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Using Cocoa in a Navigation Services Dialog

Beginning in Mac OS X v10.5, Navigation Services dialogs are implemented using custom subclasses of the Cocoa NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel classes. This ensures that Carbon applications using Navigation Services receive the same user interface improvements as Cocoa applications. This change applies to sheet dialogs as well.

As a result of this change, Carbon applications can directly access features in these two Cocoa classes. A Navigation Services NavDialogRef object can be cast to a pointer to an instance of either NSOpenPanel or NSSavePanel, depending on the dialog type. By casting your NavDialogRef object to the appropriate Cocoa object, you can use any of the Objective-C accessor methods in the Cocoa object’s class. This is similar to toll-free bridging (see “Interchangeable Data Types”), but it only works in one direction.

There are some limitations to the bridging between Navigation Services and Cocoa. Dialogs created with Navigation Services must be invoked with NavDialogRun rather than with NSOpenPanel or NSSavePanel methods. As implied above, dialogs created with NSOpenPanel or NSSavePanel constructors cannot be cast to an NavDialogRef object. The Carbon and Cocoa models have some overlapping functionality such as file filtering, setting an accessory view, and setting a delegate object. In these cases, to avoid conflicts you should not mix the two models.

Here’s an example that uses Navigation Services to create an Open File dialog and casts it to an NSOpenPanel object to set the title and message text displayed in the dialog:

// navOptions structure has been created and initialized for text documents
NavDialogRef theDialog = NULL;
NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&navOptions, NULL, NULL, NULL, Handle_NavFilter, NULL, &theDialog);
[(NSOpenPanel*)theDialog setTitle:@"Open Document"];
[(NSOpenPanel*)theDialog setMessage:@"Choose a text document to open:"];

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