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Using RubyOSA

RubyOSA is a bridge that lets developers control scriptable applications, including the Finder, using the Ruby scripting language. An application is called scriptable when it makes its operations and data available in response to messages called Apple events. RubyOSA provides a bridge between Ruby and the Open Scripting Architecture (OSA), an infrastructure for interprocess communication that uses Apple events as its mechanism for event dispatching and data transport. (AppleScript is the original OSA scripting language, and is still quite popular.)

A scriptable application specifies the set of scripting terms it understands and its scriptable interface in an XML dictionary called an sdef file (“sdef” for scriptable definition). At runtime RubyOSA parses the scriptable definition of a given application and populates a new namespace with classes, methods, constants, enumerations, and all other symbols described by the definition. It also dynamically creates Ruby proxy objects to represent these symbols and uses OSA mechanisms to build and send Apple events to applications and receive their responses.

RubyOSA has some obvious advantages, especially for Ruby programmers. With it you can control applications on Mac OS X and get requested objects back from them. You can do anything with these object that you can do in regular Ruby code, such as string manipulations and regular expressions. Your code also has access to all installed Ruby modules and libraries. Finally, you can combine RubyOSA and RubyCocoa in the same script to apply the technologies of the Mac OS X frameworks to the access to scriptable applications that OSA makes possible.


Installing RubyOSA
The Basics
The OSA Class
Conversions and Conventions
Some Examples
Documenting Application Dictionaries

Installing RubyOSA

You can download the latest version of RubyOSA from its open-source repository and install it on your system by running the following command in a Terminal shell:

sudo gem install rubyosa

The Basics

The essential idea behind using RubyOSA is to get a proxy instance of a scriptable application and then send messages to it. The messages that you can send are described in the application’s scriptable definition, or dictionary. Let’s start by looking at a simple example (Listing 1).

Listing 1  The iTunes_inspect.rb script

# Quick inspection of iTunes' sources, playlists and tracks.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rbosa'
app = OSA.app('iTunes')
OSA.utf8_strings = true
app.sources.each do |source|
    puts source.name
    source.playlists.each do |playlist|
        puts " -> #{playlist.name}"
        playlist.tracks.each do |track|
            puts "     -> #{track.name}" if track.enabled?

When you run this script from the command line, it prints information similar to the following lines:

-> Classical CD
     -> Toccata & Fugue in D Minor
     -> Air on the G String (2nd movement from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D)
     -> No.13 Waltz of the Flowers
     -> Montagues And Capulets
     -> Egmont Overture, Op 84
     -> Die Zauberflöte
     -> Horn concerto 3EFlat, 1. Allegro
     -> Horn concerto 3EFlat 2. Romance. Larguetto
     -> Horn concerto 3EFlat, 3. Allegro

The first thing to notice about the script in Listing 1 is require ‘rbosa’. This statement loads the rbosa library, which includes the OSA class. The next line of the script is equally important:

app = OSA.app('iTunes')

This line returns a proxy Ruby object representing a scriptable application, in this case iTunes. (Note that all you have to do specify the name of the application; you don’t have to include its file-system location or its extension.) From this point on, the script sends messages to the application object and the objects it “contains,“ and performs Ruby operations on the results. In RubyOSA’s internal representation of a scriptable application, a hierarchy of objects descends from the application object; sending a message to the application object may return a collection objects, each of which may be a collection of subordinate objects. You can send appropriate messages to each of these objects. Take these lines as an example:

app.sources.each do |source|
    puts source.name
    source.playlists.each do |playlist|
        puts " -> #{playlist.name}"

The sources message to the iTunes proxy object returns an object that implements the Ruby Array interface. The script then loops through the array and in a block sends a name message to each fetched object (source, representing a music source) and prints the returned Ruby string. It next sends playlists to source and iterates through the array returned from that call, which represents the playlists associated with that music source. It prints the name of each playlist. And so on proceeds the script.

This might seem simple and straightforward—and it is—but a question might arise: where do you find out which messages you can send to a scriptable application’s hierarchy of objects? RubyOSA includes a documentation tool, rdoc-osa. Using this you tool you can generate a set of HTML pages that document the scriptable definition of a Mac OS X application. “The Basics” shows the opening page of the iTunes documentation.

Figure 1  A page from the rdoc-osa documentation for iTunes

A page from the rdoc-osa documentation for iTunes

If you were to use this documentation, you would find that sending sources to a proxy object representing the iTunes application returns an array (or list) of OSA::iTunes::Source objects. Sending playlists to one of these objects returns an array of OSA::ITunes::Playlist objects. And sending tracks to one of these objects returns an array of OSA::ITunes::Track objects. You can then send name to one of these objects to get the name of the track.

The OSA Class

You might have wondered about the following line in the sample script in Listing 1:

OSA.utf8_strings = true

OSA is a Ruby class in its own right, and has other methods besides app, among them utf8_strings. Listing 2 describes the methods of the OSA class.

Table 1  Methods of the OSA class




Returns an OSA proxy object representing the application specified by the string application-specifier. You can specify the application by name, by bundle ID, by path, or by signature. For more information on specifying applications, both local and remote, see below.


Controls whether OSA proxy objects are resolved on demand or are resolved automatically. By default objects are resolved on demand (true), meaning that OSA objects are resolved only when necessary.

Object resolution involves the sending of an Apple event to discover the type of an object. Thus automatic resolution can have performance implications when there is a considerable number of objects (for example, a loop to get all iTunes tracks). However, this might be unavoidable when the target application’s scriptable definition doesn’t describe the types of objects, instead using the “reference” type for each of them.


Controls whether strings will be encoded as Unicode (UTF8) or as ASCII. By default this property is set to false because some applications might not be able to handle Unicode strings.


Controls the timeout period for getting responses to Apple events. The value is expressed in ticks (seconds). By default it's set to -1, which is about one minute. A value of -2 means there is no timeout.


Controls whether RubyOSA should expect a result from the Apple events it sends. If set to nil (the default), RubyOSA determines the value by examining the scriptable definition; this might (rarely) result in a malformed application command. Set this value to true (or false) to force RubyOSA to send back (or not send back) a return value.

All RubyOSA objects inherit from the OSA::Element class, which is completely opaque to the user.

With the RubyOSA app method you can identify scriptable applications in several ways:

The app method also lets you specify applications on remote machines as well as locally—thus you can control and get data from applications that aren’t even installed on your local system. After specifying the application by name, you add one to three key-value pairs identifying the machine, the user name, and the password. For each pair, use the :machine, :username, and :password keys, respectively. For example:

OSA.app('iTunes', :machine => 'kubla.acme.com', :username => 'jdoe' :password => '3x534C2')

There are a few things to be aware of when calling the app method to get proxy instances of remote applications: First, you may only specify the remote-access key-value pairs when the first argument specifies the application by name. Second, if you omit the :username or :password keys (or both), RubyOSA prompts for the user name and password (or both).

Conversions and Conventions

When you send a message whose name has a plural form (for example, sources), what you get in return may look and behave like an Array, but it is actually an list element (OSA::ObjectSpecifierList ) containing object specifiers—that is, references to real objects. Although the Ruby Array class is not directly used in this case, the OSA::ObjectSpecifierList class conforms to the Array interface; in other words, it mixes the Enumerable module. Therefore you can call most of the methods on an object-specifier list that you can call on an Array.

Methods with names such as title and name refer to properties in a scriptable definition and return the appropriate Ruby objects (in both these cases, String objects). On the other hand, methods such as current_track return an object specifier, in this case an object specifier of the OSA::ITunes::Track class. The rule that RubyOSA follows to distinguish between these two general types of properties is that when the type of the property is defined within the target application's scriptable definition (as current_track is), it returns an object specifier. Otherwise it assumes the object is of a primitive type (String, Integer, Date, and so on) and it resolves the return value directly by querying for the type with an extra Apple event.

Some Examples

To better appreciate the varieties of ways in which you might use RubyOSA, let’s examine a few of the examples installed in /Developer/Examples/Ruby/RubyOSA. The script in Listing 3 creates a proxy instance of the Finder application and from it requests the current contents of the Desktop. Using Ruby regular expressions and string-manipulation methods, it formats and prints these items.

Listing 2  The Finder_show_desktop.rb script

# Lists the content of the Finder desktop.
require 'rubygems';
require 'rbosa'
ary = OSA.app('Finder').desktop.entire_contents.get
ary.each do |x|
    next unless x.is_a?(OSA::Finder::Item)
    puts "#{x.class.name.sub(/^.+::/, '').sub(/_/, ' ').ljust(25)} #{x.name}"

Listing 3 is a script that displays the album artwork associated with the iTunes track that is currently playing. Note that it creates a temporary file to hold the image data and then makes a system call to open this file in the Preview application. With the system call your script can do anything that can be done at the command line.

Listing 3  The iTunes_artwork.rb script

# Open the artwork of the current iTunes track in Preview.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rbosa'
artworks = OSA.app('iTunes').current_track.artworks
if artworks.size == 0
  puts "No artwork for current track."
  exit 1
fname = '/tmp/foo.' + artworks[0].format.downcase.strip
File.open(fname, 'w') { |io| io.write(artworks[0].data) }
system("open -a Preview #{fname}")

What is noteworthy about the script in Listing 4 is that it exchanges data between proxy instances of two applications, TextEdit and Mail. It gets the selected messages in all current Mail viewers and copies each the content of each message to a TextEdit window.

Listing 4  The get_selected_mail.rb script

# Copy contents of selected Mail messages to a TextEdit window
require 'rubygems'
require 'rbosa'
textedit = OSA.app('TextEdit')
mailApp = OSA.app('Mail')
viewers = mailApp.message_viewers
viewers.each do |viewer|
    viewer.selected_messages.each do |message|
        textedit.make(OSA::TextEdit::Document).text = message.content

Finally. the Listing 5 script updates in the iChat status area the time the system has been running since it was last booted. It is similar to Listing 1 it that it makes a system call, but instead of calling the system method, it invokes the uptime command simply by enclosing it single quotes. It then formats the output of the command and assigns this formatted string to the iChat status_message property. All this occurs in a closed loop, which is re-executed after a five-second pause, which causes a periodic update of the system-uptime message.

Listing 5  The iChat_uptime.rb script

# Periodically set your iChat status to the output of uptime(1).
require 'rubygems'
require 'rbosa'
app = OSA.app('iChat')
previous_status_message = app.status_message
trap('INT') { app.status_message = previous_status_message; exit 0 }
while true
    u = `uptime`
    hours = u.scan(/^\s*(\d+:\d+)\s/).to_s + ' hours'
    days = u.scan(/\d+\sdays/).to_s
    app.status_message = "OSX up #{days} #{hours}"
    sleep 5

This script traps interruption of the script (such as happens when the user presses Control-C) and restores the previous value of the iChat status message before exiting.

Documenting Application Dictionaries

You can use the rdoc-osa tool to generate HTML or ri documentation for the dictionary (that is, scriptable definition) of an application. Using rdoc-osa is simple. For example, to generate HTML documentation of the iTunes dictionary, you would enter the following command on a shell’s command line:

rdoc-osa --name iTunes

The ruby-osa tool generates the documentation from the application’s dictionary and puts in in a folder named doc in the current working directory. Instead of identifying the application by name, you can identify it by path, bundle ID, or four-character creator signature. To generate ri documentation instead of HTML, append “--ri“ to the command.

Note: ri is a Ruby tool for viewing documentation in a format familiar to Ruby programmers. To learn more about ri, type “ri --h“ at the command line.

To get help on rdoc-osa, enter “rdoc-osa --h“ at the command line. The rdoc-osa tool accepts all options used in rdoc, the documentation generator for Ruby classes and modules. Enter “rdoc --h“ at the command line to learn about the options for that tool.

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