafPtr port,
   short txFont

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortTextMode (
   CGrafPtr port,
   short mode

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortTextSize (
   CGrafPtr port,
   short txSize

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetPortVisibleRegion (
   CGrafPtr port,
   RgnHandle visRgn

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetQDError (
   OSErr err

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetQDGlobalsArrow (
   const Cursor *arrow

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetQDGlobalsRandomSeed (
   long randomSeed

Declared In


Obtains a CQDProcs structure with fields that point to QuickDraw’s standard low-level functions, which you can modify to change QuickDraw’s standard low-level behavior. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetStdCProcs (
   CQDProcs *procs


Upon completion, a CQDProcs structure with fields that point to QuickDraw’s standard low-level functions. You can change one or more fields to point to your own functions and then set the color graphics port to use this modified CQDProcs structure.


For each shape that QuickDraw can draw, certain functions perform basic graphics operations on the shape: framing, painting, erasing, inverting, and filling. These functions, in turn, call a low-level drawing function for the shape.

The grafProcs field determines which low-level functions are called. If that field contains a value of NULL, the standard functions are called. You can set the grafProcs field to point to a structure of pointers to your own functions, and either completely override the standard ones or call them after your functions have modified their parameters as necessary.

The SetStdCProcs function sets all the fields of the CQDProcs structure to point to the standard functions. You can then reset the ones with which you are concerned.

The functions you install in the CDQProcs structure must have the same calling sequences as the standard basic QuickDraw functions.

When drawing in a color graphics port, your application must always use SetStdCProcs instead of SetStdProcs.

Declared In


Obtains a QDProcs structure with fields that point to basic QuickDraw’s standard low-level functions, which you can modify to point to your own functions. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void SetStdProcs (
   QDProcs *procs


On return, a pointer to a QDProcs structure with fields that point to basic QuickDraw’s standard low-level functions. You can change one or more fields of this structure to point to your own functions and then set the basic graphics port to use this modified QDProcs structure. By changing these pointers, you can install your own functions, and either completely override the standard ones or call them after your functions have modified their parameters as necessary.


The functions you install in this QDProcs structure must have the same calling sequences as the standard functions.

Special Considerations

The Color QuickDraw function SetStdCProcs is analogous to the SetStdProcs function, which you should use with computers that support only basic QuickDraw. When drawing in a color graphics port, your application must always use SetStdCProcs instead of SetStdProcs.

Declared In


Changes the ink of a graphics pen from invisible to visible, making pen drawing appear on the screen. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void ShowPen (


ShowPen is called by the functions CloseRgn , ClosePoly , and ClosePicture.

The ShowPen function increments the pnVis field of the current graphics port. For 0 or positive values, the pen drawing shows on the screen.

For example, if you have used the HidePen function to decrement the pnVis field from 0 to –1, use the ShowPen function to make its value 0 so that QuickDraw resumes drawing on the screen. Subsequent calls to ShowPen increment pnVis beyond 0, so every call to ShowPen should be balanced by a call to HidePen.

This pen-manipulation function uses the local coordinate system of the current graphics port. Remember that each graphics port has its own pen, the state of which is stored in several fields of its GrafPort or CGrafPort structure. If you draw in one graphics port, change to another, and return to the first, the pen for the first graphics port has the same state as when you left it.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing an arc or a wedge. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdArc (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r,
   short startAngle,
   short arcAngle


The action to perform. See “Verb Constants.”


The rectangle to contain the arc.


The beginning angle.


The ending angle.


Using the action specified in the verb parameter, the StdArc function draws an arc or wedge of the oval that fits inside the rectangle specified in the r parameter. The arc or wedge is bounded by the radii specified in the startAngle and arcAngle parameters.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdArc function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for transferring bits and pixels. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdBits (
   const BitMap *srcBits,
   const Rect *srcRect,
   const Rect *dstRect,
   short mode,
   RgnHandle maskRgn


A pointer to a bitmap or pixel map containing the image to copy.


A pointer to the source rectangle.


The destination rectangle.


The source mode for the copy.


A handle to a region acting as a mask for the transfer.


The StdBits function transfers a bit or pixel image between the bitmap or pixel map specified in the srcBits parameter and bitmap of the current graphics port, just as if the CopyBits function were called with the same parameters and with a destination bitmap equal to (* thePort).portBits.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

See CopyBits for a discussion of the destination bitmap and of the srcBits, srcRect, dstRect, mode, and maskRgn parameters

Special Considerations

The StdBits function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for processing a picture comment. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdComment (
   short kind,
   short dataSize,
   Handle dataHandle


The type of comment.


The size of additional data, in bytes.


A handle to additional data.


If there’s no additional data for the comment, the value of the dataHandle parameter is NULL and the value of the dataSize parameter is 0. The StdComment function simply ignores the comment.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdComment function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for retrieving information from the definition of a picture. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdGetPic (
   void *dataPtr,
   short byteCount


On return, a pointer to the collected picture data.


The size of the picture data.


The StdGetPic function retrieves from the definition of the currently open picture the next number of bytes as specified in the byteCount parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing a line. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdLine (
   Point newPt


The point to which to draw the line.


The StdLine function draws a line from the current pen location to the location (in local coordinates) specified in the newPt parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdLine function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdOpcode (
   const Rect *fromRect,
   const Rect *toRect,
   UInt16 opcode,
   SInt16 version

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing an oval. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdOval (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r


The action to perform. See “Verb Constants.”


The rectangle to contain the oval.


The StdOval function draws an oval inside the given rectangle specified in the r parameter according to the action specified in the verb parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdOval function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing a polygon. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdPoly (
   GrafVerb verb,
   PolyHandle poly


The action to perform. See “Verb Constants.”


A handle to the polygon data.


The StdPoly function draws the polygon specified in the poly parameter according to the action specified in the verb parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdPoly function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for saving information as the definition of a picture. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdPutPic (
   const void *dataPtr,
   short byteCount


A pointer to the collected picture data.


The size of the picture data.


The StdPutPic function saves as the definition of the currently open picture the drawing commands stored in the data structure pointed to by the dataPtr parameter, starting with the first byte and continuing for the next number of bytes as specified in the byteCount parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdPutPic function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing a rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdRect (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r


The action to perform. See “Verb Constants.”


The rectangle to draw.


The StdRect function draws the rectangle specified in the r parameter according to the action specified in the verb parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing a region. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdRgn (
   GrafVerb verb,
   RgnHandle rgn


The action to perform. See “Verb Constants.”


A handle to the region data.


The StdRgn function draws the region specified in the rgn parameter according to the action specified in the verb parameter.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdRgn function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


QuickDraw’s standard low-level function for drawing a rounded rectangle. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StdRRect (
   GrafVerb verb,
   const Rect *r,
   short ovalWidth,
   short ovalHeight


The action to perform. See “Verb Constants.”


The rectangle to draw.


The width diameter for the corner oval.


The height diameter for the corner oval.


The StdRRect function draws the rounded rectangle specified in the r parameter according to the action specified in the verb parameter. The ovalWidth and ovalHeight parameters specify the diameters of curvature for the corners.

You should only call this low-level function from your customized QuickDraw functions.

Special Considerations

The StdRRect function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets byte values into memory. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void StuffHex (
   void *thingPtr,
   ConstStr255Param s


A pointer to any data structure in memory. If thingPtr is an odd address, then thingPtr is interpreted as pointing to the next word boundary.


A string of characters representing hexadecimal digits. All characters in this string must be hexadecimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F). Otherwise, StuffHex may set bytes in the data structure pointed to by thingPtr to arbitrary values. If there are an odd number of characters in the string, the last character is ignored.


The StuffHex function sets bytes in memory beginning with that byte specified by the parameter thingPtr. The total number of bytes set is equivalent to half the length of the string, ignoring the last character if the number of characters is odd.

Each byte to be set corresponds to two characters in the string. These characters should represent hexadecimal digits. For example, the string ‘ D41A’ results in 2 bytes being set to the values $D4 and $1A, respectively.

To copy a range of bytes from one memory location to another, you should ordinarily use the Memory Manager function, BlockMove.

Special Considerations

The StuffHex function does no range checking to ensure that bytes being set are within the bounds of a certain data structure. If you do not use StuffHex carefully, you may change memory in the partition of your application or another application in unpredictable ways.

Although the StuffHex function sets the value of individual bytes, it does not move relocatable blocks. Thus, you can call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle SwapPortPicSaveHandle (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Handle inPicSaveHdl

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle SwapPortPolySaveHandle (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Handle inPolySaveHdl

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Handle SwapPortRegionSaveHandle (
   CGrafPtr port,
   Handle inRegionSaveHdl

Declared In


Synchronizes the origin in a Quartz context with the lower-left corner of the associated graphics port. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSStatus SyncCGContextOriginWithPort (
   CGContextRef inContext,
   CGrafPtr port


A Quartz context associated with a graphics port. You can obtain such a context by calling QDBeginCGContext.


The graphics port associated with the context.

Return Value

A result code. If noErr, the context’s origin was successfully changed.


If you’re using Quartz 2D to draw in a graphics port and SetOrigin is called to change the port’s origin, you can call this function to maintain the correspondence between the context’s origin and the lower-left corner of the portBounds rectangle.

When you call this function:

  1. The current transformation matrix (CTM) is reset to its default values. Any changes you made to the CTM prior to calling this function are lost.

  2. The CTM is translated to establish the new origin, taking the port’s current origin into account.

Declared In


Determines whether the flag bit for an attribute has been set in the gdFlags field of a GDevice structure. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

Boolean TestDeviceAttribute (
   GDHandle gdh,
   short attribute


A handle to a GDevice structure.


One of the specific constants, which represent bits in the gdFlags field of a GDevice structure. See “Device Attribute Constants” for a description of the values you can use in this parameter.

Return Value

TRUE if the bit of the graphics device attribute specified in the attribute parameter is set to 1. Otherwise, TestDeviceAttribute returns FALSE.


Use the SetDeviceAttribute function to change any of the flags tested by the TestDeviceAttribute function.

Special Considerations

The TestDeviceAttribute function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Allows the Memory Manager to move the base address for the offscreen pixel map that you specify in the pm parameter. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void UnlockPixels (
   PixMapHandle pm


A handle to an offscreen pixel map. Pass the same handle that you passed previously to the LockPixels function.


To ensure the integrity of the data in a pixel image, call LockPixels before drawing into or copying from a pixel map; then, to prevent heap fragmentation, call UnlockPixels as soon as your application finishes drawing to and copying from the offscreen pixel map.

The baseAddr field of the PixMap structure for an offscreen graphics world contains a handle instead of a pointer (which is what the baseAddr field for an onscreen pixel map contains). The LockPixels function dereferences the PixMap handle into a pointer. When you use the UnlockPixels function, the handle is recovered.

You don’t need to call UnlockPixels if LockPixels returns FALSE, because LockPixels doesn’t lock the memory for a pixel image if that memory has been purged. However, calling UnlockPixels on purged memory does no harm.

Special Considerations

The UnlockPixels function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
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Releases a previously acquired lock on the back buffer for a Carbon window. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

OSErr UnlockPortBits (
   GrafPtr port


A window port specified in a previous call to LockPortBits.

Return Value

A result code. If noErr, the corresponding lock is released.


For more information about this function, see LockPortBits.

In Mac OS 9, this function does nothing and returns noErr.

Related Sample Code
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Decompresses a data buffer containing data compressed by PackBits. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

void UnpackBits (
   Ptr *srcPtr,
   Ptr *dstPtr,
   short dstBytes


On entry, a pointer to the first byte of a buffer of data to be decompressed. On exit, a pointer to the first byte following the compressed data.


On entry, a pointer to the first byte in which to store decompressed data. On exit, a pointer to the first byte following the decompressed data.


The number of bytes of the data before compression. Use PackBits to compress data structures of a fixed size that you can then pass in this parameter to UnpackBits, or store with the compressed data the original size of the uncompressed data.


Because your application must allocate memory for the source and destination buffers, UnpackBits does not move relocatable blocks. Thus, you can call it at interrupt time.

Because UnpackBits changes the values of the srcPtr and dstPtr parameters, you should pass to UnpackBits only copies of the pointers to the source and destination buffers. This allows you to access the beginning of the source and destination buffers after UnpackBits returns. Also, if the source or destination buffer is stored in an unlocked, relocatable block, this technique prevents UnpackBits from changing the value of a master pointer, which would make the original handle invalid.

Declared In


Changes the pixel depth, boundary rectangle, or color table for an existing offscreen graphics world. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz 2D instead; see Quartz Programming Guide for QuickDraw Developers.)

GWorldFlags UpdateGWorld (
   GWorldPtr *offscreenGWorld,
   short pixelDepth,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CTabHandle cTable,
   GDHandle aGDevice,
   GWorldFlags flags


On input, a pointer to an existing offscreen graphics world; upon completion, the pointer to the updated offscreen graphics world.


The pixel depth of the offscreen world; possible depths are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 bits per pixel. If you specify 0 in this parameter, UpdateGWorld rescans the device list and uses the depth of the screen with the greatest pixel depth among all screens whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle that you specify in the boundsRect parameter. If you specify 0 in this parameter, UpdateGWorld also copies the GDevice structure from this device to create an offscreen GDevice structure. The UpdateGWorld function ignores the value you supply for this parameter if you specify a GDevice structure in the aGDevice parameter.


The boundary rectangle and port rectangle for the offscreen pixel map. This also becomes the boundary rectangle for the GDevice structure, if NewGWorld creates one. If you specify 0 in the pixelDepth parameter, NewGWorld interprets the boundaries in global coordinates, with which it determines which screens intersect the rectangle. (NewGWorld then uses the pixel depth, color table, and GDevice structure from the screen with the greatest pixel depth from among all screens whose boundary rectangles intersect this rectangle.) Typically, your application supplies this parameter with the port rectangle for the onscreen window into which your application will copy the pixel image from this offscreen world.


A handle to a ColorTable structure. If you pass NULL in this parameter, UpdateGWorld uses the default color table for the pixel depth that you specify in the pixelDepth parameter; if you set the pixelDepth parameter to 0, UpdateGWorld copies and uses the color table of the graphics device with the greatest pixel depth among all graphics devices whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle that you specify in the boundsRect parameter. The UpdateGWorld function ignores the value you supply for this parameter if you specify a GDevice structure in the aGDevice parameter.


As an option, a handle to a GDevice structure whose pixel depth and color table you want to use for the offscreen graphics world. To use the pixel depth and color table that you specify in the pixelDepth and cTable parameters, set this parameter to NULL.


Options available to your application. You can set a combination of the flags clipPix, stretchPix, and ditherPix. If you don’t wish to use any of these flags, specify 0. However, you should pass either clipPix or stretchPix to ensure that the pixel map is updated to reflect the new color table. See GWorldFlags for a description of the values you can use here.

Return Value

UpdateGWorld returns the gwFlagErr flag if UpdateGWorld was unsuccessful; in this case, the offscreen graphics world is left unchanged. Use the QDError function to help you determine why UpdateGWorld failed.


You should call UpdateGWorld after every update event and whenever your windows move or change size.

If the LockPixels function reports that the Memory Manager has purged the base address for the offscreen pixel image, use UpdateGWorld to reallocate its memory. Then, reconstruct the pixel image or draw directly in a window instead of preparing the image in an offscreen graphics world.

The UpdateGWorld function uses the following algorithm when updating the offscreen pixel image:

  1. If the color table that you specify in the cTable parameter is different from the previous color table, or if the color table associated with the GDevice structure that you specify in the aGDevice parameter is different, Color QuickDraw maps the pixel values in the offscreen pixel map to the new color table.

  2. If the value you specify in the pixelDepth parameter differs from the previous pixel depth, Color QuickDraw translates the pixel values in the offscreen pixel image to those for the new pixel depth.

  3. If the rectangle you specify in the boundsRect parameter differs from, but has the same size as, the previous boundary rectangle, QuickDraw realigns the pixel image to the screen for optimum performance for the CopyBits function.

  4. If the rectangle you specify in the boundsRect parameter is smaller than the previous boundary rectangle and you specify the clipPix flag, the pixel image is clipped along the bottom and right edges.

  5. If the rectangle you specify in the boundsRect parameter is bigger than the previous boundary rectangle and you specify the clipPix flag, the bottom and right edges of the pixel image are undefined.

  6. If the rectangle you specify in the boundsRect parameter is smaller than the previous boundary rectangle and you specify the stretchPix flag, the pixel image is reduced to the new size.

  7. If the rectangle you specify in the boundsRect parameter is bigger than the previous boundary rectangle and you specify the stretchPix flag, the pixel image is stretched to the new size.

  8. If the Memory Manager purged the base address for the offscreen pixel image, UpdateGWorld reallocates the memory, but the pixel image is lost. You must reconstruct it.

Special Considerations

The UpdateGWorld function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap; do not call this function at interrupt time.

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